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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. I’ll be providing resistance so prepare
  2. welcome to 2017 the moment where everything you say or do is wrong. you don't do anything you lazy you do something you overdoing it. I he only briefly read the threat but i can understand the point. I agree that when certain maps with muslim nations are been played the level of edgy jokes becomes quite high as non muslim person you might see it as lolz but for ranger and other muslim people it might be more of an issue. I am not referring to the allhaa Akbar shouting that’s more annoying than been funny but I can image that people playing the isis song saying it’s funny can be more like a reference to hell they might had to deal with. Same could be said about the jokes people make when playing Vietnam maps where I LOVE THE SMELL NEPALM IN THE MORNING could be viewed as something horrible from people in vietnam The main thing is where do you draw the line. From an European/American point of view the Isis spam could be seen more as a joke but for middle eastern people it would be the same as making holocaust jokes; but we do not allow this. Making Gas-inf when playing IDF does not mean you work for the gas utility company I know I for one make quite some jokes with the people I play with but it stays within the limits that its fun for both sides. Example would be me calling Mr Poland (spartanish) cheap and he calling me Mr dutch cheezehead would not be an issue for us both as we both know its just for fun. If you go back a year ago and check the reports I got warned for calling some kid a newb as he couldn’t read the map. I got warned not to call people noob as it is disrespectful. Then joining the server hour later you see an melon shouting cunt cunt cunt and that’s not an issue its part of the language. So we allow Cunt but not noob as its apparently less to not offensive, kinda odd if you ask me. (not to pick on melon its just one of the examples of words that seem to be used all the time without issues) I think its good we having this debate and try to motivate people to stop shouting random things they do not know the meaning of and report it if it gets TO FAR OUT OF HAND. But you cant and should not try to ban all these saying as it would be impossible to say anything
  3. well ted made more events before and maybe make future once. But you have to understand it takes a very long time to make something like this as the editing software tends to crash every random interval and the game is just bugged as hell.
  4. Well pay attention to the “I got lock” sound in jets as it even works outside render
  5. Yes it is allowed you allowed to use this if you enchance the graphics and not run super low quality shaders that do not come with it. I myself use it to and even in the PR tournement this is allowed if you want more high quality shaders you can find them here https://github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders?files=1
  6. the set distance will not matter as its coop the marker will disappear in a sec unlike deployment Good vid lazing is quite handy but only 1 or 2 people should provide laze support or else the bombs go yeee. For a pilot you might not always see the laze as it might be behind a hill or game is been a dick.
  7. I shall see if I can make a vid tonight. I hardly gave any practice flying the harrier. I spend more time landing every jet in the game on the carrier at testairfield then going into vtol mode. (try land big mama (china bomber) on the carrier without seat switch or even worse the german bomber it is possible.) (no bumping /glitching needed to land it)
  8. If you saw how keed flys the osprey you can do the same with the harrier but at higher alt. osprey 10 sec S the. Press W rocket nose straight to the sky with the same tilt speed as the propellor moves from vertical to horizontal and yee.
  9. Here comes the PR non realistic version takeoff 50 alt keep holding S and start pressing W when you feel you starting to drop tilt nose up to 80 degree from horizon and release s only pressing w and you took off. landing I normally do this from the burning ship and fly with an arch to the carrier and preform a deck landing release w and press s for 5 sec And release it head towards the carrier when you notice your speed drops and you stalling press S again. Note that you might still have invert controls (up is down and down is up) to counter this you release S again wait for 2 sec and press it again and you hover the lazy way. start holding s and tilt nose up for about 25 degree once you hit low speed.when you almost go into stall vtol mode release s and move your cockpit horizontal and press S again the main issue I found out is that your controls get inverted when you try it with the full speed keep holding S. I don't know why it does. It I noticed that holding S has no use when you flying at speed so why press it. The S button will toggle the reverse mode and this takes time. you can see this best when you fly the osprey. Fly full speed stop holding w and tap s once. The propellers will still move up tap w and they move down. This happens on the harrier with the vents on the side but you can't see it. From the testing I noticed that if you keep holding S when going into vtol it likes to go nosedown but doesn't do this when you do not hold s so to sum it up press S once and glide until the speed is reasonable slow and then press it again to hover. I could look making a vid if it is really needed
  10. Well the balance update is sometimes a bit meh. The fact that the mec crewman is better then all the other kits except MG3 is also pushing to many people to wander around with crewman kits just because of the gun. The problem with the brit APC is that they so under armoured. They cant scatch tanks unlike the Russian,US,Ger APC's making them practice targets for tanks. The gun shoots to slow to light up a building, and the splash of the HE rounds is only 2/3 meter. I have had situations that it shot at me hit the wall in the same room and 0 damage.. Also the Coax on this APC and other brit armour has been put to such low speed even a G3 shoots faster. To put it together the gun underpreforms because the lack of punch VS fire speed. And the platform it is mounted at is to big,noisy and Slow to be effective against other same class APC's
  11. Nice post but it is a horrible gun in PR. The fire rate is so slow and it still overheats with 8 shots it is kinda unreal to be used with the damage it does. This adding to the amazingly fast engine it has (press w wait wait put down my tea wait more and you might start moving if you not dead)
  12. Should start playing it again. I needed material for upgrading my FSD but didn't work out as I wanted
  13. https://www.dropbox.com/s/17358w94j8e06sd/VGmappack_v0.1.rar?dl=0
  14. It is sad that ted spends time on a whole explanation but people simply do not read it.
  15. Learn to fly the French tiger helicopter (especially landing) and you are better then 50% of the pilots. I learned flying in the chinook and after that cobra. The best thing to do is hold S when you land on flat surfaces. Only when you start sliding like a lynx does or on sloped surfaces you should abort and press w and take off ASAP. Once a chopper slides it is quite hard to stop it and often better to hop out or quickly change seats to not waste the chopper.
  16. Nothing beats the fences in PR. Use them correctly you can launch a tank 50 meters in the air. Use them wrongly goodby
  17. Well it is good to see outlawz is talking with ya. I wonder how that happened xD. I think it is good you (mappers) have a chat and share ideas maybe some crazy ideas came up. I got ted persuaded in making the BF2 maps after I found the navmeshes for them.
  18. I think jersans meant make it a blog on this forum like fastjack did. This so if you read one you can see all the others you posted before
  19. Try gently tapping it with an hydrolic jackhammer interwebs told me this might work.
  20. We do not run these maps on our server as they not in the main game, however I am interessted in making an mappack with all the latest maps and see if their is an possibility to run it on specific moments
  21. You forgot to mark an stinger on the map near the double t shape that the bots never use. Also smart to add on what side of the carrier they have to rearm as most of the new people do not know this. Further add a path for cas to shoot down the AA from a safe angle
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