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  1. Arma 3 Event Player count: 15 sign-ups Operation Pierogi SATURDAY 14th JANUARY 2023 - 1900hrs GMT (PRT) Server name: VETERANS-GAMING | OPERATION PIEROGI | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: Password: stinky MAP: Bystrica BRIEFING: Russian forces have attacked NATO countries in eastern Europe. Defenders were able to stop the Russian offensive. However, after a long stalemate on the front in SE Poland, a Russian unit with support of a local separatist militia has successfully crossed a river and set up a bridgehead awaiting for reinforcements to cross the bridge. NATO units in the area are tasked with stopping the new threat and eliminating the bridgehead. OBJECTIVE: Polish 6th Airborne Brigade is tasked with clearing the town of Chernogorsk and keeping the bridge secure until reinforcements can arrive. USMC detachment is tasked with direct and recon support of the Polish troops. More details will be revealed during the event briefing. UNITS: 6 Brygada Powietrznodesantowa 1st Reconnaissance Battalion BLUFOR assets: Light Infantry 4x HMMWVs Transport Truck Logistics Truck One mortar tube for the logi squad USMC fire team REDFOR assets: Infantry mechanized/motorized APCs and IFVs / Light vehicles / emplacements Rules: standard VG arma rules MODS: free_mods_for_everyone.html ***Important stuff*** The Alpha SL will be leading the entire team with a little help from hi command if needed - please choose it wisely The event has been prepared for 15 players but if there are more people interested in participating I will tweak the mission in a way to let them play too. (Maybe even add a cas squad if you're nice) We will use TFAR, ACE and simple ACE medical so everyone who wants to polish (hehe) their skills is welcome to join us in TS about an hour early for some extra training. [High Command] Commander - zeus: =VG= The_Polish_Guy [Alpha 1] Squad Leader - Ground Commander: Medic: dogenamite Machinegunner: =VG= GRNANDGLD Rifleman: NikSRB [Alpha 2] Team Leader: =VG= Deathdealer Medic: AT Specialist: =VG= Batmeme AT Assistant / Rifleman: Spartanish [Bravo 1] - USMC Team Leader: =VG= System Medic: =VG= XOR Auto Rifleman: Sniper_Igor Marksman: =VG= Stixon [Charlie 1] - logi Technician: =VG= keed Technician: chickenjason123
  2. ARMA III EVENT Players: 30 Operation Overlord EVENT POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!!! Apologies guys, This Saturday evening I have very important matters to deal with so I will not be around at the event time... I do not think I will be free enough to just postpone this next weekend. So please keep a look out and I will update you with the new date soon. Server Name: VETERANS-GAMING | Event Server IP: : 2307 Password: Btw image above is my first time playing around with animations from the editor, now all my preview photos are gonna look dope! MAP: Omaha Beach EVENT BRIEF: D-Day has started! The Allies are carrying out naval invasions along the coast of Normandy to begin the liberation of France. Our task is break through the defenses and slowly liberate the villages nearby, to allow an establishment of a safe makeshift harbor to allow further reinforcements to flood in. Objective: Carry out orders given by the commander during the event brief. Our Units: 1st Infantry Division (United States) Our Assets: Naval/Land Transport/Support Vehicles Mortars from Delta Supplies Enemy Assets: Heavy Emplacements (PAK 40s, FLAK 36s) Light Emplacements (MG-42s) Armored Vehicles (Panzer IVs, Stug IIIs, Sd.Kfz 251s) Rules: Standard =VG= Arma 3 Rules Apply MODS*: OP-OVERLORD-MODLIST.html Sign up: [COMMAND] COMMANDER: =VG= Sausag3 [Alpha] - Infantry Squad Squad Leader: AT Rifleman: Pew_Pew Medic: Dogenamite Automatic Rifleman: PierreC Engineer (Explosives Expert): Team Leader: Whtz AT Rifleman: =VG= Batmeme Medic: =VG= Condrad Automatic Rifleman: =VG= Stixon Grenadier: =VG= Deathdealer [Bravo] - Infantry Squad Squad Leader: AT Rifleman: Medic: Automatic Rifleman: Engineer (Explosives Expert): Team Leader: AT Rifleman: Medic: Automatic Rifleman: Grenadier: [Charlie] - MG Team Team Leader: Rifleman: Medic: Machine Gunner: Ereen Machine Gunner: Panzerkiller [Delta] - LTS (Logistics, Transport, Support) Team Team Leader: =VG= Keed Rifleman: =VG= SolarFlame Rifleman: =VG= The_Polish_Guy Medic: =VG= Squirrel Engineer: Chickenjason
  3. Project 27 The regular players who play Project 27 are inviting you to join with them on their OP. Saturday 10th September 2022 Prep at 1600 UTC / Start at 1700 UTC Server Name: =VG= | PROJECT 27 | Leskovets IP: : 2392 Password: letmein MAP: Leskovets Modlist: Arma_3_Preset_p27_lesk.html SIGNUP: H-1-3 - HMMW M2 TL: =VG= The_Polish_Guy MED: =VG= System AR: whtz LAT: dogenamite GL: QZ H-1-4 - HMMW CARRIER TL: MED: =VG= Squirrel GL: RFL: NeroJ AT: =VG= Sausag3 AT assistant: Pew_Pew MG: panzerkillerII MG assistant: ConfusedMaster CAS - Mi-35 Pilot: =VG= Keed Gunner: =VG= Deathdealer ACE MEDICAL and other realism mods are enabled on this OP. Make sure to refresh yourselves on both ACE and TFAR before the OP
  4. ARMA III EVENT Players: 30 Operation Shawarma SATURDAY 30th JULY 2022 - 1900HRS GMT (PRT) Server Name: VETERANS-GAMING | Event Server IP: : 2307 Password: kebab MAP: Diyala EVENT BRIEF: Iraqi Opposition Rebels have held Diyala's Airfield for a while, It is now time to assault and liberate the area with loyal Iraqi Forces with the help of the British SAS deployed in the area covertly. Objective: Carry out orders given by the commander during the event brief. Our Units: 1st Motorized Infantry Division 22nd Special Air Service Regiment Our Assets: Light Transport/Support Vehicles Limited Western Weaponry SAS Enemy Assets: BMPs, BTRs and Light Vehicles/Emplacements Rules: Standard =VG= Arma 3 Rules Apply MODS*: OP-Shawarma-Modlist.html Sign up: [COMMAND] COMMANDER: =VG= Sausag3 [Alpha] - Assault Squad Squad Leader: =VG= Solar AT Rifleman: =VG= Ingo Medic: Dogenamite Automatic Rifleman: Pew_Pew Automatic Rifleman: Sniper_Igor Medic: =VG= Speirs AT Rifleman: (LTU)ignaspetk Marksman: =VG= SemlerPDX [Bravo] - SAS Team Team Leader: =VG= Blizzard Operator: AirWolf Demo Operator: =VG= Squirrel Machine Gunner: =VG= The_Polish_Guy Medic: =VG= Stixon Marksman: =VG= Deathdealer [Charlie] - Reserve Fireteam Team Leader: =VG= Batmeme AT Rifleman: Ereen Machine Gunner: =VG= XOR Medic: whtz Rifleman: [Delta] - Transport and Logistics Team Team Leader: =VG= Keed Medic: chickenjason123 [Echo] - M113 Support Squad Team Leader / Vehicle Commander: Basaev_NS Driver / Engineer: VanTonan Gunner / Engineer: Brimmy Machine Gunner: Pan Medic: DocForYou AT Rifleman: Nikan888 AT Assistant: RolleR Marksman: WhatAbout_J
  5. ARMA III EVENT Players: 23 OPERATION PEPPERONI [COMPLETED] SATURDAY 16th JULY 2022 - 1900HRS GMT (PRT) Server Name: VETERANS-GAMING | Event Server IP: : 2307 Password: MammaMia MAP: Kastellorizo EVENT BRIEF: Insurgents has infiltrated and occupied the city! The Italian Special Forces has been sent to clear them out and maintain stability in the area. Objective: Clear out the red objectives that will be presented to you on the map while following commanders orders. Our Unit: Comando delle Forze Speciali dell'Esercito - COMFOSE 9° Reggimento d'Assalto Paracadutisti "Col Moschin" Our Assets: Light Transport/Support Vehicles Initial Halo Drop Paradropped Supplies Enemy Assets: BMPs, BTRs and Light Vehicles Rules: Standard =VG= Arma 3 Rules Apply MODS: OP-Pepperoni-Modlist.html Sign up: [COMMAND] COMMANDER: =VG= Sausag3 [ALPHA] - HALO ASSAULT TEAM TEAM LEADER: =VG= Blizzard AT Rifleman: =VG= Squirrel Rifleman: Airwolf MEDIC: =VG= Stixon MARKSMAN: =VG= Deathdealer [BRAVO] - HALO RECON TEAM TEAM LEADER: =VG= System SNIPER/MARKSMAN: whtz SNIPER/MARKSMAN: Quizi UAV OPERATOR/MEDIC: [CHARLIE] - ASSAULT SQUAD SQUAD LEADER: =VG= Solarflame AT Rifleman: =VG= Green & Gold MEDIC: =VG= Ingo ASSAULT RIFLEMAN: =VG= SemlerPDX MACHINE GUNNER: =VG= STARK MEDIC: =VG= Speirs AT RIFLEMAN: ConfusedMaster BREACHER: =VG= Kavelenko [DELTA] - RESERVE TEAM SQUAD LEADER: dogenamite MEDIC: MEDIC: ASSAULT RIFLEMAN: RIFLEMAN: Charry
  6. The Arma 3 Weekend Sale has just arrived! Get massive discounts on Arma 3 and its DLCs. The sale runs from June 2nd, 2022, through to June 6th, 2022. https://steamcommunity.com/games/arma3/announcements/detail/3344498886566445943?snr= Arma 3 base game - 75% off £5.99 Arma 3 DLC & expansions - 66% off: Arma 3 Apex £6.11 Arma 3 Contact £7.47 Arma 3 Laws of War £2.54 Arma 3 Tanks £2.54 Arma 3 Jets £2.54 Arma 3 Marksmen £2.54 Arma 3 Helicopters £2.54 Arma 3 Tac-Ops Mission Pack £1.52 Arma 3 bundles All of the individual product discounts in this sale, plus an additional 10-15% bundle discount Arma 3 Creator DLC Expand your Arma 3 experience even further with Creator DLC packs made by external third-party developers. Arma 3 Creator DLC: Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany £5.77 Arma 3 Creator DLC: S.O.G. Prairie Fire £15.99 Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain £8.24 Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara £5.09
  7. ARMA III EVENT Players: 18 OPERATION JAVELIN SATURDAY 28th MAY 2022 - 1900HRS GMT (PRT) PLEASE READ THE DISCLAIMER AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST BEFORE YOU START MOANING!!! Server Name: VETERANS-GAMING | Event Server IP: : 2307 Password: deathsux Map: Bystrica EVENT BRIEF: With the Russians capturing the nearby towns of Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk and Stary Sobor, The local Ukrainian Volunteer Brigade is almost encircled on all sides. The only escape corridor for Ukrainian Forces is to the North East, Past the town of Orlovets. Your task is to delay the Russian advance towards the North East, ambushing and completely destroying as many enemy units as possible, To allow the remainder of the Ukrainian Forces to escape safely. Objective: Carry out the objectives that will be presented to you on the map. Assets: We have a very limited supply of vehicles available for use. Once its gone, its gone. If you don't want a walking simulator, use the vehicles conservatively by only using it for transport or last ditch defensive purposes. 1X HMMWV (2 Door) 1X Scout BRDM We do however have a very fruitful supply of both captured and imported Anti-Tank weaponry such as: FGM-148 Javelins NLAWs RPG-26s RPG-7s 9M113 Kornets Enemy Assets: The picture below provides you with an example of the type of forces you will be dealing with. Good luck :p Rules: Standard =VG= Arma 3 Rules Apply MODS: modlist.html Sign up: REQUIRED! Due to the very limited amount of player slots, Sign ups are on a first come first serve basis. If someone chose a role you want before you, tough tits, pick something else. Anyone who is seen joining the server without being signed up for a slot on this thread 3 Hours before the event starts, will be automatically kicked! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! No Excuses! Press Team (Spectator) Journalist: =VG= Skitalez Journalist: RECON TEAM - CALLSIGN: GHOST RECON LEADER: =VG= Deathdealer RECON AR: Stixon RECON RIFLEMAN/MEDIC: =VG= Sausag3 UAV Operator: =VG= I3RYAN JAVELIN TEAM - CALLSIGN: JAVELIN ATGM Operator (Javelin): =VG= Solarflame ATGM Assistant (Javelin): =VG= Squirrel ATGM Assistant: SoldierOfMisfortune Medic: =VG= Keed NLAW TEAM - CALLSIGN: FUCKBOY AT Leader (NLAW): Batmeme AT Rifleman (NLAW): dogenamite AT Rifleman (NLAW): Medic: =VG= XOR KORNET TEAM - CALLSIGN: CORNETTO ATGM Leader/Radio: =VG= System ATGM Operator (KORNET): =VG= Blizzard ATGM Assistant (KORNET): whtz Medic: =VG= The_Polski_Guy Disclaimer: While the subject matter of many games or simulators we play may include recreations of real life conflicts throughout the world, we ask that all members avoid posting content of a political nature, or engaging in discussions or commentary involving politics or religion. We discourage excessive 'role playing' comments in posts/chat (or while playing) which include statements or rally cries of real life belligerents from past or current conflicts - it's okay to have fun but use tact when you joke around, and do not take things too far. As a general rule for everyone, leave politics and religion out of our gaming community, and focus on the games. This event is not political and accurate in any way, the only resemblance to a present conflict in this event is just the country factions, nothing else. If you have a problem solely because it uses units from those countries then I seriously advice you not to participate in this event. Thank you for understanding OP Javelin Mod List.html
  8. Posting this on the Arma 3 Thread so more people are aware! This Event is hosted by: @X0R I Believe he is hosting his first Arma 3 Event with =VG=! As it is his first, Lets get this turnout for this event MASSIVE!, Tell your friends, Tell your kids, Tell your Wife, Tell your fucking dog! We want a full house boys! If anyone else is interested in hosting Arma 3 Events within =VG=, Please hit me up! I had an exchange with @=VG= Sausag3 and figured I'd do one of these, as I don't play Arma 3 on VG a lot, actually hardly if ever because I usually play elsewhere at the normal time such events are held, so here we are, I've checked out past events & how many players usually attend and figured I'd put my own little spin on it with that in mind, and make something enjoyable that you're otherwise less likely to encounter on a public server, because I figure I might as well make it worth your while to attend if indeed you do, for which I'm preemptively appreciative. EVENT TIME: Sunday, 18th of July 2021 - 1900UTC/1300CST REQUIRED PLAYER SLOTS: 12 TOTAL PLAYABLE SLOTS: 42 EVENT SERVER: VETERANS-GAMING | Arma 3 Testing | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM SIGN-UP: RSVP on this calender link: late joiners may use available slots. PASSWORD: venividivici REQUIREMENTS: ARMA 3 installed and up to date All Steam Workshop Mods here ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2540017521 ) downloaded and installed [SIDE NOTE ON MODS] Let me be absolutely clear, linked modset contains 4 of the RHS Mods, most of you already have and 15 Additional Mods which are less than 50MB combined AND ARE EXPLICITLY INCLUDED FOR AI & GAMEPLAY ENHANCEMENT, so you'll find no bloat here. RADIO: Teamspeak Is not required, though feel to join the VG Arma 3 Teamspeak if you need help or think you may, I will be found on Discord. Instead of TFAR, Addon Free Scripted Radio is used with no requirements for any additional downloads, It's a script included in the mission, to enhance vanilla Arma 3,& uses vanilla keybinds, It basically rmoves needless TFAR - TS bs,and provides a simple yet efficient VOICE CHAT similar to PR if your familiar, by extending vanilla Arma 3 functionality. I've configured It to allow CHANNEL SWITCHING KEYBINDS, Arma 3 default ',' and '.', so DISREGARD last line in image above. BLUFOR[ MARSOC, USMC ] Aboard the USS Freedom OPFOR[ RUSSIAN VDV, AAF ] On the Island of Stratis AO[ The Whole Island, Might As Well. ] SQUADS (Dynamic Groups Enabled) Zeus [Platoon Lead has access to LIMITED ZEUS with access restricted to MODULES only, with edit & object placement disabled] Command Platoon Lead: @=VG= Sausag3 [I'd appreciate If You Took This] FAC: Keed Platoon Medic: The_Polish_Guy Alpha Squad Lead: KVSH_420 Rifleman: Timan Engineer: Medic @X0R Bravo Squad Lead: Life Rifleman: SoliderOfMisfortune Engineer: Terminator Medic: Stixon Phantom 1 Pilot: Connor Phantom 2 Pilot: Deathdealer [AIR ASSETS AVAILABLE] 5x AH-9/MH-9 Mission Enhanced Little Birds & 1 CH-53 Stallion 2 pilots, switching aircraft per mission/task requirements, with access to Dynamic Vehicle Load-out for Armament Romeo 2-1 12 Playable Reinforcement Slots, DO NOT JOIN UNLESS SLOTS ABOVE FILLED Romeo 2-2 6 Playable Reinforcement Slots FOR PILOTS, DO NOT JOIN UNLESS PHANTOM Romeo 2-3 6 Playable Reinforcement Slots, DO NOT JOIN UNLESS SLOTS ABOVE FILLED Romeo 2-4 6 Playable Reinforcement Slots, DO NOT JOIN UNLESS SLOTS ABOVE FILLED You will not be limited in what tools/loadout/methods to use other than being restricted to assets on the USS Freedom & gear that belongs to your faction available in a restricted Virtual Arsenal, Mission briefing available in map view will instruct you on your objectives and, how you choose to accomplish your objective is left to the discretion of your Platoon Lead & respective Squad Leaders, you may restructure your squad's loadout & configuration at your SL's discretion & minimally to yours as well. The Size Or Composition of Squads Is Not Fixed, Anyone Can Join Alpha or Bravo after slotting in as one of the Romeo units, using Dynamic Groups, default key 'U'. [BRIEF] Russians have occupied a Greek island as part of an agreement with a nationalist government in Greece, as part of a ploy to force the EU to expel Greece from the union, after Greeks voted to remain. The Russians get a Naval Base in a small Mediterranean Island and the Greek Government gets to bypass the popular vote by forcing the EU's hands. You are tasked with denying the Greek government diplomatic leverage by forcefully & covertly removing the Russians from NATO territory. Detailed Brief in Mission. [OBJECTIVES, OVERVIEW] 2 Primary Objectives and 6-12 Procedurally Generated Chained Secondary Tasks *this sometimes results in an obviously bugged task, Platoon Lead can through LIMITED ZEUS force a 'completed' status for such tasks using Zeus Modules* Mission Succeeds when All Objectives Are Complete and ALL PLAYERS EXTRACT TO THE USS FREEDOM Mission Fails if more than 10 civilians are killed which surrendering enemies are considered to be, so beware, there are civilians & ai do surrender. Mission Fails if all players die. Mission Fails if friendly fire results in more than 5 deaths. [ENVIRONMENT] Due to time acceleration 24minutes irl is 24hours ingame, so tailor your plans to a rapidly alternating day/night cycle and accelerated dynamic weather. [CONSTRAINTS] *for gameplay purposes, because AI at their best, aren't as smart as a mediocre human[possibly]* [RESPAWN] NONE, however.... [SERVER SETTINGS] No Crosshairs, First Person Only, Standard Flight Model *Ai Difficulty overridden by mission* Weapon Sway & Fatigue Enabled (Manage your load-outs REASONABLY or suffer the CONSEQUENCES) Remember, everything that can kill you, can be killed by you, and credit where credit's due, the level of complexity is entirely thanks to THIRD-PARTY dynamic mission modules included as Mods, that I use, and others seldom do, so yea, I'm just a grunt who put the pieces together, at most scripting a few minor things here & there. P.S I'd very much like for @Connor to get banned if he fails to attend, as he nudged me to do this Cheers.
  9. WOLFPACK CAMPAIGN - ARMA 3 EVENT CAMPAIGN EVENT TIME: Saturday, 26th of June 2021 - 2000 GMT (PRT) EVENT SERVER: VETERANS-GAMING | Arma 3 Testing | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM SIGN-UP: Sign ups are MANDATORY to play this event, no signup = no go PASSWORD: sumboody REQUIREMENTS: ARMA 3 installed and up to date All Steam Workshop Mods here (Link AVAILABLE NOW! CLICK HERE) downloaded and installed Teamspeak 3 - With TFAR (BETA!) Installed and Set up! Discord, if Tech Support is needed CAMPAIGN STORYLINE: May 2034, Altis is in turmoil. The island has been cut off from the outside world due to economical and physical blockades. The local populous has grown impatient with the government and the AFF in particular. Several demonstrations have resulted in the deaths of tens of civilians. The government was losing control rapidly and called in the help of CSAT. A mistake that would cost them dearly. CSAT saw a golden opportunity to get a much needed foothold in the Mediterranean area. The AAF requested a single battalion of CSAT Infantry. Instead CSAT send the entire 2nd brigade and soon CSAT outnumbers AAF by 11:1. Altis government realized that they lost control completely and stepped down. CSAT General Tehrani has since been in power and controls all of Altis and Stratis. CSAT is now proven a serious threat to the European region. As diplomatic efforts have not lead to the anticipated result, NATO decided to send a rapid task force to free both islands from CSAT oppression. DEVGRU has been ordered by J.S.O.C. to take out several high value threads on Altis before the NATO campaign commences. Wolf has been tasked with executing 10 missions over a period of 5-10 weeks. SIGN UPS: Please comment below on this thread what TROOP and what ROLE you want to take BEFORE the event WOLF Squadron: Command Troop (WOLF 1): Squadron Squad Leader: Sausag3 Marksman: Deathdealer Squadron Paramedic: System Recon/UAV Specialist: The_Polish_Guy Assault Troop (AT) (WOLF 2): Troop Squad Leader: Hops Assault Specialist: Batmeme Assault Specialist: Soldierofmisfortune Assault Specialist: Fastjack Assault Specialist: Blizzard Assault Troop (AT) (WOLF 3): Troop Squad Leader: Life Assault Specialist: Kavlenko Assault Specialist: Alloah Snaccbar Assault Specialist: Terminator Assault Specialist: SIGNAL & COMMS: RADIO COMMS: SR AND LR FREQUENCIES WILL BE BRIEFED ON-SITE SQUADRON LEVEL WOLF TROOP LEVEL WOLF 1 WOLF 2 WOLF 3 SIGNALS: White smoke - smoke concealment. No signal. Green Smoke - safe area signal. Red Smoke - hostiles area signal (position known). Orange smoke - hostiles area signal (position unknown). Purple smoke - Bluefor at smoke, hostiles near signal. Green chemlight - Safe/Searched (in buildings). Red chemlight - Not Safe/Not searched (in buildings). Day 2 Brief: SUMMARY Following the last successful operation, J.S.O.C. wants your men to get back into the game immediately now CSAT's military intelligence is in disarray. So far CSAT is unaware of our operations. And we intend to keep it that way. We are currently structuring a lot of intel that we have acquired through Nikos' team, Satnav and Wolf 6's mission of last night. So far we have determined that CSAT's forces are more formidable than we anticipated. CSAT has taken over the Abdera Airfield and turned the airfield into a helicopter base. The base is home to the 127 AAC Squadron with 6 or 8 Kajman Attack helicopters and to the 17 Air Support Group. The Kajman is a formidable opponent and can do some serious damage to the upcoming campaign. About one kilometer north east lies the village of Krya Nera. This used to be a little fisherman's village until CSAT stationed a small fleet of attack vessels there. INTEL ON ENEMY FORCES The Krya Nera Naval Base is moderately protected by one CSAT squad. Satnav picked up two small patrols in the immediate area. The Abdera Airfield has tight security with 4 checkpoints, numerous observation towers and patrols. Strategic command ensures that the Kajmans can be sabotaged covertly. I leave the MO up to you. NATO FORCES Three troops: One command troop - SSC, marksman, squadron paramedic and a recon/UAV specialist. Two assault troops (AT) - Troop Leader and 4 Assault Specialists. There will be no support on this op as well. This is a 'plausible deniability' op. We cannot offer any help or assistance if you get caught. You are on your own. You know the drill. Wolf 7 (call sign Redbuck) is on a recon op near Camp Delta, North East Altis. === OBJECTIVES ========== MISSION OBJECTIVES Primary objective: Abdera Airfield, sabotage all Kajman Attack helicopters stationed at the airfield. Secondary objective: Krya Nera Naval Base, take control of the Naval Base and wait for further instructions. === TACTICAL / EXECUTION ========== CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS The area of operations is nice and compact, just 2 square kilometers. You'll need solid tactics to stay covert and maintain your cover. The terrain and weather are ideal for covert routing tactics. TOC will support with up to date Satnav intel. TACTICAL MOVEMENT AT's will relocate in a bounding fashion unless otherwise ordered. Command troop will provide cover and support for the AT's. TOC recommends to approach the airfield from two angles simultaneously. Have two teams cover the airfield whilst a small demo team inserts and applies explosives. Control points, BP's and routes will be briefed on-site by SSC. WEAPONS/FIRE SUPPORT No support available. DEVGRU TOC / Satnav will be monitoring the op. SPECIAL OPERATIONS No other operations available. CALL SIGN To be briefed en-route. === M.O.B. & LOGISTICS ========== PLAYER RESPAWN / PLAYER JIP No respawn available. JIP players spawn on an island and can teleport to the RV using the flagpole at the center of the island. PLAYER LOADOUT Pre-defined, role-specific loadout. VEHICLE RESPAWN No respawn available. VEHICLE SUPPLY CARGO Not applicable. TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS Insertion by MH-9 ex Romeo, approx 1.5 mikes east of Krya Nera. Exfil to be briefed on-site. Day 3 Brief: SUMMARY CSAT's primary communications station is situated on the outskirts of Kavala. It is essential we disrupt communications before we commence the NATO invasion. The nearby power station provides power to the Kavala region, including the communications station. We need to take both out in order to be sure that CSAT's ability to communicate is disrupted. INTEL ON ENEMY FORCES The communications station is moderately protected. The station itself is located on a hill. The main security forces patrol the immediate area. The power station has a permanent security detail. The power station also functions as an interim military base, although TOC suggests that the garrison is on maneuver elsewhere. NATO FORCES Three troops: One command troop - SSC, marksman, squadron paramedic and a recon/UAV specialist. Two assault troops (AT) - Troop Leader and 4 Assault Specialists. There will be no support on this op as well. This is a 'plausible deniability' op. We cannot offer any help or assistance if you get caught. You are on your own. You know the drill. Wolf 4 (call sign Birdie) is on a recon op near Pyrgos on the south eastern peninsula. === OBJECTIVES ========== MISSION OBJECTIVES Primary objective: Sabotage the communications station. Secondary objective: Sabotage the power station. Detailed information and intel will be provided for whilst en-route. === TACTICAL / EXECUTION ========== CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS The area of operations is partly urban. This will provide opportunity to approach the objectives covertly. Some of the properties are used as CSAT army barracks. Weather forecast is similar to yesterday. Slight fog, moderate wind. You'll meet Nikos at the RV. He'll update you with the latest ground intel. TOC will support with up to date Satnav intel. TACTICAL MOVEMENT AT's will relocate in a bounding fashion unless otherwise ordered. Command troop will provide cover and support for the AT's. TOC wants you to take out the power station first before you engage the communications station. Control points, BP's and routes will be briefed on-site by SSC. WEAPONS/FIRE SUPPORT Nikos will have additional supplies in case yours get damaged during insertion. DEVGRU TOC / Satnav will be monitoring the op. SPECIAL OPERATIONS No other operations available. CALL SIGN To be briefed en-route. === M.O.B. & LOGISTICS ========== PLAYER RESPAWN / PLAYER JIP No respawn available. JIP players spawn on an island and can teleport to the RV using the flagpole at the center of the island. PLAYER LOADOUT Pre-defined, role-specific loadout. Make sure you bring a lot of demo equipment. VEHICLE RESPAWN No respawn available. VEHICLE SUPPLY CARGO Not applicable. TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS SDV insertion at Yankee, approx 1.5 mikes west of your RV. Exfil to be briefed on-site. AUTHOR: whiztler / http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?144637-whiztler Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/whiztler/myworkshopfiles/ CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This MP campaign was carefully put together with the assistance, support and scripts from the following individuals/groups: Nopryl Community (www.nopryl.no), CIA community (ciahome.net), Project Milsim (reddit.com/r/ProjectMilSim/) LICENSE: Wolfpack Vol. 1 and Wolfpack Vol. 2 are licensed under the Arma Public License (APL). For those who don't know... This event will use ACE Medical! Make sure you use normal default ACE (Advanced Combat Enviroment) instead of "ACE - No Medical" during the event, else you will die instantly when you get shot, just know there are no respawns on this one lol. The server has been LIVE on ACE medical for almost a week now, with many optimizations and improvements in the settings to make the revive experience bareable and not too complicated. It has been configured to a point where it is now balanced enough for all of us to enjoy using it. You can stay "Alive" with no heart beat, or blood in your body for 10 mins before you "Die Die", while being unconscious. Giving enough time for medics to attempt to get you back up. As we are using the basic medical system, medics should know that the CPR option on a casualty only appears when it is REQUIRED!, If you "stabilized" the casualty, gave blood etc, and is still not getting back up in a few seconds, its because CPR has not been administered, there is a CPR success rate, (80%), if the CPR option is still in the menu after CPR, that means it failed and you need to do it again. CPR is the whole reason we experienced players dying even though they were fully patched up and filled with blood. If all the conditions are right, (High Blood Level, Not Bleeding, and CPR not required..) 1 jab of Epinephrine will wake up the player INSTANTLY, Or can wake up in a short time without the jab. Everyone should also know that in Basic medical, all bandages work and all do the same thing, So it doesnt matter which bandages you take with you, I advise to just take the basic bandages only anyway to make it easier to keep track on how much bandages you have in total instead of doing maths lol. Blood, Saline and Plasma bags all are the same, same weight and space taken. So it doesn't matter which bags you take. IV transfusion rates have been increased, you can pump 1000ml into anyone in like 10 seconds. You will still be unconscious no matter how fucked up you get, you will not die. Unless you have no heart beat and no blood for longer than 10 mins. Bleeding rates have been reduced.
  10. Took points North of Hanoi with the guys, and new soldiers Life, Marlboro, and Dameion. Hung back in the Dustoff Huey, nabbed this screenshot while hovering as the squad pushed up to demo an NVA mortar squad. Dustoff is a great asset to bring, it is a mobile hospital and you get to lie down as you ride
  11. Server has been Approved and is up and running! Details: VETERANS-GAMING | MIKE FORCE (TFAR) | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: S.O.G Prairie Fire DLC + TFAR [BETA] Required
  12. https://veterans-gaming.com/calendar/event/96-feet-first-into-takistan-arma-3-mini-event/ Event Time: Saturday, 27th of March 2000 GMT (PRT) Event Server: VETERANS-GAMING | INSURGENCY ACE | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM Sign-Up: Available, but not necessary! If you did not sign-up you can still join the server but you will be assigned to a role by the commander. Requirements: ARMA 3 installed and up to date All Steam Workshop Mods here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115753805 downloaded and installed Teamspeak 3 Discord, if Tech Support is needed Snacks, Beverages and a happy face! Hello everyone, Following up on last weeks mission I am hosting a mini event this Saturday. The plan is to use the available DEV Server with the current known Insurgency mission and augment the experience with sign-up slots, a mission plan coordinated objectives. That means that if you did not sign-up you can still join the server but you will be assigned to a role by the commander. Reserve your slot while their hot! Cheers! Sign-Up Slots (Post a comment below with the role you want): Role "Callsign": <Arma 3 Username> Commander "Command": Keed 2nd In Command "2ic": Airborne Infantry "Alpha": Squad Leader: Blizzard Medic: Batmeme Automatic Rifleman (M249): Fastjack Light Anti-Tank (AT-4): Ingo Designated Marksman: Stixon (Roger-T) Rifleman: KVSH420 Australian Airborne Attachment "Bravo": Squad Leader: Kavlenko Medic: Automatic Rifleman (M249): Light Anti-Tank (AT-4): Designated Marksman: Rifleman: Skiddles Airborne Infantry "Charlie": activated if needed Close Air Support "CAS": AH-1Z Pilot: Bludklot AH-1Z Gunner: Deathdealer Transport (Troop Transport or Vehicle Transport Variant) "Trans": C-130 Pilot: TEDF (ZEUS) If you did not sign-up you can still join the server but you will be assigned to a role by the commander. Radio Communication (Short Range Frequency | Long Range Frequency): Commander: (not specified | 30) Alpha: (110 | 30) Bravo: (120 | 30) [Charlie: (130 | 30)] CAS: (100 | 30) TRANS: (100 | 30) Image used and edited with permission by the creator /u/JediNick9. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/5o16gx/7th_special_forces_group_conducting_a_halo_jump/
  13. Operation Slayer |Day175| Arma 3 Event 28th November 2020 2000 HRS -GMT Max Players (19) Small Operation - at max 2 Hours Long Server name: VETERANS-GAMING | DEV | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM Address: Required game version: 2.0.0 BRIEF : After the success of the covert mission, NATO command decided to bring more troops and reclaim Chernarus from the hands of the R.E.D (Russian elite division). The first stage of the invasion was a success, but soon a stalemate set. Radovan "Slayer" Kiril, the head of the R.E.D, is now the key to ending the war on Chernarus. The newly formed CDF (Chernarus defence forces) joined NATO troops and soon command will decide to start an attack on the last defenses of the R.E.D . Objectives : The 2 squads will split and and cover these objectives: - The main objective is to capture all marked key zones and if "Slayer`s" location is compromised, kill him. Campaign will be over if "Slayer" is found and killed! - Secure as much intel as possible on the Head of R.E.D . (Recon tasks, Securing documents and hacking devices). - Killing HVT. - Demo targets such as AA emplacements, train, helicopters, radar stations, vehicles... - Defend against QRFs. - Some other may show! (RECON TASKS ARE RANDOM, they are not like in the img bellow) Assets : 1 --> Bell UH-1Y Venom (on carrier); 1--> A10 thunderbolt 2 (on carrier); 1 --> M3 Bradley; 2 --> HMMWV with 50. ; 2 --> ATVs; 2 --> respawn trucks (1 respawns, the other one will not make sure you take care of them); 1--> abrams tank (after capturing a city, doesn`t respawn, can be manned only by Apc squad or commander+1) 5--> artillery calls (5 rounds each, after capturing a city, to use place marker called "arty 1,2,3,4 or 5 R (R= rounds) He/Smoke"); infinite--> healing (can be called after a firefight if people are badly wounded/ missing FAKs) 2 special vehicles--> if the PorniCorn is found (search area will be marked)! Rules : 1. Infantry is not allowed to Rambo. This is a coop mission, not PR! 2. Follow the commands given by HQ! 3. DO NOT KILL CIVILIANS! Mission will be a failure if you kill even a single civilian! 4. You only have 2 h to capture some cities/ search for "Slayer". If you can`t manage to capture all, the next event will continue from where you left. 5. Minimize collateral damage. CAS make sure you destroy just vehicles, not houses! 6. Commander is allowed to lead a squad when he deems necessary! The mission contains sensitive stuff, that some may find disturbing! Mods : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115753805 Squad Selection : General: =VG= .Blizzard. Commander (required): =VG= Sausag3 Alpha NATO (required): Leader: =VG= l3RY4N AR: =VG= Deathdealer Marksman(M107): Roger_T LAT: System Medic: X0R or System Grenadier: IFV/APC(required): Commander: =VG= m823us Crew: =VG= asquirrel456 Crew: CAS/Trans(required): Leader: =VG= keed Pilot: =VG= Orracis Bravo CDF: Leader: Engineer: LAT: HAT: Ammo Rifleman: AR: Tutorials to some mods : - ACE - TFAR - Just Build - read description Good Luck and Good Hunt!
  14. So we have a server that is currently turned off, was used for dev purpose's but... Semler and I were talking about a few mods / conversions we would like to try: The Unsung mod: https://www.armanam.eu/ https://youtu.be/PySE0RD6bgk Iron Front Mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1329031255 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oif6vKPiEeY Any other suggestions? Let us know here....
  15. Event details Arma 3 16 player mission "Operation Stem Cell" Situation: With the fall of the Pakistani government and preceding military coup and later military invading of Afghanistan , the Western region of South Asia is yet again in turmoil. Afghani freedom fighters continue to hindered Taliban and Pakistani Daesh controlled areas throughout central Afghanistan, humanitarian aid shipments ceased by insurgents in the Herat region have cause massive hardship to civilians who remain the largest casualties of this land-grab-coup by Pakistani military now 'self declared' ISIL (Daesh) forces. Intelligence provided by Russian Spetsnaz in theatre suggests mass groupings of armament and ground-troops in currently Daesh held Northern Provence's. To counter a large scale escalation of NATO and allied troops advance towards the central and Eastern fronts of Kabul and the green belt valley of Kunduz Provence in a mass effort to push back hostile forces. Home of Afghanistan's only nuclear power station and airfield military able , the lush agricultural lands of Kunduz remains a stronghold for axis forces. Mission: Embezzlement, corruption, displacement of civilians and the continued enforcement of Sharia law has led to official actions been taken by NATO. In response to civilian threat and continued attacks on settlements NATO and allied forces have strategically opted for a full scale invasion in order to re-establish Afghan government. Seen as a training ground for Jihad movements Afghanistan remains the most hostile territory in populated countries. Outposts and military bases to the North of Kunduz Provence are of the greatest strategic importance to axis forces. Server Details will be provided soon. MODS: Kunduz (1.1Gb) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27882 CAF Aggressors (440Mb) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24441 CBA 3.5 (1Mb) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 EVW (765Mb) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24907 USSOC_LITE_mas (120Mb) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33291 Mission Intro:
  16. Hey since ARMA 3 Apex released yesterday anyone up for some sweet coop missions? Played with randoms yesterday, was surprisingly high quality story telling. And fun! Hit me up!
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