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AVCS CORE Profile Framework for VoiceAttack

=VG= SemlerPDX




Profile for  VoiceAttack
by =VG= SemlerPDX



AVCS CORE is the new framework for any VoiceAttack profile I release in future, and provides awesome tools to any VoiceAttack user.  It can be used alone and by itself, or as a base to build a VoiceAttack profile around, including its functions in your own creations.  The Quick Command Creator cannot possibly replace the very easy and very powerful voice commands we can create through VoiceAttack in the standard fashion, but allow users to quickly create simple keypress commands for a phrase, or even advanced multi-step macros that can use a limited selection of common VoiceAttack actions.  The very fun Voice Authorization System lets us create passphrases that we can gate a QCC Command behind, for example, "Execute self destruct mode", 'command code required!', "Picard 4 7 Alpha Tango", 'confirmed'.

I've even created a special home page and forum section here at the VG website, and a channel in the VG Discord, to provide Help & Support for the many users of my profiles - with voice controlled bug reporting to make it easy to let me know when I need to fix something.

As I plan to release more and more VoiceAttack profiles for various games, I needed a framework to standardize my methods, and to help keep profiles used by other people up to date and in proper working order.  I never quite expected such a large user base, and with that I've decided to offer much more direct support through in-profile options menus and help & support options that tailor themselves to whatever AVCS4 profile is active.  By checking for just 8 bytes of an update number on the VG website when loading, AVCS CORE can provide a pop-up choice for users to view the latest changelog, apply the latest patch (or open the website to download a new major update version), or just postpone until later.  I've even included an option to turn off minor patch update prompts, and to roll back to the last version if desired!

The purpose of this profile is to function as the backbone of any AVCS4 game profiles I release, such as the current AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios profile, and provide users with a host of profile and update controls.  When AVCS CORE is first loaded by VoiceAttack, it will initialize itself and any other AVCS4 Profile that is switched to, bringing its full list of commands into the end game profile.  This includes the Quick Command Creator and Voice Authorization System, with new commands or codes saved to the Active Profile's save file.  Any other AVCS4 Profile that gets switched to will clear and re-load its own QCC Commands or VAS Passphrases (if any), working out of it's own save file as well.

Included is the AVCS CORE profile package that includes the AVCS CORE Profile designed for VoiceAttack, as well as the optional AVCS CORE Framework blank Template Profile for VoiceAttack profile builders.  To keep AVCS CORE startup fast for any AVCS4 Profiles, commands cannot be added directly to the CORE Profile, so the Template is available, and can include all of the functionality of AVCS CORE by including the CORE profile commands through its profile options.  This profile will have its own save file and config files folder in the VoiceAttack Apps folder along side other AVCS Profiles data.  Since AVCS CORE needs to load before any other AVCS4 Profile (including the AVCS4 Template Profile), it will be updated the least, and has been tested the most over a year and a half of development.  I will continue to support all AVCS4 Profiles through AVCS CORE and its powerful profile control options.

Say goodbye to the keyboard, and enjoy the immersion! Cheers!


*The optional Push-To-Talk mode is disabled by default.  Say, "Turn On Push To Talk Mode" to enable


Download: (Click Here)


Tips for this profile:

Please use the voice command "Open Help and Support Menu" to communicate any bug reports.  These help menus can be expanded without new profile versions, so suggestions are welcome.
Thank you for checking out AVCS CORE for VoiceAttack!

(click here to view tips)
  • *On first import, you should say, "Initialize Profile" - after first time, this is automatic.  Any attempt to use commands before this will trigger auto-initialization.
  • If you get errors from my profile, Launch VoiceAttack and open Options (wrench icon in lower right):
  •   -Under last tab on top, System/Advance, check box next to "Use Nested Tokens" as in image 1 below
  •   -Unless absolutely required, during testing it's recommended to uncheck "Allow command segment info for composite commands"
  • Open the profile - if not already done, group commands by category and consolidate multi-part commands as in image 2 & 3 below
  • Click on the Description tab at the top to help sort commands further (see image 4)
  • Read a semicolon ";" as the word "or" and look at long commands as having many options like saying "2;Two;Too;To;Wingman"  (read as "2 -or- Two -or- Too -or- To -or- Wingman")

image 1image 2image 3image 4



Commands Reference:




Say, 'Open the Command Reference', anytime to view available voice commands:






v1.11 Major Profile Update (public release)

Please download and import this updated final version!  Link below and updated in the main post above!  AVCS CORE v1.11 will also import a new 'AVCS4 USER PROFILE TEMPLATE (v1.0)' - this template has not been changed from before.  If you had AVCS CORE v1.0 and that template profile already, you can delete this duplicate 'AVCS4 USER PROFILE TEMPLATE (v1.0)

*Follow instructions during update to import previous version Save Files and to uninstall and delete the previous AVCS CORE v1.0 profile and config files

I had hoped that AVCS CORE v1.0 would be the final version, but I had not anticipated issues with Joystick POV directional buttons in the Push-To-Talk system, and I had not included a handy way to delete saved PTT buttons or keys.  With this update, I'm happy to announce that AVCS CORE is now feature stable and (as far as I know) 100% bug free!  I keep throwing every curveball and edge case I can think up at it, even including the update or new version profile import process, and everything just works.  I don't have anything more to add, and there is nothing left to take away.

As the 'hub' profile for my AVCS4 BMS Radios profile, and others I plan to release in time, it has always been my goal to have AVCS CORE as an unchanging stable framework that I can use as a platform to support end-game profiles indefinitely.  Eventually, I plan to return to AVCS CORE to create a separate version packed with well designed and themed user interfaces for all options and menus which presently use simple VoiceAttack 'Get user input' actions, and while still supporting the original v1 simple 'get user input' interface version(s) which will remain free for all users.  The artwork and GUI coding will take some time, and I have many other projects on my plate, so I don't expect to be working on AVCS CORE again until late 2022 or even later.

I use AVCS CORE every day myself, with the included AVCS Template profile as my 'main' Windows voice control system, and am very glad to have this project version wrapped up for now.

Thank you all again for all the support and for the coffees!  Cheers! :coffee:

Public Release AVCS CORE v1.11 Changelog Oct-1-2021


	-Updated minimum required version of VoiceAttack to 1.8.9
	-Created new system in Push-To-Talk Mode for Joystick POV (4-way directionals only)
	-Created Delete system in PTT Mode to allow removal of any PTT entry already set
	-Fixed PTT Buttons Display List not retrieving correct keyboard key from keycode # (showing 'square' symbol instead)
	-Fixed CORE Config #2 (TTS file) error near 'AlreadyOn' phrase, CRLF (NewLine) missing, merging the variables into one



On 5/15/2021 at 11:02 PM, =VG= SemlerPDX said:


Please download updated final version!  Link below and updated in the main post above!  You don't have to remove the old 0.92 beta profile, but it is recommended to not use both at the same time or variables may get messed up.  Thanks to everyone for helping to finish up final testing and for your patience this year as I've been so busy with this website!

I cannot believe I'm finally here!  I've been working on this vision of a project for over a year and a half, and came up with the idea after the first "day one patch" due to a typo in one of my public voice command profiles.  I dreamed of a profile hub that could help manage any game profile I release, as well as work like a template for VoiceAttack profile builders to use for their own projects, including AVCS CORE functions and methods in an included Template Profile.

Several interesting voice control systems are used by me in various games, so it only made sense to flesh those out and place them in a central profile, then release game profiles which include AVCS CORE profile commands into themselves.  If I update a command system inside AVCS CORE, users only have to download that one profile, and likewise, I don't have to place those systems into each game profile and update each profile when a common command system is changed.  Additionally, since I place so many of my operational variables in flat text files, it is very easy to edit or update exactly how the hard set systems in the profile operate, and allowing 'patch' updates through these configuration files without forcing a new profile to be downloaded and imported.  And of course, through AVCS CORE, I can notify users of major profile updates requiring a new download, with the added bonus of special initialization logic to detect a new profile version and offer to import the previous save file containing user profile settings, or even delete the previous version configuration and/or save files.

With this final public release of AVCS CORE, I can even add new voice commands through patch updates between major profile updates if needed, to further minimize the need to force new profile download and imports for minor changes.  So long as AVCS CORE command systems do not change, it should be very easy to support additions to games through game updates, or even modify and add to existing commands with new alternate phrasings to help maintain my goal of conceptual command use, "any way you say it".

Huge thanks to everyone who helped out with comments, feedback, bug reports, and testing - there is no way I could have come this far without all the support and I just can't thank everyone enough!  Special thanks for the coffees!  I'm looking forward to using this framework in the coming months and years to release AVCS4 game profiles for plenty of titles, the end of this one project makes possible so many more!:coffee: 

Here's a copy of the latest changelog entry:

Public Release AVCS CORE v1.0 Changelog May-11-2021

New Commands:
 -"Open the Command Reference" (or variations - open up-to-date command reference page online, or last updated reference file locally if offline)
 -"Set a Computer Name" (or variations - set a 'Computer' Assistant name for AVCS PTT mode, say before any command to wake listening temporarily)
 -"Set a Push to Talk Button" (or variations - set up to 6 total keyboard, mouse, or joystick buttons through automated script - just press when asked)

 -Improved PTT (Push to Talk) Mode with voice controlled automated key/button detection during "Set" command
 -Added PTT Modes (chosen during "Set" command) for game/QCC commands only (default), or toggle VoiceAttack Global Listening Mode
 -Added PTT Mode 'Wake' by 'Computer' Assistant Name - set a name to say before any existing command to temporarily wake Global Listening Mode
 -Added Profile Misc. Commands to QCC, allows new commands or macros to be added via Live Update Patch Fix to CORE or AVCS4 profiles between major updates if needed
 -Added requirement to Include AVCS CORE Profile Commands through any used AVCS4 Profile Options, instructions provided during first-time init
 -Added optional File Explorer GUI to select item for QCC Advanced Commands 'Play a Sound File' and 'Open File Shortcut or Program' actions
 -Added option to Save File Options Menu to import save file (config settings, QCC commands, or all) from existing Profiles (for any game) or from file path entered
 -Fixed When setting Preferred, found duplicates of a non-AVCS profile (created unique list for AVCS and non-AVCS profile list choices)
 -Fixed QCC commands set in CORE persisted into next profile, should have been 'wiped' and unavailable in different AVCS profile
 -Fixed International Decimals - All Decimal Variables finally compatible for international users via cultural identification fix during init
 -Fixed infinite loop on Minor Version Rollback toggle and version display errors following toggle
 -Fixed many more minor issues throughout, from options menus to get-input pop-up boxes including direct profile name choice instead of shortname ID and version number ID

Any problems or new bugs, or brilliant ideas, feel free to drop some feedback!  Cheers! :drinks: 



v0.92b Major Profile Update (beta)

I have fixed the issue with international decimal separators, and everything should work well now for all users.  Initialization optimization has been a large focus of this update, especially when using CORE alongside AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios.  Users will need to download this new version of the profile to take advantage of the updates and fixes listed below.

Thanks for your patience during the beta test rounds here, again, the end goal for AVCS CORE is to be a stable un-changing profile that can handle profile management for any new AVCS4 game profile I create in the future without needing updates itself, and I think we're well on our way to that.  Cheers!

Please be sure to download the AVCS4 Falcon BMS v1.3.92b Profile (if used), this updated changed the AVCS CORE function commands inside AVCS4 BMS, too...


BETA Release AVCS CORE v0.92 Changelog Dec-6-2020

	-This is a major profile update, users of v0.91b must download the new v0.92 beta test profile
		-(AVCS CORE profile version 0.91b will be retired in 60 days)

 -Improved AVCS_CORE profile initialization optimized again for decreased load time - most noticeable on first use
 -Fixed All Decimal Variables now compatible for international users via cultural invariant token "DECINV"
 -Fixed infinite loop on Minor Version Rollback toggle and version display errors following toggle



v0.91b Major Profile Update (beta)

Due to some initial issues right off the bat, it seems the concept of having some AVCS CORE functions outside the profile itself as part of an App for VoiceAttack would have included a bit more work, but more importantly increased the profile package size from around 1MB to over 25MB, and it's just not worth it.  The idea was specifically for things like my Save File Sort function that orders the lines of the save file into a readable alphanumeric sorting, where AVCS4 module specific entries were properly grouped together (like saved Quick Commands or VAS Passphrases), and any new AVCS4 profile such as Elite Dangerous could introduce new sorting rules by simply including a new version of the AVCS_CORE App for VoiceAttack in it's profile package.  This would have removed the need to update the base AVCS CORE profile that all AVCS4 game profiles rely upon anytime I wanted to modify those game-specific functions.

I've done away with the app completely now, and recreated the simple functions like sort and initialize as inline functions for VoiceAttack.  This requires everyone to download a new version of AVCS CORE and the AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios (beta) profile if currently used.

Thanks for your patience during the beta test rounds here, the end goal for AVCS CORE is to be a stable un-changing profile that can handle profile management for any new AVCS4 game profile I create in the future without needing updates itself, and I think we're well on our way to that.  Cheers!

Please be sure to download the AVCS4 Falcon BMS v1.3.91b Profile (if used), this updated changed the AVCS CORE function commands inside AVCS4 BMS, too...


BETA Release AVCS CORE v0.91 Changelog Aug-22-2020

	-This is a major profile update, users of v0.90b must download the new v0.91 beta test profile
		-(AVCS CORE profile version 0.90b will be retired in 30 days)

 -AVCS_CORE App removed in place of internal systems - was too slow, and had compatibility issues

___ (previous version changelogs) ___

(click here to view previous changelogs)



BETA Release v0.90 Changelog Aug2020

New Commands:
 -AVCS CORE Commands Included into AVCS4 User Template Profiles so users can add commands, adding to CORE increases its load time
 -"Create a new Voice Authorization Phrase" and other included commands in Voice Authorization System
 -VAS can allow QCC commands to be locked behind a required authorization phrase as set by users, in up to 10 weighted levels
 -Integerated Bug Reporting and debugging options for easy troubleshooting
 -Versioning allows for Mutiple prior versions (reinitialization required) for easy profile version rollback if desired
 -Included UPDATE command to allow users to import previous saved user settings and saved Quick Commands from previous version of profile
 -Full profile control through command, "Open CORE Options Menu"
 -Better user support through command, "Open Help and Support Menu"  (will expand in time)
 -User settings save file control through command, "Open Save File Menu"  (includes save file backup and restore system)
 -...and much more (see posts at avcs homepage)

 -Set First Use to present user with Get Choice box for Profile Update Notifications and Preferred Profile (auto-switch) choice
 -Setting 'CurrentBackupIndex' and 'SaveFileBackupCount' to 'Not Set' inside F_SFS_LOAD_ALL  (was getting corrupted in save file)
 -Separated 'new_profiles.txt' file from AVCS4 profiles and AVCS CORE profiles to handle two imports before first time run/initialization of either
 -Added Duplicate Profile check, informs user of non-functional AVCS profiles (if ending in 'dash number' such as '-1')
 -Edited Preferred Profile command to allow for any user profile to be set to be auto-switched to after AVCS CORE finishes initializing
 -Included VoiceAttack Profile Builders Template profiles for use of AVCS CORE as a standalone profile framework for any game


BETA Release v0.80 Changelog July2020

New Commands:
 -"Add a new Voice Command" and others in new Quick Command Creator system
 - QCC can be used to create Simple Keypress Commands or Advanced Multi-Step Macros with a limted selection of common VoiceAttack actions
 -"Edit Keypress Timings" to open options menu to set custom timings

 -AVCS CORE Profile and Updates Management systems allow version control and user notification of updates (minor or major)
 -Full Profile Update Control added with user choice, only downloads if allowed by user (only checks 8 bytes of a version number before that)
 -Profile Updates set to allow choice for majority of fixes/changes to occur without new VoiceAttack Profile download/import  *called "LIVE UPDATES"
 -Physical Profile Updates set to allow previous versions to remain installed without conflict, and also import/uninstall previous version files  *called "MAJOR UPDATES"
 -Fixed integer/decimal recognition in Save File system "LOAD_ALL" command
 -Set most profile variables to config files in VA Apps Folder (edit with "Open Advanced Core Options" command)
 -Set most commands to Text Variables, read from config files





Recommended Comments


v0.91b Major Profile Update (beta)

Due to some initial issues right off the bat, it seems the concept of having some AVCS CORE functions outside the profile itself as part of an App for VoiceAttack would have included a bit more work, but more importantly increased the profile package size from around 1MB to over 25MB, and it's just not worth it.  The idea was specifically for things like my Save File Sort function that orders the lines of the save file into a readable alphanumeric sorting, where AVCS4 module specific entries were properly grouped together (like saved Quick Commands or VAS Passphrases), and any new AVCS4 profile such as Elite Dangerous could introduce new sorting rules by simply including a new version of the AVCS_CORE App for VoiceAttack in it's profile package.  This would have removed the need to update the base AVCS CORE profile that all AVCS4 game profiles rely upon anytime I wanted to modify those game-specific functions.

I've done away with the app completely now, and recreated the simple functions like sort and initialize as inline functions for VoiceAttack.  This requires everyone to download a new version of AVCS CORE and the AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios (beta) profile if currently used.

Thanks for your patience during the beta test rounds here, the end goal for AVCS CORE is to be a stable un-changing profile that can handle profile management for any new AVCS4 game profile I create in the future without needing updates itself, and I think we're well on our way to that.  Cheers!

Please be sure to download the AVCS4 Falcon BMS v1.3.91b Profile (if used), this updated changed the AVCS CORE function commands inside AVCS4 BMS, too...


BETA Release AVCS CORE v0.91 Changelog Aug-22-2020

	-This is a major profile update, users of v0.90b must download the new v0.91 beta test profile
		-(AVCS CORE profile version 0.90b will be retired in 30 days)

 -AVCS_CORE App removed in place of internal systems - was too slow, and had compatibility issues

___ (previous version changelogs) ___




BETA Release v0.90 Changelog Aug2020

New Commands:
 -AVCS CORE Commands Included into AVCS4 User Template Profiles so users can add commands, adding to CORE increases its load time
 -"Create a new Voice Authorization Phrase" and other included commands in Voice Authorization System
 -VAS can allow QCC commands to be locked behind a required authorization phrase as set by users, in up to 10 weighted levels
 -Integerated Bug Reporting and debugging options for easy troubleshooting
 -Versioning allows for Mutiple prior versions (reinitialization required) for easy profile version rollback if desired
 -Included UPDATE command to allow users to import previous saved user settings and saved Quick Commands from previous version of profile
 -Full profile control through command, "Open CORE Options Menu"
 -Better user support through command, "Open Help and Support Menu"  (will expand in time)
 -User settings save file control through command, "Open Save File Menu"  (includes save file backup and restore system)
 -...and much more (see posts at avcs homepage)

 -Set First Use to present user with Get Choice box for Profile Update Notifications and Preferred Profile (auto-switch) choice
 -Setting 'CurrentBackupIndex' and 'SaveFileBackupCount' to 'Not Set' inside F_SFS_LOAD_ALL  (was getting corrupted in save file)
 -Separated 'new_profiles.txt' file from AVCS4 profiles and AVCS CORE profiles to handle two imports before first time run/initialization of either
 -Added Duplicate Profile check, informs user of non-functional AVCS profiles (if ending in 'dash number' such as '-1')
 -Edited Preferred Profile command to allow for any user profile to be set to be auto-switched to after AVCS CORE finishes initializing
 -Included VoiceAttack Profile Builders Template profiles for use of AVCS CORE as a standalone profile framework for any game


BETA Release v0.80 Changelog July2020

New Commands:
 -"Add a new Voice Command" and others in new Quick Command Creator system
 - QCC can be used to create Simple Keypress Commands or Advanced Multi-Step Macros with a limted selection of common VoiceAttack actions
 -"Edit Keypress Timings" to open options menu to set custom timings

 -AVCS CORE Profile and Updates Management systems allow version control and user notification of updates (minor or major)
 -Full Profile Update Control added with user choice, only downloads if allowed by user (only checks 8 bytes of a version number before that)
 -Profile Updates set to allow choice for majority of fixes/changes to occur without new VoiceAttack Profile download/import  *called "LIVE UPDATES"
 -Physical Profile Updates set to allow previous versions to remain installed without conflict, and also import/uninstall previous version files  *called "MAJOR UPDATES"
 -Fixed integer/decimal recognition in Save File system "LOAD_ALL" command
 -Set most profile variables to config files in VA Apps Folder (edit with "Open Advanced Core Options" command)
 -Set most commands to Text Variables, read from config files




Link to comment

v0.91.2 Patch Update Released -- Minor config fix

BETA Release AVCS CORE v0.91.2 Changelog Sept-2-2020

   This is a simple Live Update patch fix, no new profile download is required - the following fix applies to this update:

 -Added complete extracted phrasings for simple Yes/No confirmations to allow all variation types (reported getting 'cancelled' for "yes I am")


Link to comment

v0.92b Major Profile Update (beta)

I have fixed the issue with international decimal separators, and everything should work well now for all users.  Initialization optimization has been a large focus of this update, especially when using CORE alongside AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios.  Users will need to download this new version of the profile to take advantage of the updates and fixes listed below.

Thanks for your patience during the beta test rounds here, again, the end goal for AVCS CORE is to be a stable un-changing profile that can handle profile management for any new AVCS4 game profile I create in the future without needing updates itself, and I think we're well on our way to that.  Cheers!

Please be sure to download the AVCS4 Falcon BMS v1.3.92b Profile (if used), this updated changed the AVCS CORE function commands inside AVCS4 BMS, too...


BETA Release AVCS CORE v0.92 Changelog Dec-6-2020

	-This is a major profile update, users of v0.91b must download the new v0.92 beta test profile
		-(AVCS CORE profile version 0.91b will be retired in 60 days)

 -Improved AVCS_CORE profile initialization optimized again for decreased load time - most noticeable on first use
 -Fixed All Decimal Variables now compatible for international users via cultural invariant token "DECINV"
 -Fixed infinite loop on Minor Version Rollback toggle and version display errors following toggle


Link to comment


Please download updated final version!  Link below and updated in the main post above!  You don't have to remove the old 0.92 beta profile, but it is recommended to not use both at the same time or variables may get messed up.  Thanks to everyone for helping to finish up final testing and for your patience this year as I've been so busy with this website!

I cannot believe I'm finally here!  I've been working on this vision of a project for over a year and a half, and came up with the idea after the first "day one patch" due to a typo in one of my public voice command profiles.  I dreamed of a profile hub that could help manage any game profile I release, as well as work like a template for VoiceAttack profile builders to use for their own projects, including AVCS CORE functions and methods in an included Template Profile.

Several interesting voice control systems are used by me in various games, so it only made sense to flesh those out and place them in a central profile, then release game profiles which include AVCS CORE profile commands into themselves.  If I update a command system inside AVCS CORE, users only have to download that one profile, and likewise, I don't have to place those systems into each game profile and update each profile when a common command system is changed.  Additionally, since I place so many of my operational variables in flat text files, it is very easy to edit or update exactly how the hard set systems in the profile operate, and allowing 'patch' updates through these configuration files without forcing a new profile to be downloaded and imported.  And of course, through AVCS CORE, I can notify users of major profile updates requiring a new download, with the added bonus of special initialization logic to detect a new profile version and offer to import the previous save file containing user profile settings, or even delete the previous version configuration and/or save files.

With this final public release of AVCS CORE, I can even add new voice commands through patch updates between major profile updates if needed, to further minimize the need to force new profile download and imports for minor changes.  So long as AVCS CORE command systems do not change, it should be very easy to support additions to games through game updates, or even modify and add to existing commands with new alternate phrasings to help maintain my goal of conceptual command use, "any way you say it".

Huge thanks to everyone who helped out with comments, feedback, bug reports, and testing - there is no way I could have come this far without all the support and I just can't thank everyone enough!  Special thanks for the coffees!  I'm looking forward to using this framework in the coming months and years to release AVCS4 game profiles for plenty of titles, the end of this one project makes possible so many more!:coffee: 

Here's a copy of the latest changelog entry:

Public Release AVCS CORE v1.0 Changelog May-11-2021

New Commands:
 -"Open the Command Reference" (or variations - open up-to-date command reference page online, or last updated reference file locally if offline)
 -"Set a Computer Name" (or variations - set a 'Computer' Assistant name for AVCS PTT mode, say before any command to wake listening temporarily)
 -"Set a Push to Talk Button" (or variations - set up to 6 total keyboard, mouse, or joystick buttons through automated script - just press when asked)

 -Improved PTT (Push to Talk) Mode with voice controlled automated key/button detection during "Set" command
 -Added PTT Modes (chosen during "Set" command) for game/QCC commands only (default), or toggle VoiceAttack Global Listening Mode
 -Added PTT Mode 'Wake' by 'Computer' Assistant Name - set a name to say before any existing command to temporarily wake Global Listening Mode
 -Added Profile Misc. Commands to QCC, allows new commands or macros to be added via Live Update Patch Fix to CORE or AVCS4 profiles between major updates if needed
 -Added requirement to Include AVCS CORE Profile Commands through any used AVCS4 Profile Options, instructions provided during first-time init
 -Added optional File Explorer GUI to select item for QCC Advanced Commands 'Play a Sound File' and 'Open File Shortcut or Program' actions
 -Added option to Save File Options Menu to import save file (config settings, QCC commands, or all) from existing Profiles (for any game) or from file path entered
 -Fixed When setting Preferred, found duplicates of a non-AVCS profile (created unique list for AVCS and non-AVCS profile list choices)
 -Fixed QCC commands set in CORE persisted into next profile, should have been 'wiped' and unavailable in different AVCS profile
 -Fixed International Decimals - All Decimal Variables finally compatible for international users via cultural identification fix during init
 -Fixed infinite loop on Minor Version Rollback toggle and version display errors following toggle
 -Fixed many more minor issues throughout, from options menus to get-input pop-up boxes including direct profile name choice instead of shortname ID and version number ID

Any problems or new bugs, or brilliant ideas, feel free to drop some feedback!  Cheers! :drinks: 

Link to comment


v1.11 Major Profile Update (public release)

Please download and import this updated final version!  Link below and updated in the main post above!  AVCS CORE v1.11 will also import a new 'AVCS4 USER PROFILE TEMPLATE (v1.0)' - this template has not been changed from before.  If you had AVCS CORE v1.0 and that template profile already, you can delete this duplicate 'AVCS4 USER PROFILE TEMPLATE (v1.0)

*Follow instructions during update to import previous version Save Files and to uninstall and delete the previous AVCS CORE v1.0 profile and config files

I had hoped that AVCS CORE v1.0 would be the final version, but I had not anticipated issues with Joystick POV directional buttons in the Push-To-Talk system, and I had not included a handy way to delete saved PTT buttons or keys.  With this update, I'm happy to announce that AVCS CORE is now feature stable and (as far as I know) 100% bug free!  I keep throwing every curveball and edge case I can think up at it, even including the update or new version profile import process, and everything just works.  I don't have anything more to add, and there is nothing left to take away.

As the 'hub' profile for my AVCS4 BMS Radios profile, and others I plan to release in time, it has always been my goal to have AVCS CORE as an unchanging stable framework that I can use as a platform to support end-game profiles indefinitely.  Eventually, I plan to return to AVCS CORE to create a separate version packed with well designed and themed user interfaces for all options and menus which presently use simple VoiceAttack 'Get user input' actions, and while still supporting the original v1 simple 'get user input' interface version(s) which will remain free for all users.  The artwork and GUI coding will take some time, and I have many other projects on my plate, so I don't expect to be working on AVCS CORE again until late 2022 or even later.

I use AVCS CORE every day myself, with the included AVCS Template profile as my 'main' Windows voice control system, and am very glad to have this project version wrapped up for now.

Thank you all again for all the support and for the coffees!  Cheers! :coffee:

Public Release AVCS CORE v1.11 Changelog Oct-1-2021


	-Updated minimum required version of VoiceAttack to 1.8.9
	-Created new system in Push-To-Talk Mode for Joystick POV (4-way directionals only)
	-Created Delete system in PTT Mode to allow removal of any PTT entry already set
	-Fixed PTT Buttons Display List not retrieving correct keyboard key from keycode # (showing 'square' symbol instead)
	-Fixed CORE Config #2 (TTS file) error near 'AlreadyOn' phrase, CRLF (NewLine) missing, merging the variables into one



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