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=VG= Inch

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Inch

  1. What i'm doing past month:

    - Enjoying a Halloween event



    - Grinding credits for a Japanese Medium Tank (Grinding for Tier IX with these, Tier VIII STA-1)Screenshot_2018-10-16-14-34-15.png.e8b408c8a2630f396d27657f9eb38717.png


    - Not much PR lately, and wanted to start playing War Thunder, but my potato PC can't handle it :<


    - No faction progress atm, currently stuck- :(


    I'll be back soon at weekends, i hope..


    - Inch

  2. I have seen much of kit stealing these days.. including some certain maps with Volod.41.. Honestly, i had no clue what to do on a situation where's his HAT/AR/MG kit been accidentally/intentionally being stolen by one of (maybe) clueless/jerk players he confront of.. (these jerk players usually just trying to lure out the real out from him, so yeah.. obviously pissing him) And usually, when out of the patience.. it always ended up with the TK'ing on the suspect (kit-stealer) and he claims back the kit (before i had seconds to ask the kit-stealer to drop it already, or do the !k/!kill command in instant-, since i know the !w doesn't work much for some players, so i had to do so). Some insult from him like, "you f**king noob, idiot etc." also came out afterwards sometimes. I know that he's good player, knows what he's doing, but any ideas or ways to prevent/lowering chance of this problem in future? It's kinda tough for him nowadays, especially dealing with these players (new ones) if they don't listen what he was saying... Like the actions is do better than the talking and i would agree with Binary here: Warning like this would actually do on the server info, before joining in server browser. Hopefully will made the people aware about the rules in-game. I'm trying myself observing the chats/conversation (especially violations, like this kit-stealing) outside of the gameplay itself, and surely isn't an easy job to do.. - Inch
  3. Yea, i already considered Unimog from the start, really wanted to actually make something different than the other factions (using M35 as main truck series isn't that interesting enough, tbh i have seen a lot when playing US faction) But, i see NG series are fine as well imo, classic type of truck.. IDN Army known to be have 200+ ish of Unimog in service (since 1981) and seems beats off the NG series, but not the M35 (at 500) and Isuzu NPS 75 (at 300+ ish) I believe Unimog trucks been quite planned in other factions. But, had no clue which one it is... (need to check the PR Modding forums-) - Inch
  4. Wut??? It's from an Auto Show, i found this pic because i dont have the much time to surf around internet, searching for the proper truck images again. Busy for Mid-Test, is the answer- - Inch
  5. Bump, dead post atm... I'm still working on this, but no much progress atm (no pics), still looking for some good local referrences out there (which is kinda hard to find in internet, and real-life as well, not that easy research) I'm still confused, even when on choosing which proper trucks would be fit for the faction (lol ), few decided candidates (IMO) are: - Mercedes-Benz Unimog U1300L - Mercedes-Benz NG47 1017 - Isuzu Elf NPS 75 4x4 (newest truck in service, a local civilian modified to military truck ) Current placeholder would be that US Truck (M35 & variations), since i pretty much saw a lot of those in service both in IDN Army and Marine Corps.. (few reskins/retextures needed if possible) Any suggestions would be great- Help meh~ \o/ - Inch
  6. Can't wait to go back for PR, after being busy in weekends. Pretty neat-
  7. Not really important bug, but: Ural-4320 Logistics truck decaying fast when someone left it behind after driving on Grozny INF. I did check that while yesterday/2 days ago. It bleeds... (even with a Repair station deployed) Geroy, Limony are witnessed this too if i'm not wrong - Inch
  8. Basically it's just a standard COOP on local game or in some server. VG is one of the servers that using the deployment setup for COOP (FOB require crates, kit restrictions/limitations, only razors that require shoveling instead of other deployable assets which builds instantly etc.) And back before the updates, some emplacements like HMG, TOW, Mortars etc. isn't able to use either. Is it fixed now?
  9. Well, it is time...


    After about 2,5 months of vacation from Uni, my days are over. Tomorrow on Monday, is another day for campus studies..


    Not be able to go online a much, mostly going to be busy studying back again in Uni. Trying to make out the best for this semester (because last semester, few of my grades were awful :()


    Hope those who noticed this, knows where i am now. I'll be away from gaming for next months (focusing study). Will do try to hangout around some other time if had a chance/free times-



    Thanks, and see ya around~! ;)


    - Inch




    *Grinding valkyrie_crusade_stamp_by_midoir1-dc0gr83.png.e2153c0ff96389257ca97b26b3812309.png*

    1. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      Good luck with your studies ! :hi:

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      Cheers bro!  Study hard and best of luck to you!  See you around!  We'll keep the tanks warm for ya  :drinks:


  10. We are still here, waiting for you- ( even Mr. GRNANDGLD was worried about your conditions IRL ) Hope for good recovery and get well soon- - Inch
  11. We just crashed when playing Kozelsk STD few mins ago (causes: unknown, probably the server itself), and afterwards the server was gone from the Browser (cannot connect with IP) and few mins later, it backs up with Asad Khal ALT, played it for few mins and the update came out-
  12. Oh well, trying to revive this post. Just a small effort on some design plan, updated and cleaned for a bit ( no updates on statics, models etc. yet, sorry ) I've currently been busy for these couple of days, preparing for campus... so, currently not able to do some modelling around atm... - Inch
  13. Don't think it's a wise decision though (but i'm absolutely agree with putting it on Standard map rotation), personally i haven't seen any problems with it (except with the server crash caused by here below, that i'm about to mention). It is also one of the favourites for some players in-game when they we're looking for rush/fun plays. It's kinda bad for low pop (especially the STD, ALT is fine sometimes though) And most of the layouts are fine, only how the people notice the warns about 'how not to make the server crash' (usually i'm myself taught and always telling them in !s command in-early game) Here's the only thing that i knew so far: - @ INF layout, is just fine, only the difficulties of working together against enemy Infantry which is also hard when in low-pop ( how to win: bleed their tickets till the ends / 0 ). But sometimes these new people also easy to get bored/not giving the best effort at least for a round and wanted the admins just to change the maps/runnext. - @ ALT layout, there's a possibility that the server crash by the Bots using the CAS Chopper (in here is Hind/Havoc) while flying (i assume it were flew off the map/crash the chopper somewhere). Also, in gameplay since it is at dark-time and uses OPFOR faction, is also a hard game when it's on low pop, just in matter of time to work together as possible. This layout includes 1 Tank (T-62) and 2 IFV's (BMP-1) which makes the game a bit easier then you thought (if the INF doing well on their jobs ofc) - @ STD layout, latest thing known is flying a Trans chopper (Mil Mi-17 Hip-H) off the map to the south side from main base (MEC Deployment Area) will crash the server. It's also best to mention that this also bad map for low pop, even though there's a lot of assets to use (mostly medium-heavy ground assets like, BTR-60, BMP-2M, Shilka etc.). Again, this needs a work and cooperation with all infantry, armored and trans squad in order to win or else it's going to be long ass game.. This is a good map, in hands of players with knowledge Been out from the game for awhile, - Inch
  14. Yee- it came just right now! Short Update screenshots: - Added Tactical Upper-Rails and Bolt-in Iron Sights (still rough on details) - Added Barrel/Chamber on the front side (still rough on details) - Added Magazine (also rough on details, but it's a bonus ) - Skeleton-Folding Stock still unfinished (marked/coloured by Olive Green in pics, showing the progress) ***Here they are: *Model w/h Material on *Model w/h Material & Wireframe on *Model w/h Wireframe only *Model on First-Person mode (wannabe) : Any suggestions always helps-! Stay tuned~ - Inch
  15. This is seem to be real, i didn't see this coming so soon. Well done to the contributor (Xenalite), can't wait to see how it really works in-game. - Inch
  16. I was thinking the same about this, that was my first thought of making a map (AAS and COOP at least) and looks for someone who's working with this kind of stuff.. (coding, python etc.) your name, TEDF and Melon just came up at mind (some PR Devs too, if they able to help/giving suggestions like Outlawz, Arab etc.) I had like 3-4 ideas now, for making the map, but will do focus working at least 2 of them (after done with the main stuff/faction) Most of the names are myself created, the two first name on maps are Operation Lotus and Natuna (islands). Details can wait, not the time yet though-
  17. Yes, this is 3DS Max 9 (apparently 2009), but i haven't installed BF2 Modding tools yet And as the title said, this is also not yet an official project for PR (just 'wannabes', because i'm not announcing it running in PR forums, you need a team for working on those or the devs just ignore it) Yes, this is 9mm x 19mm Parabellum as seen here Some small motivations like this helps - Inch
  18. I've finished myself, a SMG receiver-! More works to come, stay tuned- *A self-made project for making a faction (starts from weapons to heavy assets! ) By the way, this is just a rough-made receiver of Pindad PM2-V1 sub-machine gun (i haven't cleaned up and fixing the details yet) Polygon-Wireframe Wireframe view First-person view wannabe To-do lists: - Skeleton-Folding Stock - Tactical Upper-Rail attachment (w/h Bolt-in Iron Sights) - Trigger Group - Barrels (Breech, Chamber etc.) - Inch
  19. I'm getting out from the town atm, it's an interesting event, but sadly not be able to participate for now. Wishing good luck and enjoy the event - Inch
  20. Shocked hearing this news... He was a great man indeed, never known to meet each other in real-life, separated. One of my close friends in VG, especially on PR. Can't believe he passed away.. called out by the Almighty, speechless and got a heavy feeling that i have to say goodbye... definitely going to miss him. My condolences to the family and relatives for their loss... his jokes, a team-player in-game, fun/hilarious times, hanging around on TS and also one of our fellow admins. H8CrazyVet (Vincent) is always be the best person out there to be exist. A good person and a friend when you need the most. My friend.. thank you.. for these moments you've made.. and rest in peace.. crumpet guy-! I'll see you out there - Inch PS: I never ate a crumpet in my life until now. If i found one, it's a tribute for him personally.
  21. Well, i wonder what Test_Airfield and Test_Bootcamp are exist for... Are these not necessary for 'testing' things or even training (alone locally) in PR? - Inch
  22. So, that explains why Beirut LRG isn't working anymore (literally with buggy changes)... Yesterday, i was playing it with couple of guys in there, the LRG one still works (somehow), but by the looks of it.. the layout IS NOT in actual LRG one (and it is the ALT one being reversed, playing in IDF side instead of RU, the assets are mixed from new Beirut layouts since this new update) How mindblowing.. and it also hasn't removed from the maplist rotation. Should we remove it for good? I'm going to miss the Beirut COOP128 for sure, old times... - Inch *PS: After knowing this, looks like i can't be online at some point, PERF BETA is now permanent and can't be turned off, seems now it's killing my PC performance (after more than 1hr playing, it overheats & freezes my screen 5 mins approx.). I definitely need to fix this issue first, then will come back later after it's done...
  23. I had myself done with last semester exams 2 days ago, now i've got a 1,5 month day off from campus/uni. At this one, i have reached in some point that i might be needing a 'job' to live my life out there. But, honestly.. never actually thinked about that till now (there is a lot of things, but still not sure which one is suitable at least)


    I was thinking about making something, related to PR while at day off like this (such as faction), but it will took a long time, so i had to save ones that important for progressing through to make it happen.


    I'm probably going to start learn things that needed soon (modelling, mapping etc.), so i can experience working on something that 'real heavy' (PR Forums - Modelling/mapping isn't really that easy as it looks), and so my willing to do and learn on this kind of work... (currently looking at softwares, such as 3DS Max, BF2Editor etc.)


    Btw, the admin in PR isn't really my main job (just a side one, besides of campus student), not really taking that seriously at the moment, mostly busy everyday, except in Weekends. But, i'll be there when needed (sometimes hanging around TS helps me, if problems happen in-game, so i can help out solving them)


    I definitely need to do some dishwashing right now... :o


    - Inch

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