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kashan issue


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Sure Semler, 

the problem with Kashan is that they have only a rallypoint where they can spawn at a bunker. The rest of the bots spawning in vehicles at mainbase. We all know that humans are much quicker in reaching flags with their assets as bots.

The reason why the DEVs did it is that the player can play on both sides (US/CAN vs MEC). so no team has an advantage against the other team. Muttrah has the same problem. Each team start only with one flag and they have to capture the neutral flags so 50% of the game is no action.

We all know that humans are much faster with their assets as bots.

But i see light at the end of this tunnel :



The deal is i can do what i want when atleast i do a counter layer for the other side.

I will talk with TEDF about this. In my opinion he knows at best what assets on what map can be played and we can also bring back the Opfor events.

The Devs are overloaded with work and we all  know that they have the focus on deployment.

Outlawz and Arab are the only guys i'm aware about who really stand behind COOP, not to forget Melon but he really busy with reallife things.



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@=VG= Fastjack, Thank you for the post and all that you and @=VG= TEDF do for the DEV side plus @=VG= Melon Muncher!.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to get some more Intel as it is difficult to move off the first map in our maplist due to player count or population lately.  Here is our current short-list of starters:

  1. mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 64
  2. mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 64
  3. mapList.append op_barracuda gpm_coop 64
  4. mapList.append black_gold gpm_coop 64
  5. mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 128
  6. mapList.append gaza_2 gpm_coop 64
  7. mapList.append operation_marlin gpm_coop 32
  8. mapList.append bijar_canyons gpm_coop 64
  9. mapList.append ramiel gpm_coop 128
  10. mapList.append route gpm_coop 16
  11. mapList.append fallujah_west gpm_coop 64 


From my experience over the last 2X weeks, I switched over to the BOT side after we started Kashan and noticed that bots are dying outside commander tent and not re-spawning properly.   When the map starts up, there is a mass BOT TK from a MIG and a TANK that is triggered every time and the bots do not re spawn (Or show up in the map info as being alive).  

I have dedicated a few hours this weekend to test and see differences between the solo vs COOP and it looks like the same results for a few maps.  I have tried to change some maps in the rotation to have different starter factions but we need to have our "core seed starter maps" working properly to lure people back.  



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1 hour ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

The deal is i can do what i want when atleast i do a counter layer for the other side.

I will talk with TEDF about this. In my opinion he knows at best what assets on what map can be played and we can also bring back the Opfor events.

This would be awesome!  I strongly feel that a majority of the opinions about the difficulty of current PR COOP and/or vehicle balance is something that needs to be solved like this, at the root of the problem, as opposed to just treating the symptoms of the problem with other ideas and concepts that have been floating around.  I can only imagine the level of work to create both the new/improved COOP maps in this way, but also their OPFOR counter parts as well - but I really think this would make PR COOP into what it used to be, and what it was so popular for.

I'm glad you have the skills to even look into all of this.  :drinks:


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Well I have been working on making some bot favoured mapversions on khami and kozalsk while these include also complete flag overhaul I could make a few normal once for a start. 

Besides the bot assets and flags the other issue I mentioned to you is factions. I think a huge quantity of people would like to play something else other than usmc or us army. We know we limited in editing this because of the language but it could be ignored. I will talk about this next time on TS. 

So when is the next navmesh coming? I was looking in doing thunder but up to you? 

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18 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

Thanks Ranger for posting this. Can you give a bit more Intel for me when it crashs.

It crashs when it load the map or crash it after a while ingame?

1st time crashed at the end. / most of time kashan crashs at the very end of it. 2nd time crashed at the middle of game. and 3d and 4th crashed at mid game too.

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To prevent crashing do not switch the factions around

meaning if we play as MEC and fight RUSSIA the next map we can not PLAY AS RUSSIA or fight MEC as this would result in a high crash chance

this applies to all factions. 

IDF VS HAMAS  next map RUSSIA VS IDF  means high chance of crash

FR vs PLA next map PLA vs MILITIA means high chance of crash


The other high issue I found out is USARMY and USMC (marines) 

if you switch between them the dead screen will most likely occur on load up. This is also why you can not play muttrah and fallujah as they switch between the factions. 


The following maps maps crash on default 

Karbala (CTD)

Gaza (7 to 17 min ingame crash (same issue was fixed by melon before so maybe he knows)) 

Any map the bots have a HIND 

silent eagle (STD) the bombs seem to crash the server

sbene (STD) if helicopter flys out the map

Muttrah (STD) if osprey flys out of the map on the south side (should be fixed not tested yet) 

And the UAV in general could crash the server (it also tends to lag the server) 


other known bugs

ulanovsk bots don’t cap parking garage resulting them been stuck on the next flags that they can’t cap

vadso (inf) harbour side all bots deadspawn point

dragon fly (inf) appartment bots have 1 deadspawn point

beirut (STD) western appartment have 3 deadspawn points

beirut (alt) appartment flag 4 deadspawn points  

ramiel (no walls are loaded on the maps) 

blackgold (std/alt) spawnpoints inside vehicles 

fools road (inf) all bots get stuck in the side of the hill as navmesh says they can walk up but terrain to steep)

bijar (std) bots stuck at fortress 


all these bugs contribute to potential crashes 

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8 hours ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

I think a huge quantity of people would like to play something else other than usmc or us army.

Do you mean, like we play Muttrah but is always USMC or US Army, and that there could/should be some different factions for certain maps that only have one faction?  That would be pretty cool!  Like having an option of USMC Muttrah or maybe the new Polish faction as the BLUFOR faction of Muttrah?

Or do I misunderstand? ;) 

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For events this could be done. Like fastjack mentioned the language will be an issue

the default language gets defined by the init.con 

on muttrah this would be USMC and MEC

however this can be modified depending on the layer as the gameplayobjects.con (GPO) can load a second init_alt.con. However this init_alt.con will only change the faction to for example polish but does not change the language as this is still loaded by the init.con.


what I do for my D13_khami map is that I define English as the main language for the humans and don’t care about opfor.

so on the 16 layer NLD vs RU the Dutch with speak English and the Russian russian

On the 32 layer the Germans will speak English and the Chinese will speak Russian 

On the 64 layer the Polish speak English and the French Russian 

On the 128 layer the chineese speak English and the muricans Russian 


And for m8 the other combinations except taliban hamas mec or and only Arab language seems to be correct.

from what I tested it seems to be a language file issue. 

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The UAV on every map can cause huge lag spikes cus all the bots focus on it. The focus can result in an targeting error and can crash the server. 


Another update I started with the preparation to navmesh outpost (map) I hope I can have the map navmeshed within a week or 2. Fastjack been teaching me the tricks and working on learning 3dsmax to get the navmesh correctly done. 

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9 hours ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

if you switch between them the dead screen will most likely occur on load up. This is also why you can not play muttrah and fallujah as they switch between the factions.

Hi guys,

I've been working with Scubbo who is the owner of the GDO Coop Server, and a Network Engineer. He's implemented my maplist rotation program on his server, and so far the server has run 24 hours without a crash, not counting the induced Karbala Coop Alt map which still crashes to desktop.

We are running Kashan Desert all maps without crashes so far, we can run Muttrah and Fallujah maps consecutively, I'm still testing so will try out all the above scenarios.

Scubbo settled on rotating the first five seeding maps on server reset they are:

mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 64
mapList.append jabal gpm_coop 32
mapList.append bamyan gpm_coop 64
mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 128
mapList.append fallujah_west gpm_coop 64

The main reason for the implementation was to randomly change the start map from Muttrah to anyone of these five, that appears to be working well.

A by product has been that the server no longer crashes as regularly as it did, and we do not know the reason why other than its done it since the map rotation program was used. I did modify it from the original that Semler and Double have seen but its a minor change.

We're still monitoring it to see whether it crashes on other maps. Just setting it to Kashan Desert Canadian version to see whether it crashes.

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