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Forever PvPvE Server.

=VG= Alaura

Multiple Servers or One Server?   

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Multiple Servers or One Server?

    • Multiple (2, PvPvE + PvE)
    • Singular (Ordinary regular PvE Server)

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I would love to see 2 servers, the main being used for PvE, and the secondary one being used for PvPvE but has all the layers on it, with both up 24/7, would be a lot of fun, and for those who like PvP but hate deployment, would be a fun enviroment, as well as those who just like PvE could join the existing PvE server! 

Just my suggestion is all, as said, would love to see 2 servers up, i absolutely fucking loved the PvPvE server. 

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1. I agree that CoopPVP is great fun but, in my opinion, I think it is better to keep one “Coop” server, and to organize “CooP-PvP” every week.
(It doesn't have to be just a weekend, say Wednesday, Saturday Sunday ...)
And think Its cost effective among other options.

2. CooP-PvP has a lot of poorly balanced maps (one side has a lot of advantages over the other) and it is simply impossible to leave the vehicle without the bot stealing it ...
Another disadvantage of CooP-PvP is the lack of communication + poorly managed squads ...

On the other side I would like to see =VG= IP (maybe under password) in Deployment mode ...
Let CooP be Coop 🤔

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Why don't you just make a deployment server at this point, you have PLENTY of new layers to play with, same community to play with obviously if vg minions will follow, and also maps designed to have a pvp in it, coop maps were not designed for pvp, have no balance what so ever, and on many of them the bluefor does not even have an ai bot spawn points on them which means bluefor needs to capture first flag really quickly, which most of the time is almost impossible with opfor having bots on flags and later on players. I mean sure, it's something new for the players it's great, but i really do not enjoy playing on opfor as it is highly unfair to the opposing side. Of course there are rare occasions where some layers kind of work, the maps wont be redesigned for pvp as their main purpose is coop only so don't seek help in that.

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I don't think it would add anything constructive to the game if we would run a deployment server. There are already plenty to choose from. Other than adding more administrative load for us I can't see what we could offer what others aren't already providing.

@topic: I think keeping it a weekend thing is the best at this point. Like Amph said the layers are very unbalanced and when the current honeymoon phase is over players will start to request balancing updates which means double the amount of maps to maintain. As long as noone is up for that task it will just stay in its current whacky state.

There is always deployment for balanced PvP gameplay. :)

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During the week there isn't enough players and definitely not enough admins to run two servers at once outside of some peak times.

Turning the Coop PvP server on only on weekends solves this issue and allows us to continue to focus on our main server, the coop one.

We won't be running a deployment server, even with the PvP running good it's rare to see even 40 human players at any one time. The benefit of Coop PvP is that it avoids the issue of not having enough players to cap points if the bots can do it.

Yes, maps are unbalanced, not much can be done or will be done to solve this. If it's not fun people won't play it and we will go back to having one coop server.

This is a player based server, if the players aren't enjoying it or don't want it then we will stop running it. If they continue to want it on the weekends then I will continue to turn it on Fridays and off on Sundays.

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6 hours ago, R-CON LangMaster said:

Why don't you just make a deployment server at this point, you have PLENTY of new layers to play with, same community to play with obviously if vg minions will follow, and also maps designed to have a pvp in it, coop maps were not designed for pvp, have no balance what so ever, and on many of them the bluefor does not even have an ai bot spawn points on them which means bluefor needs to capture first flag really quickly, which most of the time is almost impossible with opfor having bots on flags and later on players. I mean sure, it's something new for the players it's great, but i really do not enjoy playing on opfor as it is highly unfair to the opposing side. Of course there are rare occasions where some layers kind of work, the maps wont be redesigned for pvp as their main purpose is coop only so don't seek help in that.

Because fuck deployment, its a shit gamemode, PvPvE is way better. 



During the week there isn't enough players and definitely not enough admins to run two servers at once outside of some peak times.

Turning the Coop PvP server on only on weekends solves this issue and allows us to continue to focus on our main server, the coop one.

We won't be running a deployment server, even with the PvP running good it's rare to see even 40 human players at any one time. The benefit of Coop PvP is that it avoids the issue of not having enough players to cap points if the bots can do it.

Yes, maps are unbalanced, not much can be done or will be done to solve this. If it's not fun people won't play it and we will go back to having one coop server.

This is a player based server, if the players aren't enjoying it or don't want it then we will stop running it. If they continue to want it on the weekends then I will continue to turn it on Fridays and off on Sundays.

Also, i'd moderate the server from dawn to dusk if i had too, Honestly the most fun I've had in PR, PvE grows stale and boring because you know where everything is, and with players with bots on the same team, it makes more of a dynamic balance on the map, especially with different maps / layers. Would rather play on the PvPvE than the PvE server at this point and moderate it myself if i have too from dawn to dusk as said. 

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The PVPVE might be fun for some people, but i don't know how about you, i hate playing bluefor and fighting my 0 odds in unbalanced map, and i aswell hate playing opfor for the same reason, it feels unfair and not rewarding at all. Also who ever thought playing khami std will be a good idea on this server? Making a layers for this yes definitely i am sure most of the people would be happy, but on the actual in game maps hell no. Poke zeee around, he seems to have alot of fun and alot of free time doing these 😛 

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And this is why I said that people should have the ability to choose, do they wanna play on the PvE server? Cool, go play on the PvE server, if say I wanna go play on the PvPvE server? Cool, i can go play on that and have my own fun, because to me, PvE is boring as fuck, and since i already know the maps in and out, its basically just a run and gun and shoot simulator, and you die, and you don't get any enjoyment out of it, while in the PvPvE server, we could have assets and we can switch teams to do other vehicles, other assets we wouldn't normally have due to the fact that we are stuck on one side of the server 24/7. It adds enjoyment to the game, and adds a new difficulty to the game that the PvE is just lacking, stale, boring. 

Hell, why i'm enjoying Danesh's server so much, because its actually fun, and it adds a sense of enjoyment being able to play with assets you normally would never get a chance to touch or fly or drive or boat with, etc. 

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IMHO we should run both regularly, but the PvPvE only on the weekend.  Reason I feel that way is the population overall - we have a larger player base on the weekend, including more Admins, and on the flip side, during the week, it may stretch that thinner player base to a degree that the main COOP server would be hurting for players.  Just my 2 cents, whatever is decided is fine with me so long as we make the decision for the right reasons and consider any knock-on effects.

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it could really be that this is taking a few players off the coop server.

on the other hand i have the whole week the problem that i have to wait to get on our server because it is full... In addition, it makes more sense to have bots on both sides, especially with low-pop.

we could just try it out... let both run for a week or two... and then see if you only do it on weekends or leave it like that for the week.

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On 6/20/2022 at 8:34 PM, R-CON LangMaster said:

The PVPVE might be fun for some people, but i don't know how about you, i hate playing bluefor and fighting my 0 odds in unbalanced map, and i aswell hate playing opfor for the same reason, it feels unfair and not rewarding at all. Also who ever thought playing khami std will be a good idea on this server? Making a layers for this yes definitely i am sure most of the people would be happy, but on the actual in game maps hell no. Poke zeee around, he seems to have alot of fun and alot of free time doing these 😛 

TLDR; I don't like a challenge and I suck at PVP

sounds like a skill isue dude 

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Most of us suck at PvP because we play COOP all the time but now and again its nice to play this version of COOP. One thing it does highlight is the unbalanced nature of the COOP maps in terms of equal assets on the REDFOR side. It seems like BLUFOR has all the heavy assets on a map like Muttrah STD for example but I saw enough determined people on the REDFOR sides win quite easily.

Kashan Desert LRG is what I call "balanced" because both sides have lots of heavy armor, AAV, and aircraft (ssssh @=VG= Melon Muncher, we know you love this map lol).

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11 hours ago, =VG= 0100011000101 said:

on the other hand i have the whole week the problem that i have to wait to get on our server because it is full... In addition, it makes more sense to have bots on both sides, especially with low-pop.

we could just try it out... let both run for a week or two... and then see if you only do it on weekends or leave it like that for the week.


3 hours ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

 It seems like BLUFOR has all the heavy assets on a map like Muttrah STD for example but I saw enough determined people on the REDFOR sides win quite easily.

Kashan Desert LRG is what I call "balanced" because both sides have lots of heavy armor, AAV, and aircraft (ssssh @=VG= Melon Muncher, we know you love this map lol).

I agree with both of the above.

The game play feels fresh, different maps, dynamic gameplay, I think this is more than a novelty. Player volume changes throughout the day but when CET Evening comes around, the COOP server is consistently full, in the morning however, bots can help smooth out some of those lulls.

Perhaps we could change the BluFor/OpFor ratio without too much effort?

Regardless, could I ask we consider running the new server during the week at some point? The Player demographic changes wildly at the weekends, lots of new players abandoning assets, with no mic or communication, not listening to admins, makes it difficult get a good gaming going.

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I feel like there wouldn't be many people on any of the servers if we run it in the week, but I don't see why we should try just for a week or two. Also of course there are some problems with balance but a lot of layers are actually quite fun to play and well balanced.

There is some stuff to polish like making sure the auto-balance doesn't move over bots but players only. Also it would be helpful to allow players to take squad-lead position when joining a bot squad. Also there seems to be an issue with asset squads, since we can make like 3 squads, it's sometimes hard to enforce asset rules. This could be solved by allowing players to lead bot squads or by making a separate set of rules for PvPvE Server.

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On 6/22/2022 at 5:14 AM, =VG= The_Polish_Guy said:

I feel like there wouldn't be many people on any of the servers if we run it in the week, but I don't see why we should try just for a week or two. Also of course there are some problems with balance but a lot of layers are actually quite fun to play and well balanced.

There is some stuff to polish like making sure the auto-balance doesn't move over bots but players only. Also it would be helpful to allow players to take squad-lead position when joining a bot squad. Also there seems to be an issue with asset squads, since we can make like 3 squads, it's sometimes hard to enforce asset rules. This could be solved by allowing players to lead bot squads or by making a separate set of rules for PvPvE Server.

As Polish has said x2 now, while yea there wouldn't be that many people on, the bot count gives us some fun and experimentation on the idea of how deadly the bots are in assets, say you can drive a asset and let them be a gunner, would make for interesting position pushes and or fights, see who all brings out AT, or who brings in the AA, or who just mows down the jeeps and what not. 

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1 hour ago, =VG= Alaura said:

As Polish has said x2 now, while yea there wouldn't be that many people on, the bot count gives us some fun and experimentation on the idea of how deadly the bots are in assets, say you can drive a asset and let them be a gunner, would make for interesting position pushes and or fights, see who all brings out AT, or who brings in the AA, or who just mows down the jeeps and what not. 

I tried using bots as drivers or gunners, it is feasible but they are to slow to react when shooting and wonky when driving.

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