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VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= XOR

  1. Included in QoL, map was originally poorly optimized, slightly modified to improve performance, see steam workshop description for details about the full scope of QoL mod
  2. Modset will not change for events by me (CUP,ACE,TFAR,QoL) MODS DOWNLOAD - MOD PRESET OBJECTIVE Following an orbital collision with unidentified objects, the ISS is being abandoned and crew evacuated, recover space capsules projected to land somewhere in Toresk. —————————————————————————————— Player Count : 16 + 4 (Extra Slots) SATURDAY 1800 GMT - MARCH 22ND Server - VETERNAS-GAMING | EVENT | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP - Password - TBA —————————————————————————————— [ ALPHA ] [ RHIB ] Squad Leader =VG= ThePolishDude Medic - _ Automatic Rifleman - Kedi AT - Veselyy [ BRAVO ] [ RHIB ] Squad Leader - _ Medic - =VG= XOR Automatic Rifleman - PewPewPewPew AT - Einfield-101010101 [ CHARLIE ] [ 1x Mi-8M, 1x TIGR MRAP (SEIZE) ] Pilot - =VG= Keed Pilot - TEDF Medic - _ Engineer - _ [ DELTA ] [ 2x TIGR MRAPS (SEIZE) ] Squad Leader - _ Medic - _ Automatic Rifleman - rayanta AT - _ ——————————————————————————————
  3. Modset will not change for events by me (CUP,ACE,TFAR,QoL) MODS DOWNLOAD - MOD PRESET OBJECTIVE We've had enough of Santa and his crappy presents, capture Santa and steal all presents —————————————————————————————— Player Count : 8 + 4 (Reserves) SATURDAY 1900 GMT - DECEMBER 14TH Server - VETERNAS-GAMING | POLAR EXPRESS | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP - Password - TBA —————————————————————————————— [ ALPHA] [ ASSETS : SLEIGHS ] Squad Leader - XOR Medic - Cherry Automatic Rifleman - Kedi AT - Veselyy [ BRAVO ] [ ASSETS : SLEIGHS ] Squad Leader - =VG= The_Polish_Dude Medic - _ Automatic Rifleman - _ AT - Einfield-101 [ RESERVES / QRF ] [ ASSETS : SLEIGHS ] Squad Leader - _ Medic - _ Automatic Rifleman - MeatBaller AT - _ ——————————————————————————————
  4. Breacher please, will switch with lonestar if he wants the boom sticks instead
  5. Schedule is a bit wonky, pretty sure I can make it though Gimme squad with lonestar and his alt account
  6. Grenadiers were most noticeable to me... I think were they were very effective at punishing squads running around without cover along with helicopters hovering about, they were an effective threat, I would've liked them to remain that way, besides that, allowing cas free reign challenged only by AR/AA might not be best, and I say that as a cas whore, anyone who flies over enemies should suffer some consequence for doing so. I didn't notice many other changes though, and voted as such.
  7. Thanks to all who joined up, including the party crashers, was awesome
  8. @=VG= Alucardednoc SATURDAY 15th JUNE 2024 - 1900HRS GMT (PRT) Server Name: VETERANS-GAMING | Experimental Reality | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: : 2342 Password: reality Estimated Mission Time: 1hr 30 minutes Win or loose, just have fun, think of it like a round of pr, nothing too serious, enjoy. OBJECTIVE: NATO is no longer welcome on Stratis, AAF intend to force you out, fight back. LOCATION: STRATIS ASSETS: 2 x MH-9 Littlebirds 2 x AH-9 Littlebirds 2 x MRAPS 2 x AMV-7 Marshal APCs Supply Crates MODS: NONE REQUIRED NONE OPTIONAL No mods for this one to maximize performance. All essential functionality we most often rely on mods for, are scripted into mission itself. SQUADS: - roles maybe changed in-game - [ ALPHA ] SL : =VG= XOR MEDIC : =VG= GRN&GLD AR: =VG= Alucardededednoc AT : =VG= Nabil [ BRAVO ] SL : MEDIC : graywolf1 AR: Pew_Pew AT : kedi [ CHARLIE ] SL : MEDIC : AR: AT : [ DELTA ] SL : =VG= The_Polish_Dude MEDIC : =EINF= cubiksrube AR: Cherry AT : Lonestar [ CAS ] PILOT : PILOT : Veselyy [ TRANS ] PILOT : Sphee PILOT : [ APC ] CREWMAN : Enfield101 CREWMAN : D3lax CREWMAN : CREWMAN : COMMS: Do not use TeamSpeak for In-Game comms! Overhauled Vanilla Radio, no longer using third party scripts as those were unreliable.
  9. Bravo AT all yours, other guy didn't reply
  10. I've slotted u in as Bravo AT, can change if you want
  11. No ACE, only one 25mb mod for the Zeees
  12. PATIΞNT ZΞRO Players Slots : 16 SATURDAY 21st OCTOBER 2023 - 1900HRS GMT (PRT) [ I TOTALLY DIDN'T CONSPIRE WITH THE POLISH GUY ] HUGE THANKS TO @=VG= Connor for the Trailer. Server Name: VETERANS-GAMING | Patient Zero | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: : 2342 Password: infected Estimated Mission Time: 1hr 30 minutes ( Join 30min in advance please ) OBJECTIVE: Malden is under quarantine due to a viral outbreak, locate and recover patient zero, and possibly the cure. LOCATION: MALDEN ASSETS: 2 x UH-80 Ghost Hawks with Miniguns 2 x CH-67 Hurons with Miniguns MODS: REQUIRED Mod (only one 25mb mod): Arma 3 Preset EVENT_HALLOWEEN_REQ.html OPTIONAL Mods: Arma 3 Preset EVENT_OPTIONAL.html , Launcher > Mods > Presets > Import SQUADS: ( please reserve your preferred slots ) [ ALPHA ] ASSAULT SL : =VG= XOR MEDIC : =VG= .Blizzzzzzzzzzard. AR: =VG= Batmemer AT : Qiezi [ BRAVO ] ASSAULT SL : System32 MEDIC : chickenjason123...456789 AR: Hoops0320 AT : =VG= Ingo [ CHARLIE ] CAS / TRANS - Charlie 1 - Pilot : =VG= Keed Gunner : =VG= The_Polish_Dude - Charlie 2 - Pilot : =VG= ConnorNotSpooner Gunner : SerEvergreen [ DELTA ] RESERVE SL : =VG= Solar MEDIC : =VG= GRN&GLD AR: Pew_Pew AT : Enfield-101 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: Do not fire unless fired upon. COMMS: ( keep chatter to a minimum, talking alerts nearby enemies ) Do not use Teamspeak for Ingame comms, vanilla radio channels are configured similar to PR (Command, Squad, Local, +Vehicle, +Air(Pilots/UAV Operators)) Set your preferred keybinds for the 4 channels specified below in Arma Multiplayer Control Setttings.
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