I see 08:15:30 ZULU and its 5:45pm here in Adelaide, South Australia. I also have my two other clocks configured in windows that give me the ZULU time, and the VG server time which is two hours ahead at 10:15:30. I use that to hook up with people online.
I've installed BMS4.34 and now have to modify my warthog throttle/stick settings for this latest version because it doesn't work anymore which gives me the shits!
I've gone back to the full BMS keyfile and will modify it to map my rig, that's going to take some time but this time I'm documenting how I do it for the next time this happens. Part of the fun I guess.
Sem hurry up with that goddamn trackIR wireless mod, I'm eyeballing your handiwork, looks good so far!