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  1. Past hour
  2. Do i leave TS3 set to push to talk or change to voice activation to use TFAR coms . Bit confused , thanks.
  3. Today
  4. Looks like we need a medic so sign me up The only problem is that I might have a power outage at 22:00. It's only for one hour though.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Decent game. Need to fix a bunch of things though. I bought the DLC, but it's not worth $10 IMO. Hopefully an investment towards making the game run smoother. Just ping me on Discord if you're down to play.
  7. OPFOR still open? I'm up for some OPFOR shenanigans
  8. Last week
  9. I noticed something that I thought was fixed a while back. We played Karbala alt yesterday. Me and @Spartanish drove a Bradley and were wondering why there was so many MANPADS. So I decided to take a look at the demo and ... yeah, it's what I thought. I picked a random moment in the round (2:25:31) and counted 8 MANPADS up at the same time (+one wounded). Meanwhile there was only 1 HAT kit. At this time CAS had exactly 0 kills so there was no dynamic spawns happening because of CAS being very effective. Second random moment later in the round (2:10:53). 9 active MANPADS + 3 wounded. CAS at this time has 6 kills. Also this is the second to last flag so CAS really wasn't doing much. Good thing is that there are more ATs now but it's still 5 while APC has 10 times more kills than CAS. So, I remember that number of MANPADS was capped some time back when they were added. Seems like that limit isn't working anymore. Also the ai reloading MANPADS in a few seconds is still a thing and I still think it's an issue. Here's some proof from yesterday as well. The exact reload time was 6 seconds. I guess he just run to a crate and back really, really quickly
  10. Hi everyone!!! Yes, I miss old granadier, like they said: It requires players to have some type of strategy to avoid dying when the grenades fly (from the most novice to the most experienced), improving the sniper would have the same function: to stop running around the field like crazy. I think these changes are important because it radically changes how to attack or defend. The issue of CAS or TRANS flights, because if you fly over enemies or over AR/AA it is and should remain very risky.
  11. alpha 1-3 leader please if anyone need help with ace i'm happy to help out
  12. Can i jump in as a basic role Rifleman or Marksman also please if possible. Many Thanks.
  13. Anything other than Medic preferably, thanks
  14. As much as i'd love to help ill be away on that date. Hopefully some of the other seniors can help
  15. Team leader for 1-4, every time I join an event expect a 40% chance for me to not be able to attend so maybe keep someone notified to take it incase I don't attend.
  16. Arma 3 Training Event Player count: 14 sign-ups SATURDAY 27th JULY 2024 - 1800hrs GMT (PRT) the basic training mission one hour prior Server name: VETERANS-GAMING | training session| TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: Password: --- MAP: Proving Grounds/Takistan OBJECTIVE: We'll perform some basic tasks in order to teach everyone the basics of fire & maneuver, squad tactics and movement. I could use 5 veteran players for the OPFOR/instuctor slots. If you're interested DM me. MODS: modz.html [Alpha 1] [Alpha 1-1] Squad Leader: Lonestar Medic: Cherry Medic: [Alpha 1-2] Team Leader: EOD Specialist: Enfield Autorifleman: Asst. Autorifleman: Veselyy [Alpha 1-3] Team Leader: =VG= Batmeme Rifleman AT: kedi Autorifleman:=VG= Kavelenko Asst. Autorifleman: =VG= STARK [Alpha 1-4] Team Leader: Sphee Machinegunner: Asst. Machinegunner: [OPFOR] chickenjason =VG= X0R
  17. BTW a DLC is coming out soon if you guys haven't seen. Some new maps and guns/cosmetics if I'm right. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3015760/Ready_or_Not_Home_Invasion/?curator_clanid=36750080
  18. Earlier
  19. Got my steam linked on my VG Account, Ping me if you want to play
  20. it's going to take me along time to download ready or not
  21. I've put quite a few hours into it. Can join you some day, ping me on dc or something.
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