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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. Trees and X-ray Vision do not really match. another problem is that the maps are harder then your average map and people often ragequit faster since they keep getting killed from the bots shooting thought the vegetation that blocks our sight. due to the many people leaving it will be harder to cap the flags since you don't have enough troops to keep the bots from entering the caparea Hill: easy map that can be finished with only killing 30 bots if one squad pushes to the hill flag and the other caps the neutral flag operation ghost train: fun map but like stated above the trees keep shooting, and often you have a jerk that destroys the FOB and you gotta walk for 10 min TEDS hell (tadsea): problem is that most people don't load up fast enough to counter the first wave. Later on you have your tree issue charlies point: quite easy map but people leave to fast and you need 30 people to keep the bots off your ass Those are the Vietnam maps we don't play. They can be played if you have at least 2 or more decent squads that communicate. Sadly this never happens and the map becomes hard for the sake of keeping the fun admins avoid these maps so the server can stay alive. there are many maps we rarely play and all is because there is no teamwork to pass that map.
  2. I do wonder why the !admin command is back on the public list. I can really notice that when I join the server and there was no admin online before me. When I join people tell me there was a huge tk event and the person in question left since !admin showed an admin was joining.
  3. i would like to swap to the blue team (whatever asset) so the groups are more balanced red has 2 free spots blue has 4 free spots this can be done if as mentioned before the event signup is closed
  4. as far as i know i played some of the original bf2 maps with musicplayer and the bots worked decent. i have no clue how he did it but it was lots of fun. sad thing was it took forever for him to upload the modified files so i could download them
  5. I will join this event with I would like to apply for an T62 slot in the Red team If no squadlead can be found I am available to change to that but until then I like to reserve the T62
  6. On some maps i find the Mech inf has no right for an ACP or striker. lately I had a huge discussion about mech inf on kokan. This because we only have 1 Striker and particular person always make a mech inf and uses it as personal transport for his squad. The Striker is in that case only use as an transportation device could and should be manned with a dedicated squad rather then functioning as an armed loggi Situation On mapstart someone that loads fast makes Squad 1 named Mech inf and 2 sec later i make a striker squad. find that we still have rights over the Striker due to the rule that an asset squads have right over the asset. just because people load faster doesn't mean they can always claim as they please. I understand if we had 2 or 3 of these assets one could claim it but if there is only 1 I find that on loadup the asset squad keeps the right. Once in battle (+2 min from start) I agree that one could claim it with a mech inf squad. I would like to hear what the official stand on this situation is because its becoming an regular issue.
  7. Well it's sad to see people can act like this, and I would do exactly the same. The reason you got kicked is totally valid according to da rulez and I have seen people get banned for less. I think you should consider yourself thankful for not getting banned for this disruptive behaviour. That at said I hope to see you back on the server with a more friendly mood / behaviour
  8. Playing on those maps could be an event itself
  9. So will the battles be held on the default maps or are we going extreme and we even use old maps such as golf of oman? since the server has to be locked anyway due to modified data it wouldn't be a bad idea.
  10. Looks nice. However when i briefly looked over it it might be good to mention some aspects personally I woud put the rules with a link to the website (so they always up to date) or put them in the Appendix since now they occupy a large part in the middle of the document and it doesn't look nice (personally saying) more side information thats common for us regular players but not for new people. - Cap order - Cap status (press tab or M) - alt kits - how to drop kits - finding respawn times for assets - reload chopper on carrier land behind DA LINE - how to fix if you cant see squadleads (reset shader) - how to report people on VG - how to get in contact with an admin (TS) - how to reconnect to the server without waiting for it to show on the list (use the join ip) some might be in the official manual but these are the most FAQ I get ingame and i know not all are mentioned the AAVP is not noted in the asset list, and since specifically mention IFV and APC it might be smart to mention AAVP with it as well maybe you have something with these suggestions maybe not.
  11. @semler Well you also have to see with the integration possibilities of the website. I used Discord with Xenforo and it works great together. It copied the ranks from the website over to the ranks on discord The Stability is good but its still a new program so it has its problems. You can have multiple access levels. It can even be linked to the forum ranks but that depends if DIscord likes to talk with this forum software. (seeing the website is not working properly I doubt it works) of course the ranks can be done manually. I personally think Discord is better then TS3 due to having more functionality's but I think the main problem will be making the switch (if there would be one). We have a working TS3 system now so I understand that people do not wish to change something that works since they are familiar with it. But if you do not go with the time you will get stuck in the past.
  12. I have my doubts about using Discord for a community like this but why not give it a try. I use the program on allot of other networks (mainly wikia) so it will be interesting on how it will work out here. I don't know if it is possible with the forum program we use now but you can link Discord with the forum for various purposes such as PM, Who's Online and many other features. See you on Discord.
  13. USA is working on new stealth technology seems it is not completely done
  14. Well that wasn't the first time I saw such a creative commander this caught my eye about a month or 2 ago Error:Landing_gear.DLC not found please hover by
  15. I wonder why it is not possible for the server to have a variable startup map from a few selected maps. with this i mean that lets say 5 possible startup maps are selected and the server randomly starts on 1 of the 5 maps. This way we can get a bit more variety when the server crashes. I know I will probably get the most simple answer that I see everywhere on the forums "NOT possible" but is it really?. I think that this can even be done without tempering with the original pr files server. This by giving the reboot sequence of the game a variable that determines what map-list it will be using. This idea comes from other games that had this variable startup implemented in the startup of the server. But even if this is possible I think the Interval on which the server crashes is way to frequent.
  16. Just another day as a spotter for TEDF
  17. 1) For maps i would like to suggest to give people an alternative way to vote for nextmap or run nextmap. This because, when certain maps runs such as INF/Vietnam the server drops heavily in players and stays low through the entire round. This causes the BLUFOR to have insufficient "decent" players to win / have a nice round. From observation on TS3 I often hear people (mainly staff) say they will skip this map because its INF map and they can't be asked to play it, this is of course there own choice in this but I always wonder why they don't try to prevent this from happening. I hear that the mapvote could crash the server and it might be true! But, when most admins are offline it is used quite a few times without issues. So I wonder if there is a ways we could vote for !runnext so we do not need to be stuck at that map until it Finally ends/crashes or admin switches it.
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