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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. A link to the VG Club graphics, from early final drafts to the official final designs at bottom (with 'less' white lettering):


    lSzJa9j.png   RcNn7gS.png

  2. It's really thanks to the heavy lifting done by the new Nvidia gear - when GPU is forced to take the bulk of graphics and even simultaneous encoding, these heavy multitasking CPU's can really keep on chugging, probably not even passing 80% when live streaming a more demanding game than Project Reality (I assume?). Even between the lower core count CPU's, it's getting easier to find the bottlenecks in I/O, or even the optimization of the various programs running. Don't need to use an HEDT CPU for higher end PG gaming these days if you got good gear complimenting it ... just my 2 cents
  3. This is a poll for VG Clan Members (and now VG Army Club Officers) to identify those among us Arma, BMS, and PR COOP Players who constantly or consistently take on the Squad Leader roles (whether infantry, air, vehicular, etc.) on our servers. Pick the one which best describes your current level of involvement and participation in Squad Leader roles, as well as your self-confidence at this time. I wanted to get started on this a lot sooner this year, but time is my constant enemy and sometimes I gotta put down the "work" stuff for a bit myself, or face real burn out This is a precursor to the VG Leadership and Club Wings program we are developing (demo shown for some time now under BLuD and my name in forum posts, "VG CLUB RANKS"). We want to start off by handing out those various Wings designations where appropriate to current VG Clan Members (particularly those who play PR COOP, Arma, and BMS... the servers we currently host) and then move on to our current Officer ranks with a similar poll, just to catch any 'already leader' leaders and fit them into the appropriate level of Wings to start. After that, we open the program to nominations and peer evaluations (and open public applications from existing VG Clan or Club members). Since this part of progression is actually skill based, it is an opportunity to both recognize AND teach through evaluation events perhaps, or regular Leadership Program Events which guide players into better habits and established SOP's that work well in these games. So, let's start it off... Do you Squad Lead? Who much/often? (And is it something you enjoy, or only do for lack of another volunteer to take up the task?) be honest! We need our experienced AND less-than experienced (but learning) Squad Leaders to be known, and fit into designations that recognize the various preferences we all have towards Squad Leading (or not). *NOTE: this is a great time to join the VG Army if you have not already... no serious announcement has ever been made, no worries, but technically, we all should be a member of (at least) the VG Army or VG Air Force moving forward (though I know we do not have any BMS-only VG Clan Members at this time, the entire system was designed to allow that 'alternate' route for that sim whose players don't always play other games here)
  4. Welcome to the VG Army Xelah, Daryl0002, Yeetuss and Allie2! ... Just a reminder to new VG Army members - we typically assume most members play PR COOP, but if we all don't know you from the games as a long time regular, please post up to say Hello and let us know what you play here! We just started this new membership path, and it seems the best route so that we don't accidentally award Enlisted group/ribbon to a semi-automatic bot preparing to fire off spam rounds in the club forums. We are glad to have you all - a simple reply from standard website members including what you like to play here will be rewarded with the entry level Enlisted website group!
  5. To add to this statement, such tedious changes then need to be re-done after any PR patch/update. It becomes an unreasonable time sink. Regarding Dank's suggestion, sacrificing current layers of existing missions to be hard-set for OPFOR as Humans side is beyond the goals and plans of PR COOP R-DEV team members, afaik. Furthermore, creating specific maps (with unique names, i.e. op4_muttrah) would be possible, with its own full set of layers, yet this would add to the current list of levels (and only to COOP, at that) increasing the size of the PR download, which is also against the goals and plans of PR R-DEV team as a whole. It's sad, but true... OPFOR COOP is something that will be seen only in VG PR COOP Events from time to time, as they are created if/when folks design and host such events, but not as a regular (or occasional) event on the main VG PR COOP Server.
  6. Is it just me, or does that look like Morse Code? ..eerie!!
  7. =VG= SemlerPDX

    You're all under arrest.. for looking TOO DAMN SEXY!
  8. No worries, but if whatever FPS counter you have that says you are getting 150FPS in PR without using console commands to unlock the FPS above 100, then this tool is misreporting FPS
  9. this is the sort of crap I make when I'm bored... not that I don't have better things to do, just farting around drinking my morning coffee :coffee:

  10. It's all about latency. WiFi doesn't have the speed you need to eliminate such visible delays It's not about ping, upload speed or download speed in this instance. Apologies, not at all sure what you mean by "5G" unless you mean 5GHz - most home WiFi is 2.4GHz, some have a 5GHz option for tablets... but unless your smartphone is your internet connection, "5G" is not quite applicable to gaming over WiFi As it was already stated, the best performance for PC gaming can only be had with a wired connection.
  11. The door has been opened for those who dare to step through...
  12. EDIT: We don't have an "Aussie server". We have a single dedicated server in Germany and we are hosting a single Mike Force SOG mission on it. (well, we have two at the moment, but that's not relevant). Didn't catch that last bit... first cup of coffee, woke up late... You'll want to contact the owners of the server you play on, but that being said, what I wrote below is likely what they will say to you: Rankings are gonna reset. It's just gonna happen. From bugs to server restarts, this is not something we can control or are willing to directly support. Best advice is to use the Arsenal system to save loadouts based on Rank - so you have an entry level kit(s) and some higher level stuff saved and ready for whatever rank you are currently. Also, IIRC, there is no restriction to available vehicles to pilot based on rank. Just join the Green Hornets squad while near the Duty Officer, and enjoy any aircraft at the airbase. Has this changed? I have not been online in awhile... You can even fly the choppers when not in Green Hornets if you get in the co-pilot seat, last time I played anyway. Best wishes and good luck! Hope to see you and others on the server soon, looking forward to some more free time for Arma in August!
  13. I set up a test server to try out the mod pack, if we like it, we'll save the world file - contact me for whitelist requests for this test. edit: Alaura currently has OP and can whitelist others, too Get CurseForge App: https://download.curseforge.com/ Get Enigmatica 6 Modpack and required JRE settings: https://github.com/NillerMedDild/Enigmatica6/wiki/Recommended-Settings-for-Enigmatica Incoming Transmission... Persistent Test World Established... Post up your Minecraft Name here for Whitelist (test world data will be saved, IP will change later)
  14. We'd be having the main world as Survival. There's no reason we can't run something that could have multiple worlds (creative/suvival/pvp/etc), maybe a hub world to go between, but we don't expect so much traffic so best to just start small with a single world - and that would be survival. No worries, though, we typically have 2-3 users with unlimited power and blocks of any kind within week 1, willing to share with anyone who wants to make huge builds - any deadpool on Ender Dragon should span less than a week, for sure. Got my vote for Enigmatica 6 - not familiar with it, but reviewed the modlist and all the goodies are there from Ender Storage through Computer Craft through Tinker's Construct, and tons more... if it's a stable pack and works well, should be a good pick for pack
  15. I'd love to play some SWAT4 again! Glad to see it's on GOG for $5 goddammit I missed the sale
  16. obigatory-teaser#1 Beginning Hour 2 with a new baby.... those first few minutes are so precious... everything so shiny and new... 0% usage (adorable) (current server, for contrast)
  17. I always fly with normal pitch: You pull back on the stick, and the nose goes up.... it's video games that consider this abnormal or inverted (well, some... it's a relative term... depends on the game/simulator, really)
  18. I'm gonna try to be online in 'Nam on Sunday, got a heat wave coming so gonna hunker in the bunker and play some SOG. Hope to see some regular faces around, and if anyone is new, happy to run through some basic training.
  19. was reading the brief before signing up, came across this... oof... I guess I'm gonna sit this one out Best wishes and good luck!! I am definitely not patient (or gud) enough with the Armas for proper milsim/onelife op yet, I just started playing again and still finding my controls, etc... lol. I'd be happy to be a cameraman someday when we can code in a role like that (flying cam/god cam, etc. but would need comms for audio, of course) but I know we're not quite set up for that yet. Take a group screenshot when you all can (before heading out would be the wise way to do that in one-life/no-respawn events)
  20. VincentJames96 Memorial Redux - 24 Hours at Muttrah Tuesday June 29th, 2021 - 0600 GMT (also known as UTC or PRT or ZULU) "If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing right. This is the American Dream in action." See you all again for the Redux Event of VincentJames96 Memorial 24 Hours at Muttrah next Tuesday! This is an All Day Event, and the maplist will be changed and fixed to Muttrah beginning at 0600 ZULU (aka PRT/UTC/GMT) and reset to standard 24 hours later. Layer Rotation will be 16, 64, 32, 128, and of course any of these can be manually set by Admins. No other maps can be set, levels other than Muttrah are unavailable during the event, which should help curb any confusion for those who don't see this memo of a Redux Event. Happy we can try to make this right - and thank you all for your patience and understanding!
  21. Thank you for the link! I've gone ahead and turned it into a redirect to our VG Wiki Server Guide to Falcon BMS. The whole idea is to funnel all information to one place to make it easier to edit when the server is updated. We've been around for ten years, and pages pile up and spread out. Just trying to get it under control and manageable. Cheers!
  22. (sorry, I merged these two because they seemed connected enough...) Yeah, the posts where edited as early as May of this year, which is what I was referring to -- found one thing, then decided to hunt down every reference I could to the version of BMS we host to link it to our VG Wiki or state clearly that we will always be running the very latest version of the sim or make a very visible notice as to why not. Glad you got connected, that blinking issue rings a bell, but I can't recall where I heard it before. Either way, once you're set up, you are good to go and that's the Falcon BMS way, amiright? hahah! PAIN IN THE ASS to get in the door, but once you are in, you can come and go as you please for quite some time... until you stop, then have to get back in that door... then it's PAIN all over again! BLuDKLoT and myself are sorta doing that this year as well - i've not flown in a year or two and same with him, and just getting controls set up again is a bitch and a half. I think we left of with him still needing help with radar cursor, and I left off having issues with MFD extraction (using whatever I had setup before needing update or a new method). Fun fun! We're starting a public VG Air Force with a path to VG Clan Membership for those interested, too - more casual than most VFW's or VFS's, and hopefully with some regular group events and training ops before too long. See you around! (I am literally still back in offline ILS training, controls setup stage, but be back real soon!)
  23. Do we need to run this again next week and get the date correct? Happy to do so... RSVP
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