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Everything posted by =VG= XOR
Updated thoughts & code in OP with feedback in mind before I distract myself with yet other shenanigans @=VG= Acro1 @=VG= Skitalez , let me know if I've swayed your positions, should you remain unmoved, we shall agree to disagree on this one, all said though thanks for the feedback, it was most welcome & appreciated. Have a good one.
Some good countries to visit & explore?
=VG= XOR replied to =VG= Sausag3's topic in Holiday/Vacation
Your damn queen owns my country, you might as well come visit, we've got lots & lots of that white stuff Brits moon over every winter. -
Arma III- mission features you like the most!
=VG= XOR replied to =VG= .Blizzard.'s topic in Suggestions
Accelerated day night cycle, Accelerated dynamic weather, Combined arms, Dynamic vehicle Loadouts, JIP (join in progress) support, Winter Chernarus, Summer Chernarus, Chernarus, did I say Chernarus?, CUP Modset because it generally doesn't lag out the server &or clients unlike rhs while having just about every relevant faction & asset you could want, Virtual Arsenal enabled - don't pick my loadout for me please,... for starters, because when I play Arma 3, I want all of it, the most it's got to offer, not PR or COD 'don't leave combat area' bs, don't tell me where I can & can not go, let me carry out the Objective however, when ever & u got gold. Xcuse my candor for what follows... I know people like Zeus, but in all my years of playing Arma 3,I have yet to find one that challenges me, they all seem to think their role is basically as human spawners weaving their spawning role with dumb little sorry lines that inspire or make you feel nothing, so if you want Zeus in a campaign have it be adversarial Zeus that actively tires to kill everyone. In regards to campaigns, there's nothing better than than an autonomically persistent campaign, which is to say a battlefield that evolves with or without player presence/intervention, though I take issue with it being persistent over weekends over being persistent, all the time, period. Just my two cents. Ps. I don't want to be a rebel operating fighter jets out of a swamp, nothing Immersive about that. #antistasisucks Cheers -
The way it was done required every map be modified on every update, especially those maps with carrier starts,I believe, but it could actually be done without doing so, just a simple matter of inverting cappable flags, getting bot trans helis to drop passengers on flags (which they don't but is trivial to fix - change helis to type landing craft & teleport bots to ground on heli ejection) & changing ticket count balance,number of assets and assets spawn times, which could all be done at runtime server side. Let me know if anyone's interested in the run time code, used to use it as part of a mutator with scripted spawn logic. on a now defunct server. Most people who still play, myself included, did & do. Would be nice to have it back at some point.
For the same reason that we as human beings aspire to be better in every aspect instead of settling for mediocrity that might have taken hold of others. . ftr, this is !flip, a dang rng def commandFlip(args, p): m = '' if len(args) == 1: m = args[0] if not re.match('^\\d+$', m): personalMessage('This command takes only one integer argument.', p) return False else: m = 1 coin = random.randint(0, int(m)) personalMessage('Result: %s' % str(coin), p, True) return True See above, it's the function in it's current state in the latest PR version.
@=VG= Acro1 I agree with your premise but disagree with your logic, agree to disagree then. @=VG= SemlerPDX I'm aware of flip, but it doesn't function as intended, if it ever functions which it rarely does, in short it doesn't, try it. Hence !unflip, again try both, and tell me what works & what doesn't. *!flip is basically a dummy command in it's current state.
Oook, I either misspoke or you seriously misunderstood the function of this post. I'm not complaining about anyone or anything, it just happens vehicles flipping is a more frequent occurrence now, especially in world war 2 maps, a friend just 'suggested' an 'unflip' command due to frustration & I just figured why not & posted this here... So yeah it's less an abused command & more a missing command, hence this post. Apologies if I misspoke yiykes. Just to be clear once more, command isn't abused, it doesn't even exist & I'm not requesting it be restricted, more suggesting a new addition... Feel free to move it to suggestions if you'd please. My bad,I guess
[EDIT]: Figured i might as well update & give this post a final look through before i forget about it, Feel free to use this if/when/how/as you see fit... !unflip flips any vehicle into neutral pitch & roll and drops it from 2m higher, for use if vehicle flipped/stuck. Add to mods\pr\python\game\__init__.py import cmd_unflip cmd_unflip.init() And Copy attachment below to mods\pr\python\game import bf2, host, time, re, ConfigParser, game.realityadmin as radmin, game.realityconstants as CONSTANTS, game.realitykits as rkits, game.realitycore as rcore """ !unflip flips vehicle into neutral pitch & roll. ONLY AVAILABLE TO COMBAT ENGINEERS when invoked as the driver or only person in a given vehicle because unlike logi's, they can actually be flown in, if need be and in crewman operated vehicles command can only be executed in the blind due to crew kit restrictions which makes command only usable for a brief window. This way it's more accessible but not trivially so, as you still need crates which trans might lend a hand with to grab the kit which requires at least 3 people in a squad, which makes it only available to at least properly manned squads and not some 2man locked tank squad for instance. And a global use message is sent to allow admins to identify command spam, if that is ever an issue still. A fair compromise, no, and maybe a cogent reason to use the infrequently used kit. """ def init(): host.registerHandler('ChatMessage', onChatMessage) #_stripPrefix(): removes context prefixes from a chat lines and returns the trimmed chat line def _stripPrefix(text): text = text.replace( "HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAM", "" ) text = text.replace( "HUD_TEXT_CHAT_SQUAD", "" ) text = text.replace( "HUD_CHAT_DEADPREFIX", "" ) text = text.replace( "*\xA71DEAD\xA70*", "" ) return text.strip() def onChatMessage(playerID, msgText, channel, flags): p = bf2.playerManager.getPlayerByIndex(playerID) playerVehicle = bf2.objectManager.getRootParent(p.getVehicle()) playerName = p.getName() playerTeam = p.getTeam() playerPos = playerVehicle.getPosition() playerRot = playerVehicle.getRotation() kit = p.getKit() playerKitName = kit.templateName playerKit = rkits.getKitTypeString(playerKitName) if rkits.getKitTypeString(playerKitName) not in ('engineer', ): #if not combat engineer radmin.personalMessage("!" + str(command) + " may only be used by combat enginner as driver or lone occupant of vehicle", p) return """ command parse, If findall doesn't find a match, it will return an empty list []: resulting in 'IndexError: list index out of range' exception which causes gamecrash when rcon debug is enabled, this also prevents game init until player spawns. *rationale for exception handling below* """ try: text = _stripPrefix(msgText) pattern = re.compile(r'!(\w*) ?(\S*) ?(.*)') matches = pattern.findall(text) command = matches[0][0] if matches[0][1] != "": #parameter 1 if exists parameter1 = matches[0][1] else: parameter1 = None if parameter1 != None and matches[0][2] != "": #parameter 2 if exists parameter2 = matches[0][2] except: return if text[0:1] == "!": # unless the first character is ! don't do anything if command == "unflip": if not p.isAlive(): return if p.getDefaultVehicle() == p.getVehicle() : #if player not inside vehicle return passengers = playerVehicle.getOccupyingPlayers() if len(passengers) == 0: return driver = passengers[0] # for passenger in rootVehicle.getOccupyingPlayers(): # if passenger != player: if p == driver: playerVehicle.setPosition((playerPos[0], playerPos[1]+2, playerPos[2])) playerVehicle.setRotation((playerRot[0], playerRot[1]*0, playerRot[2]*0)) radmin.globalMessage(str(playerName) + " used command !unflip [" + str(kit) + "," + str(playerKitName) + "," + str(playerKit) + "]") else: radmin.personalMessage("!" + str(command) + " may only be used by combat enginner as driver or lone occupant of vehicle", p) cmd_unflip.py
Nice bait & hook with clean sweep, a favorite of mine with an equally pleasant layer, appreciate the work. Loading up
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[serverside script] restrict named squad creation & asset use
=VG= XOR replied to =VG= XOR's topic in Suggestions
@=VG= Fastjack I agree It's certainly not the responsibility of anyone here to fix anything inherent in the game. It's simply one of those issues with in the means of server admins to rectify should they choose to do so, R-Dev's requirements & expectations, unreasonable though they may be in this regard allow for very limited scripting as is the case with admin scripts which are allowed on public servers,i.e scripts of limited utility that don't alter gameplay such as this are considered admin scripts & NOT server side modifications, I carefully considered that when I wrote it. And given the extent of actual server side modifications on VG already, i hoped it wouldn't be a point of concern. With that in mind, I submit that delayed named squads aren't perhaps a solution to the problem of slow loaders on VG while the other solution contained herein is however worth consideration as a useful utility if nothing else. @=VG= SemlerPDX And with that I'd like this thread locked as feedback thusfar signifies this thread has run its course & served it's purpose. Thank you all for your feedback, it was most welcome. -
[serverside script] restrict named squad creation & asset use
=VG= XOR replied to =VG= XOR's topic in Suggestions
So clearly just about everyone objects to delayed asset squad creation, which is cool & good points have been made to that effect and I don't entirely disagree though I'll explore other options in the future, but everyone seems to agree with scripted squad name enforcement, i.e auto resign players using assets in the wrong squad, so just comment out 'delayNameSquadAssets(timeAtRoundStart)' and script will pretty much only do that with which you all agree. @ZZANG1847 It has always been a problem in the almost 9 years I've been playing, just not mine & nor yours perhaps, but for plenty of others, because the MAJORITY of players play PR because they have low spec machines and can't play Arma or Squad or Insurgency or ..., I agree this solution isn't perhaps theee solution given the almost unanimous disdain for the idea, but dismissing the problem outright isn't reasonable either. Acceptable squad names enforcer is just a quality of life addition that removes at least one recurring nuisance for admins & maintains some order on the rare occasion no admins might be on, no more no less. And there's nothing wrong with discussing anything however unpalatable, it's how we form ideas or maybe I'm just an idealistic idiot -
I suppose it would take time, but it shouldn't take up any additional space, just map existing files on existing Arma 3 server to a new junction path & you should be able to run multiple Instances using the same game data, if it's on an SSD, which I presume it is, it shouldn't have any performance impact.
Bandar desert was 5k, biggest one if I recall. @=VG= Acro1 well, that makes more sense.
idk what all the fuss is over this one tbh, it really wont do anything SQUAD won't eventually if not already, it's little more than a technical achievement, albeit an impressive one, insane how they(Venice Unleashed) got it to work without modifying the game. Now if it was for Battlefield Bad Company 2, well, the world would have come to an end,me with it, but BF3, mehhh.
I should've posted linked comment here in retrospect ,so I might as well link to it. tldr; Arma 3 Domination Is actively being maintained by author of original Arma 2 Domination & is better than ever, no better scenario for a persistent Arma 3 campaign. Events are great & all, but Persistent JIP campaigns done right, are gold.
@=VG= SemlerPDX apologies if I came off crass, I simply assumed a change in rules given the abrupt change in tone and merely suggested alternative tone-free systems to enforce the rule (hazards of working in automation) and thank you for the thorough & frank clarification,I most appreciate it, always. Good day
@=VG= .Blizzard. I certainly didn't mean to make a mountain out of a mole hill, if I did, my apologies. However no player should be subject to opinionated action by any other, admin or not, VG or not, with that I hope you agree, articulate the rules & stand by them & by them we shall abide. All I'm asking is, if you want people to stop base raping, perhaps it's useful to articulate FOR THE PLAYERS whom you feel should be beholden, what exactly it is they may & may not do in this regard, that was & is my sole intent. Cheers. EDIT: And no this post wasn't the product of a bad interaction with any one, just an observation, no more no less.
So is CAMPING ranger, shall we enforce that then... I'm all for enforcing the rule, just not arbitrarily & lacking common sense, as seems to be the case, recently. & Thanks for the quote,I feared I'd removed context for your reply after I edited the OP.
It seems there's a new 'interpretation' in the air, someone care to articulate it? Edit: To be clear I understand it to be any activity involved in skipping flags, question is, Why the sudden surge in blanket & arbitrary enforcement, if it's to do with enforcing written rules then let's enforce CAMPING rules all the same, otherwise let's find a better solution than the absurd & arbitrary enforcement as of late, that makes round more frustrating than fun.
[serverside script] restrict named squad creation & asset use
=VG= XOR replied to =VG= XOR's topic in Suggestions
@=VG= Melon Muncher check attachment, updated. And since the dominant complaint seems to be 'the masses' being penalized for slow loaders, I've updated the timer(but not the notification message, i leave that to whomever chooses to use this,if at all), it now uses dynamic assetdelay based on number of players relative to the number of bots, which for reference computes to: 75sec/1.15minutes If 1 player(Minimum), 375sec/6.25minutes If typical 25player population, 600sec/10minutes If 40 players(Maximum) & everything in between, assuming 40bots, PER DEFAULT playerCountMultiplier value of 10. Simply change the multiplier to reduce the relative time per player count, to what ever you deem reasonable,setting playerCountMultiplier to 5 for example will set the max delay in a full server to 5minutes instead of 10minutes at the default value of 10... And if so inclined you can just try it for yourselves, copy script to 'mod\pr\python\game' & add to 'mod\pr\python\game\__init__.py': import namedSquadRestrictions namedSquadRestrictions.init() -
[serverside script] restrict named squad creation & asset use
=VG= XOR replied to =VG= XOR's topic in Suggestions
@=VG= TEDF what @Connorsponner01 said & not doing something because you've gotten by not having done it for any length of time is an interesting concept shall we say. Though I do understand your apprehension. @=VG= Melon Muncher Can do, I'll update the post when I get home. @=VG= SemlerPDX I especially get the concern with the 'rush back to main', I just figured I'd posit a solution to the questions & suggestions posted in the linked thread, that also consequentially does the same thing delayed asset spawn does across all maps, I didn't necessarily post this as an actionable solution,but as a actionable reference point if nothing else, as the only alternative I'm hearing seems to be buy a better pc. So if i may, is there in your opinion an acceptable systemic solution to slow loaders, than having others reserve slots for them? Regardless, appreciate you taking a look. Cheers & Good day. -
[serverside script] restrict named squad creation & asset use
=VG= XOR replied to =VG= XOR's topic in Suggestions
@LangMaster I really hope you're not suggesting, waiting 5 minutes is untenable for coop... I get what you mean though, it gets old fast, -
[serverside script] restrict named squad creation & asset use
=VG= XOR replied to =VG= XOR's topic in Suggestions
@LangMaster compromises are the way of life;) @=VG= Nyther it's simply the least worst option to how things are atm. And I missed a comma, 'should they choose to wait, let them, how EVER long they wait, is anyone's guess'.. late night... -
[serverside script] restrict named squad creation & asset use
=VG= XOR replied to =VG= XOR's topic in Suggestions
RoundStart is basically map load and it lines up with round timer, such that at 3:55:00 for example squad creation is allowed and it doesn't have to be 5min, it can dynamically be modified on player count if you so choose. Trans will always be the exception:) You do get a 10sec clearly worded warning before being resigned. And as for those waiting on the timer, it's easy, you can configure it to adapt to player count with an rng for a slight randomisation, should they choose to wait, let them how long they wait, is anyone's guess... All I'll say on this is that nothing in this script constitutes a breach of server license, and won't require passworded servers. Only one problem with that, only way to prevent bots from spawning is to prevent players doing the same & so, not ideal. Besides I see nothing wrong with bots getting a handicap, you have a brain, they don't, so make the most of it, I say