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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. could these changes be added to the second or third server so others could continue the work on them? Recently I have spoken with a few others that might be interesserend in further improvement of the server in the hope these changes can then be pushed to an official update. However it would be nice to push these changes on the third or second server. I have been receiving help from fastjack with information pending how to "fix"some of the maps and how to get the bots to be more lethal. This in the method that it only affect multiplayer layers and not singleplayer. This to bypass/fufull the PR requirement that every map needs to be playable in singleplayer. If more and others are interressted in these changes hopefully more word could be done and maybe some of the changes could potentially be added in official updates.
  2. To verify what ted said i just runnext in khami because it is unplayable 8 man tank 3 man trans 4 man cas 4 man apc 3 man inf i found it so redicolous people just waited in main for their assets to respawn rather then playing together. So I simply runnext. I highly suggest ALL one man assets on large maps been removed. We still have plenty of other assets and removing these one man will prevent everybody hogging in the assets. If this is possible/allowed is a different question or else I suggest to put the second server behind password so the people who do wish challenging maps can play their
  3. if you would read I do no mind these changes BUT OTHERS might now rather camp on the hill then been close. Thats what I want to point out, that these changes can have negative effect on the server once they find out they cant support inf nearby cus the bots shoot now insanely far ranges. Yes i might know 2 much about this game but i don't continuously land on the same building camp on the hill , nuke main with a jet because its the most easiest solution. I would love to fight 12 T90s with just a single squad cus it requires teamwork rather than sitting on the hill on kashan.
  4. Well I think it is good to have this change for now but I also have my concerns on the long run. While playing saareema the random 400 m rpg shots where a bit unrealistic in the way it just comes out of dence Forrest. However it is fun for more skilled players I think it will result in more long range camping. If the tank gets shot from 400 m it will stay 402 meter away from the bots. And that’s likely 350 meter away from the inf. on large maps such as khami and kashan I can see the added bonus but Forrest maps not really. I know this can’t be set per map but just noting it. I think the more skilled people will find a new spot as coming closer only makes it more risky. The main issue with the assets is the methods the bots shoot you. Trought Forrest and 1ms past the corner. This is what causes people to keep distance and camp as the distance will give you the only advantage. The pro people will find newer longer camping spots as simply 16 people can’t prevent the tank getting shot trought 6 layers of bushes. Trans and cas on the other hand is more fun. Here the random rockets kinda make sense. But it will evolve to where people either start flanking outside the navmesh or don’t use trans as you get shot down. Don’t get me wrong I love the changes and I don’t mind them having even more insane values, but the people will find another way to glitch it and this will probably further reduce the teamwork required and increase the range.
  5. easy to find out. Hover the helicopter and see if you get RPGed. O wait i forgot I still have to teach you how to fly. xD
  6. Points only motivate those who care about the score and not teamwork. If you would disable the whole thing in general it will not remove that tank on the hill and the lack of teamwork. The issue we have is that the regulars/admins keep repeating the same method of playing a map which is camping and make an example to other players that repeat this as it gains points. Yesterdays example of saareema only confirms this. I noted before and during the round that aslong the tank is alive you can not cap warehouse. This because the tank camps the bots outside the cap zone resulting in them spawning back in the cap one and countering. However people do not think like this. It took 7 attacks until the tank died and the bots weren’t camped. This is not to blaim on the person crewing the tank but on the method it is used by. The killing they do counters the team. On every other map this tactic works as you have a clear line of sight but on saarema it doesn’t work because trees. Adding more multi crew vehicles forces people to communicate. Adding Bradley’s rather then tanks gives them only 6 kill shots before needing to RTB for ammo. Removing bradleys require people to build fobs and tows this resulting in better use of assets. that week the one man assets where blocked was the best week in PR. Kashan bots had a chance and inf needed to coordinate with trans and APC for transport /crates to kill armour and cap flags. The 2 tanks defended the flag and needed repairs. And AA was needed. Now Kashan a 8 man tank squad 3 man cas is enough to prevent the bots leaving main. All troop trucks are gone logi and crap apc are left. I do not blaim people for taking the unused assets in base as nobody is going to take them anyway. Anyway we drifting off topic AA can’t be claimed and should not be claimable. Except tanguska The shilka falls under APC on sbene (2*2man apc 2*1man and 1*2man shilka= 8 full squad) this to prevent another locked 2 man squad. fuchs/vab-vtt/batmobile/brdm should only be claimable if no heavyer asset is present stryker becomes inf when bradley is present I find those rules decent as like mentioned else we just end up with 5 mech inf squads
  7. @ted te esai files for most of the jets are wrong as they seem to miss the trigger command. This added to the fact most jets do not have a dedicated ai file for that vehicle. This results that esai uses the default ai command file for that jet. What in turn explains why some jets approach you like they going to kill you but do not fire as they either do not have a fire command or try to fire a weapon they do not have. If you want your ATGM spam back create a working AI file for the BMP and let it know it has ATGM rockets and assign the fire command to it along with a suitable range. Because the ai file now used by the BMP can’t find the rocket and all weapon range values are set the same, it picks primary weapon first. For stratigy remove move the line where it says ticket disadvantage. This is also preventing the bots from pushing harder as they have less tickets then hoomans. Basically it is set now that if the humans are winning they attack lesser
  8. With it I mean that then the asset is properly manned not abused like Muttrah. As example the tow Humber on khami is crewed by 2 people rather than been a one time transport for a random guy. Same can be said with a logi. If less skilled people would use the assets they are more likely to get tracked thus needing repairs. If my 8 man squad claims the logi just because I need it later it is up to the SL to then actually send someone to repair the asset. This means he has to send it away. If the logi would be on call like trans it could be utilised better and serve both inf and armour. Here is how my view is. Bamyan 6 people in tanks camping the main until they run out of ammo and RTB they do not support inf in any possible way as they just farm kills shooting enemy’s long range that spawn back in capzone. Tow /apc /aa are all useless for their original intended task as the camping tanks do all. This results in people not taking a logi because it is slow and can’t rush flags plus the RTB taking 10 min is 10 min no points. The logi stays behind and gets grabbed by random people just to transport them self’s to the battle. This results in the asset stranding or getting killed somewhere without dropping crates or doing it is job. This in term results that the INF gets killed if the tanks do fall back with no point to respawn cus the logi got wasted. My opinion it is the tank to blain not the INF or the random people. Because the tanks preform camping (not even nesseseraly rule breaking) the INF has no close support and do not find the need to build fobs to build emplacements. If the tank would move in cap and not on the hill, they will help the team but risk getting damage and missing the 200 kills. This risk will cause inf to do bring logi so they can build fobs and repair the tanks that support them. ask yourself the question why would You spend 10 min driving a logi out of main if the tanks do not support you and just camp on a hill?
  9. Their are many questions pending APC assets and who claims them when. For me I count that if APC has 2 or more APC's they do not claim assets that only require crewman for driving. example On Marlin STD we have 7 APC assets (4 VBCI (IFV's) and 3 Vab-Vtt (transport APC) For me APC then only claims the IFV's as INF needs the other assets to move around the map. On Xian we have 6 APC's (4 VBCI and 2 VAB-VTT) So inf can claim VAB-VTT Silent eagle ALT (2 Puma and 5 fuchs) INF claims Fuchs as the 2 troop trucks are not enough. And many more maps we have to many assets But on the following maps I find that APC claims the light assets Marlin INF (1 VAB-VTT) / Kokan Alt (1 fuchs) APC claims the assets as they do not have multiple assets. The reason i find that INF claims these assets is that APC does not even use them. This as they often have a better first pick thus leaving the transport APC behind and when killed they rather wait 5 min for the 1 man than to crew with his squadmate already in main. Yes we can make Mech inf squads or call APC for transport but this simply does not work, as fastjack mentioned the assets are just used for camping rather than supporting, and they not going to sacrifice the kills for helping. I see no issues with people making dedicated Tow or Logi squads if the squad number allows it (so squads can still be created) as this often means the asset is Properly manned rather than been soloed or been used for 1 person transport.
  10. Their are many questions pending APC assets and who claims them when. For me I count that if APC has 2 or more APC's they do not claim assets that only require crewman for driving. example On Marlin STD we have 7 APC assets (4 VBCI (IFV's) and 3 Vab-Vtt (transport APC) For me APC then only claims the IFV's as INF needs the other assets to move around the map. On Xian we have 6 APC's (4 VBCI and 2 VAB-VTT) So inf can claim VAB-VTT Silent eagle ALT (2 Puma and 5 fuchs) INF claims Fuchs as the 2 troop trucks are not enough. And many more maps we have to many assets But on the following maps I find that APC claims the light assets Marlin INF (1 VAB-VTT) / Kokan Alt (1 fuchs) APC claims the assets as they do not have multiple assets. The reason i find that INF claims these assets is that APC does not even use them. This as they often have a better first pick thus leaving the transport APC behind and when killed they rather wait 5 min for the 1 man than to crew with his squadmate already in main. Yes we can make Mech inf squads or call APC for transport but this simply does not work, as fastjack mentioned the assets are just used for camping rather than supporting, and they not going to sacrifice the kills for helping. I see no issues with people making dedicated Tow or Logi squads if the squad number allows it (so squads can still be created) as this often means the asset is Properly manned rather than been soloed or been used for 1 person transport.
  11. Double_13


    Lol MR Poland wasting assets such a newb
  12. Double_13


    Happens quite often. Especially on the osprey
  13. Remember you only have 2 explosions the third one is fatal. When conducting your emergency landing notify the other squads so they can stay clear of the helipad/ runway. And land softly. And FFS wait until the fasten seatbelt sign is off cus double might be driving on the taxiway and extreme breaking might be applied to avoid collisions. Thank you for flying cheekibreeki airlines. PS can’t wait till you join us on BMS. Maybe then I no longer have to spend 30 min taxing behind kavlenko cus he can’t find runway 02 right.
  14. Unless you want to be the commander you do not need to sign up now. the commander picks the faction we all play!!! Every other faction will be played by bots. So you cannot join a specific faction!!!! only the faction the commander picked.
  15. The post was mainly to inform people to think ahead before picking factions and not to criticise the settings. the fog, weather, no runway or whatever is just to illustrate that this can happen on the battle. If people just pick EU to gain access to for example the German bomber they should realise it can’t be used on most of the maps. And that when used it can always be shot down quite easily. Similar would be for Tanks/APC or anything else. Here is Critism/questions If every faction starts with vietnam eara guns what disadvantage does the EU gain with the saying “starts with outdated equipment” This as every faction starts with it. It is logic to disable some guns but if you say G3 is only for Mec then Germany cant obtain marksman or alt officer that use those guns. Russia would stick to 1 weapon been the AK and the only possible research would be scope (that is when you finished all the nam guns research). Then what else would the potential inf research be? if it can’t capture enemy weapons. Like I mentioned if you lock the tanguska behind extreme research delay a gaskin is all that Russia could research in early stage as a shilka is nearly as powerful as tanguska. This is what was originally mentioned to me that faction stuff can be combined so a leclerc and chally on the same map

  17. I don't mind sharing / helping a other commander with making his choices. I have taken the lead so many times and I think its good for others to try it as well. If you never practice you wont get better.
  18. Based on simple thinking the following things should be taken into account. Many maps do not have airstrips so picking a faction just for jets/choppers would be foolish (mec should technically have jets but its noted it doesn't have them at all) this does however mean you have one thing less to research. Even if they have airstrips a single quad can take out any jet/chopper from 1200 meter away. Knowing last event settings the fog is going to be insane thus rendering cas and air transport useless unless someone can laze stuff and take out all the quads. Armour assets are going to be expensive as hell and you will be fighting the most upgraded enemy version. So if EU brings a Vab-VTT it could be facing enemy BMP3's. Unless properly manned and skilefull driving they cant really take it out. Similar would count for tanks and other assets. Simmilar like jets range will be an issue. Fog levels will be put too high making them unable to see where they getting shot from. If fog levels are long range a tow would be able to do the same trick as the tank can and does not cost tickets if lost. The most simple tactic would go full inf research first as you have more of them on the field. Yes one tank can rape more but again range will most likely be an issue and you want to be able to take out the 30 inf units behind the tank. Combining faction units together does not mean the faction would be better in general. In reality having different guns for different situations make sense but in PR it doesn't work. Technically the G3 should be THE GUN as 2 shot is a kill even for modern body armour. The only areas combining factions make sense is for anti armour as the other faction might have guided rockets for long range maps and unguided multishot rockets for smaller maps.
  19. Dunno I would like to see someone else taking the lead. I have no problems supporting that person. My preference would go to China faction as they have they have the most fun and underplayed assets along with kims mighty rocket launcher. Secondly would be middle eastern faction as it limits the battle advantages we have in many ways. but still have decent equipment that can be used. Lastly russia. gotta love to research 6 types of AKs. EU faction is the faction we play every single day and because of that i think we should not pick it. This along with a dozen of other potential problems with EU. Yes it would be fun to have a squad with german medic french at and dutch SL but to time to research stuff is probably to long
  20. Yaay australia with Europe Meme netherlands can’t be naval invaded? Half the country under water but you shall not pass. Dutch national ability should be drugs. Every kit gets a bag of weed to heal himself or another xD
  21. thats why i suggested that every time when the server crashes the starting map would be changed. This prevents playing pavlosk 12 times on Monday and jabal 12 times on Wednesday and also removes the need for reboots to switch rotations. But to the main topic you cant define a perfect moment for reboot. the server software is not particularly smart that it would do a reboot after 3 am when the map ended. so you shall always have moments that the reboot is inconvenient. Just remember that it could crash at any moment for any reason so its just another scheduled crash. xD
  22. Well all jokes aside echo could have a point here that at certain key moments we have no admins online. However this issue can’t be fixed by adding him or others to the admin team. This as you will always have moments where no admins could be on for various reasons. While no admin is online it is up to him to ensure everything gets reported in a correct way on the forum so m8 tedf melon or semler can check on this. I have already had a chat with you echo about the method you complain. I wish to write the few issues out that come up and cause friction between you and other admins this so you can prevent this in future. on khami a guy was stealing a tank. I was flying an A10 kavlenko in inf and 2 more admins on. The fact you directly report it to me is not an issue it is the method and situation The first issue is that you use voice chat, this limits other admins from taking action. As I am flying a jet and can’t type out whole sentences without crashing or flying off the map. Like I said while flying ask a other admin as I can’t do it now. This is not bad admin behaviour it falls within simple rules that if I have to waste my jet to warn him for stealing 2 assets are wasted. This added to that an admin does not HAVE to act on every report if he doesn’t know what’s going on. The second issue is the method. If I quote you “this guy in squad 6 is stealing a tank while he should be in squad 5 and he doesn’t give a fuck” when I did warn him mid flight I get the text “he doesn’t give a fuck just kick him” . This way of talking and been negative sketches a wrong image about yourself. You are a fun guy to play with, but sometimes kinda annoying to as you keep complaining and don’t let it go. been an admin on the server is not a job we get payed for. It is something we sadly have to do as others can’t behave. Every report requires us to stop what we are doing check on the report, maybe act on it, and get back what we where doing. At certain moments this can be done (like defending as inf) and other moments you can’t (attacking/flying). If you can work on these and the other problems I will see no issues on giving you temporary admin (only be admin when no other admins are on). However that’s just my vote, you also need to convince the rest of the team you capable. So keep reporting and try to be less salty. Me and ted produce more then enough salt to keep the roads clear of snowtrols.
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