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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. Double_13

    FOB update

    One does not get stuck on muttrah, muttrah is love muttrah is life you shall play muttrah at least once a term. wasnt there suppose to be a separate event server (and coop ins) to be created as mentioned in a other topic? This so that events/tests can be held there without modifying the main server files. I do have to say that the server has been a lot more stable since ted disabled prism yesterday. This not only in less lag but also in less crashes.
  2. Worst update you ever did Start Windows 7 FTW. I think you have to reinstall the game as the direct X bla bla bla might need a other version than you had on windows.
  3. Never gonna happen, and with this I mean that the Devteam will do something for the coop community in terms of fixing stuff. The main thing COOP needs is the OLD 1.7 spawning system, as where the bots also spawn on forward flags and not only in main as they do now. Because this spawning is gone the maps became to easy and as result we have to change stuff as dig-able fobs Also the new update causes that no longer custom mapfixes can be made. This as the server now check the server.zip file and wont launch if it has been altered. This limits us as server to make/fix maps to our need such as giving bots faster re-spawning assets and humans slower re-spawning assets to balance the maps. If these 2 things would be fixed/possible the need of a commander will become much higher as the bots will be able to give more realistic resistance rather than making them 1 shot killing machines.
  4. Well one of the main things as CO is also you know the battlefield itself. On deployment this means you know all the possible enemy fob locations. On coop this means you have some sense on where the bots move and how to efficiently counter this. Rarly anybody takes up the role for commander to actual command. Most of the commanders are CO so they can build fobs, laze stuff with officer kit or can't be bothered playing together with others. I personally do not listen to what a unknown commander has to say (if they even speak) or spam toward as me using the move markers. As most of the times the commands the person sends are self explanatory or completely useless. Only if the person sounds credible I shall see if I could follow the orders he gives me. If the server is low populated it could be usefull to use a CO so he can try to use the limited resources he has as efficient as possible. However on a full server I often do not see the use of a CO as the mayor squads have SL that knows what to do and communicate among other squads. The use of a commander would only cause more confusion if the CO is unable to do it is job correctly.
  5. Double_13

    FOB update

    Well my idea would implement that somewhere else are x amount of maplist.list files and that the program picks one of those files and makes it the main one. This would mean that if we would only have 2 maplist.list files it would only pick between those 2 maps
  6. Double_13

    FOB update

    Well can your idea not be automated that if the server would to crash and/or reboot it launches the script/bat so for the next reboot/crash uses a different rotation would be used and so on. Server starts mutra (sets that next reboot maplist would be pavlosk) plays its current maplist server crash Server starts pavlosk (sets that next reboot maplist would be x) and plays its current maplist server crash Server starts x (...) and so on The only thing that cares is the first map but the others the admins can manage themselves like ted said.
  7. This event posted here is not managed by =VG= in any way. This topic is only here to inform people such event takes place and they are free to join if they wish so. The event listed at the Server is a =VG= event and this one would be the "operation red tide part III" this event will be held on our =VG= server and will required custom maps to be downloaded.
  8. Double_13

    FOB update

    Well I would like to see a variation on starting maps. Let's say the server crashes it takes one of a preset map rotations and then launches. This so one time the server starts at mutra and a other time at pavlosk and a other at map X and follows the map rotation further down. In theory this should be possible in where a program replaces the map rotationrotation.file by an other (preset) file if the server would to crash or reboot.
  9. The CO is not used much as most of the time it is not need on a map. This could be as the map is already to easy and/or the commander simply can't do anything usefull ( no area-attack, crap or no uav). Other than that comes the main issue, getting SL's to listen. Unless it is so that we have a few decent players and SL's online it is next to impossible to try and command people around. On events this is something different as you are all facing new challenges and someone that helps coordinating will be more usefull rather than every man for themselfs. personally I would suggest to always get an CO on the maps Yamalia STD, Charlie's point STD, Dovre STD and TadSea ALT as these maps are in need of proper coordination to finish the map successfully
  10. Double_13

    FOB update

    Well if the map is not finish able due to been to hard its up for the admin to just runnext. I went on FOB duty today on yamalia (so the map would be easy and not get wrecked by tanks) and it took 3 people 1 min to shovel the fob. Reasonable I would say
  11. I shall surly come and kick your asses. I shall gather my own crewman. This event looks liked the average BF2 Sandbox mod days. I really miss the great times of that mod but yea.
  12. Double_13

    FOB update

    The problem with putting people on OPFOR is that if certain people join that team they will wreck the humans. Until before certain players joined the OPFOR team time to time and took control of the bots drive assets but not kill people. However with the new perm update these permissions have been removed. Ted has been searching if hes able to remove the requirement for 3 people to shovel the fobs but so far no success.
  13. Double_13

    FOB update

    First of all we do support your feedback but for now we will not go in to changing the razor wire back to instant construction as we would like to see how people handle it. If it proves that certain maps can not be finished without them been on instant construction that is if the server is low populated we will take a new look at this. In my personal eyes and many other the razor wire is now been used just to play in the hands of the limitations of bots. (they get stuck on them as where a normal player would drive around). If I am not mistaken the razor wire was block to be used up to the summer last year. So how did players manage it back then? And I surly see that it could be hard to play the map with less people and especially building fobs as try to get multiple people to shovel. However as the server is most of the time decently full we decided that these new features could be given a try. Other changes I would like to see are the Delay on Tanks on kashan as now the tank crew rushes to the mountains waiting for the parade of tanks driving out and thats GG round finished, sadly there are some other flags the inf have to cap but that is just a matter of time isn't it? However this is not suitable on low players either as it would pose to hard. So then are we going to shift every attempt to making the game harder for a +-30 people server not happen because if it would be underpopulated we get more resistance and possibly wrecked? I would LOVE to see the bots wreck us on default (in a non 360noscope way) so we as people need to work together to finish the map. What I wanted to say with this is that Yes some changes make the map hard on low population but we cant always shift the blaim to that. Like said in my original post we hope that the cooperation between players will increase. If this happens then the Gameplay would also be better, and so the changes will become next to unnoticeable
  14. Double_13

    FOB update

    The Fob on the flag is an issue as the FOB itself will not become spawn able and therefor the FOB itself is useless, other than giving the ability to deploy HMG AT ect. Like TEDF said the FOB could also be moved off the flag to a more suitable location thus making it spawn able and still giving you the ability to build things. @zero_tolerance_s The Combat engineer doesn't work on building FOBS (at least to my knowledge) but only for razor wire. The razor wire is a definite no as people spam them way way way to much. Maybe other than blocking off the flag some people stay behind and defend as it suppose to be. Personally i never use razor wire as i just move fast enough to the next flag to cap it before the bots can cap the other one. @Kavelenko Pending resigning the CO /SL that abuses the building/flaghopping. The issue is not only do they flaghop they make the game more unrealistic. Now its easier for people to just give up and respawn on the fob nearby rather then waiting for a medic. The whole goal of editing these features is it to keep the game interesting so we do not steamroll every map.
  15. Double_13

    FOB update

    With the aim to have more cooperative gameplay on our server, it has been decided that FOB'S now need shovelling. This prevents the ability to lonewolf as CO or SL just to build FOBS, these where often way ahead of the capable flags and caused numerous new players to spawn on them, and by doing so get kicked/warned for flag hopping etc... We also hope that with the FOB's now require shovelling it puts an end to the, "build fob on the flag" and the "build a fob just to earn points for top squad" mentality. Due to coop limitations the HMG, AA, Morters and AT are not need to be shoveld. The foxholes and sandbags do not need shovelling as we find this to much of a change for the moment. However this might be changed in the future. Also due to recent spammage of razor wire this has been put on shovel mode as well. ( it's known that MEC is often lay called Mexicans but we don't need to build a "great walllll" on every flag to keep them out). We hope that these changes affect the gameplay and the cooperation between the players in a positive way.
  16. Yes the maps have been made unplayable in single player to prevent spying beforehand. The event is meant to be that people have to adept to whatever is thrown at them. I would kindly suggest people to sign up for the assets as they are kinda need to finish the maps
  17. The maps should be made avalible at least a day before the event. On the day of the event make sure to check this topic once again to obtain the password to the server. We have to lock the server as the rules of the PR licence states that custom content is only allowed on locked servers. Feel free to invite your buddy's and if you wish sign up for one of the asset slots. Please join our Teamspeak server on the event to get more information form the organisers.
  18. Yes there are maps needed to be downloaded in order to join. The maps will be made available once the final adjustments have been made.
  19. Day 13, Deathdealer still heavy farts from the sunday beans. The smell is so bad that no-lan rather pokes his head out the top dome to get sniped then having to endure the gas consentation inside
  20. for assets the main rule applies you not allowed to kick if the person doesn't have a mic. You are allowed to kick people out the squad if you are sure if one can't operate the asset correctly (especially applies for trans/cas) I find that at the beginning for inf squads the SL is allowed to kick people out to let others in. This as you can't invite 7 people to your squad but only 5 (game limitations)
  21. Might be a suggestion but should there not be a commander signup as well. I think it is a good idea that the commander has some sort of battle plan/idea beforehand.
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