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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. The best thing you can do jersans is still download the new iOS. Unless you want to update for the next 5 days.
  2. Grab a 16 GB+ usb drive create a bootable windows 7 installed on it for example like this https://www.poweriso.com/tutorials/how-to-make-win7-bootable-usb-drive.htm Windows 10 sucks but I am quite sure you can run your multi boot on it. And I am also sure you can install the same stuff as on windows 7
  3. Meh vehicles can cross almost everywhere in new version. I shall look in the commander asset CTD
  4. Most people I guess, they don’t cost anything they take up the old ports on the motherboard so you have more cables to fancy. and where else will you put your cup of coffee? I know you can buy this https://m.ebay.com/itm/Reech-R-678-USB-Powered-Coffee-Cup-Warmer-and-Hub-/172728255238 but you lose one usb 3.0 port as the thing only provides USB 2.0
  5. guess I’ll join APC. Spartanish will be my gunner and we would like a BMP2M
  6. As far I know it is most of the time 10 people are online. I know GDO is taking most of the Asian/Australian time zone players due to having better ping.
  7. Here is a temp version of shahadah. I except the final version to be done by the end of the week along with a second layer. Note I kept the cap times really low and on 1 man so you can test it yourself (the polish bots seem to be reluctant to move) The map can only be played by poland as this is a new COOP thing that will be applied to future and current maps as i will go over each of them. Known bugs. Cant build fobs. Tow in first flag is inside the hill Deployment factions been used (medics wont heal you)
  8. Not finished yet (notice the flag order is wrong xD) but its a start bots are not ded on the mesh so that is good news.
  9. Meh I’ll look at it tomorrow thanks for the report the best joke I did on the teacher was “hand in on paper” I got an email the next day saying that taping the USB drive on a piece of paper (written “submitted on paper”) is not wat he meant but he was happy with the free USB drive (he did accepted it)
  10. You know my teacher always said " an image says more then a 1000 words" but when i got tasked with writing an essay of 2000 words he did not accept my 2 images that made up the report. However I do like images cus whats the right tunnel?
  11. You could maybe use this https://www.patreon.com/ but no Jonathan is not getting any of my hard earned cash xD.
  12. It will be official map so no download needed. No testing should be needed as nothing to be tested is in it but I can see about the event if the update takes to long.
  13. Several other maps have the same CTD issue. I hoped it got fixed last (hotfix) but I guess not. I guess I shall poke it again. I don’t have the whole CTD list as I have yet to play the new versions due to editing new maps xD.
  14. Gimme your number and i shall alert you the moment the update comes out xD. Those lazy muricans so slow with updates cus they always sleeping when they come out
  15. Just look at that amazingly clean interface. Photoshop really needs to de-clutter the shit and get to the level MS Paint is at xD
  16. Other servers have the problem that they have no admins online to remove the disruptive players. Besides that most of those servers are quite good. I like the 80bot hax server cus they seem to be running modified AI scripts and more bots less people. The only problems VG has is the slow update time (yes I said it) And the too many players VS bots. A ratio of 30 humans vs 60 bots will be much better. (This is why 80bot hax server is much much better in AI resistance)
  17. Well I have to fix few buildings in the INF navmesh and I have to check if the meshes don’t crash the game so I hope by the end of the week. No hard testing will be needed once they are ready they will be ported to official PR to be applied in the next update.
  18. Why would I give them T62 that would be to easy. I gave them more spandrels cus PL also has spandrel and I can’t wait people getting confused between the assets The issue I have with using APC is that bots tend to massively crew up in it. I have new custom assets that have these additional slots removed but for now I keep the vanilla assets. I might add the special assets at a later stage. But your list is close. 3x shilkas (no gopher maybe add a gaskin) 2x bmp2m 2x btr80a 2x beast 2x BMP3 2x scorpion 5x t72 7x spandrel 3 mortars 3 INS mortars (they fire at INF) The assets spawn close to the frontlines. This means the more flags you cap the less assets you fight. However to prevent the bots doing a massive asset rush as start the assets on the bot sides are delayed a bit. But the hardness of the assets increase. This added with the lack of high vantage points (hills are in DOD) will force the assets in the city where the Milan launchers are waiting. The spawn points are on 10+ per flag (all outside cap radius) but this means you can’t camp the spawns anymore and you need to spread around. As bots are meters away from cap. I would like to say welcome to coop if the map is too hard I will maybe nerv it but I doubt that.
  19. Milan’s are more fun. Just look how effective 1 Milan in muttrah is imagine 20 launchers. I would love to put the ZPU-4 upside down so it can only shoot INF but effort only 3 choppers. xD
  20. UPDATED AT 6th of may new version of shahadah is here. V4 https://www.dropbox.com/s/r2s2jktzqsg7rsn/D13_shahadahV4.zip?dl=0 unpack and extract to the following folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels We going to test it at 19:00 europe time (17:00 ZULU (check main page for zulu time) the password is sauce O boi O boi O boi. Shahadah mesh is nearly ready and the GPO's are been made now. Heres some pictures Due to the closing expiration date of the Milaan rockets the MEC forces have decided to fill the city with rocket launchers. xD Current Polish Asset list 2x Honker 5 min respawn 2x skorpoin 5 min respawn (its a jeep not the tank) 2x dzik 5 min respawn 2x Mk19 NO respawn 2 Logi trucks 5 min respawn 1x Spandrel 5 min respawn 1x BWP1 7 min delay 10 min respawn (BMP1) 1x zbik 5 min delay 7 min respawn 1x rosomak 5 min delay 7 min respawn (lav) 1x shilka 10 min delay 15 min respawn 1x pt91 10 min delay 17 min respawn (tank) 1x sokol 5 min respawn (small trans) 1x COW 5 min delay 5 min respawn (MOOOOOOO) 1x soko (cas) 10 min delay 10 min respawn Enemy assets not excact numbers 10 Heavy APC 5 AT vehicles 5 AA emplacements 3 AA vehicles 5 Tanks 4 Cas helicopters 20 Milaan emplacements 20 machine gun nests (still been added) Note that the assets displayed might get changed.
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