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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.

=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Wot I been up to:

    Crafting the new VG Wiki using our database forms system, to allow any old joe with little to no editing experience to create or edit great looking Wiki pages in a very VG themed style.  All entries feature an automated Contents menu linking to any section with content, little 'edit' buttons next to any section that open the editor and jump to the part of the form containing that content, a Summary Box panel that sizes automatically with content (up to a certain min/max width), and up to 64 sections with optional inset image panel (with subtitle) which uses simple logic to stagger left/right on odd/even numbered sections.

    Once the form/system is set, I'll be able to create additional categories, and even category-specific fields such as a standardized format for the Summary Box on a per subject/topic basis.  Permissions can be set separately for who can create new pages/entries, or who can edit, so we can create a roadmap of 'stub' entries that can be filled in by users of specific group(s) that we dictate (such as Jr. Officers and higher only, etc.).

    This is also being used to learn about custom CSS and HTML, and IPS logic, as it pertains to in-page links that jump around the same page (such as the proposed 'Back to Top' button for this website, globally).  Like, I thought I knew a little about HTML and certain tags/properties like <a> and <div>, but this project has had me diving in much deeper requiring me to create my own custom <div> classes.  The little white square brackets around the in-page links like [edit] are custom CSS added before and after the parent class, and ended up looking a lot more concise than three <span>'s in a row all with their own style dictated any time they were used.

    the difference being:

    <div class="vg-wiki-edit-link"><a href="./?do=edit&#subsection-{$vg_wiki_section}"><span>edit</span></a></div>

    instead of this ugly mess:

    <a target="_self" href="./?do=edit&#subsection-{$vg_wiki_section}"><span style="color:#bababa;font-size:12px;">[</span> <span style="color:#dba901;margin:2px;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;">edit</span> <span style="color:#bababa;font-size:12px;margin-right:15px;">]</span></a>


    Got some pics - first is day 1 proof of concept, then day 2, then day 3... coming right along, a lot of the work now is in the system/editor as opposed to the front end "look" of the Wiki pages:
    (*images and text, and subsection titles etc. are placeholders for visualization purposes, of course)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      @=VG= Fastjack The text content size and exact picture placement is skewed for the example images, since it's very hard to take a screenshot of a tall webpage without zooming out a bit.  The inset images stagger left and right for odd/even numbered sections, so if something had 5 sections, and each one used the image inset option, the first would be on left, next on the right, and so on... A user could skip a section and that would appear to have it's image also on the left or right (same as the section above) if they wanted, too.  The number of the content item and the section is actually irrelevant. If you added content to sub-section 1 and also sub-section 42, they would appear in the end as #1 and #2 in the Table of Contents (just not in the editor view).

      Blogs are a different system, so, no there is no way to directly apply these customized HTML/CSS form elements that I made for the VG Wiki to the current Blogs system.  Those are essentially blank pages, and you can use your own creativity to achieve nearly the same results using bbcode and editor tools.  There will be a few more buttons for the Editor (seen in all posting, the bar of tools when you write posts or replies like this) as well, so that may help to make things look more personalized when desired.

      You already can put pictures or banners in the same style (probably not with a box and subtitle, unless bbcode supports that), with text flowing around an inline image instead of being bumped down to the next paragraph line.

      Also, the pictures #1, #2, and #3 are not different options, they are the evolution of my progress crafting this system (from my first day, through the third day, and look better in that order as I added/fixed elements). ;)


    3. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      FTR, this is what that #3 style sample looks like on my 24" 1080p monitor:


    4. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      blurbs all day ... now it's bedtime... these are pretty cool - I built in lots of options... shape, size, position, slant, color, border color...

      And that body of text is a div below the top three blurbs, very cool custom container magic :wizard:




  2. Thank you for understanding! And again, nothing at all against you, and we're all very appreciative of others making tools to help gamers!! You went the extra mile and it shows, bro! Well done! If I could ask a clarifying question, regarding the quote above, where you wrote "... but nope, contents can be viewed by anyone so inclined..." and wanted to ask if that was using AHK itself or something? I'm literally just curious how I could view the contents if I had wanted to? Figured if I don't know, I should learn. AHK is pretty popular, and I'm often way too laser focused on VoiceAttack for my macros and such.
  3. That's what I thought... I wouldn't be disabling my data execution prevention, personally - I'd wait for their fix.
  4. Neither do I, same with binary. It was merely a note of caution and what is expected regarding such things.
  5. Cool man! Hey, binary has a point about the .exe -- having something like that on a repo like GitHub where someone can compile it for themselves would go a long way to showing that this executable is safe. Including a checksum can help, too, so that users know they have received the exact and correct file, that it had not been altered in the transfer, etc. Whether it's non-compressed and non-obfuscated, it's still an executable that folks are expected to run directly, no? And the contents cannot be reviewed, being a compiled executable, correct? It may seem like extra work, trust me I've been there, but exposing everything is the best way to go with user made executables, preferably with a way for users to not use your included exe but compile it for themselves and use that, and also be able to compare such with the one distributed. Like binary said, it's nothing against you at all, these things have come up before in the history of VG and it's nothing against the person - it's about best standards and practices regarding safety and security of our amateur programming works we share with other gamers. EDIT: please pardon me if I have misunderstood what you meant about AHK as I'm not familiar with it, and if using "any archive manager" can allow someone to review the contents or lines of instructions contained in that exe. I read your post, though again, I don't do AHK and would love clarification regarding the .exe
  6. If that link doesn't work for a given file, use this one: https://yossizap.github.io/realitytracker/
  7. Again, I'm not a fan of the non-standard resolutions including the ultra-wides. I still have desires to make gaming videos, maybe even stream, and so personally, I'd want something that will allow for translation to all the other 16:9 (or so) resolution ratios. If I played a game on such a wide resolution, recording gameplay, when viewed on a standard non-ultra wide, there would be those large black letterbox bars or the size would be stretched and that's even worse. Surely is a beast of a monitor, with a beast of a price, too - IMHO the sweet spot for gaming monitors is around $350-500 and 24-32" with at least 144Hz refresh, and preferably G-Sync (cuz I know we both do nVidia GFX cards). TN vs IPS vs any other display technology aside, those are the numbers I personally look for when considering gaming monitors with good performance per price value. Never done the research, tho - but there can be issues with *some* games if they do not support such a wide resolution, but luckily this is a rare issue... that being said, I'm a mainstream guy so I go for mainstream tech usually, talking standard 1080p resolution (my current gaming monitor) and maybe up to 1440p (standard, not ultra-wide). 4K is pretty expensive to run at high FPS, averages would likely be below 50FPS with my current setup, and likely will be for another 5 years - so 2K or 1440p are the only options I view as "the next step up" from 1080p Gaming Monitors, and either the same 144Hz (or higher). Just my thoughts, I know we may have different goals or reasoning for what we want. I've tried wide monitors, was not much of a fan, and I've tried triple monitors and didn't like the non-uniform transformations when moving on the side panels, they never link up correctly or they skew the image and it just looks dumb to me.
  8. There are a lot of varying options between those, including the ultra-wides... Personally, I'm not a fan of the non-standard resolutions like the wide and curved options, so IMHO, if I was buying one of those 5 options, my money would go to the LG IPS Gaming Monitor - I've actually had my eyes on this one before, but $400 is beyond the old budget and my current Gaming Monitor is still going strong day after day. It may be 'only' 27 inches, but that's plenty big enough. (Number 2 is what I'd get) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08LLD2QXJ/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_9?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 I would definitely stay away from #3 and #5, since I don't consider 75-100Hz in the "gaming monitor" category, even if it says so in the name - fancy wide monitors don't impress me as much as high refresh and therefore potentially higher than 100FPS (if game settings/graphics card power allow it).
  9. Fixed. Thanks for the report. Thought I got them all this morning, and I missed a couple.
  10. Well, then you have a work-around at least. This is definitely region based, though you have not mentioned what web browser you are using, I wonder if a different browser would have different behavior. No worries, though - if you can paste a link here and get an embed, that is all that matters.
  11. Test: Embedded same YT clip (pasting exact link from above) @=VG= Fastjack you need a VPN, brother! Germany wants to be a nanny state regarding YT embeds, it seems.
  12. No, this was my fault - sorry guys. Somehow the 'download attachments' permissions were wiped from the VG Clan Member group(s). I've reviewed all permissions as well as these, and everything should be good now. Again, following this major website update and overhaul, if there are any issues please just contact me.
  13. I'm gonna redo this at some point, when I can create a small frame for the rotary encoders with a single bundle of wires coming out, and going to another small unit inline on the cord to hold the Arduino. This will keep the profile of the on-screen unit as small as it can be. Running the cord out at a "T" intersection like that using a magnetic adapter can cause it to disconnect if the keyboard gets pushed into it, so I'll be revisiting this project sometime this year.
  14. Love the garden pic on your profile!  I've been growing for around 15 years, indoors and 'drain-to-waste' hydroponics.  Last spring my crop went to hell when aphids invaded and evaded entire battalions of ladybugs I released to eat them.  One plant was completely ignored by the ladybugs, it was very frustrating.  Haven't fired up the grow room for a crop since, but I better get started soon cuz it's $150 an oz. at the shops, and lower quality that my grows.

    Last best grow was Spring 2019 - pics if you're interested:  https://imgur.com/gallery/K6UIMSP


  15. Welcome to @=AMPHETAMINE=, @Sciddles, and @GRNANDGLD to the VG Army! Your website groups have been adjusted, GRNANDGLD has been a PR Admin for some time, so is part of the 'Officers' group, and the others to the 'Enlisted' group. We are of course still getting this all established and set up, so SOP's are still in the works, including regular VG Army Club events for fun and/or training, as well as some decent milestones for Club members to reach to earn 'Wings' from 2nd Lt. through Captain. Ideas, feedback, and notes are always appreciated!
  16. Got the internet back ... at the end of the day. I can definitely do this.. I'm really surprised you didn't need to use a code block there, but I get that you were trying to highlight stuff with colors, etc. Yea, no worries on the color, font size, etc., I'll just toss in IPS vars for our current theme, so they'll adjust as needed on various platforms and it will be all matchy-matchy. (going to bed now, tho .. will tackle this tomorrow)
  17. Okay - now I can see exactly what the issue is, and it makes sense, too. It seems that I did not add in the specific keypress variable for that command, where it was formerly (incorrect) "Check My Six", and I added the correct phrasing to that for "Clear My Six" but not it's keypress counterpart (7) I've patched this up, and pushed it out for all users. Just follow the prompt next time you restart VoiceAttack and load AVCS, and it will apply. I will get the next full profile update released before too long, including the fix for handling international decimal separators, and other fixes/improvements. As always, I really appreciate everyone's patience and support through these beta test rounds... I know they are long, and I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but I'm just one guy and it's a passion project.
  18. Changed Severity / Status to Resolved (live update pushed to all users) Changed Issue to --GENERAL VoiceAttack / AVCS ISSUES -- Changed Profile Version to 1.3.92 Changed VoiceAttack Version to 1.8.7
  19. It's an IPS system... I am thinking that their system is perhaps not optimized for all browsers, because I don't get that behavior in Firefox, but I do also get it myself in Chrome, so I see exactly what you mean. I'll knock around and see what I can learn, and will get back to you and everyone with what I find out (if anything).
  20. Fixed. Sorry about that... Did a thousand things, was bound to miss one or two.... The chatbox is a 'plugin' with it's own permission sets, and I had neglected to fix them for the new website groups system. All good now! (Will go over everything with a fine tooth comb early next week, every settings screen, every tab, every sub-menu, just to check over my work so we're solid for another several years)
  21. I just logged in and verified that it's online and running fine. Day 13. Our server is located in Kansas USA, you can try a ping test to some server in that state to see if you have a solid connection, but you'll not be able to ping our BMS server so you'll have to find anything else to use for the test. We don't often have issues with folks connecting from so close. The server is running BMS 4.35.0 (x64) Build 22548 - just FYI in case you have a version mismatch. Only thing I'd recommend is to simply try again. Ensure your settings are matching this image -- RSVP if you still can't get in, and we'll do what we can to try to help:
  22. This one is rather specific, never heard it before. Map rotation is totally mixed all the time, and the vote and setnext bugs have been worked out. Our uptime is so good that we have to manually restart sometimes cuz it doesn't like being run for 72 hours without a crash or restart. This one is so unique that it's gonna have to get reported to the R-DEV's after we can get a good reproduction method to demonstrate it. If it ever does have those old issues of crashing from a map change, just post up and we will get it sorted somehow. SO many maps and layers fixed since 1.6 dropped last spring, it's way more stable now.
  23. https://veterans-gaming.com/unban-requests/project-reality/?do=form&d=7
  24. Still have a few minor bugs, but most everything is sorted. You'll notice one or two images not displaying, but luckily it's less than 1% of them. Also, performance may be spotty, as pages or elements continue to load slower than normal, popping into view or having incorrect width and then popping to the correct width. Any page or post with anything intensive will also be noticeably slow, such as an embedded video or feed, or larger image. This will all be sorted soon! With huge thanks to SolarFlame, we're fairly sure we found the issue, just a matter of hunting the source, then dragging it out behind the woodshed and burying it. Again, thank you all for your patience while we make the VG Home Base into something that can stand for another ten plus years!
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