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Community Growth and Development

=VG= Skiddles

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Hello everyone.
It is my hope that this post is received as constructive and that it is NOT intended as a criticism of anyone or group.

I think we need to change the way we treat new players. I understand that the VG server is not a training server and we expect people to play the game to their abilities. Meaning, if you don't know how to fly, DON'T! However, I think we are too harsh sometimes and have too great an expectation of new players which often results in warnings, kicks, and bans.  I am not saying that when this occurs that it is not justified, but I do think we should do more to develop the player base. I often hear it said, "they can go elsewhere to play". Well, I ask you where is this where you speak of? VG is the only populated server on my list when I search. I believe that we need to do more to "grow" the community, develop skills, and foster better players. Better for them to learn from the best, no?

Here is an example of what I see as the wrong thing.
I don't recall the map or the layer but do recall that it was decided on in TS. 18 players on the server. The game starts and by the time I am loaded the CAS squad had 7 people, most of which either admins and veteran VG players. It was locked. Tank squad had 4 players, again mostly consisting of admin and seasoned players. TRANS squad had two players and much like the other squads filled with admin and seasoned players. 
13 of the 18 players were in heavy assets squads leaving 5 for INF consisting of names I didn't recognize as veteran players. 
As the game played all the talk on TS was about how useless the INF are, how they were not doing the right thing. 
I think instead of complaining, get in there and show them, help them rather than standing at the base waiting for your turn to fly or a plane/helicopter to spawn. We expect players to select kits based on the squad's needs. Is it not fair to say that admins and veteran players should select/create squads based on the team's needs?

CAS as I understand it means, "close air support". My experience is that CAS does not function in that way. More often than not, CAS squad are just "kill whores" and don't often function in what their name suggests. Especially true for helicopters on Jabal as an example. Infantry is struggling to cap DAM while CAS is over East and West killing everything they can when they should be helping support infantry trying to cap the flag. 

I worry that if we as a community do not help grow the player base we will not have one to play with. I would like to see our seasoned players spend more time leading squads, teaching and helping players understand the game, how it's played, develop them rather than hoard favored assets map after map after map. I know I learn a lot when the experienced players SL and I'm sure new players will appreciate you sharing wisdom and experience rather than handing out warnings, kicks, and bans. Positive re-enforcement, not negative will grow the community, I think. 

I pledge to SL more often when I see new players in the game. I don't consider myself a very good SL but it must be better for new players to get some direction, are made familiar with server rules and helped rather than get no direction at all.  

Well, that's my two cents. 


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Great argument @Sciddles. We're getting a bunch of new players, and we do need to show them the ropes. Several recent newbies that I've seen were actually very eager to learn the game. You make a really good point that I myself am guilty of sometimes: We're not at our apex game when it comes to teaching newbies. The server, especially now, is in need of more @Risiko94's and in general a more noob-friendly attitude. While we are no training server (because that classification gets you more trolls and zero-fucks-given noobs), new players should find a good starting point in our server to learn the ropes of the game. They should be able to tag along infantry squads to learn how the tactics, weapon dynamics etc all work.

I'd like to tie this into another point that I've heard Sciddles make previously, namely about toxic playstyle in some squads. in PR we should be 1 team , competing against the enemy AKA bots. Sadly it's not uncommon to see squads making it a point-whore race, competing with other squads for the top spot which grants them 15 seconds of bullshit internet glory. When another squad fails to cap a flag, an oftenly heard reflex is "fucking noobs" instead of "let's go and assist". This is certainly not true for our entire playerbase, not even half or a quarter, but it's too frequent nonetheless. I myself had a great friend who taught me all the basics on my first play of the game, and that was a huge boost to both my experience and the value I can give to my team. Let us be that friend.

Also, that CAS stuff is bullshit indeed. CAS is a support unit that should support infantry on capping flags. If they are called for assistance but they choose to fubar some other flag purely for kills, give us a swift !r and we'll return an equally swift whiplash to the point-whore or flagskipper in question.

Point-whoring, killfarming and competing for the top spot on the server are detrimental to the spirit of PR and will eventually cause it's downfall. =VG= is one of PR's largest communities and is pretty much the leader COOP community. We sometimes forget that it's not just us regulars who play, but also a lot of good-hearted blueberries. It's easy to assume that everyone you don't know is a noob. Let's stop doing that.

This may seem like an unlogical tip, but I want to really recommend playing more difficult maps WAY more oftenly (within server pop limits ofc). Several players already commented that gameplay feels like we steamroll each map. A lack of challenge makes people 'create competition' by competing with each other for the top spot. Playing hard maps with noobs seems counterintuitive, but it forces teamwork and cooperation in order to win the mapexactly what the game was designed to be.

I've long feared the decay in the sense of teamwork, but having @Sciddles report it here is a stern wake-up call to me that we've been slacking in this regard. This man is one of our more recent players but his integrity and sense of fair play are both noteworthy and commendable. I'm glad you joined our server man, and I'm glad you are who you are and brought this up to us. Most of us have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours in this game, made great moments to remember and forged great friendships. We welcome the young and the old, the timid and the bold. We share many laughs, moments of great teamwork, and mourn the loss of our brothers when they occur. Our server community made that possible, and I'll be damned if that community ever ceases to exist.


I want to join @Sciddles in his pledge, and become more actively supportive of new players in our community. I'd like to invite all my brothers and the one sister that I've met here throughout the years to join me and continue the great work we've been doing for years. 

Let us be more welcoming to noobs in the squad and take those few minutes to explain stuff to them. The veteran players will be there to cover the shooting part ;)
Let us be understanding of newbies and help them become the new veterans that we'll love to play with. ALL of us were in their shoes.
Let us read the battlefield and make our next move accordingly, without expecting others to do it for us.

Let us rely more on our teammates instead of expecting the worst. And if they do mess up? We'll improvise. We're good at that, PR-style. 
Let us lead by example, let us think about the ones next to us and not just about our own score for meager internet points. Let us instead make memories together with a team of hilarious random people from all over the world as we kick some R-BOT ass.


Shit, newbies can be frustrating, but I remember my own beginner days and I would want everyone to have such a teacher and the welcoming that I had. I've played on =VG= on and off for 10+ years now and it's still my #1 game community. We all came as strangers, and now most of us are daily visitors. Let us continue to and become an even better version of what it already is. We made this, and we will make it better.  Hey who knows, one day we'll be sporting one of these on our desks, walls or around our necks.



Alright, I'm gonna stop talking. Thanks @Sciddles, and thanks to all players and admins who make =VG= the great community that it is (at least to me ;), let's be humble).

See y'all in the field.

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I guess I'll start running inf squads, I usually never did even back when I wasnt playing deployment so much, I played under other squad leaders for like a year until I started doing apcs then later trans. Most of you have seen that I deploy different tactics when I lead a squad, some times it's to slow down game play others it's just fun with new tactics. I started leading some JTAC squads but players who were doing cas did not seem to engage targets I lazed, it will be a process I guess. There is a disconnect between armor cas and infantry on our coop and they seem to co-exist but not that they really talk to each other.

Thank you for bring this up @Sciddles

and keep being honest :) I'm probably a good example for someone who just hops into cas to farm for kills.


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I am humbled by the positive reception to my post. In truth, I hesitated for a long time before pressing post in fear of my words and thoughts would be upsetting. Once again the VG community rises above the rest. You guys are simply, "THE BEST". 

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12 hours ago, Sciddles said:

Infantry is struggling to cap DAM while CAS is over East and West killing everything they can when they should be helping support infantry trying to cap the flag.

@Sciddles Since East and West are not cappable at this point (no orange  shield) it can be considered flag skipping as is to be reported. HOWEVER since Jabal has known active mortar locations it is not always clear whether the intend of flying there was to generally kill stuff, or strike an active mortar location and then return to the allowed zones. Since destroying mortars is a higher priority than helping the cap (APC squad will otherwise be not able to help the cap) I personally would not consider it a offense. But if they linger, then it would be a different manner... It's very nuanced.


In wake of this I also suggest a new rule:

No more hovering Harrier to get kills!

For all intents an purposes it can be considered an exploit because bots have no logic implemented to fire upon a hovering Harrier.

Edit: *Except AA of course...

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14 hours ago, Sciddles said:


Here is an example of what I see as the wrong thing.
I don't recall the map or the layer but do recall that it was decided on in TS. 18 players on the server. The game starts and by the time I am loaded the CAS squad had 7 people, most of which either admins and veteran VG players. It was locked. Tank squad had 4 players, again mostly consisting of admin and seasoned players. TRANS squad had two players and much like the other squads filled with admin and seasoned players. 

Just to let you know those people have a better PC not because they are admins or veterans players. we spoke about this ages ago ! get a better PC. but! if we see that one or two players are whoring cas squad for like 3 or 4 rounds in a row we will resign them for whoring assets. don't get the wrong idea mate. i can spawn first 99% of the time but i never (for example) keep the cas or tank squad for myself. just clearing a point here.

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14 hours ago, Sciddles said:

CAS as I understand it means, "close air support". My experience is that CAS does not function in that way. More often than not, CAS squad are just "kill whores" and don't often function in what their name suggests. Especially true for helicopters on Jabal as an example. Infantry is struggling to cap DAM while CAS is over East and West killing everything they can when they should be helping support infantry trying to cap the flag. 



This is a good point and i agree with you . i even think always that way. c.a.s should stay away and appear only when called to clear something inf can't or wont. hovering near friends is wrong. killing everything is also wrong. when cas squad don't get calls from inf they go bored and start acting their way. so this depends on how inf act. if there is no 1 inf with a spot kit or using hes mic to ask for help then don't blame cas for acting on hes own. and we see this a lot. there is no real communications that's the problem.

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3 hours ago, =VG= keed said:



In wake of this I also suggest a new rule:

No more hovering Harrier to get kills!


i Vote YES ! sorry but i find hovering harriers is cheating in a co-op server. try hover that in deployment servers please sir :D hovering cas choppers between flag under capture and another flag with no shield is not acceptable too in my opinion because its like destroying enemies reinforcement or bridges. 

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Great post , good points. Sometimes we have to warn heavy asset waisters with a "play offline (create local) or elsewhere" message which i think is still valid. But yes good job.

For instance i want to fly TRANS helis and Jets with my flight stick  more often so i created  local and practise like that. Rather than jumping on the live server straight away.

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19 hours ago, =VG= Acro1 said:

Great argument @Sciddles. We're getting a bunch of new players, and we do need to show them the ropes. Several recent newbies that I've seen were actually very eager to learn the game. You make a really good point that I myself am guilty of sometimes: We're not at our apex game when it comes to teaching newbies. The server, especially now, is in need of more @Risiko94's and in general a more noob-friendly attitude. While we are no training server (because that classification gets you more trolls and zero-fucks-given noobs), new players should find a good starting point in our server to learn the ropes of the game. They should be able to tag along infantry squads to learn how the tactics, weapon dynamics etc all work.

I'd like to tie this into another point that I've heard Sciddles make previously, namely about toxic playstyle in some squads. in PR we should be 1 team , competing against the enemy AKA bots. Sadly it's not uncommon to see squads making it a point-whore race, competing with other squads for the top spot which grants them 15 seconds of bullshit internet glory. When another squad fails to cap a flag, an oftenly heard reflex is "fucking noobs" instead of "let's go and assist". This is certainly not true for our entire playerbase, not even half or a quarter, but it's too frequent nonetheless. I myself had a great friend who taught me all the basics on my first play of the game, and that was a huge boost to both my experience and the value I can give to my team. Let us be that friend.

Also, that CAS stuff is bullshit indeed. CAS is a support unit that should support infantry on capping flags. If they are called for assistance but they choose to fubar some other flag purely for kills, give us a swift !r and we'll return an equally swift whiplash to the point-whore or flagskipper in question.

Point-whoring, killfarming and competing for the top spot on the server are detrimental to the spirit of PR and will eventually cause it's downfall. =VG= is one of PR's largest communities and is pretty much the leader COOP community. We sometimes forget that it's not just us regulars who play, but also a lot of good-hearted blueberries. It's easy to assume that everyone you don't know is a noob. Let's stop doing that.

This may seem like an unlogical tip, but I want to really recommend playing more difficult maps WAY more oftenly (within server pop limits ofc). Several players already commented that gameplay feels like we steamroll each map. A lack of challenge makes people 'create competition' by competing with each other for the top spot. Playing hard maps with noobs seems counterintuitive, but it forces teamwork and cooperation in order to win the mapexactly what the game was designed to be.

I've long feared the decay in the sense of teamwork, but having @Sciddles report it here is a stern wake-up call to me that we've been slacking in this regard. This man is one of our more recent players but his integrity and sense of fair play are both noteworthy and commendable. I'm glad you joined our server man, and I'm glad you are who you are and brought this up to us. Most of us have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours in this game, made great moments to remember and forged great friendships. We welcome the young and the old, the timid and the bold. We share many laughs, moments of great teamwork, and mourn the loss of our brothers when they occur. Our server community made that possible, and I'll be damned if that community ever ceases to exist.


I want to join @Sciddles in his pledge, and become more actively supportive of new players in our community. I'd like to invite all my brothers and the one sister that I've met here throughout the years to join me and continue the great work we've been doing for years. 

Let us be more welcoming to noobs in the squad and take those few minutes to explain stuff to them. The veteran players will be there to cover the shooting part ;)
Let us be understanding of newbies and help them become the new veterans that we'll love to play with. ALL of us were in their shoes.
Let us read the battlefield and make our next move accordingly, without expecting others to do it for us.

Let us rely more on our teammates instead of expecting the worst. And if they do mess up? We'll improvise. We're good at that, PR-style. 
Let us lead by example, let us think about the ones next to us and not just about our own score for meager internet points. Let us instead make memories together with a team of hilarious random people from all over the world as we kick some R-BOT ass.


Shit, newbies can be frustrating, but I remember my own beginner days and I would want everyone to have such a teacher and the welcoming that I had. I've played on =VG= on and off for 10+ years now and it's still my #1 game community. We all came as strangers, and now most of us are daily visitors. Let us continue to and become an even better version of what it already is. We made this, and we will make it better.  Hey who knows, one day we'll be sporting one of these on our desks, walls or around our necks.



Alright, I'm gonna stop talking. Thanks @Sciddles, and thanks to all players and admins who make =VG= the great community that it is (at least to me ;), let's be humble).

See y'all in the field.


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I would love to run infantry squads more. However it often feels we just play the same maps over and over and infantry gets boring, so I mainly do either TRANS because I can just chill out or CAS because it entertains me more. 


I agree that new players aren’t treated as fairly as they could be sometimes and recently there has been more newer players than there has been for a while. But very little of them seem to want to learn the game properly or they repeat the same wrong doing and unfortunately leads to actions that I’m sure no Admin wants to take. It sucks but it’s the reality, a lot of people that come to this game now aren't the same as 5 or more years ago. Back then it was people that wanted that hardcore milsim experience, but now it feels like a bunch of Call Of Duty/Fortnite players jumping into a mod they don’t understand in the slightest : (

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20 hours ago, ranger_12 said:

Just to let you know those people have a better PC not because they are admins or veterans players. we spoke about this ages ago ! get a better PC. but! if we see that one or two players are whoring cas squad for like 3 or 4 rounds in a row we will resign them for whoring assets. don't get the wrong idea mate. i can spawn first 99% of the time but i never (for example) keep the cas or tank squad for myself. just clearing a point here.

RANGER, you miss the point, again. 
I don't fly because of lacking ability and the fact I have a 300+ ping. I don't need a better PC and it isn't about who loads first. 
Maybe you should re-read the post. 
You make a great point. INf squads don't do the right thing. yOU make MY POINT! Being a veteran player, what are you doing to help?
From where I sit, you like to put the blame but what I ask of you is to rise up and work to fix the issues. Get in that squad thats doing the wrong thing and help. Stop bitching about them. 
You are an accomplished player and respected. Teach!

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yah there's very little number of people out there that's willing to teach new players how to properly play the game. 

I've been guiding new player long before i became an admin teaching them from basics to kit change, using armors, how to use a mortar etc.
and if I get a hint that the player is really willing to learn I even offer to teach them how to fly. (ofcourse i make them go to a different server to do so I'm also an admin on SEA server and most of the time its empty so its a perfect place to teach them how to fly) if anyone here wants a basic flying lesson do tell :) 

now for the other topic where squads just do what ever they want and just try to rake up point with the expense of not helping with the objectives. there are times I step up and give others to the squad-leads (sort of being the commander but still in my own squad) for us to progress in the game. some people obey some don't. so I try to give them some proper reason why we need to cooperate. so far it goes well and eventually things work out. we just need proper communication to everyone. 

next topic. ( infantry squads noobs? / useless? ) 

 When I see this thing happening I 1st talk to the infantry SL and ask what's going on. 
(no mic SL) if I'm free and not leading my own squad I join squad in question and ask what's going on. if I found out the SL is incompetent I ether give advice or ask for the SL to step down and let someone else lead. depending on the situation. 
(with mic SL) I just explain what's important  at the moment and make them focus on objectives. if they don't listen and is actually breaking some rules then that's when admin powers kicks in.
I almost forgot this one. some SL's don't like players with no mics.
so they are force to ether make they're own squads or just stay as  blueberry. this is one worst experience even more if they are new to the game. no one to guide them coz they keep on getting kick out of the squad.
I spent most of my gameplays being the support so I see everything happening in the map(mostly). I've done and will keep doing the best I can to help players have a nice experience new or old. (in the exemption of A**holes who don't give a F*ck and just do what ever they want I don't waste my time teaching those guys)

last Note : 

Risiko makes the best newbie friendly squad in the game hands down.

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I want to thank everyone for accepting my post as being constructive. I never intended it to critical of anyone or group.
One thing I have learned since making the post is just how hard a job it is being an admin and me asking you lot to do more, .... well, you do more than enough to make VG what it is. But!
Now, this is where things get sticky and shit sticks like glue. 
Please understand me here, I'm just calling things as I see them.
There are admins here that are genuine admins. They understand their role, treat it with respect, and do an over the top job! So much love for you guys keeping the server honest, on track, and never lose sight of the VG vision. Wrong of me to ask more of you and you know who you are. The ones here day after day working out the balance between player base and maps to load. Try to play the game and help in the game and still manage your role as an admin.

Today I was really disappointed by what was said in TS. Ranger spoke up, said he didn't like new players trying to force admin to change how they play the game. WOW, I am not trying to force anyone to do anything! I am simply voicing my opinion about the future of the game we love to foster its future and in truth, if we don't grow our player base we won't have one. PR has been in decline since dev's moved to build the squad

Grow the PR player base! Nurture it, grow the skills by teaching new players, not kicking them.

If we don't, it will be us that kills this game.

love you guys


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Here's a handy link for new players to read before they hit a PR server generally, the original thread is 5 years old but still relevant.


The second port of call should be our own page for the server rules:


And finally the manual:


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1: Most noobs who are willing to learn get taught, the ones who are unwilling and want to fuck around get kicked/banned/yelled at.

2: People play what they want to play at the time; expecting people to teach others in a game isn't really the purpose of playing a game. I agree that complaining about someone being useless is just as useless and action and criticism is required to be of use, most people here learn the game through playing with people they like and over time they get better. I have a tendency to berate people who are especially useless or incompetent but I never do it without criticism so maybe I should work on the second part more than the first even though I find the first one much more entertaining.

3: The cas thing is kind of already covered with the base rape rules but on certain maps cas has to be allowed to go all over the map to kill things, if cas doesn't kill stuff the infantry just start complaining about cas not killing stuff but when they kill stuff infantry start complaining about cas killing everything. A lot of lasers are either useless or badly placed so they just get ignored and communication is strained between everyone in a lot of maps so cas can't be the only one blamed for going on a killing rampage everywhere. Communication is something that needs to be worked on more than limiting the capabilities of cas. A big flying metal bird with rockets or a metal box with guns sticking out of it is going to be better at killing things so of course they'll have higher kill counts than infantry, expecting the same level of cohesion as in Arma isn't really accomplishable in this game since it's quite a bit different. Not allowing a person without a microphone to lead an asset squad would be a better way to deal with them camping spawnpoints for an entire round.

4: The player base of pr has somewhat died off because of time and the lack of publicity, games never stay at the same population so a game decreasing in player count is inevitable. VG is the best server in pr when judged by community, size and admins, my guess is that it'll be the last server in pr to die off because it's really one of the only decent servers in the game that aren't filled with a bunch of cod of battlefield players. The "noob wave" is hard to deal with since most of the people think that the game is another military shooter game so they play it as such, and when they realise that it's a (semi)milsim they start to understand it better and in eventuality they start becoming like us and continue the cycle. Cultivating a new wave of people that are willing to learn and play the game not just for themselves is the best way to keep the server alive. Helping players who aren't going to just fuck around and ruin the game for everyone is the way to help keep the server in a pure state that everyone can enjoy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

that is a very complex thing. I don't want to dismiss the arguments because they are predominantly true. I see several reasons why it is very difficult to change this.

First of all, most players want to have fun here and do their thing and not play teachers. it's a completely different game when I'm in a squad with volod, alucard, skitalez and a few other pros than when I play with risiko im the beginner's squad. do not get me wrong. both are fun and justified. in the pro squad, everyone knows what to do and develops different tactics than in the beginner squad, where you have to wait, explain and die a lot.

Even if that sounds harsh: I'm here to have fun, not to show others how it's done. If you have 1 or 2 newcomers in a pro squad, that's no problem, but if 1-2 thirds of the server are newcomers, almost nothing works and you have a lot to do with keeping the game running. you don't have time to explain everything. So again: I don't want to sound like I have a problem with newcomers, but that's the reality.

on the other hand, many newcomers are also very overwhelmed so that you can hardly do anything with them. I don't mean that angry, I felt like that myself in the beginning. you come from some fps to pr and it takes a long time to notice that this game runs completely differently, is slower and you often have to wait. many new players actually have to be kicked a few times so that they notice that this is not an "ego" but a "tactic" shooter. that may sound harsh too, but in the game it looks like you can warn and speak to many but there is no reaction at all. then the first chopper is wasted, then another vehicle is stolen and then comes the first tk. talking doesn't help much. A few warnings, a kick and the threat that you will be banned soon helps. Only at this point do many people realize that PR is not COD.

to take the harshness out of it: i didn't act any differently at the beginning. i came to pr from bf2. at bf2 it was only about raping the opponent as exaggerated as possible and team play was out of question. With an ex-colleague, I broke every rule that was there. So starting with asset stealing, flag skipping, baseraping, etc... not on purpose, but because I didn't check that a completely different game was going on around me. thank god we went our separate ways and i had to go into other squads and was surprised how this game works. But even there I still had serious problems because there are thousands of rules and behavioral structures that you have to learn first. ...of course you jump into the tow-humve when a tank arrives. You don't know that the tow needs 30 seconds till it woks and you will be shot. the whole squad is still screaming that you should get out but it's too late ...and now everyone has to walk because of you. those are small things but accumulate frustration for everyone. that's why I think it's good that we are NOT a TRAINING SERVER. as a result, you are a little more condemned to be passive, first of all to watch and carefully ask in the squad what you can do. the new players who come into a squad and say that they are new and cannot do anything are usually very well supported and instructed. all others must first be brought there.

there is another point: many players, admins and pros can't speak english very well. my english is enough for the game but it is quite difficult for me to explain more complex things because Im missing words and my sentence structure sucks. this is a real problem when you have to explain something to someone very quickly and in a delicate situation and also means a lot of stress. and when it comes to things that are clearly defined in the rules, in my opinion it makes more sense to say to the player "read the rules" than to mess up the game for yourself because you struggle with the language for half an hour.

and once again: this is not a criticism of this thread, it should be an explanation why it is the way it is. of course there is absolutely nothing against helping new players and showing them how pr works, but for many players the fun is gone if there have to teach others.

A little example at the end: a few weeks ago i was on the server at night. there were less than 10 players and we had problems holding muttrah north-city. i wanted to build a fob and assets and had a new player in my squad. He was nice and friendly and asked what I was doing and how it worked... I started to explain to him what this fob thing is, what you need for it and how you can build it. unfortunately we lost the flag because of that and it became even more difficult. if i had been alone in the squad, we would not have lost north city because i would have built the assets quickly and held the tanks and apcs with tow and razorwires. not bad in itself...but now it was somehow my fault that we lost north city. would not have happened if I hadn't explained the game to him...

too long story short:

yes we should help and teach newbies but the reality in project reality speaks against it.^^  this is a "hardcore"-fps and you are on a pro-server... and i can understand everyone who dont want to play teacher but the game. so yes, if we want to grow up the playerbase we have to teach the new players and be smart to them but then we are a training-server and then we are loosing the pros...

I believe, as so often in life, that a middle way is the best. beginner squads and teaching newcomers is just as important as clear dictates and sharp warnings so that it does not become a general cuddle training server. in so far I find the mixture good when people like risiko or condrad instruct newcomers but others don't and give warnings and are tougher. this is a war simulation and not pokemon. ;p



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lol, sorry the "spoiler"-function is broken and for some reason I can't edit it anymore. ^^


//edit: i can edit normal posts but i cant edit anything in the spoiler





weird...here it works but not in the post above^^
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Wait - @=VG= 0100011000101 - how are you able to access the IPS Spoiler function at all?!  I have failed many times to get this button onto the editor bar...

Can you use the code function to post the text you entered that created that block which says "Reveal hidden contents"?

 Would really help me get this as a permanent thing for all users... Thanks!!

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