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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. Muttrah city std mec main bots spawn on the commander tent and die
  2. Well I would suggest you just create the number of squads you wish along with the slots Squad A SL: keed grunt 1: grunt 2: grunt 3: grunt 4: and let people pick based on that. (The same as the arma squad selection) it would help in making the squads more balanced rather then having 2 8 man squads and some leftovers
  3. spartanish noted to me he is able to gun for me so could we be added to the roster
  4. Good question would be what is the max amount of people we can have on the human side. Based on that number we can adding the squad population number. And potential signups for INF squads can be arranged. With the amount of squads known we can draw a basic deployment plan who goes where. To avoid the confusion of last time. question for ted can the vehicle decay be disabled on the event. So that we can hop out our sparking APC without it getting blown up by a 300m RPG. And do we get repair/rearm depo?
  5. I have contacted my potential gunner spartanish if he is possible then I/we will sign up for apc. I’ll be driver and spartanish gunner.
  6. Well you could reinstall windows. It takes nothing more then a 16 gb usb drive. So you could manually reinstall windows 64 bit. The licence you currently have works across the 32 and 64 bit platforms so that shouldn’t pose a problem. You could go to a old computer repair shop and ask if they still have some old 2nd hand DDR2 sticks laying around. They probably have the dusty drawer with old components.
  7. I normally use the windows event viewer as hehe I was unable to find the normal crash dump report. Another issue while simply googeling your problem problem could be this http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f27-pr-bf2-support/106709-32bit-xp-vista-7-fix-memory-errors-allow-applications-use-2gb-ram.html dunno I only clicked the first link.
  8. I have already reported this to the people in charge. the same issue is on vadso harbour and Beirut. The issue is that either the buildings weren’t navmeshed or the terrain was to far away from the navmesh
  9. Could you post the crash log as their tonnes of memory errors. you mentioned you had 4 gb ram on a 32 but system so you technically only have 3.98 gb of ram. 1.7.10 I remember that my game crashed after exactly 6 hours 45 min and 45 seconds. And it gave me a memory error. When I switched computers to one that had twice the memory I tested and it crashed every 23 hours orso so reasonable. But again logs man without logs i and others can’t help you
  10. The error above notes you do not have access to the c:\users\robit\documents\projectreality check if this folder is on read/write permissions. the user account you use for windows (Rohit) does it have administrative privilege on default or does the computer also contain other users that have it?
  11. Well we don’t have problems it is the old soviet countries that have the problem and we’re affected by it. call it more a luxury problem that for once something is going wrong
  12. No it is not a joke. The frequency lagg has no direct affect on other electronic devices as they either use a crystal to obtain the correct clock frequency or the use internet. Your lamp won’t flicker as the frequency has no direct relation to your lamp as the voltage stays the same. Unless the frequency drops really low 20 HZ no noticeable issues can be seen on the household side. https://www.entsoe.eu/news-events/announcements/announcements-archive/Pages/News/Frequency-deviations-in-Continental-Europe-including-impact-on-electric-clocks-steered-by-frequency.aspx
  13. This only applies to European people. For those who might not noticed it most digital clocks are 5 min behind. The reason for this is that Eastern Europe is not producing enough electricity to keep the European high power net at 50 HZ. This means that past week the next dropped in some occasions to 47 HZ. The small offsets cause the electronics to operate at a much slower frequency then that they supposed to and literally start lagging. Over the past week this has buildup to 5 min. Doing electrical engineering myself it is quite interessting how such a small change in frequency can result in huge problems. for example. in the Netherlands they test the national alarm system at 12:00 at every first Monday of the month. However due to the frequency issue the systems controlling the alarms where lagging behind and the alarms went off too late or in 70% of the country they didn’t function at all.
  14. might be an issue that the files are locked on readonly? i dont know not seen this issue.
  15. Well i was with him and i tried also lazing (standing in the middle of the desert no walls ect.) the icon went from off to on but i did not see the square paint like you used to see. honey noted that he did not see the lazes so it seems the actually laze didnt work.
  16. Iron ridge opfor assets are on 1 min respawn and the assets are neutral. Seems you unable to build fobs on iron ridge. probably combat area not defined correctly as it gave me that message.
  17. Did you try uninstalling the game and reinstall it? delete all the PR related folders in %appdata% (then go 1 folder back open local and roaming folders and remove the folders named project reality) further after uninstalling PR remove the user settings in the documents folder (this will remove your accounts so if you don’t know the passwords back this up) finally go to the location PR was installed (should be Programfiles (x86)/project reality And delete the folders if their are still some left after uninstalling. This should technically remove everything and installing PR would be fresh now reinstall it and it should work for more support go to http://www.realitymod.com/ and ask the devs themself
  18. Do you have this on every map or on all maps? it could be you running an outdated client on a updated server. It will let you connect but during loading it will crash
  19. Nah we should keep the floating rock like we had the floating flowerpot
  20. All the points listed are core issues determined by fastjack me and others. As these issues can be solved relatively quick I will start working on those. They will be tested on a D13 map (as you don’t want to corrupt original map) before been added to the update of PR (fastjack will forward the update to become added to vanilla PR)
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