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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Yea, just lay off the booze and don't shoot your Squad Leader in the face and we'll all get along just fine. Hoping I'll be there, nothing else on the books, but I never know when I'm gonna get ambushed by my shitty body. Looking forward to this! Thanks Sausag3!
  2. Welcome back! Hope life is treating you a little better!  I know it's a shit time for everyone, but you know what I mean. :hi: 

    1. Jersans


      Aye I do. Thanks for being a friend. 

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      FYI -- as I stated in your post, once  you've been around for awhile again, and management here is sure you are ready for a PR Admin role again, you will be restored to that group here on the website and in game, so again, don't feel bad about this little detail.  Thank you for understanding!!


  3. Welcome back! Just get back on the server and play with the guys for a stretch. We typically need to make sure returning PR Admins have not been replaced by Skrulls or are under the influence of any other alien parasite before we toss the Admin tags back on them. Give it time and be patient. And have fun! Thanks for understanding. See you around!
  4. ↑ What he said.... @Aori in what way is the game becoming unwelcoming? If you have any love for this community and server you've frequented for years, maybe you could toss us a bone and let us know where we can improve. We have a dedicated goal to be a welcoming community, and what you stated is directly against the intent of this group and the servers we run. Help us out here, will ya! Even if you have to do so in private, please contact one of the Head Administrators here with a debriefing. We can and will take actions to correct any issues involving our server/group becoming unwelcoming, but we may lack your perspective so help us see whatever you are seeing. We welcome criticism if it has a constructive purpose!! Regardless of any of that, you will be missed. Hope you'll join us again one day!
  5. New Major Profile Update Version -- 0.92 -- Dec. 6 2020 BETA Release AVCS CORE v0.92 Changelog Dec-6-2020 ! USER NOTICE! -This is a major profile update, users of v0.91b must download the new v0.92 beta test profile -(AVCS CORE profile version 0.91b will be retired in 60 days) Fixes/Improvements: -Improved AVCS_CORE profile initialization optimized again for decreased load time - most noticeable on first use -Fixed All Decimal Variables now compatible for international users via cultural invariant token "DECINV" -Fixed infinite loop on Minor Version Rollback toggle and version display errors following toggle
  6. Welcome back! Are you running the latest version of Project Reality? (v1.6.3.4) If so, and you are still getting this error - check out all these answers of people reporting 'error 10060' on the Project Reality website, surely one of the solutions will help, and if not, create your own new post asking for help with error 10060: https://www.realitymod.com/forum/search.php?searchid=4113336
  7. Slightly off topic question (don't mind me Inch) - as I start diving into optimization of wee little programs I write like this voice control stuff, I sit here happy I didn't update my laptop to Win10, so I can test things I make in a Win7 environment (and a slower system at that) as well as in Win10 (on the computer I wrote the program(s) upon) - should I be using VM's for cross platform or optimizations testing of programs/scripts I write which are designed for public distribution? Is that what a proper programmer might do to ensure their thing works on an older build, or is running fast enough on a slower machine? Meaning, should I make a few VM's in both Win7 and Win10 with low/medium/high specs (using my high spec PC) to get loading time or run time tests for any ol' program I may write that relies upon speed? Was considering this for a long time, but didn't know if it was just too much work or if there was some other better way to do these sorts of things to eval the speed/optimization of a program/applet I wrote...
  8. Added to calendar (worst case scenario, if you don't get enough rsvp's, push it off one more week till the 12th)
  9. Well done, @=VG= Melon Muncher! Thank you very much!! (PR Sux ... a little less )
  10. lol - you could always just drop the "B"
  11. ↑ Teaching myself programming, I can at least concur that I have used very little "extreme math" in almost all the projects I've done. It all really comes down to logical problems like "if this then do that" in whatever syntax is required by a particular programming language. I think it's the most empowering thing you can learn with regards to computer work, since it can translate into personal projects as well as a career. When I need a simple task or tool for a VG server, I can just create it myself and have some new button or executable to instruct VG Admins to use. Took years to slowly learn, but when you are driven by personal motivation, it's much easier. Check out this, some programming can look like this and it's easy to look up any of these things online for more info once you know where to look. I'd say some of the craziest math in any of my programming projects merely amounts to number conversions, and for that, I simply googled my problem and had an example I could easily follow and apply to my needs: elapsedTicks = Math.floor(currentTicks - previousTicks) elapsedDays = TimeSpan.FromTicks(elapsedTicks).TotalDays elapsedMinutes = TimeSpan.FromTicks(elapsedTicks).TotalMinutes (programs can tell time in "ticks" which is a very accurate measure for elapsed time, where one millisecond is 10,000 "ticks" - here I use a previously save value of elapsed "ticks", subtracting the current "ticks" to get elapsed time, and then had to look up some maths on Google to convert that to seconds/minutes/days of elapsed time using pre-made functions embedded in the C# "Math" library). So, you can see here in this example that I didn't even "do" the math myself, I just used pre-made functions that are part of this programming language already. Later in that program above, I can recall the variables "elapsedDays" and "elapsedMinutes" to refer to how long the program has been used for (this is part of the timer for limited use beta tests, for control of my versions etc.) This is an example of a C# ("C Sharp") snippet from my voice control stuff -- this is the sort of stuff you may use in programming, some conversions and equations that turn one number into another, and unless you're creating physics engines, it's prolly not gonna get too deep on you. There are some people that can keep all this stuff in their head; personally I'm an amateur self taught tinkerer, and I pretty much rely on methods or snippets of stuff I find online and change/alter to my needs, or I use examples from previous works I've done that are similar (and again, change it up for whatever I'm working on at present). Like others have said here, programming is like working through logical problems to achieve a goal, so I personally think it's very rewarding (even if dull and boring at times) because it's essentially problem solving. Another example of the type of math that may be needed - I had a problem when I created my rotary dial controller for BMS, once it circled back around, all the numbers were wrong and the dial in-game jumped all around. I needed to correct that rotation to "reset" once it turned a full 360 degrees (back to zero) so it worked properly - and for that I had to apply some basic math, but nothing too extreme or crazy: //Correct Rotation within 360 deg. if (val < 0) { val = val + 360; }else if (val >= 360) { val = val - 360; } return val; This little function let me provide the value, and it returned the value corrected within a 360 degree range ... if it was too high, it subtracted 360, if it was below 0, it would add 360. Not so much hard math as logical problem to sort. I think it's important for you to sample a little bit of each of these jobs before you decide which one interests you enough to keep driving you forward, see what they do and what that looks like, and talk to more people in those fields if able. I hope we have some more career computer guys here with actual jobs in these fields who can post up advice. I had a personal passion to learn programming, because when I was a young man in my 20's with an interest in computers, someone told me, "You were bad at High School, you'll never be able to learn the math you need to learn computer programming". IF I COULD GO BACK!! I would only tell myself to dive right in, avoid certain types of programming that require calculus-levels of math, and focus on object oriented programming and application development. It's really not that hard once you get down the basics, everything builds on previous knowledge, so you start out small, and within a few years you are blazing through thousand line scripts to make your visions into functional reality.
  12. DAC for the win, brother! The only bot spawning script you should ever use. Highly polished around ten years of development. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/167033-dac-v31-dynamic-ai-creator-released/
  13. @Daqer Apologies, we have not been able to resolve this matter within our standard timeframe of 72 hours. Thank you for your patience. But I must say that I had requested additional information from you that would help me identify the matter that resulted in your ban from our server, yet you have not replied. We need a little more info, and we would need you to completely answer the questions we require of all players who become banned on VG servers. @Zadra Do you recall banning a player such as this? The log are sparse or I'm not seeing the correct logs... If we cannot locate the admin who banned this player, or any reason for them to remain banned, we will be removing this person from the banlist. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Welcome! You're not the oldest around here, and not the youngest... you'll fit right in
  15. The VG Arma 3 Mission Framework has this feature. BLUFOR and OPFOR bots within visual spawn range will fight in 3D models that can be participated in, etc. -- but when there is no one within the visual spawn bubble, the fight continues, but in a digital sense (on paper) with units still moving, shooting, taking and losing ground (and units) until someone once again comes within visual spawn range, to where it switches back from a digital conflict to a fully modeled 3D conflict. This is very similar to the way our Falcon BMS dynamic campaign functions, and we just need to poke at @=VG= ciro until he gets this finalized and released for active play on VG Arma 3 Servers. It's 98% complete, last bug that needed to be squashed was a simple SQL database function, but I'm sure if we light a fire under his butt, he will hurry up and get this finished up for public testing here.
  16. IRL weapons such as RH packs feature, M-16's, A-4's, AK's, Glocks, Colts, Barrettas... all that. Same with vehicles -- Humvee's and BMP's, Longbows and Cows and Little Birds.... (basically, no future-puke shit) My 2 cents
  17. It's quite a bit more involved and complicated than setting bot ratio, as noted by some of the replies above. Maps for OPFOR COOP need to be changed on a per-map basis, and these changes are undone by PR Updates more often than not, requiring all that work to be redone each and every time. We've never been fond of the idea of running a second PR COOP server, especially for OPFOR COOP only, because we don't like the idea of splitting up the already waning player base of PR COOP between multiple servers. The idea has always been more of a public event day on the main VG PR COOP Server, and has been "OPFOR Fridays" in past. If it returns, it would likely follow that same idea.
  18. To all our American Veterans here, thank you for your service!
  19. Chernobyl, eh? hmmm.... I hear Somalia is nice this time of year. The poorly buried toxic waste that seeps into streams has such a beautiful apocalyptical glow at night. (just kidding, man! be safe, wherever you travel... looking forward to pics!)
  20. Once again, we do not currently run any scripts that make us any different than any other PR COOP server and we never have. Maplist Randomizer is a cool feature, for if/when the server crashes or restarts (far less of a frequent thing these days than in past, thankfully) but essentially we are the same and have been the same as every other server except for our well trained Admins and how we direct players to play with regards to our rules, and general game flow (forcing COOP to more closely follow Deployment rules rather than a free-for-all of squadless blueberries, etc.). Basically, we don't need gimmicks, and support overall the betterment of Project Reality itself as a whole. (I mean, Xeno has even shared his Randomizer, not many were interested tho anyway... w/e)
  21. I am not trying to shit all over your suggestion, brother! Misunderstandings are just that - innocent attempts to assist or to redirect to an appropriate venue for maximum result. Respectfully, we did not develop PR and I was under the impression that there WAS a command for unflipping vehicles, and that it was the 'flip' command noted. The people who did develop the game are ALWAYS the best place to suggest such improvements, and if this is an issue that needs attention, I imagine plenty of people would support such a suggestion. Since it is apparently not already a function on the PR server, feel free to discuss whether it should be included or not, again not trying to shut you down, but I do feel like you should bring this up with the folks who made the game.
  22. If it is a stupid game thing (driving on a flat plane, two ground segments intersect and appear fine to a person, but flip a vehicle like a game does), then it makes sense and is likely WHY this command exists, with the Rights Management definable by the Server License Holder to control use or misuse of it. Misuse might be an idiot driving over something a vehicle should not, and getting stuck - therefore using a command like this is almost cheaty and outside the spirit of a military simulation style game. BUT it certainly should function as intended, and this is the first I've ever heard of the flip command not being sufficient for unflipping vehicles, let alone any abuse of flip that would lead us to want to restrict it beyond the current "everyone" default setting. Games are games, and they can get gamey -- in Arma, we have other vehicles we can use or put on the server/mission to deal with such things.. mods or just scripted ... and also console commands -- PR doesn't quite have the leeway to do "whatever" like a sandbox to include immersive 'unflip' tool vehicles like a tow truck, helicopter sling/hook, and so there's that wall of what should be and what has to be to maintain functionality (even if it could also detract from the immersion or spirit of gameplay mode)
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