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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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About =VG= SemlerPDX

  • Birthday 06/07/1979

Contact Methods

  • YouTube

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    Camping, hiking, shooting, and fast gaming computers
  • Occupation
    Scruffy looking Nerf Herder

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=VG= SemlerPDX's Achievements

Major General

Major General (16/18)



  1. Please check the dates of posts before replying, this is old news and the VG Server has been back online since Christmas... but thank you, nonetheless
  2. I made another short video in Stationeers, this time showing the airlocks and networks in my Power Station.  I'm up to over 60kW power production now with my solar array, got like 135 of them all feeding into a bank of 30 large station batteries which power 6 sub-networks for my various buildings (including the Battery Room itself).



  3. What tutorial on here were you referring to? If you can link what page on Veterans-Gaming website has this tutorial, I may be able to help you. Not sure what you mean by side-tone in BMS as this should be a possible function of your headset hardware - for example, I have a Logitech headset, and the option is present in its config GUI:
  4. According to @CobaltUK who manages the VG BMS Server, about 5 hours ago: "VG server will update in approximately 12 hrs 6-7 Zulu 31st Dec" ...that said, sometimes it can be longer - so best to check in after a patch/update is released to see if/when our server will be updated to that newest version.
  5. Welcome to the VG Air Force Club!! See you around!
  6. Yes, of course. Also, this is not the appropriate forum to post such questions, this is the introductions thread for players who've joined the VG Army. You could have just asked this in VG Discord.
  7. It's fixed and running now (seems Melon restarted it)
  8. Are you running any ad or pop-up blockers? Are you clicking on the link, or are you pasting the following link into Discord expecting it to work? https://veterans-gaming.com/discord/ ...because this is a redirect link that resolves (when clicked) to the following valid Discord invite link to our server: https://discord.com/invite/MXGxmvT Otherwise, could be an extension or add-on in your browser causing that. The link works, in fact, has been used a few more times by people since my last screenshot of this: Nothing we can do if it's a problem on your end, we did our part correctly.
  9. It absolutely has not ever been expired, and is quite honestly the most highly used invite link to VG Discord out of all of them by a large margin. Why would I use an invite link that expires for my custom redirect URL target? ...that little "infinity" symbol means it's infinite - doesn't expire; never has, never will.
  10. You can contact our PR Admins in game, on VG Discord (in the #project-reality channel), or on VG TeamSpeak3. Please let them know why you are contacting them, what you need, and/or who is causing problems so that we can resolve matters without further inquiries to you regarding the request.
  11. Do you have two accounts on our website? Because we already have seen this member "pzeu" https://veterans-gaming.com/profile/18224-pzeu/
  12. I'm not aware of any existing sources for Free Falcon 5 (or any version). The sites which hosted these have all been shut down for years and years. You might try asking around various Falcon or BMS based Discords, maybe someone has a copy still on their PC. That's probably the best you can hope for - even if you found a torrent, it's unlikely that anyone would still be seeding it. Best wishes and good luck!
  13. Falcon BMS has easy avionics options, and an avionics configurator for even more control. It is the most advanced and developed modification for Falcon 4 and should be the mod you choose for that reason. Free Falcon is ancient history my dude - there is no comparison to the level of stability and playability which we now enjoy thanks to the BMS developers, some of whom had likely put in work on Free Falcon back when it was a thing. Also, if you wanted to use an ancient deprecated Falcon 4 mod for whatever personal reasons, you should have no problem locating a download of Free Falcon; a simple google search revealed several legitimate sources for the application when I checked. If it helps you understand where Free Falcon falls in the myriad of Falcon 4 mods, this is a full graphical history of all Falcon 4 mods including Free Falcon and BMS (of course): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2WKGzHTS65rd251TU1LMU1jWFk/view
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