About This File
X52 Pro - Falconeer v1 HOTAS Joystick Profile -- for Falcon BMS 4.35
(keyfiles for X52 Pro and/or Thrustmaster MFDs & Razer Keypad as ICP )
- Shift-States will not interfere with certain important HOTAS buttons, such as Weapon Release/Pickle, Comms HAT, Slap Switch, and TRIM Reset.
- Easy autopilot override with "right-hand clutch" -- holding pinky then holding trigger (full, both trigger buttons) will disengage autopilot until released
- Throttle "Mouse" Wheel allows easy 3D pan-cockpit alternate 'lookdown' views via subsequent rolling, and easily back to normal via one-back roll and forward again.
- Speed Brake is variable, and stops movement when Throttle Slider is in center deadzone, and the MODE Roller makes a great DGFT/Clear/MRM mode selector.
- Most dangerous actions are on Toggles & Throttle Shifted state (holding down pinky), including "Landing Gear Down" actions -- "Gear Up" as an unshifted button.
- Blank Layout Graphic and .psd for editing
- Alternate keyfiles included for use with Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs, or a Razer Tartarus gaming keypad as an ICP, or all three together with the X52 Pro.
*(images below may reflect earlier version or previous naming scheme, but methods are still accurate)
(click here to show/hide)
-- STEP 1 --
Copy the .key file from the download for the setup you are using into the Falcon BMS 4.35 User Config folder alongside the other keyfiles as shown. While here, we can edit the DeviceSorting.txt file to save the order of devices so these keyfiles always work correctly.

-- STEP 2 --
Edit your own "DeviceSorting.txt" file found under your BMS Programs folder, inside the Config folder next to the Falconeer .key file you placed there.
For the "X52 Pro Falconeer v1 HOTAS.key" standard version, you only need to ensure that the top device in this list is your X52 Pro and save.
If you are using one of the optional keyfiles included in the 'extras' folder, follow the example included with each keyfile, your X52 Pro may have a different name than the one in the example. Re-arrange your DeviceSorting file to match the example, and then save.
-- STEP 3 --
Right-Click the "DeviceSorting.txt" file and select 'Properties', and then check the box for 'Read only', and hit OK. This will ensure your devices remain in the proper order even if unplugged.
Follow this procedure in reverse to allow recognition of new controllers, just remember to manually reset the order as shown here, and then reset it to 'Read only' again.
-- STEP 4 --
Open Windows Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printer, find your X52 Pro and Right Click the Icon, select 'Game controller settings', then select your X52 Pro and click Properties.
Next, click on the MFD tab and UNCHECK the box next to 'Enable Clutch Mode' - then click Apply.
-- STEP 5 --
Under the Deadzones tab, set large (approx. 60%) deadzones for the
"Slider", the "Mouse X", and the "Mouse Y" axes. This is a good time to wiggle other controls and set deadzones for any axes that are beyond any latent 'wiggle' when you are not touching anything, if you haven't already.
-- STEP 6 --
Place the "BMS X52 Pro Falconeer.pr0" file in your Saitek (or Logitech) profiles folder. You may need to refer to the user manual for your version of X52 Pro, or search for existing profiles by name to locate this folder.
-- STEP 7 --
Set this as the Active Profile via the Taskbar Icon (right click it) to enable the Throttle "Mouse" Mini-stick as Bands for the Radar Cursor, and for the Analog Slider as the variable SPD Brake controls.
-- STEP 8 --
Load the keyfile you are using in BMS under Setup > Controllers (you only load one, whichever corresponds to the setup you are using).
(*never hit the 'SAVE' button! this will wipe notes and comments from a keyfile!)
!! FINAL NOTE: The mini-stick actuates the arrow keys (up/down/left/right) and the slider actuates the "B" key and "PageUp" keys, when not in the middle deadzone area. Because the slider can be 'left' in a forward or backwards position, it can be 'holding' down a keyboard key which can interfere with standard Windows operations when not in Falcon BMS. Always disable this Active Profile when not using the X52 Pro for BMS, and always return the slider to center when not in use for speed brake control in BMS!
--- OPTIONAL --- Razer Tartarus as F-16 ICP
Open Razer Synapse and click on the "..." button - select "Import" and point to the .RazerSynapse profile included in the the "X52 Pro + Razer" folder.
Choose 'Falconeer_Razer_ICP' from the list. This is essentially a completely disabled profile, each button is empty so that BMS can use them as DirectX buttons only. Be sure to load the correct X52 Pro + ICP keyfile in Falcon BMS Setup, and set the Razer as the second device in the list in your DeviceSorting.txt file (see included readme).
(click here to show/hide)
X52 Pro - Falconeer v1 Layout Graphic Editor for Photoshop
download .psd file: https://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/forums/forum/317-x52_pro_photoshop_falconeer_template_editor_psdzip/
Complete notes and comments in keyfiles for user editing, as well as a Custom Falconeer Profile template graphic editor for Photoshop (.psd) - plus a blank X52 Pro template in .png below
X52 Pro - Falconeer v1 Blank Layout Graphic Template for user Editing
X52 Pro - Button Layout Graphic Editor for Photoshop
download .psd file: https://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/forums/forum/317-x52_pro_photoshop_falconeer_template_editor_psdzip/
Template builder for Photoshop (.psd) with all text box layers labeled for easy editing - just double-click the [T] next to the button layer name.
A blank X52 Pro template in .png below for anyone who can't make use of the .psd:
What's New in Version 1.2
Previous Versions (1.1 and prior) had .key file names with too many letters (more than 31). This version update will ensure all .key files will work, with shorter names. All functions remain the same, and all keys and graphic references are still correct. Thank you goes to vinceroy for pointing this out on the BMS forums!