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=VG= Skitalez

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Skitalez

  1. I'd like something like a commemorative medal or something. just for yourself, in memory of the best times on the server.
  2. How poor vlad’s making a PC in motherussia: To begin with, take: a few potatoes, an incandescent lamp, a wooden stick, donkey urine, gypsy virgin tears...
  3. Good moment with claymore and AR on the rooftop
  4. Personally, I'm more concerned about the problem with south-crash and Karbala's return to the map list
  5. «- Harder difficulty - you don't know if enemy is a bot or human.» «.. YOU DON’T KNOW IF ENEMY IS A BOT OR HUMAN..» dude, really?
  6. Mumble not works on “Outpost” map. After runnext game is crash
  7. You can connect to the VG server using the server address In the list servers our server is not displayed yet. Waiting for u guys! Im alone here!)
  8. 1. Karbala 2. Lot of tickets 3. Old players 4. Old layouts (like Beirut with T-90’s for RUS) 5. Opfor days
  9. Dam( i am in the village now. Can’t help u right now( Ask someone in teamspeak VG channel
  10. Happy New Year fellas! See u all in 2019! It was a great year!
  11. My favorite bands: Tame Impala King Gizzard & Lizzard Wizzard The Grooms Uncle Acid & Deadbeats Dead Meadow Judas Priest Manowar
  12. Once upon a time I was making missions for OFP Cold War Crysis and Resistance, I even had such a thick book with scripts)))
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