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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. It is sad that once again we have to have an amazing feature disabled because low population. We ran it without problem for more than half a year. But whatever no need to discuss the decision as it is pointless anyway. Could we please remove roadblocks again. This because it was disabled for years as it is a cheat tactic as bots are to dumb to walk around them. It can also be said it breaks the rules as it is oftenly used to block off access to sections of the map.
  2. So we gonna make standerd fly paths crate drop locations and other such. I could just as well give you guys all the spawnpoints and transition times for bots between flags so the maps become even easyer. I find that people should be free to fly however they wish. If they get shot down because of a stinger, to bad, maybe inform them better.
  3. Rules might need to be adjusted as same on deployment for low population. I can 100% agree that the asset claiming on coop is insane. Back in the good old times where muttrah was the only starting map I saw plenty of times 3 people in trans 3 in cas and nobody in inf. Most of the times when the server was below 15 people I noted that I didn't care about claiming and people should be in one squad so we can all work together. However certain admins do not share this vision and warn squads for not claiming it properly. You sadly do need 2 people to dig a fob (takes really long) as the decay coop has can't be removed. (Decay damages fob so by I think 1.8 shovels ) so 2 people digging only add 0.2. i do find that it is for the admin who is online to ensure the map keeps playable. This means that before the last admin leaves the next map in line is not something like tadsea. An admin can also just run next if he finds that the team can no longer survive that could result in people leaving.
  4. Keep switching seats or just enable a faction that has airborn like Russian VDV or German paratroopers it should also be able to disable with rcon
  5. Well I would like to suggest that when we would have mumble fixed and if it doesn't interfere with other servers we have test server 3 running on Sundays with some custom maps from events. I think if we would to bundle the events we have made so far, and generate 1 mappack thatcan be used on the server, the more experienced players have a rematch on maps they might have missed. By doing this it might persuade them in getting involved with the clan more to get more people on it. I have been recruiting most of the people for the events form the Russian Facebook (VK) and ingame but if it will become something weekly or monthly people themselfs will tell new people and get them involved. This will lead to more people getting involved with the clan and backwards leading to a more tight community
  6. Karbala would be amazing to be add to have official version. However I would like to see refinery removed and the map border pushed a bit down. This so the bots have less place to roam around outside the city. Further on the bridge corossing should be some HMGs facing the bridge. The bridge in the DOD should be cut to prevent crossing that is if the map would ever be made official. Some mortars having range to the final city parts would be a nice surprise.
  7. If any of you have ideas what to do next such as map suggestions, and ways the assault should go then share it with us. Ted can't guarantee it will be possible but you might have a good idea what to do.
  8. Event was great we had some crashes but beside that it was kewl. Really like bashrah and muttrah should really be added to original game.
  9. on very short notice we gonna test the maps here are the links you need to join the server it is asked you be on teamspeak when joining the server as we do not know if mumble works on every map =SNIP= MUST BE INSTALLED LAST =SNIP= IT CAN ASK FOR OVERWRITE CLICK YES ON ALL!!!!!! /Removed outdated download links - TEDF Serverpassword will be provided shortly Install Instructions:1) Download the file2)locate your PR levels directory, (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels)3) Extract the downloaded zip file into pr\levels using winzip, winrar, 7zip etc.4) Run PR5) Create a local coop game and check that the event maps are in your maplist6)If they are you're good to go for the event
  10. Serverbanner (loadup) still displays the old date
  11. Totally accurate with bots. Full cover laze the target turrets spins to your head and prepare your death.
  12. How do I know this weather graph isn't from a week ago? There is no watermark time stamp
  13. I mark the cap and SL pos. martin marks medics and rest of the squad
  14. In the folder High quality graphics
  15. Bump btw where's the amazing event factory chimney logo? I need it for the announcement
  16. I had to leave early cus was tiered and shit didn't want to get salty and piss people off. Bamyan comments Bradley's to op in every way. If you would like to keep them then add only 1 of them and replace the others with crows or something. Or add something that can kill them such as tows. Or enemy vehicles. However the campzones on the hills will make it unlikely this will happen. trans has free airspace. Yes ted and me used the Blackhawk as cas and it should proof it is kinda op on such a map. It could be fixed by using an other chopper or adding some anti air to the bot team. Also spawnpoints on the flags are ruining the challenge as people can just spawn near the flag. Yes they are rallypoints and can be overran but still. Fallujah same as bamyan should be no spawnpoints on the flags as it makes it highly likely people give up and just respawn 50m back. Do do as you please with the comments the maps are fun but the fact the 2 maps went pretty easy on the first run with 8 people on the ground shows they might be bit easy hand for future server runs. Anyway great work
  17. How about bringing back the other layer for Karbala (tank layer) i also noticed that bijar has 2 more layers but they not in the list for loadable maps maybe you could get them working or pump out an inf layer for that?
  18. Buy the Options DLC you could try manually changing the settings under documents/pr and open the files with notepad/notepad++
  19. Teds secret weapon crate pooping
  20. I think my normal squad is like SL, 2xmedic hat or lat and breacher. Any squad bigger than this is unless you have good people not able to function properly. Ammo you can get from shouting at trans or just use the bot rifle man kits/at kits. But yea people's opinions night be different.
  21. Well squad formations is something that might work on deployment but not on coop. Why? The coop setting is done in straight lines so one doesn't need to cover the flanks nor the back as the bots do not attack from the sides. This add to the fast pace coop have compared to deployment. If one would setup cover and such it would decrease speed within the squad and will also cause a lot of confusion within the squad as the people are not trained soldiers. This adding that covering fire/suppressive fire has 0 effect on bots and the AR/machine gunner can therefor only be utilised 20%. This as the rest needs to cover him as he moves up. However on flag cap/defensive settings formations will become usefull rather than having 8 people shoot1 bot north it should be 2 people shoot the bot and the rest provides 360 cover. The AR and machine gunner can be used to cover the active spawn direction the bots come from. I would be more interessted in team deployment in where the commander tells tanks/apc/inf to setup rather then do their own play. This would often mean that tanks push in behind the inf and take out the main wave of bots before setting up for long range defence. While doing this cas try's to protect the tanks and shoot down the inf near the tank. But this means that they have to take the risk of getting shot at close range and that's not going to happen as that's how the mentality of it works.
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