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=VG= Inch

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Inch

  1. Dude, I love that game, so realistic and addicting, but usually in here, i called it 'dishwashing' (satisfying and relieving stresses out from head) But hey, that's what i do in real-life besides of studies - Inch
  2. Not so all of them i guess, me myself while got online, VG comes at first (Aussie servers like more 300 ping for me, even though its close) But i realized there's servers that has low ping ones, might be possible for few Asians, the Taiwan (Coop) and Japanese (Canned Catfood Gaming on both Deployment and Coop) But, never know what's going on out there lately, so trying to catch-up/update.. There is still some players whether old/new seeding the server past few days as i saw, but they're also dead in some low pop situation (whether the boring maps, frequent crashing, violations etc.)
  3. And i completely forgotten about Scorpions and MT-LB 6MB "Beast" 7 Spandrels... must be quite challenging, but isn't that too much? Maybe more quad-guns as @=VG= BinkleDinkle said would do- And please add bomb cars and garry lol
  4. =VG= Inch

    M27 or IAR

    Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) and Light Machine Gun (LMG) seem has a different terms in meaning. HK M27 is an IAR, which adopting standard-long magazines (<30 rds) instead of more drum/box magazine (100-200 rds) in one person of a squad, sounded that the USMC seem wanted to replace it with M27 since M249 has been long in service for many years (there are some problems might be known on M249, such as gun jammed while firing, maintenance costs etc.). I'm pretty sure that these will still remain not in Marine Corps but in the Army instead... And yet they are assessing them by terms of its reliability, handling, accuracy etc. It is good as it looks (somehow better than M249), with standard Harris bipod for suppressing fire while proning, a longer heavy barrel for stability firing over mid-long range and some optic attachments for effective aiming. This gun suits up for necessary suppresion (using less rounds on specific targets) and CQC battles in the field, much better than M249 since it's heavier than M27. This doctrine, will be exist to some countries in future, they might be going to replace their AR platform with something lighter than LMG's Yeah, i think it's good weapon overall, i always like what HK did back there, they're all good stuff.. RPK and Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) are the examples for IAR. And yet this is the same as his older brother, HK417 , BUT he is a DMR instead of IAR (HK M27 as USMC said 'two-weapons in one', both as IAR for close-quarters/suppressing and possibly DMR for engaging specific targets at certain range with stable accuracy) And if they're having M27 to replace M4/M16's, would that be too expensive instead of M27 replacing the M249? HK XM8 and guns from Individual Carbine competition for M4 replacement (such as KAC SR-16, RobArms XCR, LWRC M6A4, Remington ACR, FN SCAR, Colt CM901 and suprisingly HK416 ITSELF-!) are the victims on this.. - Inch PS: Oh, btw. The Indonesian Marine Corps (Amphibious Recon team) also testing these as well (what a dream.. )
  5. =VG= Inch


    Nvm, this might be just a bug after randomly playing on the TOW Humvee thermals Cheers- Inch
  6. Yeee- can't wait for this one Keep up the good work, man-! 5x BMP-3 5x BMP-2M (With Konkurs/AGL) 3x BRDM Spandrel ATGM 2x MT-LB Shturm ATGM 2x IGLA Emplacement 3x ZPU-4 Quad-Guns 1x MT-LB Gopher AA (or BRDM Gaskin AA as Alt) 2x ZSU-23-4 Shiilka 4x T-72M1 1x T-62 2x Mil Mi-35P Hind-F 2x Mil Mi-28 Havoc Are these on their side, Double? - Inch
  7. =VG= Inch


    This must be a bug, a standard kit with NV seems still there on the PR files directory somehow (accidentally overwritten, then some kits has nightvision capability maybe?) It was first-appeared in SF expansion pack of BF2, seems this one looks neat for PR version
  8. Let's just say all countries in the equatorial lines are the treasure on this earth, like the Borneo for example (illegal logging and some wild huntings still exists, and also explains why Forest Guards exist as well) What kind of thing that those Forest Guards being issued here at my country are these below: Seems legit gun? A 9x19mm standard NATO, and also likely replacing the early PM1 ( copy of Beretta M12, it was a failure for adoption in service ) for the Forest Guards. But, still... it was produced until now, and never adopted by the Armed Forces or even the Police... Originally it was like this: Late-version of PM-2 with integrated silencer inspired from S. Korean Daewoo K5 SMG and also HK MP5's and collapsible stock All looks decent until this came out: Inspired by HK MP5, this one is potentially can be the success to adopt for Armed Forces/Police. Has a battle iron sights as standard issue and Mepro's M21 RDS I'm always having a respect and appreciating to what the local company did there, it is good to see that things are moving and developing as it should be, so they can compete not just inside, but also in the worldwide sales as well (on exporting, seeing interests out there in some countries) - Inch
  9. It looks like a MP40, M3 Grease Gun and a PPSH sub-machine gun combined What's the fate on this gun? Is it still used by the Brazillian military or police? Hope they're not the same as like my country SMG's does ( PM2, a local produced SMG that intended to issue for Armed Forces/Police, but they only issued this for Forest Guards instead ) - Inch
  10. Hey, mah man here. Welcome back-!!! Glad to see you here again- Being busy lately, but will be around in forums (some projects) Looking forward to meet you again some time, catch you up later - Inch
  11. Hey guys,

    I just started modelling with 3DS Max 9 yesterday, planning to make something (simple at first, and then go for more intermediate/advanced ones, still need a practice though), but any ideas for that? 

    PR is mostly that i'm aiming for, couple of reading some tutorials in PR Forums would do :)

    5B893DCE151F1D3532FD8923796BC46D1F2EFED8 (1178×548)

    - Bookshelf without materials yet

    1. WCCBadploy


      Nicely done.

      Great software, that particular version.

      One of the best builds of 3Ds Max.

      Simple and uncluttered.

      I regret not investing in the 64 bit version.

      It is not the best for UV Mapping. (Look to adding Blender to your toolset to achieve great stuff)

      But it will ensure you make great strides in modelling and rendering.

      Even with the default Scanline renderer.

      I cant find any of the old tutorials. There used to be loads on Autodesk's "The Area".

      If I find any I will post them here.

  12. =VG= Inch

    Weird rule

    It depends on how much players online, i do believe some assets like AN/TWQ-1 Avenger, Gopher or even the M163 Hovets (VADS) sometimes still being solo-ed by the others, in least of 25 players online If you were in-game, full server in VG Coop (40 players max), might be better to use them wisely by having 2 man operating one Heavy AA vehicle (it's also depends on situation, whenever these are needed or not). Medium AA's in here, known to be an exception for soloing (depends on the server AND situations, again-) But, not all of them can do the ground fights or capability to do so (especially against infantry). Missile-carrier based AAV (like Gopher, Fennek SWP etc.) or ATGM (Spandrel, Shturm etc.) can't engage enemy infantries here (you're only getting RPG-ed instead if you fight them, a risky move indeed) The missile (SAM) as you know in here, made from High Explosive warheads (a lot of them and used against every aircraft threats). FYI, you still can engage enemies on the ground, but you need the skill to do it, it's not that simple as Rocket Techies did. "With perfect aim, you can kill bunch infantry with these, but not recommended to use it frequently, only a waste and better as a last resort if the enemy closing-in" - Inch "Revise the rules, maybe?"
  13. Nothing important here, not so much.


    But, i might getting to study for next week Midtest at campus, and... i'll be busy doing it for 2 weeks (my reason for not being online for couple of days ago, was preparing myself to do so)


    I'm also updating some project just few weeks ago, for PR. (And apparently still goes on by me) If you interested:

    "Check out profile of mine"


    See ya in two weeks, only be able to get touch to forums lately..


    - Inch

  14. Thats also noticed me for a bit.. Where's the Beirut when you need one? Did someone actually put out all the layouts from the map rotation? As i figure it out, the one that should be on the blacklist is the ALT one (STD is working fine, few days ago. The LRG? Should be the same) Can we put back one of those layouts in rotation again? Some people still wanted to play it - Inch
  15. Hey, man. Never actually got some notice of you getting return to the forums and PR. Will be looking forward to play with you again As m8 just said, they're some ppl still remembered you in past. But do not worry! And as always, take your time for your real-life, it is important! - Inch
  16. It's likely been great pleasure to be contributing at the community, i never actually regretted myself to do so. Having serious and fun times over PR Coop server, so many times and countless numbers of teamworks and epic gameplay, that i can't mention one by one... No doubts, best community to offer coop experience that the others, the best place to call as a family in gaming community. It's been like almost a year since 2016 (or 2 years), this community changes my view in terms of gaming. From Play4Free, to Battlefield 2 and last one, Project Reality, which i founded it interesting to play than the others. And also, the Coop Server is likely my first place to go, after some practicing the basics of the game (readed the manual, locally play and test it). I'll never forget the moment that i step-in to the server, and meet some guys in-game, new friends and some knowledges about the game. In the end, Happy Birthday, Veterans-Gaming. Thank you for being exist in the gaming community- Peace out, - Inch
  17. Well, seems it's likely been a while not seeing you around. Welcome back to the forums - Inch
  18. Bump. Any idea how's Bamyan lately? Is it still on the blacklist after v. (for off-map flying with A-10, crashes the server)? That reminds me of, Silent Eagle ALT have possible crash when CO deploying UAV (Double said it, before i tried for it). - Inch
  19. It happens since this newest update v1.5.2, bots just really indeed tryhard for this Razorwire. Pushing and pushing- It ended by someone, who's getting into TOW and killing the armors and the rest (including the Razorwire)
  20. Just as the title said. Remember to always deploy ammo bags when at close nearby crates, saving time and crates itself from resupply decaying time
  21. Seems just me, or is it just the same like BTR family does? This person got unlucky, getting rammed by friendly SPz Puma @ Silent Eagle ALT a year ago. We definitely need the "flip" command for Logi now since "fly" doesn't really help that much when a vehicle gets upside-down.
  22. To be continued (?) *insert Yes - Roundabout song here*
  23. (Not so important) Updates:

    There's a bit off a reschedule for daily routines, my actual time for study back at campus is likely starts on tomorrow (and it goes from there). And also Mondays are going to be my day off every week-! :P


    That doesn't always mean it's good for me, it can be a pain sometimes (If i had more assignments :o finishing it 1-2 days before deadline)


    - Inch



    "PR? Meh, let's see.. i don't think i would have a free time for those atm..."

    "Take care, folks- real life is important, without them, you're not going to be exist."


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. =VG= m823us

      =VG= m823us

      Hang in there man, you got this.

    3. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      Keep up, don t let yourself down, you can "MAKE THE UNIVERSITY GREAT AGAIN" ! No fun before bedtime !:drag::biggrin:

    4. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      Nothing like a couple hours of gaming to clear a mental block. :P


  24. *insert Yes - Roundabout song here*
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