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About Spartanish

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  1. Opfor mission 1 (and 4 if multiple signs ups are allowed).
  2. Holy moly nabil. That's why you don't dope your PC with kebab. For real though, never seen this visual glitch in PR, though maby over decade ago in vanilla BF2.
  3. Out of curiosity, is Tiger even still in the game?
  4. Arma Cold War is Operation Flashpoint after rights drama ended decade ago between latter creators and publisher. And from personal experience, ARMA Cold War still has a blast of campaign and is fairly engaging entry into Arma series. Wouldn't advice either Gold Edition or Arma 2 as those lack charm of original and options of newest. Either go with OG Cold War or straight for Arma 3.
  5. No idea whether I will be available for 14th but AT Assistant / Rifleman if yes.
  6. From version. On Ascheberg ALT, CAS has no place to resupply. Not in hangars, airstrip, helipads. Checked second airfield as well in case it was copy paste from STD layout but nothing as well.
  7. VG Coop server seems to be invisible on servers list despite being active. It's still possible to join it with IP address. Edit: Mumble also seems to be fully dead.
  8. As Cherry brought up, adding new supply depot somewhere around center of the map, in same manner like on Bijar LRG, would immensely help the supply situation. Additionally, I would suggest adding close to it spawn points for more vehicles. Half-tracks especially are a chore to bring from main, and taking them later on when frontline is on last flags is bordering on madness. Tanks as well could be moved to such additional supply depot, since it takes roughly 20 minutes for one to come back to front after destruction. Way too long given how exposed and blind they are on this map. Alternatives are a complete revamp of the layout as Polish proposed, or adding 30 Stukas since CAS clearly works well. First option would take more time than just adding supply depot and changing vehicle spawns points to existing layout, while second 'option' would get old pretty fast and would create new problems.
  9. Played it today on VG server. Round was won by tickets and lasted around 1.5 hour. Problem was though such that around half the round, out of roughly 25 players, almost 20 got CTD at the same time.
  10. Might be Kashan / bot F-16 related issue. I saw several times player operated bot A-10 hit land or some structure on Khamisiyah and there was no server crash.
  11. Now I kinda regret that neither me nor The_Polish_Guy did not record the HMMWV chase from the middle of the round since we were the ones to actually drive that thing and 'secure' the hostage for entire one minute.
  12. Intentionally cause it was crashing the server. "Updated AI jets to not be able to drop bombs to fix crashing issues." this is from changelog. In regard to topic, bot difficulty is not an issue, it's theirs' spawning patterns. Maps like Grozny STD for example became barely enjoyable when we meet up to 80 bots before capping last capable flag. In contrast, it took us 20 minutes alone to capture the very first flag on Pavlosk Bay STD few days ago, only because entire bot team was like never spawning there. Afterwards, we finished rest of the map in barely over another 20 minutes, since bots were no longer spawning on frontline flags. Increasing bot difficulty will not solve the problem, it will mask it. And at the same time, just as ZZANG and Keed mentioned, it will more likely just cause new problems. Having Bots with faster reflexes on city or desert maps is one thing. On jungle, forest maps it will be more of annoyance than an actual challenge when bot will shoot you down instantly from several hundred meters distance, behind trees and bushes, after you left cover 1-2 seconds earlier. Increase the difficulty and within days, weeks there will be complaints that it is simply no fun to be gun down by something from another side of the forest.
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