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=VG= Inch

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About =VG= Inch

  • Birthday 01/19/1998

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    @inch_P2 (basically my shitpost here)
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    Ryan R. R. (or Koromaru_VC alternatively)
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Interests
    The Military & Defense Industry, The History of the world, The Gaming Industry, The Japanese Culture in general, Das Auto (Motorräder ist ein wenig~)

    And some of IR-related things based on my study.
  • Occupation
    Fresh Graduate (Unemployed as for now)

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=VG= Inch's Achievements

Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major (8/18)



  1. Keyboard warrior moment!


    How many years passed? I dont even know it, but certainly an achievement~ 😛

  2. Still asking couple of head admins, they haven't answered yet. Not sure if restarting through TCAdmin gonna work. - Inch
  3. Couple of weeks ago, this is was what @SirenPeeps been asking. Where did my name came from?



    Cheers! :drinks:

    1. SirenPeeps


      Honestly love the beetle HAHAHAH, but you were also talking about a magazine, I still haven't found that one

    2. =VG= Inch

      =VG= Inch

      It's VWTrends or this HotVW Magazine, some feature 50's-70's bug dragsters. Cool stuff-

  4. Agreed on this. Even if the next map is an INF map, i'm always sticking to it as usual and never change it (although, i gave a heads up beforehand, if some wants to change it). The only issue is just the population itself (most of the time) don't like them that much, as so many asset whores comes and goes around the server looking/asking for asset heavy maps. Heck, i already put Op. Thunder INF as my favorite low pop layout since the creation. It's just good balance between us and OPFOR side of things (they got tanks, us only CV9030NL's), creating different engagement on both sides.
  5. Bump! ***UPDATED FOR v1.8.0.4*** Basic Infantry Maps: As the title said, infantry layouts of some maps that aren't priority to vote or play, unless someone wants to do it. This is an alternative of the low pop maps, with the case of lesser player count. (Works for >15 players) 1km: - Gaza (INF) - IDF vs. Hamas - Tad Sae Offensive (INF) - USA vs. PLA 2km: - Al Basrah (INF) - GB vs. INS - Beirut (INF) - IDF vs. RU - Dragon Fly (INF) - GB vs. Militia - Fools Road (INF) - GB vs. Militia - Lashkar Valley (INF) - GER vs. Taliban - Operation Marlin (INF) - FR vs. MEC - Ramiel (INF) - USA vs. MEC - Shahadah (INF) - POL vs. MEC 4km: - Bamyan (INF) - USA vs. MEC - Burning Sands (INF) - GB vs. MEC - Hades Peak (INF) - GB vs. RU - Kashan Desert (INF) - CAN vs. MEC - Shijia Valley (INF) - GB vs. PLA - Silent Eagle (INF) - GER vs. RU _______________________________ Low Population Maps: R.I.P for these maps! - Operation Archer - Jabal Al-Burj - Qwai River - Bijar Canyons - Operation Ghost Train Since the day of removal, i've made a map list that we can play for low pop (for experimental purposes). Hopefully these can be standard replacement for seeding. Some of them can be played on full pops, but results into a steamroll round if done correctly. (Works for 10-20 players) 1km: - Asad Khal (ALT) - IDF vs. MEC - Asad Khal (STD) - IDF vs. Hamas - Assault on Mestia (STD) - USA vs. Militia - Fallujah West (STD) - USMC vs. INS - Gaza (STD) - IDF vs. Hamas - Korengal Valley (STD) - USA vs. Taliban - Merville (STD) - WW2USA vs. WW2GER - Reichswald (STD) - WW2USA vs. WW2GER 2km: - Al Basrah (ALT) - GB vs. INS - Al Basrah (STD) - GB vs. INS - Al Basrah (LRG) - USMC vs. INS - Assault on Grozny (INF) - Chechen vs. RU90 - Assault on Grozny (ALT) - Chechen vs. RU90 - Assault on Grozny (STD) - RU90 vs. Chechen - Assault on Grozny (LRG) - RU vs. Militia - Battle of Debrecen (STD) - WW2SVT vs. WW2GER - Beirut (ALT) - RU vs. IDF - Beirut (STD) - IDF vs. RU - Brecourt Assault (STD) - WW2USA vs. WW2GER - Carentan (ALT) - WW2USA vs. WW2GER - Dovre (STD) - NLD vs. RU - Dovre Winter (ALT) - RU vs. GER - Dragon Fly (STD) - GB vs. Militia - Fools Road (ALT) - GB vs. Militia - Goose Green (ALT) - ARG82 vs. GB82 - Goose Green (STD) - GB82 vs. ARG82 - Iron Ridge (STD) - POL vs. Militia - Kafr Halab (INF) - Taliban vs. USA - Karbala (ALT) - USA vs. INS - Karbala (STD) - POL vs. INS - Kokan (ALT) - CAN vs. Taliban - Kokan (STD) - USA vs. Taliban - Krivaja Valley (ALT) - RU vs. FR - Lashkar Valley (ALT) - GER vs. Taliban - Lashkar Valley (STD) - GER vs. Taliban - Musa Qala (ALT) - USA vs. Taliban - Musa Qala (STD) - GB vs. Taliban - Muttrah City (INF) - USMC vs. MEC - Muttrah City (ALT) - MEC vs. USMC - Muttrah City (STD) - USMC vs. MEC - Nuijamaa (INF) - RU vs. POL - Nuijamaa (ALT) - POL vs. RU - Operation Barracuda (INF) - USMC vs. PLA - Operation Barracuda (STD) - USMC vs. PLA - Operation Bobcat (INF) - USMC vs. PLANMC - Operation Bobcat (STD) - USMC vs. PLANMC - Operation Brunswick (ALT) - WW2GER vs. WW2SVT - Operation Falcon (ALT) - NLD vs. Militia - Operation Falcon (LRG) - CAN vs. Militia - Operation Marlin (ALT) - FR vs. Hamas - Outpost (STD) - POL vs. Taliban - Ramiel (ALT) - USA vs. ARF - Ramiel (STD) - USMC vs. ARF - Route E-106 (INF) - GER vs. RU - Route E-106 (ALT) - GB vs. RU - Rzhev (ALT) - WW2GER vs. WW2SVT - Rzhev (STD) - WW2SVT vs. WW2GER - Sahel (INF) - FR vs. ARF - Sbeneh Outskirts (INF) - MEC vs. FSA - Shahadah (ALT) - IDF vs. Hamas 4km: - Adak (STD) - USMC vs. PLANMC - Ascheberg (INF) - FR vs. RU - Bamyan (ALT) - USA vs. Taliban - Battle of Kerch (ALT) - WW2GER vs. WW2SVT - Black Gold (ALT) - PLA vs. Militia - Burning Sands (ALT) - GB vs. INS - Burning Sands (STD) - GB vs. MEC - Kashan Desert (ALT) - USA vs. FSA - Kashan Desert (STD) - CAN vs. MEC - Kashan Desert (LRG) - USA vs. MEC - Masirah (INF) - FR vs. MEC - Masirah (ALT) - CAN vs. PLA - Operation Thunder (INF) - NL vs. Militia - Operation Thunder (ALT) - RU vs. POL - Pavlovsk Bay (ALT) - RU vs. USMC - Pavlvosk Bay (STD) - USMC vs. RU - Road to Damascus (INF) - IDF vs. Hamas - Saaremaa (ALT) - USMC vs. Militia - Shijia Valley (ALT) - GB vs. PLA - Shijia Valley (STD) - GB vs. PLA - Silent Eagle (ALT) - GER vs. RU - Vadso City (ALT) - GB vs. RU - Wanda Shan (STD) - GER vs. PLA - Zakho (INF) - CAN vs. FSA - Zakho (ALT) - GER vs. INS 8km: - The Falklands (INF) - GB82 vs. ARG82 _______________________________ The Usual: Generally these should be your go to map choices when you're on the way to 40+ players, but do note that some of these are probably not good for low pops. You can "avoid" these if you're looking for more challenging maps. (Works for 20-30 players) 2km: - Battle of Ia Drang (STD) - VNUSMC vs. VNA - Beirut (LRG) - IDF vs. RU - Carentan (STD) - WW2USA vs. WW2GER - Fools Road (STD) - GB vs. Militia - Fools Road (LRG) - GB vs. Militia - Kafr Halab (STD) - RU vs. FSA - Kafr Halab (LRG) - RU vs. MEC - Kokan (LRG) - GB vs. Taliban - Kozelsk (STD) - RU vs. Militia - Muttrah City (LRG) - PLANMC vs. MEC - Operation Bobcat (ALT) - PLANMC vs. USMC - Operation Bobcat (LRG) - USMC vs. PLANMC - Operation Brunswick (STD) - WW2SVT vs. WW2GER - Operation Falcon (STD) - NLD vs. RU - Operation Marlin (STD) - FR vs. MEC - Operation Marlin (LRG) - CAN vs. MEC - Outpost (ALT) - POL vs. Taliban - Ramiel (LRG) - USA vs. ARF - Ras el Masri (ALT) - MEC vs. RU - Route E-106 (STD) - NLD vs. RU - Sahel (STD) - FR vs. ARF - Sbeneh Outskirts (STD) - MEC vs. FSA - Sbeneh Outskirts (LRG) - USA vs. RU - Shahadah (STD) - POL vs. MEC - Ulyanovsk (STD) - GER vs. RU 4km: - Adak (LRG) - PLANMC vs. USMC - Ascheberg (STD) - GER vs. RU - Bamyan (STD) - USA vs. MEC - Bamyan (LRG) - MEC vs. IDF - Battle of Kerch (LRG) - WW2SVT vs. WW2GER - Black Gold (STD) - PLA vs. RU - Black Gold (LRG) - USA vs. MEC - Burning Sands (LRG) - MEC vs. PLA - Fields of Kassel (INF) - WW2USA vs. WW2GER - FIelds of Kassel (LRG) - WW2GER vs. WW2USA - Hades Peak (ALT) - GB vs. Militia - Hades Peak (STD) - GB vs. RU - Khamisiyah (ALT) - USMC vs. MEC - Khamisiyah (STD) - USA vs. MEC - Khamisiyah (LRG) - RU vs. FSA - Korbach Offensive (STD) - GER vs. RU - Korbach Offensive (LRG) - USA vs. RU - Kunar Province (STD) - USA vs. Taliban - Masirah (STD) - GB vs. MEC - Masirah (LRG) - FR vs. MEC - Operation Thunder (STD) - POL vs. Militia - Pavlovsk Bay (LRG) - USMC vs. RU - Road to Damascus (STD) - IDF vs. MEC - Saaremaa (STD) - USMC vs. RU - Silent Eagle (STD) - GER vs. RU - Vadso City (STD) - GB vs. RU - Vadso City (LRG) - GB vs. RU - Vung Ro (ALT) - VNA vs. VNUSMC - Vung Ro (STD) - VNUSMC vs. VNA - Xiangshan (STD) - FR vs. PLA - Yamalia (STD) - USA vs. RU - Yamalia (LRG) - CAN vs. RU - Zakho (STD) - NLD vs. MEC - Zakho (LRG) - FR vs. MEC _______________________________ Hard Maps: These maps are the hardest and challenging to play if not done correctly. You need a good understanding of this, if you're under new players perspective. A last resort choice, when you have more pops in the server. These includes specific-era maps (ex. Vietnam, WW2 etc.), OPFOR-oriented maps and night maps. (Works for <35 players) 1km: - Fallujah West (ALT) - INS vs. USMC - Gaza (ALT) - Hamas vs. IDF - Hill 488 (STD) - VNUSMC vs. VNA - Hill 488 (LRG) - VNUSMC vs. VNA - Ras el Masri (INF) - USA vs. INS - Ras el Masri (LRG) - FSA vs. MEC - Tad Sae Offensive (ALT) - VNUSMC vs. VNA 2km: - Battle of Ia Drang (ALT) - VNUSMC vs VNA - Carentan (LRG) - WW2GER vs. WW2USA - Charlie's Point (STD) - VNUSMC vs. VNA - Dovre Winter (STD) - GER vs. RU - Kafr Halab (ALT) - FSA vs. INS - Kokan (INF) - Taliban vs. USA - Kozelsk (INF) - Militia vs. FR - Kozelsk (ALT) - Militia vs. RU - Nuijamaa (STD) - FR vs. RU - Omaha Beach (ALT) - WW2GER vs. WW2USA - Omaha Beach (STD) - WW2USA vs. WW2GER - Operation Barracuda (ALT) - VNUSMC vs. VNA - Operation Barracuda (LRG) - USMC vs. PLA - Operation Falcon (INF) - Militia vs. NLD - Outpost (INF) - Taliban vs. USA - Sahel (ALT) - ARF vs. PLA - Sbeneh Outskirts (ALT) - FSA vs. MEC 4km: - Ascheberg (ALT) - NLD vs. RU - Black Gold (INF) - PLA vs. Militia - Khamisiyah (INF) - FSA vs. USA - Kunar Province (ALT) - Taliban vs. USA - Operation Soul Rebel (STD) - GB vs. RU - Vung Ro (LRG) - VNUSMC vs. VNA - Xiangshan (ALT) - VNUSMC vs. VNA - Yamalia (INF) - CAN vs. RU - Yamalia (ALT) - NLD vs. RU _______________________________ These are color neutral, cant decide which maps has issues or not. For more information, i think Melon got some of it mentioned on Discord chat (pinned somewhere) @=VG= Melon Muncher @=VG= Zeeeplz help on confirming which ones are not working? Cheers! - Inch
  6. Turkish Cat spotted! Hello there, enjoy your stay here as always~ - Inch
  7. Welp, i'm not buying it that soon anyways. It's the 4GB one, that i mostly found cheaper. I'll keep that in mind for the 8GB. As for the rest of the items is like in my wishlist atm, like Asrock B450M-HDV and a Ryzen 3330X 3.8 GHz, they're probably are my ideal setup. Gotta get some bucks for it or sell/trade-in my old PC for smth else.
  8. @Cruizer what's so good about NVIDIA VGA's really? I've been using GT 210 for a long time really shows me it's age (sometimes graphic bugs hits me in PR causing me to delete shader cache to fix it) I'm looking for good and cheapest AMD VGA's probably in future PC builds, any ideas or should i stick to NVIDIA stuff all over again? I'm trying to avoid Intel as they mostly (still) expensive here than AMD's. So far, i found RX 480 and 570/580 ones being recommended, is it any good? ***I'm just playing PR as in for now (with so many games at library, not sure what to pick one to play, as my currently can't handle all of them)
  9. Minus the briefing (need moar), the event was good enough for my immersion, especially when people are also on opfor side ones. Can't wait for another one, count me in.
  10. I'll be on as CO in Mission 2, hopefully it will go down well. Assign meh~
  11. I know i've seen this before, i would love to have a standalone Milkor MGL in PR. Say for SANDF, might be in future.
  12. I'll try jump in, once i got enough caffeine intake that necessary for staying awake lol-
  13. Just to remind you that i've changed my pic into a rock.


    Have a nice day-

  14. Important message.


    I still have no job at 26, damn.


    Can we go even further?


    Hope not... :P




    I'm not bday type of guy, but thanks for reminding me that i still age.



    - Inch

    1. =VG= =AMPH=

      =VG= =AMPH=

      Idk should i laugh or be sad? 


      Your time will come at the right moment my friend!

    2. =VG= Inch

      =VG= Inch

      @=VG= =AMPH=

      If i got a job, means less time for PR :(

      No job, means spending more time in PR (up to 8 hours, even on low pop lol- :P)

    3. =VG= =AMPH=

      =VG= =AMPH=

      Or if you find a job which allows you to have laptop or PC, of course, with PR on it 😕 :D

      There is always something to sacrifice... 

      I sacrifice sleeping time, eating time, mental and physical health, friends and family and beer... Just to have more time for PRBF2 :D

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