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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. Probably the catapult and landing on the deck that make it more real
  2. Amazing but here is the question. Does it have an XXL cup holder ?
  3. here you go the oldest one according to the index (few posts have dates in 1979 orso i excluded them you wouldnt think of it but its actually still used today topic. Proof that age doesn't matter second oldest.
  4. Should find the oldest post on the forum and revive it
  5. Vanilla first of all thanks for the notification. I can understand it might be frustrating that you have to keep playing the same map over and over. However if the server crashes or switches back to an old map (because no admin is online to change it) the only quick way to contact an admin is like jersans said, by teamspeak. However we can have certain moments no admin is available/online. Even if you contact an admin the map is often not changed at start as this could result in another crash. So if you like it or not you will have to play karbala anyway unless an admin really finds the need to change it and risk an potential crash on next loadup. Anyway thanks for the report and hope to see you on teamspeak
  6. Managed to keep the server up without crashing between 12:00 until 21:00 by setting correct maps. even thought certain people deny it you can’t play maps that have the following faction combinations. (Both directions) USMC-US Army Militia-INS/taliban/hamas militia-vietnam US RU bluefor-RU opfor IDF bluefor- IDF opfor Mec bluefor - Mec Opfor NLD-GER their some more combinations but they not high crash chance for those complaining this is false Tested 200 mutra-fallujah switches on what more then 130 times map didn’t load because issue the backing reason is that it doesn’t like switching between army and navy. But even if all this is false it still allows me to keep the server up multiple times for long extends of times so trying to follow this wouldn’t be to bad Something other i noticed that after semler assigned a second CPU the server seemed to have more sudden lag spikes where everybody got teleported back 2 sec. this could simply be a coincidence but my observation sees this. It wouldn’t make sense because BF only uses 1 core
  7. I finally had my own flying radio station to transmit long distance music,but then then semler comes. No transmit on UHF!! Like common man I finally got my listeners tuned in to the correct frequency now I have to tell them we have to switch xD all jokes aside, good post but wouldn’t it be handy to add it to the blog section like jeffu did with his joystick. as it seems more and more “how to” are getting made. maybe all bundle them together so all information can be found without having to crawl trough the posts
  8. Its a great start to something big.
  9. You can see I am not flying one of them or else it would be upside down
  10. Make sure to send ted more boring war documentaries (as he made this one out of one he watched) so we can has more.
  11. Not allowed. Read the tournement rules
  12. No won’t happen. Squads have already been formed and this won change. you can join the squad with 2 maybe 3 people but not more.
  13. Well as some of you know the official PR tournament is going on. Due to me playing with different tags [PR|VOG] than usual =VG= on the coop server. After some explaining that is for tournament numerous people showed interest in joining. so to no longer having to explain and potentially inviting others hereby an invite to join the Project reality tournament. So what you need and what you need to do to join the tournement Needs Have a functioning mic that can transmit clearly what you saying. (No mcdrive mics) Spare time. Some common sense (not much is needed so everybody should be fine) If you got all that you can go to http://tournament.realitymod.com/ At the top of the website it notes either signups open or closed ( at the moment of writing it is open) If open you fill in the application form (Pick VOG to join the side several VG people are in) and submit it. So far in the tournament the following people known within the clan are participating [PR|VOG] =VG= TEDF (Armour) =VG= PBASydney (Armour) =VG= Double_13 (Armour) mectus (INF) [PR|RPX] =VG= Rotblut so so feel free to join for more information poke ted (because ted loves to be poked ) or poke me because ted will tell you go ask my secretary. See ya on the field
  14. Ted what time we have it is it with or without the daylight savings adjustment topic or nah xD
  15. Well it is good you joined the dark side (development team) so you can assist them in training storm troopers (bots) that do hit
  16. Could they fix the bots so they target camping people in tanks/assets first or would this be to much to ask? xD
  17. We should reset the scoreboard every month and get the MVP of the month medal for them xD Rot counting scores up from multiple accounts i own is unfair as skit also has multiple accounts and so does ranger. I had my challenge of reaching the scoreboard top 10 and it finished a while ago now i just play mainly for funz. If you play for points be a SL and spam fobs, this as some regular people do this to get first place. not really a challenge if you ask me and also pointless for your team. sadly this is the way the game goes to so meh.
  18. Nah russian squad most fun squad xD jK
  19. Well for lol we could scramble the squads before hand using some fancy software. this prevents the creation of OP squads solely because they load up faster or wait with making a squad until the randoms are assigned. This is the only true way making random squads as one might put in a squad the never played with. This would be good as the player will have to interact with the people and so getting to know each other. However it will be hard to accomplish as not everybody reads the stuff.
  20. It happens quite often and mainly depends when the scan was done. if you load and the scan gets done a high chance of assigning bot tag is present. However once you in and play the next scan should undo it. It is a common thing on multiple bot games gametracker scans
  21. @=VG= Kavelenko Well ted doesn’t seem to want the poll and it is not my post so I won’t make it. The poll was not to HAVE to sign up but more a simple way to see who is joining but like I said not my call. i shall inform the ruskies about the event but I doubt many will join due to server/staff related events.
  22. You could make a poll for saying you joining the event yes (17) no (3) maybe (6) you can count the signups that way without having to spamm the post with yea I join
  23. That I be playing Opfor along with ted on the event to make ur life’s on bluefor less predictable. Bots need guidance and the toys need crewing so yea. Prepare
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