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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Per report/post from R-DEV, the following COOP maps have been placed on the 'disabled maps list' so the VG PR Maplist Randomizer will not include them in the maplist generated (next time it restarts, following this post): Goose Green, Omaha, Ghost Train and Ramiel https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=151674
  2. Yes, I have TrackIR. I have commands to pause it when needed so I can use the mouse to pan around the cockpit at times, particularly RAMP start. Press the number 3 on the keyboard to enter the pan cockpit view, press it again to get a 'look down' version of the same (revealing more of the ICP, etc.). You hold the (right?) mouse button and move the mouse to look around, and hold the middle mouse (wheel) button and move the mouse to adjust the position of your virtual head. Pressing 2 to enter snap cockpit view mode and then 3 to re-enter pan view mode should recenter the view including head position iirc, but honestly, I've not been able to fly in awhile and sadly certain things are flying out of my brains. But note that when any head tracking is engaged, it takes over with its own centering and such, and you need to be in the "3" pan view mode for it to work. You should be able to find some info on the BMS website about setting up head tracking with OpenTrack, I've used it myself before in VR testing, but I'm not that familiar with it and wouldn't be a good person to help there. Congrats on your setup and best wishes with the head tracking!
  3. if this keeps happening, we can turn on a crash logger. We'll see if it's still consistent in this manner by tomorrow, and if so, I'll get the logging systems set up and running. They need monitoring so reluctant to do this unless truly required.
  4. Okay - they replied - and for some reason, the server just emptied so now is the time... I'm taking it down right now, will hop on TS3 to let folks know edit: Melon fixed the issue. We just had to restart the MSServerProxy process and all was well
  5. Asking the R-DEV's / SA on their discord if we can restart our MSServerProxy thing while the PR COOP server is online/running with people playing in it. Checking back for a reply now and then. We're kindof in peak hours and it does seem to be running and people are actively playing (though tolerating those streaming error messages? or is that just for PR Admins?) When they reply, I'll get a plan of action in place and contact any PR Admins in the server at the time. For now, just play through it - I don't think a simple restart in TCAdmin is the solution anyway. Regardless, the PR COOP server and related processes will all be stopped and restarted before Thursday (USA PST) - I will be checking up until I go to bed for a low population time if it goes that long and restart everything then... hopefully much sooner, we'll see how the afternoon plays out. I happen to be feeling decent, partly thanks to these dope pills, and not too 'high' from them to help out in this incident today.
  6. Yeah - it's the same for other discords afaik, not just ours. Wondering if something happened that so many users have gone online... did the aliens finally land?
  7. Server not empty as viewed on PRSPY as of time of this reply (though I understand what you mean) -- typically, when this happens to multiple people (and when everything is correct on our end) the conclusion is that the PR Master Server may be experiencing issues
  8. Those callbacks may have been introduced after I had developed my X52 Falconeer profile and included keyfiles. You'll have no issues integrating any axis controller like CH Pedals if you want, though you would need to get just a little bit technical to enable toe brake callbacks for them if they cannot be assigned as axes but only as buttons. I don't know, I don't own them. Anything with an axis is set in the BMS Setup Controllers screen, under the Advanced button - and the tab for the chosen axis - by selecting the desired device for a given axis. I don't use the X52 LED's and keep them off all the time. I don't like any lights shining in my eyes, so every device with LED's has them off in settings for my desk. Would need to maybe ask around elsewhere, maybe various BMS discords or the BMS forums. Again, best wishes and good luck to you!
  9. My profile is not designed to be compatible with the Alternative Launcher, and essentially makes it redundant anyway, unless you have controls in addition to your X52 HOTAS and/or Thrustmaster MFD's. Since I don't use AL or know how it works, I would not advise replacing the BMS-Full keyfile with any of mine included with the X52 Pro Falconeer download package. If you try anything, make backup copies of default files you replace so that you can put them back if something doesn't work with your test. You'd be treading into unexplored territory here with regards to the instructions for this profile, so if you do have success, it might be helpful to post up what you did to make this profile work with Alternative Launcher. Best wishes and good luck to you!
  10. These are also 'starter maps', they have a chance to run anytime the server crashes/restarts. This could skew the results, so I wouldn't take this 'innuendo' personally
  11. I'm wondering if you have fully trained your Windows Speech Recognition Profile (completely through the session, at least three times!) I don't want to assume, but WSR can have issues with strong regional English accents, a friend from Australia finally got good recognition only after running through the training session around a dozen times. You shouldn't have any problems issuing any AVCS CORE commands as these should be included into AVCS4 BMS through profile options - one command that exists only in CORE (but can be issued from AVCS4 BMS) is the "Display VoiceAttack program version" which displays the current VoiceAttack program version number in a pop-up window. If commands such as this do not work, there is a problem of some sort - if they do work, then there is no issue.
  12. I would need some further information to help you troubleshoot your issue. Are you running the latest version(s) of AVCS profiles? AVCS CORE v1.11 and AVCS4 BMS v1.40 Are both profiles initialized? (a voice prompt will say, "Systems are initialized", or some variation of that) If so, you should have no problems issuing the command, "Create a New Voice Command", as instructed in that VG Wiki link above. Are other commands recognized successfully? Have you been using this voice control profile for some time, or are you brand new to these profiles and/or VoiceAttack?
  13. Check out this guide in the (WIP) VG Wiki page for AVCS4 BMS Radios - happy to say that it's pretty easy using the Quick Command Creator I developed for AVCS CORE: https://veterans-gaming.com/wiki/vg-labs-projects/avcs-wiki/avcs4-bms-manual/#Alternate Phrase Commands
  14. PR:BF2 v1.7.0.2 Changelog (2022/01/21) ----------------------- Menu: Added Ukrainian fonts by Tymkolt. Vehicles: Added Apache AH64 without Hellfires and reduced gun ammo. Updated vehicle HUD to show guns in orange while delay to use. Updated vehicle HUD to show R next to ammo while reloading. Fixed some vehicles permanently showing guns as damaged. Fixed P51D guns not shooting from all barrels. Fixed Su-30 co-pilot unable to return to cockpit view. Fixed SdKfz 231 driver camera clipping into model. Fixed Vietnam A4C jet showing selection icons when selecting Napalm Fixed Bf109 landing gear floating below aircraft. Fixed Bf109 pilot showing medic kit geometries. Fixed Ju-87b POV cameras being too high. Fixed CH-146 exit positions. Weapons: Fixed WW2 hand grenades dealing less damage than modern ones. Levels: General: Removed re-supply and repair code from WW2 statics that should not have it. Adak: AAS128: Updated flags to be only capable by RedFor. Bamyan: AAS32: Updated flags to be only capable by RedFor. Field of Kassel: Fixed grass rendering issues. Fixed terrain issues. Fixed Artillery flag showing USA arty instead of German. Improved performance in Town. AAS16: Reduced tickets by 100. AAS32: Fixed missing bleed on flags. AAS64&128: Updated flags to be only capable by BluFor. Khamisiyah: COOP: Fixed AI spawn points. COOP: Fixed AI jets crashing into ground. Musa Qala: Added INS128 NL vs Taliban. INS16: Delayed SPG by 5 minutes. INS32: Decreased caches to 4. Added LAV-25. Added Mk-19 Humvee. INS64: Delayed SPG by 5 minutes.
  15. Done and done (was an easy one, just a patch, else I'd not have been able to get through the server settings files parsing/recreation slog)
  16. Saitek / Logitech X52 Pro are no different except for branding. Please follow the step-by-step instructions hidden under the spoiler block in the post above which looks like this: *Click the arrow/caret to expand instructions with pictures ↑ The included profile for loading in the Saitek / Logitech Programming Software is where the mouse and slider are bound, and all the rest are blank (no keys mapped). The included keyfile for BMS (various options, files) are where the keys are mapped, in DirectX, and works in combination with the Saitek / Logitech profile where the mouse and slider are set. It's advisable to minimize use of key mappings in the controller software, it's terrible - therefore the majority of key mappings are done via DirectX inside the BMS keyfile, including Shift-State functions. Hope this helps - if you have any specific questions or need any more help, please let me know and I'll try my best. Cheers!
  17. Welcome to the VG Army Ratical, Skrappy, Aquila, SilentGrizzly, stepextra, and jack_black! ... Just a reminder to new VG Army members - we typically assume most members play PR COOP, but if we all don't know you from the games as a long time regular, please post up to say Hello and let us know what you play here! We just started this new membership path, and it seems the best route so that we don't accidentally award Enlisted group/ribbon to a semi-automatic bot preparing to fire off spam rounds in the club forums. We are glad to have you all - a simple reply from standard website members including what you like to play here will be rewarded with the entry level Enlisted website group!
  18. I was into BF:1942 on my brother's PC - was gobsmacked. Got the Desert Combat Mod and spent most of my time in the Apache, didn't play online much until many years later in PR for BF2. Tooled around Hardcore Clan server(s) and eventually quit PvP wargaming for stress and too much boiled blood. Found VG, love PR COOP, and BMS, and the rest is history. VG
  19. Version 0.91


    *Please be sure to download the AVCS CORE Profile from this download section as well, it is now a requirement for any AVCS4 game profile I release, such as the upcoming Elite Dangerous profile, and more... Profile for VoiceAttack by =VG= SemlerPDX Description: These commands use VoiceAttack to translate the in-game on-screen SWAT menus from Moving through Breaching into natural and intelligent voice command phrases that will fire keypress macros to help maintain immersion in single player Ready or Not gameplay. As an additional option, these commands can be locked behind a push-to-talk mode bound to keyboard key or controller buttons, allowing any other VoiceAttack command unrestricted access if needed, while still restricting these RoN SWAT menu command macros. I have also added an optional Audio Feedback Mode to play a short radio cue sound when a command is successfully recognized (off by default). As with all my AVCS4 profiles, my goal was an intuitive system, so there is no user manual - only a few infographics and quick reference pic of all the SWAT menu commands. If you can think of a way to say a menu action, it's probably covered. I typically imagine sentence structures that can mimic most "any way you say it", and use those for my recognition commands to ease the learning curve. No need to memorize strict phrases like "Mirror Under Door" - most natural options are recognized already, just try what comes to mind at the time, such as, "Mirror that door" or "Mirror under this door", etc. If the way you like to say something truly doesn't work, you can easily add it through the included AVCS CORE Quick Command Creator - add your phrase the way you say it and make the action to execute the proper relevant command phrase already set. Say goodbye to the keyboard, and enjoy the immersion! Cheers! Features: TBD - This is an open public Beta Test profile for VoiceAttack v1.8.9 or higher. The game itself is in Beta, so this profile may develop over time. The purpose and focus of this profile is only on the Single Player SWAT menus. Say, "Open the Command Reference" anytime to view available commands (download file contents)
  20. dumb clarifying question, but this map file is the Server File, correct? not just your client copy?
  21. Can you get me a legit copy of the map so I don't need to install a dummy server just to grab the map? BTW, the updater doesn't work if the map is altered - it fails. Since the updater worked, our copy of Pavlovsk was 100% inline with what the updater expected. The following maps have been disabled from VG Maplist Randomizer - will take effect on next server crash or restart: mapList.append pavlovsk_bay gpm_coop 16 mapList.append pavlovsk_bay gpm_coop 32 mapList.append pavlovsk_bay gpm_coop 64 mapList.append kozelsk gpm_coop 32 mapList.append op_barracuda gpm_coop 128
  22. I updated the server, didn't do anything with/to scheduled tasks. The days trackers are always updated at around the top of that day, you'll never have access to a round that just right now finished - I can't add that task to my random daily load of non-gamey-wamey things I do for VG (hunting down another tracker to get it to you earlier than the public), no offense. Glad you found it, tho! Thank you for your work on PR COOP!
  23. lmao - still just goes to the smilies page HTML/CSS/PHP is 'the dumb' ... they gotta exert their dominance and show it who's boss, or they'll never get any dosh
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