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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. In that case, I'd refer back to my original reply (since why should WE have the only functional flip (unflip) command in the PR community of servers out there?):
  2. Well, turnabout is fair play - I think you misunderstand my post. What is wrong with the current flip command? Why should it change? If you have an issue with a vehicle, you use the command, bing-bang-boom done. FYSA, !flip is available to everyone. edit: my bad, didn't realize PR did not have a vehicle flip command, confused this command with similar console commands for other games Is this maybe an issue where this command has been disabled by the PR engine but persists in our Rights Management commands list? Or is this a matter of you not knowing this command already exists to flip vehicles? Or is there yet something larger that I'm just not grasping here?
  3. I've got no record of a player by the name of Daqer ever connecting and playing on this server. I have no record of the ID 76561198147757869 in our BE logs, yet I can confirm that this ID is on the banlist. Do you use any other in-game player names? When did this occur? *(FTR, your unban request is not in the proper format at all, information such as date/time is typically required of course, yet this is due to the lack of unban requests forcing us to use a form system as we do for our Project Reality server). If you would like to Appeal your Ban, please provide the following information: 1. Banned Username 2. What Server(s)?* 3. When did this happen? 4. Reason you were banned 5. Describe the events leading up to your ban ( how did this occur and why? ) 6. Personal Statement ( Why should we unban you? ) *If this was an Arma server, include your GUID ------------------------- As a courtesy we look into all unban requests. The nature of the offense and the information you provide in your personal statement will determine the final outcome of your Appeal. We value honesty above all else. (the admin who banned you must also agree to the terms) We try to resolve all bans within 72 hours of the Appeal. All unbanned individuals will be placed on a watch list for 30 days. If any further issues occur during this time, your Ban will be reinstated and any future appeals will be denied...permanently. Thank you
  4. That is not a valid Arma 3 player GUID. Please try again. Bohemia wiki might be a good place to look
  5. I see no reason to restrict the use of this command beyond what it is right now. A suggestion like this really belongs on the PR website forums as a proper suggestion post. If any players are abusing in-game commands, you can feel free to use the !report function, or create a report here on our forums, and we'll take care of it. Telling us we have "a certain someone" abusing this feature as if you are somehow protecting(?) this person's identity for any reason is akin to allowing evil persist while good men (you) do nothing. If you have a problem, you can create a public report on our forums, or lodge a private report with Head Administrators such as myself, m823us, or MelonMuncher via private message. edit: there was a large misunderstanding where I had incorrectly assumed that Project Reality already had such a command. We've since settled this misunderstanding.
  6. We would need to know your PlayerID aka GUID for Arma 3 in order to investigate your ban on our server. How to find: https://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/0/366298942112947846
  7. @=VG= TEDF @=VG= Fastjack I've updated the VG DEV and EVENT servers just now. Should be good to go for tomorrow's PR Event. Any issues, let me know -- if you have a new file for public DL, shoot it my way and I'll add it to the VG Dropbox (way higher download / transfer limits than 'free' DB account). Cheers!
  8. Thanks for cracking out the update, Melon!
  9. No issues here - just updated my client, went off without a problem. Can you screenshot the updater when it throws an error?
  10. HEY! I think I can see @=VG= Renainn in that tank! I wonder if he can point out where his Abrams group was during that push!
  11. Event Server Updated to -- @=VG= TEDF any issues, contact me.
  12. Server is updated - Mumble test seemed to work... Any issues, post up or find and contact me (here, TS3, Discord, w/e)
  13. You were banned for using vehicles not assigned to your squad. This is a highly structured game, and you must learn the rules and hopefully read the PR Manual, too. This is no big deal, we unban players all the time so long as they understand what they did, and let us know they will not do it again. You have so many warnings in your record for this one thing, and on top of that, you did not follow instructions to fill out an Unban Request Form but instead created some kind of copy of them outside our Unban Request database. If you would like us to consider your Unban Request, then you can do as we said, and fill out a proper Unban Request Form here just like everyone else: https://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/unban-requests/project-reality/&do=form&d=7 I don't care at all that this is redundant, you should have been told this the day you posted this thread in our forums as if it's an Unban Request Form from our database. /locked
  14. **NOT Banned -- Simply restricted from actions on this website until we can talk in TeamSpeak about what happened to the website.  Thanks for understanding, brother!  We're all pretty concerned!  Hope everything is okay!

  15. Oof... would have recommended several flight sticks in that same price range other than the ST90 (if that's what you got, I am assuming). Mostly cuz that stick does not have analog throttle slider or axis, and that is one of the most important controls for any precision flight in PC gaming, aside from the fact that it has barely any buttons compared to other stick offerings in that price range, such as the ThrustMaster T-Flight Stick X, among others. I'm sure you will get plenty of fun out of it, but you will need to learn the finer points of a 4 position digital throttle as opposed to an analog axis or slider with full control from 0% through 100% thrust.
  16. This discussion is going nowhere, so I am closing it. We have no solution for the disparity between various computers you all use to play this game on our server. We can only ensure our server is running to the best of it's ability. ZZANG is spot on when he noted that this is specifically a COOP issue. That being said, I'm fairly certain that NO server running COOP has anything better than we do, everyone is on the same level playing field where the game's own optimizations are the key to the time it takes to load in. When we recommend tips or hardware upgrades to improve this load-in time, we are NOT being PC elitists first-world snobs expecting everyone to be able to pull hundreds of dollars out of their ass just to play video games faster, we are being realistic and proposing the ONLY known physical solution to this issue. Beyond that, as TEDF and FastJack stated, you can bring this concern to the R-Dev's, where they may be able to specifically help an individual, but likely not any 'blanket' solution for each and every slow loading player beyond continued development over time, and the occasional "getting lucky" by discovering something new, or developing a previously unthought of method to get around PR engine limitations (as they have many times for many things over the years). We will be investigating implementation of Squad Naming scripting, but there is NOT unanimous support for that, as was stated - just wanted to post a correction on that front. It's a great idea, but this level of micromanaging can have drawbacks as well, and we will be thoroughly discussing these on the back end among Head Admins and Server Managers in the coming days/weeks, prior to or if this is implemented. To be clear: PC gaming is NOT console gaming - we do not all have the same hardware, and that's kinda the point. To make a point on PC gaming and involvement - for Falcon BMS, and anyone just trying it out, it would be good advice to tell them NOT to spend a lot of money on a HOTAS style flight stick, but a simple affordable flight stick with a bunch of buttons, a twist rudder, and an analog throttle axis/slider. This is because it's good to gauge one's level of interest in such a thing before diving in feet first with expensive dedicated gear just for playing that game. Once a person is sure this is something they highly enjoy, it makes much more sense to spend MORE money on this particular gaming hobby to better their own user experience therein. This is the same for this PR COOP "loading in" time issue. IF you are damn well hooked on PR, and specifically running heavy assets (like I used to), you may be more motivated to work on tweaks, tips, tricks, and any optimizations possible, up to and including upgraded hardware, to maximize your own experience therein. This is up to the individual, and in many ways, and accepting the facts that we are powerless to fairly eliminate this issue on our server, it is a bit of an imposition to place the onus on the rest of us or those with faster hardware who load in more swiftly. No one is trying to be mean and say, "git gud" with regards to your PC hardware setup, but no one here is in a position to help in any way personally - it ends up as a long complaint about what is wrong, and what is wrong with the alternatives currently available (tweaks or hardware upgrades). My own love for CAS spurred me towards my first RAID-0 setup using 7200RPM mechanical hard drives, and this simple $60 upgrade immediately decreased my load-in time to the VG PR COOP Server dramatically, I was often the first person on the server (c. 2011). I learned much about optimizing my Windows OS environment, my home internet connection, and how the PR game worked in this regard. All just so I could improve my experience in my favorite video game. Wouldn't want to rob anyone of that very educational experience, now do we? *(that was a joke, just trying to lighten the mood here - don't take it wrong!) We're basically powerless to improve this without considerable drawbacks, so the only route, sorry to keep it real, is tweaks/tips/tricks for optimization specific to this issue, and hardware upgrades (not talking $500 graphics cards here, but ~$100 investment in faster storage media). That's always up to the person, their own budget, and their own dedication to their PC gaming hobby and/or the game server(s) they play on. The world is not fair and even in this regard, and we can't make it so. And since we can't do anything about the PR load-in times from a technical stance, these are unfortunately the only options available to you all. We feel for you all - many of us have been there. Slow loading sucks... but it is not a permanent thing, and given time and possibly saving money, you CAN change this for yourself - we just can't do it for you. We do not have any server side modifications at VG. We have a simple Windows Task that randomizes the maplist.con That is all. And that is not a script per se, but an external task that jumbles up the lines of the maplist on a 30 minute schedule, in case the server crashes or is restarted, to ensure the maplist is rarely ever the same. /locked
  17. Arma 2 is famously (infamously?) known for poor graphical optimization. On top of lowering most all settings just for you to get a playable FPS, you may also need to play a mission that has more control over variable view distance (on foot vs. in vehicle vs. in air vehicle), as well as something to remove the grass. Some missions force equal footing on the level of grass or bushes, so those would be a no-go for you if you struggle to play games on your machine. Best wishes and good luck! I suggest Arma 2 "Insurgency" by Fireball (and others), or Arma 2 "Domination! 2" by Xeno.
  18. I'm gonna go ahead and close this thread. The OP's concerns have been addressed, and points of clarity have been made. If anyone has any further specific questions about our rules, please feel free to create a new topic and we will do our best to provide answers and address any new concerns. Thank you all for your feedback, and for your support!
  19. @=VG= Sausag3 RHS updated on the server, and I already put the new bikeys in the keys folder. Turned it on (didn't test) but should be good to go. Any issues, feel free to contact me.
  20. You may attack enemy ground assets once they are attacking friendly ground units regardless of their location, where in such a situation, any fool in his right mind would be screaming for CAS support to take pressure off of the enemy ground assets actively attacking them. What you may NOT do is "solve a problem before it becomes a problem", and this should apply to any situation where you call into question YOUR position, the ENEMY position, and the BLUFOR front lines.... If the FLOT is not under attack by these things you see, and they are (as stated in the rule) outside of standard engagement rules, then you may recon only -- getting attacked from ground to the air could happen with an enemy tank... but if you are where you are SUPPOSED to be, and well within your rights (again, as stated in the rule) to be there, and you're gonna get downed by some chard 2 KM away that can fall under the AA or AAV category, you are good to go... If you are using any such situations as an excuse to pop off any enemy ground asset just because they landed a bullet on the chassis, there will be far less sympathy for any exception to the clearly defined rules.
  21. I know you said you couldn't use the quote function, totally understandable... just need to note that what I had said was this: and in context, I was referring to the (quote) "blanket & arbitrary enforcement" manner to which the OP was labeling our Admin's efforts to enforce our rules on our server. We set clear standards and communicate those with our Server Admins in non-public areas of this website, as we do for our =VG= Clan Members in even less public areas of this website. Our rules are neither a choice to be followed or not, nor a forced mandatory minimum sentence of action, either. This is why it is not easy to be an Admin here, and why we work so closely with them to make sure things get corrected, and that everyone is aware of issues that arise over time.
  22. Define "unplayable" I'll go first, though, and define CAS: Close Air Support The spirit and intent of the rule is clearly for the majority of CAS who replace that C with an A, standing for "Autonomous" instead, and maybe that S to mean "Strike". Because it is a game. When I run squads, and y'all know I don't anymore, but when I did, those who know me know I make frequent use of CAS, calling it in to get my squad past obstacles, achieve goals (within the rules) and I've never had to call on something I could not see, or visually recon, and I wouldn't do so for something all the way to hell and gone away from the front lines.... Because it is a game. There are challenges in place to be met (in due course) for a reason. FTR, I was also a CAS guy... for a time, "the" CAS guy whenever I could get in the pit with my gunner, Raven800. I could literally park that choppi in the sky over the troops, drive to the corner store for another beer, and get back before Raven was Winchester on Ammo and ready to RTB (and I did... more than once). Had every AA on every map memorized, and would use the rockets to save main gunner ammo. Loved it... but stayed within my sphere, and happily responded to support requests (otherwise, I hovered high and back from the troops on the front, out of earshot but in eyeline of threats) "(attacking spotted target past the front line is also not allowed)"
  23. Currently uploading updated RHS mods to the VG Event Server, very large, but very worth it... (personally, I hate those Arma 3 future puke weapons) Event Server must remain off until I'm done, I've disabled auto-startup in TCAdmin, so please don't change it. Will post up when done, it will be awhile! Everyone should make sure you take the time to fire up Steam or whatever to make sure your Arma 3 is updated, as well as any installed mods required for this event. Again, some being rather large, but WILL be consistently used by VG in Events like this (especially the 16GB's of RHS mods) and so please consider finding permanent space to maintain these mods if you're wanting to get into these more regular VG A3 Events (with mods). Same with TFAR -- we discussed it before, ACRE vs TFAR, and for now at least, we are leaning heavily on the side of TFAR so learning how to use this excellent radio mod is essential for any of us participating in these mod events. *I most likely will not be able to make it, shit so bad lately I may end up back in physical therapy ... so roll them cameras, take some screenies, and maybe even have everyone form up in a line for a group picture near the end of the event for posterity. old arma group pic, can't remember the clan or event:
  24. Tru dat! I use a 1080p at 144Hz, and it's from the generation of "Nvidia 3D Vision Ready"... before the wave of monitors that actually sync with the graphics card, as opposed to the other way around for previous "dumb" monitors and standard old v-sync. I don't even use v-sync in a majority of games that might even benefit from it, just out of forgetfulness or lack of time setting things up proper, and the experience is not awful or else I'd have been spurred to actually re-set up such things now that I have a better PC and GFX card (on the same 2015 gaming monitor)... it's gonna come down to the user, too. I'm merely coming from the forward-looking-back point of view, so Monitor first, paired with the desired graphics card that can drive it, on a Motherboard with the desired options and required support, and THEN choosing the sufficient CPU and RAM combo for such a board, and then choosing the appropriate Power Supply that can drive it, and then the fastest drive or combination of drives to be the brains and long term memory of the computer, expandable or easily upgradeable* later down the road. *(I can run PCIe Gen 4 NVMe's but offerings slim, so I bought last gen NVMe's, with options for future if needed - I'm sure I could find somewhere else to make use of these Gen3 NVMe's, they wouldn't be wasted). So I look from Monitor backwards through to storage, rather than from GFX card and CPU/MoBo/RAM, storage, then PSU, then Monitor. Different strokes for different folks. edit: P.S. Ideally, the storage would be the bottleneck of a system, where everything was able to function as fast as the data could be retrieved from storage, but that's not always the case. I'm fine with my CPU being the bottleneck even, so long as it's sufficient to run the programs I want and the GFX card is powerful enough to drive the resolution and FPS range at high/ultra detail levels in game settings. The worst case would be for the bottleneck to be the Monitor at a lower refresh rate, especially if also a very high resolution, if you're the type to favor PC gaming for it's far greater than console FPS ranges, like 80-240+ at high/ultra detail game settings, but I'm sure some of that is subjective - I'm not down for 4K until I'm running something as powerful as the new 3000 series Nvidia cards, cuz I'd not want to drop in-game settings just to achieve higher than 60FPS averages or even 5%/1% lows. Just IMHO, I'm a high FPS, high details guy.
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