- ghost of lordvlad30 - $40
- =VG= Eclipse002 - $260.01
- =VG= ciro - $50
- =VG= STARK - $462.96
- TowerDuck - $180
- CobaltUK - $25
- =VG= HaterOneActual - $66.12
- =VG= Kavelenko - $824.03
- Golden - $150
- =VG= Vanillapop - $25
- Langmaster - $100
- Griffin - $20
- -WCC-B0zZz3 - $10
- Roger_T - $10
- VictorJulietGolf - $20
- =VG= .Blizzard. - $30
- lupago - $20
- =VG= poffadder - $250
- Yang95 - $150
- =VG= Keed - $940
- Ereen - $15
- GutWrencher - $50
- Store-DK - $5
- Pew_Pew - $170
- NocnyBober - $35
- Qiezi_The_Pleb - $15
- _VladMordock_ - $5
- JayB - $15
- =VG= System - $25
- -Blackfield- - $2.01
- Vayth - $60
- SoldierOfMisfortune - $20
- JudgeDredd - $270
- Budders - $20
- Revox - $10
- chickenjason123 - $200
- Guests - $120
- =VG= 42oman - $24.20
- =VG= l3RY4N - $50
- =VG= Jaki - $15
- JarVin007 - $10
- =VG= Acro1 - $105
- =VG= Sausag3 - $270
- =VG= m823us - $55
- =VG= 0100011000101 - $32.25
- GRNANDGLD - $736.52
- Sky - $5
- CptHawk - $155
- =VG= BrakeGamer - $10
- MOKUM - $230
- Skiddles - $150
- PITN - $600
- =VG= Rotblut - $5
- KOVAC - $40
- Micha - $18.89
- Zeee - $6
- =VG= Nyther - $51
- =VG= I3RY4N - $60
- =AMPH= - $57.13
- JarVin007 - $35
- =VG= Stixon - $80
- EuroStep - $15
- Jules_UK - $25
- Aculeata77 - $10
- Outpost - $20
- =VG= The_Polish_Guy - $90
- Ratical - $37
- Hoops0320 - $130.25
- EstarVII - $40
- eraser - $80
- Tommy Eukesei - $3
- Snowcht - $50
Current Donation Goals
Quarter 4 - 2024 (Oct-Dec)
We're a member supported community
Your donations help pay for the TS3 & Dedicated Game Server,
annual renewals, upgrades & website costs.
Your support helps keep it all going! Thank you.
Your donations help pay for the TS3 & Dedicated Game Server,
annual renewals, upgrades & website costs.
Your support helps keep it all going! Thank you.
Raised $455.98 of $450.00 target
Recent Visitors
- =VG= KaraMara
- =VG= Ingo
- =VG= SemlerPDX
- =VG= 0100011000101
- =VG= The_Polish_Guy
- MvM
- PL gomezo
- =VG= Dilligaf
- Revox
- Aquila
- =VG= Zeee
- =VG= .Blizzard.
- =VG= Batmeme
- Sphee
- GigaChad72
- =VG= Skitalez
- ken
- byteswing
- Allie2
- =VG= =AMPH=
- filimoon
- pzeu
- Earthman
- System
- =VG= Melon Muncher
- kedi
- =VG= Orracis
- =VG= Alucardednoc
- =VG= asquirrel456
- NickScath
- SoldierOfMisfortune
- =VG= Inch
- Cruizer
- =VG= m823us
- =VG= Kavelenko
- =VG= Acro1
- =VG= Nyther
- CptHawk
- Theresafem
- BsKM
- =VG= keed
- JudgeDredd
- CobaltUK
- =VG= Deathdealer
- asko___
- =VG= chickenjason123
- ItsAguacate
- Cherry
- Veselyy
- =VG= XOR
- Pew_Pew
- MOMquestionmark
- lonewolf55n
- =VG= kovac
- JosehPoics
- =VG= nabil999
- Spartanish
- =VG= Solar
- =VG= Mikel
- Mikel2
- =VG= Zviking
- eraser
- Ryanwilliams2465
- BokepTalt
- EuroStep
- =EINF= cubiksrube
- ZZANG1847
- dogenamite
- petur92
- DrJohn
- =VG= 22..12
- Henrytog
- Alejandro
- Dracula Chico
- |*|>>RESCUE<<|*|
- D3lax
- TAC-1
- =VG= Fastjack
- Double_13
- =VG= I3RY4N
- SirenPeeps
VG Supporters List