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About This Club

Join the VG Army! Casual Open Public Group for our regulars at VG, and first step in the path to =VG= Clan Membership! If you are new, post up in Introductions and let us know what you play here!

Club Details and Interests

A place for those who play games like Project Reality, SQUAD, and Arma 3, and play on VG game servers primarily, as well as other games on occasion.

If you have been Enlisted for at least 30 days, you may apply for advancement by creating an Application for Advancement:
VG Army Club Advancement Applications

  1. What's new in this club
  2. HEY!! WELCOME GENTS @Snowchtand @SirenPeeps Glad you enjoy the servers as much as we DO!!! See you out THERE!!!!
  3. welcome aboard bro .looking forward to meet u in the battlefield .
  4. G'day! I'm sirenpeeps, I play pr most of the time in VG server. I like to fly them helis and avoid planes (their air fields are too hard for me to land on), I like to teach new players exactly like how sphee taught me. I'm mostly shites and giggles, I don't take things seriously most of the time and I just want others around me to have a fun time. I hate the trollers and rule breakers, put their bums in PR jail smoke them until their pc explodes!!
  5. Alright. Username's Snowcht, mates call me Snow or Maverick. I'm 18 years old as of writing this, I love playing games, milsims especially. Throughout years of gaming I played ARMA out of all the milsims out there, but as I got older and got more responsibilities I didn't find time for it. I have found PR recently (A week ago) and immediately had a blast. It isn't hardcore, diehard or any other words that could describe games of this genre. I am in love with aviation, currently working as an apprentice mechanical technician, the moment I finish this path, I'm going straight for the military and plan on becoming a pilot in the Norwegian Air Force. So far I have loved the community and decided to try and make a place for myself here, not as a bigshot or anything, but as a helping member of this community. You'll find me playing a plethora of games. (list's too long to list here tbh) To summarize I want to be a part of this community, someone that people will know not by rank or status, but by the vibes and cheers that I bring.
  6. hey thanks a lot green . im having a blast .see ya in the battlefield comrade .
  7. Shout out to @eraser!! Thanks for gearing up with us..Hope you like the PR server and WELCOME!!
  8. Welcome To @spiderwand @Revox same ya both on the PR server. Glad ya finally found our secret hideout..Thanks for posting up!! See ya on the battlefield.....
  9. hey kovak , thanks . see ya in the battlefield comrade .
  10. Welcome to =VG=! Yeah it's about time. Welcome!
  11. Finally made it to the VG Army as well. Hey there!
  12. Welcome Spider!! Nice to meet you. Thanks for joining the ranks and we will see you in game!!!!
  13. Hi i'm a new guy , i think everything will be better :)
  14. Hello, I played with you, welcome to this wonderful group. I see you on the battlefield.
  15. i will definetly remember your name .see ya in the server comrade .

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