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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. Unless you wanna play yeehaadiisch all day not that op
  2. So rather thank taking the fight to the northkoreans it became a hover party. I wonder if BMS can also have harrier surfing like PR. (eject out the cockpit and land on the friendly harrier should be the master achievement)
  3. Auww little Poland. Dammit keed you should have picked Europe so Germany can start ww3 with Poland invasion. I find the Dutch truck detail just .... for the 3 maps Dutch forces are been used
  4. Hello führer Keed. Your expeditionary forces are ready for deployment. (11+ Vodka shock troops) note that our government will deny any involvement in this operation. And no need for scope we have Volod just research MG3 or any other machine gun and gg.
  5. I agree that the call to host it on the main server is bad but the original suggestion did not include the further management of such an event. As I posted before it might be better to do it on a locked server but first an playerbase needs to be established
  6. Where does one sign up for IC And maybe fair question could this map been ran a second time the next day. As some might not be able to join on the day or due to the quantity of people. I might bring the 12 russians and hater brings his 8 people it might leave only room for rather few remainders. Looking as how full the last event was it might be kewl to have an option to replay it just for lolz
  7. O gawd keed as commander. How many positions are available in the server (slots) @keed only research the HOBO VAN we dont need the trucks. xD Also please research the yellow jerrycan cus we going to need that xD
  8. @Sledgehammer the final idea for the event is to hold it on a private server with custom layered maps on a particular day. While we can remove the assets without clients to download maps it requires the server to be locked as we discussed earlier. I 100% agree with removing the assets or some of them so we don’t need to kick/warn people but this simply breaks the rules the developers have set out in running the server.
  9. The reason for this event is that some maps are spoiled by the huge quantity of assets we have. To picture the balance of an asset. 1 human tank (oneman or two man) can easily take out ALL an I mean ALL enemy armour. The idea is that for once on the event we as INF for once have the chance to fight on maps we normally don’t need to do jack shit as that single tank would be enough. Currently from my point of view a lot of maps even kashan are interesting to play if INF actually had to do something other then walking A to B. The days the oneman assets where blocked (official PR update) where the best days ever on the server as people actually worked together and communicated to win a map. The 2 remaining tanks supported the inf that where taking out the armour with TOWS / HaTs and LATS. And this is exactly what I want to bring back. People working together to achieve a common goal and not people camping on hills rushing B just for the points. Change the event idea to a locked server then if you so horribly against it. but note again that it is sad to see this semler. In all fairness you don’t even play coop, you have no idea how broken some of the maps have become and what the people ingame say. I can understand your point as a community manager that this could be a potential problem but you simply denying any any idea to get published. I only asked for the backing of people if they are interessted. If they are, THEN we can look if IF we can do this on the public server OR if we have to run this on the event server.
  10. Random spawning assets such as mortars/tows/aa is been worked on by fastjack using the same randomspawning system used for his coop INS However I do not think it will come anytime soon. We can not manually edit the spawn locations as it is a modification of the server files meaning that we would have to lock our server.
  11. The tickets on the server are already insanely high (2000 for bots on most maps) This because of the ticket blead
  12. A time delay means we change the server.zip file of the server. the rules of PR servers say that we can not modify the server files (server.zip) (Dutch) je mag geen enkel bestandje aanpassen anders moet de server opslot. Als je een delay toevoegt verander je het bestand en dit mag niet
  13. Well an opfor event would be technically be the same as you also blocking people of playing bluefor. This event is exactly the same because of this restricting and forcing people to not use an group of assets on a particular day. Is nothing different then forcing them to play opfor. And been really bitchy you can also tell them to join a other server if they don’t like been limited. the poll is again to see if people are willing to join such event. If this event falls outside the community idea then ofcourse the next step is running it locked on our second server. However doing this will result in a fraction within the coop community. So first aim is doing this on the main server.
  14. If you want an answer to your question. Technically yes you suppose to stand their and not shoot as it is in violation of the rules. Practically this doesn’t work. The question then should by why you up their in the first place if you according to the rules can’t shoot. This is exactly why I forwarded it to a more linear map that has simmilar abuse on the map that can’t be muffled away well the bot is their and well I can’t shoot so. Even picking another desert map as boring sands. Is it allowed for the tank to part at the bridge (e6kp3) and shoot all the assets leaving main?. Again you skipping 1+2 neutral and 1 enemy flag but you don’t shoot in the cap. You technically not past the 2th flag and not shooting targets entering or attacking the allowed to skip to flag. The debate that if gastation is capped you technically allowed is also a rather difficult one. Let’s say this would be allowed right let’s apply the exact same rules to mutrah. Docks is capped meaning I attack north city but because I can skip 1 flag I can push to mosk but rather sitting on mosk I sit on the edge of south city as technically I am attacking/defending the mosk from the enemy convoy. sounds strange right? attacking mosk but shooting down the targets driving at south city. Even the whole idea been so far in that map. This is is probably where the confusion lays. As you say on kashan can be on the Hill overlooking the bunkers this is your north city. Then I can attack north outpost as it is the next flag (mosk on mutrah). But rather than attacking the flag I defend just outside the main (south city) or in kashans method on the Hill. If this would be allowed I can technically park my tank 1 meter outside the main and camp their as I am not attacking it I am defending north outpost (mosk) But then from far away. Sounds odd right north city not even capped but already camping south city. So the question should be what is skipping a flag and attacking the next. Does it mean I can then park my tank/apc fob or whatever. Between the 2nd and 3th flag or can I only be at the second and defend it with reasonable distance/logic I agree that kashan can’t be fixed but my Hill camping mainly focused on bamyan in where not only they skip 2 flags they also shoot empty assets in main.
  15. Yes kav i know kashan is a pain in the ass with the rules relating to camping but make one of your amazing drawing on Kozalsk ALT and explain to my why the MILITIA BMP+TANK+SPG can camp at H9KP7 before vehicle or chemical are capped. and while you at it also explain to me why on silent eagle tanks push to H6kp2 and shoot down ALL the armour before the logging house is capped. I think the rules says you can skip 1 flag but not that you can skip one then camp on the edge of the 3th one. LIKE said and its kinda sad that the same maps are always mentioned for counter proof. The fact we have to draw this out and debate it should say enough how the map is played. I suggest the topic goes back to the short play times on the maps. that they might be caused by camping people or flaws is for something else. Lets hope that the next update will fix the bot spawning and that they might again spawn on the front flags so people dont need to skip flags and we can all forget about how it is currently done. PS for spartanish. If you see a A10 or F15 flying over KHAMI main it does not mean they might be fireing. I follow the same policy as ted to only attack targets on the NORTH side of the bridge when the city is capable. If other fellow cas pilots do the same IDK.
  16. maybe you forgetting the flag in the left top where that would be the next flag as indicated by the lines so only assets from that direction are comming from a push 1 flag ahead situation
  17. Fixes all the potential issues I agree but this is not allowed as we would edit the server files meaning we have to lock the server. Because I do not wish to have the server locked I made the poll to see if others also support this initial idea of having less to no heavy assets on maps at a specific day. If indeed enough support can be found we can start looking how to enforce such an event on our server. The enforcement will most likely be done by allowing admins to resign tank/apc/cas squads on the event day and warn/kick people that still use the assets with appropriate manners. However looking for those solutions is outside this polls scope. The poll isonly to see if people are interested and willing to join such an event the how is the event going to be managed will be debated is enough support is found.
  18. Its not the people camping on the hill and yelling them to get off its what they impact to the rest of the playerbase. I can agree that sometimes it can be fun camping on the hill and dont do jack shit and just pew pew. But the method and way people play now has nothing to do with teamwork. The issues posted above are known and some are even against the rules To sum the rules Skipping 2 flags should also include shooting PAST IT Yes the tanks on kashan are not pushed past the flags but they shoot targets that are moving to a flag 3 flags ahead and basically into the main. Kashan Hill (7.1 7.2) Khami Cas (7.1 7.2 7.3) Burning sands bridge camp (7.1 7.2) Bamyan (7.1 7.2) Plus shooting idle assets in main Mutra docks Tow (7.1 7.2) Beirut Cas (7.1 7.2) Beirut tank (7.1 7.2) kozelsk alt (7.1 7.2 7.3) Silent std tank rush (7.1 7.2) bijar std tank rush (7.1) technically also baserape as its convoy shooting bijar alt tow on hill (7.1 7.2) I can keep going but it should be clear that all these things are in violation of the rules. However admins do it themselfs and promote doing it. I honestly could not care if they stack the kills but currently they violate the rules what results in making the maps as they are now. And as the admin does it so will the others. Like i said the main issue is due to the broken map that causes the people to skip the flags in the first place. If khami had bots spawning on chem the tanks wouldn't roll out so cas cant camp and tanks dont have to push forward to kill However due to the maps been broken people learned themselfs O nothing spawns at this or this flag better rush forward so i can shoot the convoy 4 flags ahead before someone else does it. Because of this it results in the hillcamping we see now rendering nearly 80% of the map unplayed as the bots do not even have a change to reach the positions. As we can not fix the broken maps ourselves because we simply are not allowed to, it is requested that admins would start following the rules and quit their rule breaking and camping behaviour and start playing as it suppose to be. I did not request any special rules of you cant sit on the hill or do that. i just request admins to follow the dam rules so others can also be enforced following them. It is sad to see that when you join the map at start the admins are often the first people to claim all the oneman assets while they are the once with functioning mics and should be trying to cooperate with each other. Yes its their own choice but like i mentioned it came to the point where people rather wait 10 min in main for their own asset to spawn then to cooperate with someone else already waiting in main for 5 min. This is the way we are heading right now. And again its not them crewing the assets or taking the onemans thats the problem. Its them breaking the rules and pushing ahead to stack kills in a method that violates the rules thats the problem. I would suggest we have an auto revive scrip so we can remove the requirement of teamwork of a medic, this so you can heal and revive yourself as this basically is the mentality seen now on the server. ME MYSELF AND MY I. This rulebreaking behaviour that is equal to the hugescale camping is what i want to get changed .Camping on that hill /bridge is not the problem if it would be the actual objective but now the failures of the maps that the bots are only able to spawn in main is abused to where the other 34 people on the server have nothing and i mean nothing to do other than stand in a cap circle as other break the rules. Why are INF maps the only fun maps? exactly because they often do not provide the ability to rape main as its closequarters. I would love to play khami/kashan but the issue now is that when I set the map the people not in the assets have nothing to do then walk A to B to C and maybe make 2 kills. The best rounds played on bamyan where because I as tanksquad got all the tanks to fallback to rearm and leave the INF alone to coop with the armour until a combined push could be made. No camping on the hills resulted in no baserape in more coordination and in more fun for everybody. We could have finished the map 50 mins earlyer by just standing on the hill picking off everything but this leaves nothing for the rest. Tanks should be support for troops and not the only attacker as they are now. And we have to go to it one more time. If the people would not camp on the hill the bot accuracy settings could be lowered significantly to reasonable levels in where INF has a fun fight VS them. If the settings are lowered the bots might gain better tactical advantage as no longer are all the AI settings overwritten as they are now. So yea NO special rules just follow the current once
  19. (got to love old word art) xD I hereby would like to ask the potential backing of the NO PROS AS ASSET HOES event. As the name says the main focus of the event is that skilled people are not allowed to use assets such as TANKS/APC/CAS and other theifor force them and others to complete the map in a different way that require more teamwork. The reason for this event comes from that maps currently are to easy due to the fact bluefor is supported by a huge wave of assets crewed by skilled people. This backing breaks the requirement of cooperation between INF squads to win the map. I shall start with YES this event will be hard to manage but over time people learn and becomes easier. However i think it can be done and is worth a shot if enough backing can be provided and because of that I posted it here. The best example of the backing of this event can be explained on a map as kashan where now the tank battalion takes out all the armour before reaching the bunkers thus leaving INF only to stand in a circle and cap the flag without firing a shot and repeat this process. On the event day the assets are restricted to randoms or totally depending on whats suggested at that time. By restricting the assets it will force and stimulate INF squads to work together to hold off the enemy forces by the use of TOW/HAT/LAT/MORTERs and most of all teamwork. The INF squads will require ammo thus trans and potential LOGI squads need to be used to keep the flow of ammo going. Individual squads need to work together coordinating attacks so that the flag is defended while others push up. The aim is to hold this event once a week like the opfor event used to be done. (I DONT KNOW WHY OPFOR FIDAY IS NOT BEEN RAN BUT WE NOT GOING TO DEBATE THAT HERE.) People not supporting the idea of been blocked from assets are always free to join the next day and continue their usual playing methods. But its highly requested that during the event they follow the same mindset as others this been not using the assets. So this comes to the main question if people are potentially interested in an weekly or maybe longer interval event where the assets are restricted for those who are good at it. To gain the possibility to finish maps under different conditions. Additional Admin info As this event does not require any custom server setting it is mainly enforced/backed by admins restricting the use of assets. Thus meaning admins will have to potentially do more work. However this also add the flexibility to the event to be enforced only when possible. When the server would be seeding the use of assets can be allowed but if the server is full on the next map the assets can be blocked thus starting the event. This event will potentially result in additional kicks/warns of people that might not know we holding this event but once again if this event is been ran for several weeks people will understand whats the plan and will no longer make the mistakes they didn't know they where making. I do not suggest running this server behind bars (locked) during this event as it should be open for everybody and simple repeat of process will learn people the event rules For administration I do not seek for the potential flaws and reasons we can not run this event management wise. This is solely to ask if people are interested in such an event so that if so the potential management of this event can be worked out. The main flaw of who is skilled and who is not will be a huge challenge but again thats not within the scope of this poll. Feel free to provide feedback what you think about the event.
  20. Well i can 100% agree with you that the maps are too easy especially when the server is full. The reason these maps are easy are due to the method how they are played. if you wish to make Kashan,Bamyan,Khami,Silenteagle,burningsands, etc hard do not use the tanks to kill the enemy armour but try doing it with defending fobs on the flags. I am not going into the opness of the oneman tank as this is already clear. Several other issues currently cause the maps to become boring and unplayable in several situations. Ill start with the camping behaviour of regular players/admins that cant seem to get enough of it. Almost all the maps above are played using the exact same method. The tank or heavy assets get crewed by skilled players that sit on their designated spot far away and shoot the convoy leaving main. Yes i can hear you saying isn't this baseraping? Well yes. But the reason we don't really do anything about it is because warning the people will only provoke more problems. But there is a reason why people do this. If you play any of those maps on local and switch to opfor side you can see their is nothing spawning on the first flags. This basically means that the bots all spawned in main and are crewing the assets. Because people do not wish to wait for cap they push as far as possible to get those kills first. Its exactly this problem of bots wrongly spawning that causes the map been easy as you can cap the flag without resistance and push further in the map. Regulars make an bad example by doing this and others copy the method. At the moment we have several admins/players that enjoy camping on the hills but if its within the rules its their right. However, an admin/regularplayer should be an example for other people. If you in a tank with Double and you see where Double parks his tanks and stacks 200 kills in the round you going to do the exact same thing yourself. In result you show this to others that do the same and so on. This describes why its hard to warn people as if the rule would be enforced to to shoot at main on 11:00 ZULU and the same map is played on 14:00 ZULU still half the server would be camping on the same spot as other new people do this similar tactic. This results in the situation that If Double is online i cant sit on the hill and when Double is not online i can sit on the hill. (this counts not only for the maps listed but also other maps where people camp forward flags) The last and maybe the other key important factor. No Coop Coop stands for Cooperation that would suggest that people are cooperating together to achieve a common goal. However due to whats above the maps are more like SOLOOP (solo operation). This again mainly focuses to the regular players/admins and not that 1 dude that does not have a mic an wanders away. Yes we can always give exceptions to whats said as "well we play in squads and my squad ...." but i am talking in overall perspective. I do my own squadleading so I can hear whats going on an squad chat and its ......................... (nothing). Simmilar in asset squads its often ............. (nothing). and maybe a shouting from i need a logi. Yes we could have rounds i dont have to talk to Hater as he knows what he is doing and talks when needed, but the other 5 squads just wander about. Within asset squads it becomes even better. People dont talk at all just drive around themselfs and GG. The bias for cooperation is so low that the following happens nearly every round. ` (regular dies and respawns in main) (random asks: dude hey can you gun for me) (regular answers: nah man i am waithing for my oneman tank to respawn) (7 min later tank spawns regular drives away and the other guy still stuck in main has no gunner) (5 min later other guy joins squad and drives with the random for 2 min and round is over) this should really become an bannable offence as you not willing to cooperate but just want to play hanssolo rather then a team. These issues above are what causes the bot difficulty to be set so high. the 400m RPG is so that it might potentially has a change to kill the camping dudes on the hill. If you wish to make the maps harder you need to change the mentality of the people that they wish to make the map fun. Start with removing gametracker scoreboard as this is the main focus for most of the regulars to stack the points. Start with addressing admins that their camping behaviour is not correct and start punishing others so that the mentality of camping gets removed Gain a common goal to have fun in the maps and that your Topsquad is not important. (some maps are perfect to play even with a full server if you would wait 4 min and get the bots pushed up in the maps.) These changes can be applied without modifying any server file. The maps can still be playable on low population as then you use the onemans but when reasonably full you simply not use them and cooperate with someone else. As i mentioned once in a comment with fastjack delaying assets or increasing the spawn times on them does not affect the server. Its as its named just an delay of the potential camping. this delay will result in people waiting in main therefor they do not contribute to the game. Imagine xianshang/khami/kashan with all tanks and apc been delayed. that would be 16 people waiting in main for 10 min rather then pushing up helping out and fall back 8 min later like in deployment people in coop just wait. I would still suggest the NO PROS AS ASSET HOES Wednesday weekly event in where every regular player is banned from using tanks/apc/cas/ifv and just finish the maps with inf, crates and teamwork. I can tell you, playing kashan without assets is a whole different battle and a lot lot more fun. If people dont like it then they can come back the next day and use the assets. I think that as veterans gaming we should promote such an event as it focuses on people working together and have fun as a whole.
  21. As medic you not suppose to intantly pick up the wounded guy. He or his squad should first take out the enemy’s before reviving. However currently this is not done and the guy gets hit by one of the shots and dies again. Simmilar as in deployment you will just have to wait before getting revived. While I can agree that the wounded time is quite short it is short as the bots wait until they bleed out and then spawn. Adding the same 3 min wounded time would mean the bot will respawn after 3 min. The only thing what these changes do is force you to play more realistic. And last time I checked it is called project reality, so it has to be realistic. Looking from my standpoint I do not notice any more accuracy then before. I still can just cross the streets and walk where I want to walk without the instant death. The only thing I noticed I can’t walk 50M in the open but only 25m before getting killed. However this adds a new challenge as the approaches to buildings and flags need to be changed. And this is where it goes wrong. still people sit on the same building using the same rush tactics they did before but now they complain they get killed. Rather then adapting you simply say to hard change it back. But isn’t that the fun, Trying new things when it is hard? could the changes be saved and added to the second server so that the moments people wish more challenge they can play on one of the other servers.
  22. It is the most fun kit in the game along with the British blowpipe (AA kit) It is the only grenadier that has an reasonable splash radius (3m) and very accurate. The 4 HE and 1 AT you get is more then sufficient to kill any armour (also tanks) or multiple armoured assets. The mayor downsides are the limited ammo and the short range (75 or 100m option). The british AA needs no explanation after using it. (Javelin rocket mode for max fun)
  23. Better start making my potential application so I can submit it last moment. Kim we coming for you.
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