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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. We cannot account for what other servers do, but I can personally assure you that our Hades Peak level is exactly default as the PR Dev's designed, since I worked with the levels files just yesterday following our 24 Hour Muttrah event - they all have correct/unchanged 'last-modified' date/time indicating that they have not been changed since updated/downloaded through the PR updater
  2. Don't worry - you are not the only one... turns out that by letting the same event simply repeat each year, it messes up with the actual posted date/time - this is also repeated in my own calendar and notifications. From my point of view, the 24 hours event was slated for an All Day Event on the 21st, same as the day it originally ran in 2019, and through some digging I found that something on the website calendar pointed this as something like 11pm (PST) on the 21st through 11pm (PST) on the 22nd - and separately a post here states the 22nd as well - I have no idea how or why, or whatever went wrong but all apologies!! Enough to make a grown man cry - I thought all our notifications and promotions and reminders made it clear that a 24 hour event was occurring on the 21st and even though I see now how this was all miscommunicated thanks to the calendar, there's nothing much to do about it. I couldn't feel more awful about this, I could have sworn I saw a few of you three on the server playing Muttrah yesterday, but I guess I was mistaken. I've fixed the calendar event so that this does not happen in future years, and if there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask... Apologies
  3. Is this what the forums somewhere for our server say? I thought I had tracked down everything showing a 'version' and linked it to our new VG Wiki to finally rid us of that issue (forgotten posts all over the place not getting updated every time the sim updates) If you have a link, I can fix it so no one else gets that same issue. (Glad you got it sorted! Welcome back, Minrah!!)
  4. I would simply be happy if they took damage like proper living things in the Armaverse so that going on the offensive is an option...
  5. Get back to work, Binary! Those bots won't kill themselves! Don't make me chain you to the Southbridge again!
  6. Hello allen2020! Welcome to the website! You were banned on August 17, 2020 by Alaura after repeated warnings for stealing assets belonging to another squad: Map : operation_soul_rebel Gamemode : coop Layer : 64 Team 1 : ru Team 2 : gb ROUND STARTED: 2020-08-17 22:54 [23:41:56 TEAM 2] Sniper_Igor: !r allen asset steal [23:42:03 T2 SQUAD 2] wiseman738: !r allen asset steal [23:42:11 T2 SQUAD 1] Alaura: !kick Allen steal [23:42:17 GLOBAL] =VG= 0100011000101: !resign allen join cas squad. [23:42:32 TEAM 2] wiseman738: allen, you need to join the relevant squad before taking assets mate :) [23:42:53 TEAM 2] wiseman738: for transport choppers -trans, for attack choppers/jets -cas [23:49:32 T2 SQUAD 1] Alaura: !ban Allen steal Our server can identify players properly even if they attempt to create a new account: [2021-06-12 15:40] !KICK performed by 'SERVER' on ' Small-Pit': Account related to banned key: 43cad3a99c674b84bbe454b4468079e9 PR COOP is a highly structured game mode here at VG, with many rules governing who can use which vehicles, in order to keep it fair for everyone. Please be sure you have read and are familiar with our PR COOP Server Rules before proceeding. Your only available route to being allowed to play on our server(s) again is to fill out an Unban Request form: https://veterans-gaming.com/unban-requests/pr/
  7. My 2 Cents: It may be wise to run this Training Event on the Mission Testing Server - that way all ranks and objectives can be reset/wiped without affecting current player and mission progress on our main 24/7 SOG Mike Force server. Using this method, you don't need to disable the rank system, and you could potentially use the Admin command listed in the MF thread to adjust any player rank as needed. Would also allow you to post a Password for this training event, since blueberries joining could cause complications, like the mass TK we endured the other day after a coordinated RTB and simultaneous touchdown of both our choppers - was beautiful until it wasn't all because of a dick who is now banned.
  8. Yesterday, we had a bug where ranks were reset, here is code to repair rank (obviously should not be abused by those with access) //[player object, "rank", number of rank points] call vn_mf_fnc_change_player_stat [allPlayers select {name _x == "Spoffy"}, "rank", 30] call vn_mf_fnc_change_player_stat
  9. Took points North of Hanoi with the guys, and new soldiers Life, Marlboro, and Dameion. Hung back in the Dustoff Huey, nabbed this screenshot while hovering as the squad pushed up to demo an NVA mortar squad. Dustoff is a great asset to bring, it is a mobile hospital and you get to lie down as you ride
  10. Hello and welcome to all the new VG Army members! Happy to announce our first Training Event for Arma 3 Mike Force SOG (Prairie Fire DLC) on June 12th, which will become a regular repeating event either weekly or every other week. When we can, we'll be creating a training course for Project Reality COOP with attention to the more difficult concepts such as Squad Leader 'base building', communication and coordination, and asset use possibly including flight training operations. When able, we will spin up a specific training server and mission, depending on the game/server, or we may run live training operations on an active server in the case of Arma 3. This will be the first of many events, we intend to find a slot for a weekday training evening as well, hoping for small turnout so as to not overwhelm designated Trainers - as opposed to our larger group events where we'll just play the game. Thank you all for being part of the VG Army! Looking forward to some good times and great group events!
  11. Not sure why, but when joining via the Launcher, the server shows the DLC we have set for 'optional' in the 'upper' line, and the DLC we have set for 'required' listed in the 'lower' line here. Is this just Arma being Arma? I suppose if we had it wrong, we'd have gotten reports by now from people without the DLC(s), right?
  12. (page 01 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 02 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 03 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 04 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 05 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 06 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 07 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 08 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 09 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 10 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 11 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 12 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 13 of 13) FIRE SUPPORT OPTIONS
  13. Had a great time on the server again with you guys today! Great to see Tortia around again!! Whipped up a quick guide to the different RTO Fire and Air Support options, and added them to the WIP players guide in the VG Wiki: https://veterans-gaming.com/wiki/guides/arma3-sog-mike/vg-players/#Radio Telephone Operator I'll post them here, too: (page 01 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 02 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 03 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 04 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 05 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 06 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 07 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 08 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 09 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 10 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 11 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 12 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 13 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 14 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS (page 15 of 15) AIR SUPPORT OPTIONS
  14. Welcome to Vietnam! Free rides to the front! Come get some!
  15. Green Hornets Transportation, Logistics & Close Air Support - on duty and ready for action!
  16. Done -- Everyone's TCAdmin permissions have been redone... If you cannot login, contact me... New buttons and SOP edited above -- only use Command Line Manager (if needed) otherwise, it is ALL automated based on Steam Workshop (even keys are placed in the keys folder) We cannot tolerate any more mods at this time, so don't take this as a pass to start downloading tons of mods!! This just means that right now, all mods can be updated and managed through TCAdmin without any of you having to upload files or use your own bandwidth for server management like this.
  17. SOG Server (and ACE Insurgency) BACK ONLINE! Insurgency ACE Takistan Server is DOWN for Steam Workshop Integration in TCAdmin - will post up when done... Server OFFLINE (again) -- still having issues with steam automated updates of the creatordlc beta branch.... They say the definition of insanity is trying the same things over and over, expecting different results UPDATE: it's getting there... just lobotomized the server, and it went from 60GB space used to 14GB... getting nuts up in here.. still working though soon... soon... UPDATE 2: All back online, all good -- final size of this server + SOG "vn" DLC + mods =13GB! -- command lines are now handled automagically based on the mods chosen in the Workshop. ALL CONFIG Files are now just called "CONFIG_server.cfg" and accessed via the "Configuration Files" button.
  18. ↑ Finally fixed the issues from Tuesday - Server Managers for SOG (including PITN and Sausag3) now have access to the new TCAdmin Buttons designed for Mike Force SOG Server. Any questions, please ask me - don't assume anything. Everything should work as designed, but as of time of this writing, it has not been tested - would need a DLC or Mod update to actually test this so we will cross that bridge when we get to it. Again, simple SOP -- check the (brown) Steam Workshop button to see if any mods or the Mike Force mission needs updating. Then run the Steam Update (DLC) and then (if mission was updated in workshop) the Steam Workshop (mission) updater. This moves the current mission file into a backup folder, with a timestamp, and the new mission from the workshop into the mpmissions folder (with proper name replacement ... "%20" for "_") Anytime the Steam Workshop updater is run, a script executes to copy the mod(s) TFAR and CBA_A3 (and keys) to the proper location as seen by our command line (root folder/keys folder).
  19. I've created special Steam Update buttons in TCAdmin for this Arma 3 server. These are not present in our other Arma 3 servers, and this SOP only applies to this Mike Force server. This has been added to the first post for Server Managers to refer back to later, and will be part of a TCAdmin Guide in the VG Wiki eventually, like many pinned posts, etc. --- !!! IF YOU UPDATE, CHANGE SETTINGS, OR RESET THE SERVER PROGRESS - POST UP IN VG DISCORD and/or VG WEBSITE CHATBOX !!! --- STOP THE A3 SOG SERVER TO UPDATE IT FOLLOWING THESE STEPS: First Click on "Steam Workshop (updates)" (brown) button and update each mod and/or mission (no mods = no updates) Next Click on "Steam Update" (grey) button to update the main game + DLC 2b. If you are updating the Mike Force mission from Workshop, click on Purple Steam button - a backup is made Start the Server - verify everything is working. Contact SemlerPDX directly if anything is broken!
  20. I have spent some time before bed polishing the VG Wiki server page, edited the URL for brevity and added a link to the top of the first post here, TeamSpeak3 channel descriptions, and pinned in the Discord Arma 3 channel. We'll keep adding to it as we go - for now, the basics are covered, what is recommended/required, and all the links have been edited to open in new tabs so they can refer back to the VG Wiki page they were on more easily. I'm also looking forward to adding a few sections to the Players Guide for this server, a part for "first time in the server" covering walking up to the Duty Officer and navigating the Armory crate menu, plus highlighting current known issues, pitfalls and workarounds. Had fun today, so glad to have spent some time getting set up for helicopter flight, had serious issues at first and now that they are sorted I'm landing like a pro again (when I don't explode, that is). Whiskey-Mike asked if we'd be doing an event for this, and that would be great - folks like him without the DLC can use the compatibility mod. Will be fun when we figure something out and find the time. We'll need to plan for bugs and ways to continue around them, since this one is a beta, but we'll roll with the punches as we go. *note: I have not created the special CDLC Steam Update script in TCAdmin for this server (yet), and have removed the grey Steam Update button for TCAdmin users - until created, update method is to upload/overwrite 'vn' folder files with user updated copies. This is an ASAP TBD WIP with no ETA, just FYSA VG Wiki Mike Force Server Guide: How to enable mods & join server
  21. I use my Logitech X52 Pro to fly helicopters in Arma 3 - but in Mike Force SOG, when trying to hook a crate for transport, the chopper cannot lift it and may crash. I discovered (finally) that this is because I had Arma 3 Game Options set to Advanced Flight Model - I enjoyed the gauges, etc. but apparently this is broken or non-functional for Mike Force SOG mission. In order to handle the weight of a load, this must be set to Basic/Standard Flight Model Additionally, while the collective gauge was displayed via the Advanced Flight Model, I noticed that even at max throttle position, the collective was not at 100%. This is because Arma 3 has some unresolved issue with the Controller Settings for Helicopters "Collective Raise/Lower (analog)". Extra steps must be taken to fix it: Under 'Collective Raise (analog)' move your throttle forward and backwards to set both the Axis + and Axis - for this control Under 'Collective Lower (analog)' you must also move your throttle backwards and forwards to set both the Axis - and Axis + for this control as well Ignore the red Arma 3 controller conflict warnings on these controls, and click OK to save If anyone has been flying without full range of the collective (as I had been) you will notice an immediate difference and increase in control, especially at the throttle maximum/minimums, allowing some rather controlled braking and landing in a straight line (without the need to bank and whip around at a higher altitude).
  22. Certain actions push players inside buildings they are not meant to be in, providing an unfair advantage. The collision and texture of the walls of these structures are one-way only, so players can see out and shoot out from them. A recent report and subsequent reply from an R-DEV concluded that this is not possible to fix, and entirely up to Server Admins to police: PR Admins at VG will be instructed to watch for such things, but due to the imprecise reported location of a player on a map relative to where they actually are, we do not want to see any Admins assuming that players are inside a structure without personally/visually verifying such outside a map view, 'in person'. This is for the cases where someone is merely up against a wall, but the map and/or PRISM show them on the other side of the wall in error as if inside the building. Because this *can* happen on accident (yet rarely) for this specific exploit, we will deal with individuals found inside buildings first by messaging them at the time to tell them HOW it happened, HOW to avoid it in future, and tell them to walk out of the structure or let them know they will now be forced to respawn, followed by a !kill command to force the respawn if they do not or cannot exit on their own. If that same player is found again, they may be kicked and/or banned as appropriate (if they genuinely fell victim to it again, they should know to walk out on their own without engaging enemies - no excuses).... I'm sure you all can gauge who is honestly having issues with the game and those regulars who know all these exploits and use them without regard. An honest player's first response to being pushed inside a building should be "WTF? ADMINS! HELP!", not to accept it and utilize it FTW (edited)
  23. =VG= SemlerPDX

    Hot LZ

    They kept coming out of the tall grass at this one, was a hell of a night, or a night of hell, either way
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