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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. I’ll look if I can make a new _nav static object for the house of pain and add it to the script
  2. Well fastjack has been really busy from the work he showed me yesterday. the maps I am currently making are for now just fixes to the original maps. These fixes include - more spawnpoints for bots - more precapped flags for bots - fix of deadspawnpoints for bots - change of defence and attack priority for bots - longer cap times for humans - random mainbase spawner for bots. The first wave of maps coming out will be aimed for implementation to vanilla PR as they just fix the everyday bugs and screwups. the later wave of maps will include my hardcore maps where you will face defeat if no teamwork is accomplished. (No heavy assets on bluefor only logitrucks)
  3. 1 event server 1 test server for fastjack INS and upcoming D13 maps
  4. alt worked last time i played it. server seems to crash every 3th map over and over again
  5. Well updating the server itself is not a huge task and could be done in less then an hour (the first deployment server took 7 min after the update). The servermanagers get a early download and update notification to prepare the server for the update. However as the main people that manage our server are from the USA it might take some time for them to notice the update.
  6. sometimes i wonder if they actually tests the update they throw out. like it should not be that hard to spot a crashing startup screen or is it just me. Anyway good thing its fixed the karbala issue should also be fixed so the map should in theory be playable. But i guess only time shall teach us
  7. you could go to the following location C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\movies and delete the 2 .bik files. I always do this as it seems to create more FPS. In the original BF2 this was done to as the main menu was playing in the background while playing ingame. i guess the same can be said for PR.
  8. Expect another update soon as people seem to crash after the intro movie.
  9. Who says we want you back Jonathan???? just kidding hope to see ya soon
  10. I gonna murder keed if he didn’t research the mighty stone. We need stones to add additional stone armour to our APC’s
  11. No names just numbers 6-8 shocktroups might be more depends now how many drunk Russians I can get on
  12. I can see the moment ted has to give me stones because we are to op with mosins The shocktroops will be informed
  13. The UAV on every map can cause huge lag spikes cus all the bots focus on it. The focus can result in an targeting error and can crash the server. Another update I started with the preparation to navmesh outpost (map) I hope I can have the map navmeshed within a week or 2. Fastjack been teaching me the tricks and working on learning 3dsmax to get the navmesh correctly done.
  14. For events this could be done. Like fastjack mentioned the language will be an issue the default language gets defined by the init.con on muttrah this would be USMC and MEC however this can be modified depending on the layer as the gameplayobjects.con (GPO) can load a second init_alt.con. However this init_alt.con will only change the faction to for example polish but does not change the language as this is still loaded by the init.con. what I do for my D13_khami map is that I define English as the main language for the humans and don’t care about opfor. so on the 16 layer NLD vs RU the Dutch with speak English and the Russian russian On the 32 layer the Germans will speak English and the Chinese will speak Russian On the 64 layer the Polish speak English and the French Russian On the 128 layer the chineese speak English and the muricans Russian And for m8 the other combinations except taliban hamas mec or and only Arab language seems to be correct. from what I tested it seems to be a language file issue.
  15. To prevent crashing do not switch the factions around meaning if we play as MEC and fight RUSSIA the next map we can not PLAY AS RUSSIA or fight MEC as this would result in a high crash chance this applies to all factions. IDF VS HAMAS next map RUSSIA VS IDF means high chance of crash FR vs PLA next map PLA vs MILITIA means high chance of crash The other high issue I found out is USARMY and USMC (marines) if you switch between them the dead screen will most likely occur on load up. This is also why you can not play muttrah and fallujah as they switch between the factions. The following maps maps crash on default Karbala (CTD) Gaza (7 to 17 min ingame crash (same issue was fixed by melon before so maybe he knows)) Any map the bots have a HIND silent eagle (STD) the bombs seem to crash the server sbene (STD) if helicopter flys out the map Muttrah (STD) if osprey flys out of the map on the south side (should be fixed not tested yet) And the UAV in general could crash the server (it also tends to lag the server) other known bugs ulanovsk bots don’t cap parking garage resulting them been stuck on the next flags that they can’t cap vadso (inf) harbour side all bots deadspawn point dragon fly (inf) appartment bots have 1 deadspawn point beirut (STD) western appartment have 3 deadspawn points beirut (alt) appartment flag 4 deadspawn points ramiel (no walls are loaded on the maps) blackgold (std/alt) spawnpoints inside vehicles fools road (inf) all bots get stuck in the side of the hill as navmesh says they can walk up but terrain to steep) bijar (std) bots stuck at fortress all these bugs contribute to potential crashes
  16. Well I have been working on making some bot favoured mapversions on khami and kozalsk while these include also complete flag overhaul I could make a few normal once for a start. Besides the bot assets and flags the other issue I mentioned to you is factions. I think a huge quantity of people would like to play something else other than usmc or us army. We know we limited in editing this because of the language but it could be ignored. I will talk about this next time on TS. So when is the next navmesh coming? I was looking in doing thunder but up to you?
  17. Well 80% of the walls are not on been displayed
  18. Ramiel walls DLC not installed (half of the walls are gone map kinda broken but more fun)
  19. Thank you for your appeal. I have to say this must be one of the best appeals I have read so far I really like the detail and effort you put in it. please wait for the banning admin to reply
  20. The voices are so ....... still not found kurwa so must be fake
  21. I foresee many updates coming just 3 rounds of deployment show some massive bugs such as outpost (map) does not have a repair depo for mec nor crates at main
  22. It is the website code to get the gametracker on a website. If you want to still look at it just copy the url out the code
  23. after so many years poland has finally savaged enough resources together to have something that can be called an army. It must be really bad then because the dutch dont even have tanks (we lease them from germany) and they where in PR for years.
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