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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. The event will begin 6 hours from the time of this post - at 0500 ZULU. (it's 1600 PDT right now where I live, or 2300 ZULU) Both PR COOP servers will be running Muttrah layers only for 24 hours
  2. it's a flash exe... we assume no risk, and make no guarantees... ymmv
  3. =VG= SemlerPDX


    must have been the Philadelphia Experiment...
  4. @Masrey wrote this when he reported this forum post in order to get a word in: Reply from @=VG= The_Polish_Guy included a link to download the tracker if useful:
  5. That is very cool stuff!! I've been a walking zombie this year mostly, not surprised I missed the announcements of the public Alpha at the start of this year. They have a Discord channel here: https://discord.com/invite/sNwbeHC Found this awesome early reveal trailer, too:
  6. Welcome to the VG Army DrJohn, asko___, and Cherry, and anyone else I missed! ... Just a reminder to new VG Army members - we typically assume most members play PR COOP, but if we all don't know you from the games as a long time regular, and if you have not posted an intro yet, please post up to say Hello and let us know what you play here! We just started this new membership path, and it seems the best route so that we don't accidentally award Enlisted group/ribbon to a semi-automatic bot preparing to fire off spam rounds in the club forums. We are glad to have you all - a simple reply from standard website members including what you like to play here will be rewarded with the entry level Enlisted website group!
  7. afaik TFAR gets heavy handed when the server stops or gets reset, since it controls you all when you are in-game, and will move you all around as it sees fit during a server stop. Server was apparently stopped early while some folks were still trying to take pictures according to the text chat in some of those pics
  8. @SashaDimitrivish if you wish to appeal the ban issued to you on our server, you may fill out an Unban Request form here: https://veterans-gaming.com/unban-requests/project-reality/?do=form&d=7 /locked
  9. Hello and welcome! Thanks for the intro! As noted in my other post, please continue to spend time on the server getting to know our regular players and our Admin staff, and to get known yourself, as well. You may use our VG Army Club Advancement Applications at least four weeks from now for 'Jr. Officer' group which includes PR Admin training on our servers. Please do note that 30 days is a bare minimum, and not always applicable to all players (if for example, they played only 4 times in those 4 weeks advancement would be inappropriate at that time, you get the idea - we still account for time actually spent playing on our server, not only raw time passed). See you around!
  10. We are unable to accept a forum post as an application for advancement outside structures & systems already in place for this. We have a path to membership available to the public. The first step would be to join the public VG Army or VG Air Force club (depending on what you play here) and post up a short intro in that club's 'Introductions' post including what you play & how long you've been playing at VG. We openly hand out this 'Enlisted' Group role to anyone who posts an intro and agrees to follow the rules, accepted by joining an Official VG Club, and this includes a Group Ribbon displayed next to forum posts and on the members profile. Members must have been in our Enlisted group for at least 4 weeks before applying for advancement, and this is done through our VG Army or VG Air Force Advancement Applications, not available/visible to members not yet in our 'Enlisted' group: Our Groups & Structure for community members is detailed here: https://veterans-gaming.com/wiki/information/vgclan/groups/ Our Membership & Advancement opportunities (including in-game admin roles) are detailed here: https://veterans-gaming.com/wiki/information/vgclan/advancement/
  11. No problem, just click on the little 'Rules' button up by the club name: If you're interested in joining this group, just post up a brief intro here and you'll be added to the 'Enlisted' website group. Our PR COOP Server Rules are something you should become familiar with if you play on that server here, too.
  12. Profile: AVCS4 BMS - Immersive Voice Control Radios Issue: Command(s) not functioning as expected Profile Version: 1.40.4 VoiceAttack Version:  1.8.9 Steps to reproduce: Use any JTAC Command with QWERTZ style keyboard Expected Behavior: Observed Behavior: Not pressing the Z key for Tanker/JTAC menu, presses Y instead even on QWERTZ style keyboard Personal Testing: Comments: As a temporary fix for now, it might be a little while to round up other bugs and fix them, here's a version of the config table which will work only for users with a QWERTZ style keyboard: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4dzbaia5r3j5ql9/avcs_config_table.zip?dl=1 Unzip the file to the location below to replace the 'avcs_config_table.core' file in that folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceAttack\Apps\AVCS\CORE\BMS\40\update If that is not your path it may be this one, depending on where you installed VoiceAttack: C:\Program Files\VoiceAttack\Apps\AVCS\CORE\BMS\40\update Severity / Status:      Resolved (please download new profile version) View full bug report
  13. awesome video! but the audio is very quiet, had to crank it
  14. Latest Changelog: Public Release AVCS4 BMS v1.40.4 Changelog April-24-2022 This is a simple Live Update patch fix, no new profile download is required - the following fix applies to this update: New Commands: -Added new JTAC Menu under "Y" command lists, say "Open the Command Reference" for updated lists -Many new radio commands listed in CommRef, report any bugs or issues please! Fixes/Improvements: -Updated order and position of lists, all new commands supported -Some previous phrasings retained for additional recognition options -Removed duplicate phrases in data 1 config Updated Command Reference Pic for BMS 4.36 (patch update coming this afternoon for VoiceAttack profile)
  15. Latest Changelog: Public Release AVCS4 BMS v1.40.4 Changelog April-24-2022 This is a simple Live Update patch fix, no new profile download is required - the following fix applies to this update: New Commands: -Added new JTAC Menu under "Y" command lists, say "Open the Command Reference" for updated lists -Many new radio commands listed in CommRef, report any bugs or issues please! Fixes/Improvements: -Updated order and position of lists, all new commands supported -Some previous phrasings retained for additional recognition options -Removed duplicate phrases in data 1 config Updated Command Reference Pic for BMS 4.36 (patch update coming this afternoon for VoiceAttack profile)
  16. That "All / None" function is to check or uncheck each box in an adjacent checkbox set when the option for 'Multiple Choices' has been selected. The choice for 'None' as the OP has presented the poll is available in the choices, but he's made it possible to select more than one item if your opinion is to shovel Fobs AND HMG's, for example. There is no micro-logic to allow 'select all BUT the option for None' - best compromise would be to remove the choice for 'None' as the question is "IF shoveling were to return", and make it separate like 'Should shoveling return', but I imagine he was trying to keep it concise since it's already a very long poll. And since it is a required option, he had to add a 'None' for those who would not want shoveling to return on any.
  17. Translation: @Jeffu Links need to be updated, UO gone and BMS moved to different URL (holy crap! we outlived UO?! 2 years ago?! I was so inspired by their organization and structure, that's sad to see them drop off... was a great community with dedicated players)
  18. Between physical therapy and dealing with these crazy pills I gotta take to ease the edge, I've been not even wearing my headset and so not getting into TS3 or anything beyond chatting in Discord or here on the website for so long.  If there's anything I said I would do and ghosted on, just know it's not personal and honestly just fallen under the radar.  I get periods where I can do important stuff, and other times it is the last thing I want to put myself through.

    Regardless, I have been working off and on for the past few weeks on my AVCS voice control profiles for VoiceAttack again, it's been my greatest passion for nearly five years and I enjoy making things as much as enjoy using them in games - especially now when it's so hard to type for any extended period or use the mouse for longer than a move and click or two, and left-handing it the rest of the time, or using voice dictation to type out most of a chat/text msg and then just edit what is wrong by hand.

    This will be the first AVCS profile project to include hardware as part of the system, an external temperature/humidity sensor on a standard USB connection.  Got the parts for the prototypes from Amazon yesterday, and still working out the code, but will soon be posting up a cool DIY Arduino project and AVCS Profile for computer sensors through AIDA64 Extreme with ambient room sensor via the Arduino, and local weather from Open Weather Maps.

    It's frustrating to be moving so slow but I keep plugging away, and now I've nearly finished the main menu GUI (something I've never needed for my VoiceAttack profiles yet), and I'm really happy with how it's turning out so far.  All this without needing to run another program, VoiceAttack just hosts the applet for me and saves the values to file as part of the voice profile config:

  19. Sure - I was never sure if we'd have people belonging to more than one squadron here, like if squadrons were dedicated to a specific aircraft or type of target, or if just one VG Squadron was the idea - anything is cool I'd not be able to design anything for awhile, it's not easy to use the PC right now, but if anyone wants to submit some for review so we can all decide, that would be great. We can even get them in-game if we all get a copy of the squadron texture file, and use that aircraft in the sim (graphics are local, but if we all share them, we'd all see each other in them). great idea!
  20. What, do you think we're stupid or something?! Our logs have logs, dude. You don't have anonymity on our server no matter how you connect or how you try to hide your identity, and our systems will attribute your actions under any account to ALL of your accounts in the PR game. If you would like to appeal your ban, you can explain your behavior in an Unban Request - you will be unable to join our server until you answer for your clearly intentional actions: Line 19: [02:58:25 TEAM 2] Saybyebye: !admins Line 28: [03:00:56 TEAMKILL] Saybyebye [chrif_qbz95scope] =ICE= Line 31: [03:01:09 TEAMKILL] Saybyebye [chhgr_type82] PongoPowerPUNCH Line 32: [03:01:09 TEAMKILL] Saybyebye [chhgr_type82] Komandannn Line 33: [03:01:09 TEAMKILL] Saybyebye [chhgr_type82] Sniper StealthSpaniard Line 36: [03:01:19 T2 SQUAD 2] [TS] FumoJaken: !r Saybyebye INT TK Line 37: [03:01:19 TEAMKILL] Saybyebye [chrif_qbz95scope] [TS] FumoJaken Line 39: [03:01:22 TEAMKILL] Saybyebye [chrif_qbz95scope] =FEW= sgtm.lolporton Line 42: [03:01:28 TEAM 2] PongoPowerPUNCH: !r saybyebye tk max Line 45: [03:01:36 GLOBAL] =ICE=: !r saybyebye tk Line 46: [03:01:37 T2 SQUAD 3] =VG= Skiddles: !b say int tk Line 47: [03:01:37 DISCONNECT] ' Saybyebye' disconnected
  21. It is better to not mess with modifier keys like "shift" when assigning hotkeys, in the event that another key gets pressed while actuating the radar cursor ministick (where that key would get recognized as a "SHIFT"+key version of itself and potential chaos in a hot pit). Needed standard full keys to use, chose those. It's not to hard to change it out if you need to, I'd be happy to help if you want.
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