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VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= XOR

  1. Just downloaded & tested files on audactity & vlc and seem to be working fine, I've archived and re-attached files below, incase that was the problem. @Connor do me a favor & see if you can download & playback audio files attached below in archive aak.7z
  2. idk, maybe you find one of these to be what ur looking for... just normalized & cleaned up the audio... 3 variants, the '_clean' suffixed ones' might most be ideal, pick ur poison i sense you cooking up a suicide bomber..... aak_ref.wav aak+bang.wav aak+bang_extended.wav aak+bang_long.wav aak+bang_long_normalised.wav aak_clean.wav aak_clean_raw.wav aak_clean_extended.wav
  3. @Connor @=AMPHETAMINE= CODEMASTERS never released dev tools or dedicated servers for Red River which was locked to Games For Windows Live service not to mention the complete lack of support for true Multiplayer, with the only multiplayer support being 4 PLAYER COOP MAX, so yeah it was great single player fun, but for all intensive purposes this isn't a multiplayer game in actuality. Hell we'd be better off playing the REAL the ORIGINAL OFP:ColdWarAssault that blud mistook the imposter(i.e OFP by CODEMASTERS) posted here for, it's not pretty in the classical sense but no one played it for it's looks, with the ECP Modpack, it's still a brilliant & fairly decent looking game with the classic HunchBack animation fixed and with it's 255 Player optimal limit (3024Max) & 3024 AI max limit, it could be a better throwback similar to what BMS did for Falcon. O yeah, Dragon Rising never had dedicated servers with official servers shut down & even then only supported max 16 players, CODEMASTERS ruined the OfP brand with these garbage releases. I do however indeed recommend World In Conflict MWMod & Wargame Red Dragon (unrelated to the stupid dragon mentioned above), some really good fun, i still play Wargame just to watch the CWIS go brtttttttttttttttt.
  4. You know it brother. For me, the Sound design & VFX in squad is second to none(at least for a tactical shooter) but like all good looking games, it's online only, has garbage flight model, has bad netcode - obscene rubber banding & ridiculous ping where time & time again i found my self having 2x-3x as much ping in game as i had to a server on server browser, limited scale in that it doesn't feel like a warzone - at best a skirmish & mostly a rapid ttk arena shooter where the lowest ping shooter wins, limited choice of assets & limited gear customization,etc... All in all, I can't find a single compelling reason to play SQUAD over PR let alone over ARMA3, and, to make a game like squad work, you need a large group of people to play with, not 10 or 20 but more like 40 or 50 because it's only pvp & the VG server has at its peak a few dozen people at most, where in PR or ARMA3 I've had loads of fun, even just doing PvPvE with a handfull of people using AI balanced teams. SQUAD atm is a mass market fps that'll flop the moment it looses a fraction of it's audience as it can only be enjoyed in high pop servers with geographically equidistant players, unless you're the one with low ping. And yea.... ^that about sums it up. Having AI in a video game signifies more than just Single Player as it might be suggestive off, It allows you to play as you please, when you please, however you so please, that is the kind of freedom that greatly appeals to a person like myself, and lacking in SQUAD atm.
  5. I was watching a documentary, in-game ofc, 'why we fight', and got to wondering why WE fight, bots, for thousands of hours on maps we know inside out. I play PRBF2 COOP because I've developed a pathological aversion to competitive multiplayer games, multiplayer only games and the generic recycled shit that most games are today, and PRCOOP put simply is the only multiplayer game in a genre i'm interested in along with Arma 3, World In Conflict MWMod & DCS that I play anymore that ticks all the boxes (Moddable, AI, Offline SP/Campaign/COOP & Moderated MP Servers with JIP GameModes), confining myself to single player games otherwise (Kerbal Space Program, MSFX, MSF2020, Mud/Snow Runner, Kingdom Come Deliverance ,pretty much anything by ZACHTRONICS,.....), hence my affinity to GOG instead of STEAM/EPIC when possible. I also gave up on battlefield when EA gave up on BOTS & gave up on COD when it became COD. In a nutshell, not a lot of alternatives & chill folks on this particular server with this particular community, kinda made PR, MORE OF a PLACE i goto every other day, just to chill usually, where I occasionally listen to an audio book, play ksp in another window or vibe to music while in game, usually flying around doing a bunch of other stuff irl that I'd otherwise do while multitasking anyway #afk30sec, which admittedly is why i fly a lot, it's something i can do while doing other things. Some people frequent a bar or café, i frequent this P L A C E called Project Reality, could almost be a brick & mortar thing, eh? So yeah that's why I'm here, It's why I've stuck with PR for 9 years now, it's why I 'fight', WHY DO YOU?
  6. That is indeed a brilliant Mod, I've used HETMAN on which it's based since Arma 2 as well, It trully is a one of a kind mod for which there is no alternative (i.e A Dedicated AI Commander). It's better still with LAMBS_Danger.fsm and ASR AI3. iirc Rimy also uses LAMBS* mods.
  7. iirc it's a timing error, it's actually PRLauncher closing PR because of delayed response by PRBF2 process. Usually happens because of background processes taking up too much cpu time or cheat detection getting triggered, since you got it running it's obviously the prior. A simple reboot usually fixes it. Cheers.
  8. I fly(rarely gun) CAS a lot and because it's boring for me as a pilot & because I want to actually have some fun with my gunner, unless explicitly asked to do so & only to kill vehicles or help cap flags, I don't like to hover & rarely hover above 150, so as a matter of course I'd like to think I know how to stop people in my position farming kills. Simple approach would be to reduce the altitude limit for CAS helis, which for the uninitiated already exists, if you go above a certain altitude in a heli, you'll take damage, reducing it to a 100m altitude ceiling should be fairly reasonable in COOP with higher altitudes attainable for short durations similar to combat areas, so again nothing new, it's a simple value change for Melon to consider should he choose to do so, as in COOP, PvP configs are down right stupid. And hopefully the extended range & no exit statics make it (back) into an update, they were a bitch, but actually made doing CAS interesting&&fun at the very least & killed off campers expediently. tldr; Lower max altitude ceiling for CAS helis, which makes them more likely to get shot at, which reduces time on station before needing to rtb for repairs, which makes them more likely to go boom, which in turn makes them less likely to hover & so less likely to camp as they'll resort to low altitude orbits & flybys for kills which isn't an ideal camping environment, and so makes for a more target rich environment for everyone not in CAS, you don't change the laws of thermodynamics to put out a fire, you deprive a fire of fuel or oxygen to stop it dead, same principle here, just simpler... As for team work, it can not be forced by rules however structured, what sets PR apart from other games like it, including Arma, is forced SYSTEMIC cooperation, such that it's gameplay systems unique to PR like kit & asset restrictions, that increase the likely hood of cooperation & to systems we must look not rules, where for brevity, any RULE so enforced algorithmically/automatically is implicitly a gameplay system, it's core value derived from it being omnipotent of sorts, unlike rules enforced by human admins. Cheers.
  9. @Rabbit @=VG= TEDF Calling it 'rope' is a reach, but here's a better video by Suchar, I loved it but it was bitch server side. Great for events tho...
  10. @=VG= SemlerPDX cheers, commands can be bound to weapon selection, so it's no biggie, just easier for testing, tho as a matter of personal preference I don't mind it @EuroStep Rearm was more a meme than not, 'comes in the box' but repair I feel can make a difference for the better, I just ended up adding a modified supply object with repair only & instead of using a command, however many crates & size of crates a heli has determines if it can repair other vehicles(so it can't repair itself), at what speed it repairs. Same with airlift, size of aircraft & vehicle determines airlift, and a command-less load/unload using crates, whatever vehicle you drop a crate on directly you get a notification & you may use commorose okay/negative to accept/reject prompt to 'load' vehicle if no passengers inside & 'getout' commorose to unload, will add prompt to driver if any in vehicle. A lot of people would disagree with you on this, it's only simple for veteran cas whores, like myself Although ofc there's somethings that are too simplified. Like all things in PR there's a hacky way to do that but it requires a whole custom map & scripts, so def not happening outside of events. Again appreciate the feedback, it's much better than it was when I posted the OP,keep it coming, cheers.
  11. @CptHawk I wish I shared your optimism, people it seems define 'realistic' in the context of that with which they've become accustomed, however unrealistic that might be, in my experience, even in past posts on this forum, tbh, but it's just a couple minutes of work to modify it to do what you describe. @=VG= Kavelenko These are not intended for PR integration, but as server side mods on passworded servers so more likely than not, they're to be used on events(writing these for a PR event on Volition) & so on, if someone wanted to, I post all code for PR under an older alias in the proper forums, for brevity. Everything I post here is shit I know won't ever be added to PR, such as systems focused on coop, completely out of place in deployment or just stuff I know to have been dismissed for less than forthright reasons. So generally I post these to make them publicly available cos I've written too many of these over the years for PR & private servers, and I don't even know where they are anymore, so.... Like I said, there's a common misconception in online gaming that the only game you can play is the one in the title, sure it comes with a hassle , especially with PR's licensing rules, but one of the main reasons I made my account here is to dissuade people of this notion that you should wait for R-DEV to solve all your little problems & wishes, cos They Won't && They Can't especially not for 'stupid' coop 'that no one plays', the fact that there's not a single continually passworded (modded) server that exists to explore this other way of playing PR says as much, I'm too lazy to set one up & maintain one myself, so here ya go, hell most of my stuff that's ended up in PR was taken from other bf2 mods, if that says anything. @=VG= TEDF Familiar with that, and also familiar with why it was abandoned, O C A M S R A Z O R, 'logically' doing something is sometimes superior to rendering it needlessly, especially in such an old game. Xacly my point, it's never gonna happen, because it makes ABSOLUTELY no sense in deployment where it breaks balance, but in coop, it just might be perfect & above all enjoyable, but it's lack of value in deployment means you'll never see that in PR, which is why I'm here & not there, infact I think that's what's missing from your events, which I so enjoy, instead of just different maps, perhaps you should consider using some abandoned/obsolete features of which there are plenty, got no issue helping out, events are passworded, you can do whatever....
  12. No reason why not, easier actually, I considered making big birds repair/rearm points for everything, but I could hear the outcry & screams of my treasonous ways, so I Just went with A2A, less controversial & actually takes a bit of skill to execute within a time crunch & while needing to have to execute commands in-flight.
  13. @=VG= keed can't quite modify ui server side, but shouldn't be too difficult to bind commands to existing UI events like weapon selection, certainly a better approach, I just be lazy like that Airlift would pretty much apply to the big birds so it's inline with what you indicated, Chinooks, Osprey & anything with 2x large crates. And A2A rearm might not be a thing irl, but given the size of the maps, figured why not, cos the only in-game analogue to fuel is ammo, so perhaps might just rearm AA missiles/flares & not bombs/atgms, I do see your point tho. 100 ticket cost is just a base line, I'll probably tie it to player count & elapsed round time multipliers to make it a bit more dynamic & reasonable. @=VG= Nyther exploits over hacks, always ftr, l'll post the code for these for anyone to use, but it's mostly for use on a private server in a coop Arma community of all places, cos it be like that, sadly.
  14. I already wrote these as part of something I'm putting together to wrap up the year along with some other shit I should've gotten done months ago & I'll post these below if anyone's interested but, what thoughts & objections might you guys have to these concepts in PR? Airlift Is Basically just a pair of commands that works with crates, repair stations light wheeled vehicles like humvee's & boats, '!load <str:crate/repair/wheeled/boat>', logically 'indexes' pos of first found matching object with in 5m & '!unload' drops/'teleports' linked object from aircraft height much like crate drops,if not moved from loading position so you'd need to get low. AirToAir Rearm/Repair is basically a command '!a2a', reserved for trans helis with 2x crates,with a cool down timer that 'attaches' a fast supply object(from testairfield) usually found on helipads & runways to the transport heli of player that invoked command for 60 seconds, if invoker heli isn't more than 60% damaged, and only to Rearm/Repair other aircraft. So you could rearm/repair other aircraft provided they fly slow enough & in close (<25m) formation, in midair. I always figured the osprey should be more useful, so mehh, why not, you can rearm/repair an entire cas squad in one go in midair with one of those. Both commands additionally cost player team 100 tickets and give bot team 100 tickets & are intended to be used in the context of bots at max difficulty, extended engagement envelops (range),a custom spawner and no squad lead respawn, among other things... As I happen to be one of those idiots who don't subscribe to the idea that the only game you can play is the one in the title. Thoughts?
  15. I appreciate the cas 'nerf', but infantry need a taste of the pain too Maybe also set neutral flags to team 1 as it once was on certain maps, on all maps on dedicated servers, no reason for a neutral flag start in online coop. Problem with having bots WALK instead of RIDE is that they're alive for much longer, but always enroute to/from an active CP which makes actual CP's easier to cap, while when in vehicles they die quicker but in most cases, either overrun killers when they all dismount on vehicle destruction or more likely REspawn at relevant CP, so what ever benefit that might be gained in having bots WALK to/from CP's is all but lost due to the fact that no one but noobs do the same on maps with vehicles... So perhaps, better to just reduce exit damage threshold, instead of locking them out of vehicles(as passengers ofc). Time isn't the only signifier of outcome, logic functions all the same, so no, not worth it. COOP AI in any video game are generally more effective when their TTL(time to live) is shorter as it allows them more pathfinding options, i.e high TTL relies more on navMesh,LOS & trigger areas to navigate to targets where as low TTL let's them use a spawn networks to find targets with navMesh & LOS mostly used to hone in on targets. Which broadly translates to low TTL resulting in lower response times to player action, which is obviously the more desirable outcome. I'm sorry what, let them shoot both, let's leave personal bias out of these changes every one needs an RPG in the face, it USED TO complement frags quiet well, ehh jeeeZzzz Not hating, just saying, most changes are gr8 but some that I won't even touch are just so logically incoherent it's confounding Cheers
  16. As someone who frequents anything that flies,I agree with everything you said, well put @Sciddles, as always. As for myself, I'll switch it up more. @=VG= keed, I agree, but don't you dare #leaveHarriersAlone
  17. I meant the later, scripted solutionsl use logically enumerated spawn points using bot movement data to ensure spawn remains in navmesh & in range of a relevant (cappable) cp, for instance. Mapper placed spawn pool for 'randomised' spawn selection is simply too small in scope & doesn't apply to static objects or vehicles...so mehhh It does make sense too conceal spawn points from LOS when there's a limited number of them, but less so when it's Randomised every few minutes.. *And what Johnny said... Edit: ftr,I submitted code for this 3years ago, it was rejected because #reasons
  18. Yes. Without modifying maps? Also Yes. Why then isn't it a thing? IDFK, Code exists
  19. I might not make it due to prior commitments with the Arma 3 community I play with every Wednesday+Weekends, but sign me up as Alpha Medic pls, looking good
  20. Yeah,a certain someone nerfed bots trying out a new config & weapon temperatures, only way to even get close to how they were with out changing configs is to Max out bot difficulty, reduce bot respawn time by 1/2 to balance their frailty & bias flag polarity on start (bots own all neutral cp's on round start) , especially on muttrah, it truly is boring now. Cos unsurprisingly, maps are only truly fun nowadays with very few people, 3 man jabal with euro & aluc was epic though surprisingly easy, almost ran their tickets dry, mostly having had less than 10 tickets #funTimes @=VG= Vanillapop bot numbers are unchanged afaik, though logical bot count or avg number of bots alive through a round is lower, by virtue of being less formidable to kill, hence your impression perhaps
  21. I'm in 'Systems Automation' (CompSci major), so I've got a bit of a bias but here goes. 1. Is easy, pays well, requires little time, hardly any math if ever but is mindlessly boring & in the age of squarespace,wix,wordPress,... can be done with no effort by #2 & #3 or anyone with some common sense ftm. 2. Similar in ease & time taken, but no less boring, if as you say you're looking for something interesting, scratch this one off too, it's as interesting as watching paint dry. And you can do it any way as #3. 3. Pays most, boring - what's that even mean - certainly not this , Sure it needs some math, but unless you're going into data science or algorithm design(actually fun for us sociopaths who like math), 99% of programming is operational logic(if,else,while,for,and,or,blah blah blah), basic arithmetic & GOOGLING SHIT, sprinkled with some high school level linear algebra & geometry at most in that order,hate calculus not to worry, 'every one' does & you don't need it, though you'll certainly have to take classes on it regardless, in a traditional college course at least. And yeah you can do #1,#2 & ofc #3 having learned this as a matter of course. So if your motivation is looking for something more interesting which by definition translates to challenging & fun, you certainly won't find that with those two, but if you want to unleash your creativity, question reality, and learn how to think instead of what to think, programming is the way, because it's a mindset that pays well instead of just a job that does, while the other two are just that, jobs & little else. It's also one of the few skills in life that can earn you a living with out you having to seek out employment or even formal education from the comfort of wherever whenever, take a week & teach yourself, see how that goes, Derek Banas 'Learn In One Video' series gives you a pretty good idea what programming actually is , If you enjoy it take it up, If not take-up YouTube I asked my 7 year old niece, in her blog on dogs & cats powered by wix, SHE CONFIRMS, no math. Cheers.
  22. https://github.com/Xeno69/Domination , for Arma 3 by the same guy who made the original for OA. @=VG= .Blizzard. I know you're going for 'milsim'-esque gameplay, but i find it's useful to let your imagination run wild beyond what's reasonable at times, like my <functional> adaptation of SUPERHOT for Arma 3 attached, because that was a fly ass game, and sometimes you just wanna chill. And How about this for an awesome bit of little known functionality, map chaining, where you can have different objectives take place on different maps seamlessly, by transferring clients between multiple dedicated server instances, we do it in the A3 community I play with and there's nothing like having people playing together and coordinating objectives on different maps entirely, to achieve a common goal, think PR capture points for instance, but where each CP is an entire island or map, now that's how wars are fought. It was the mighty killzonekid's final parting gift, http://killzonekid.com/farewell-my-arma-friends/ ,the technique is actually explained in depth in the link, don't mind the page title. *He still works at BI, he just doesn't share his toys with us anymore* The simplest use case for this would be to signify the passage of time, on completion of all objectives on winter Chernarus for instance, you could do 'A Few Months Later...' summer Chernarus.. EDIT: I got a pm that Linked Url Went Down,so linked below is a mod based off KK's linked post above. Server Transfer System ,steamworkshop link to mod is down,but if you scroll down in the page, you'll find the armaholic link. I'll leave the original link intact, in case it goes backup again, however unlikely that may be. #SUPERHOT.VR.zip
  23. @KilRoy- as far fetched as perhaps even you might think some of your suggestions are, it's all actually in some shape or form possible server side, but just takes a lot of testing at most, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY is a breach of server license, so you're unlikely to ever see any of that happen. https://www.realitymod.com/forum/licenseapp.php
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