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=VG= Kavelenko

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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. That's very generous of you Sandstorm, Death has a Thrustmaster HOTAS 4, so if anyone has a profile or keyfile that will help him get airborne quicker that would be appreciated.
  2. Was on last night. We've got =VG= Deathdealer gearing up to play Falcon 4.0 BMS.
  3. How about tomorrow night? So that will be 12:30am here which is 14:00 ZULU I think. Should online all night.
  4. Found a nice video on Youtube of someone doing a great job of VTOL on a carrier with a Harrier in DCS. Nice vertical landing from the side at : 12:34, perfect example.
  5. Ran All Kashan Desert maps including INF version and no issues. So far no crashes today.
  6. Hi guys, I've been working with Scubbo who is the owner of the GDO Coop Server, and a Network Engineer. He's implemented my maplist rotation program on his server, and so far the server has run 24 hours without a crash, not counting the induced Karbala Coop Alt map which still crashes to desktop. We are running Kashan Desert all maps without crashes so far, we can run Muttrah and Fallujah maps consecutively, I'm still testing so will try out all the above scenarios. Scubbo settled on rotating the first five seeding maps on server reset they are: mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 64 mapList.append jabal gpm_coop 32 mapList.append bamyan gpm_coop 64 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 128 mapList.append fallujah_west gpm_coop 64 The main reason for the implementation was to randomly change the start map from Muttrah to anyone of these five, that appears to be working well. A by product has been that the server no longer crashes as regularly as it did, and we do not know the reason why other than its done it since the map rotation program was used. I did modify it from the original that Semler and Double have seen but its a minor change. We're still monitoring it to see whether it crashes on other maps. Just setting it to Kashan Desert Canadian version to see whether it crashes.
  7. Ok thanks CobaltUK. So what should the status of the base be for us to successfully frag a package? Bleak is not good, Poor is that slightly better?
  8. Hello to the BMS gurus out there! The BMS server is bloody hopeless, unable to frag a package from any of the airbases. The one package I did manage to frag at Osan got canceled,
  9. Not saying you didn't use a legit copy but I do know that several people had trouble installing and connecting because they used a pirated copy of Falcon 4.0 There's no excuse when the price for this old program is still only around US$6.00. Make that US$4.19, its on special till 13 Feb. http://store.steampowered.com/app/429530/Falcon_40/ I also had trouble connecting after I fiddled with the IVC server connections (dont ask), in the end the only solution was to remove the game and do a total -re-install. Worked first time every time!
  10. Spartanish and me tested Karbala out when the first update came out, it was fine then. Once the patches arrived it causes CTD, so the devs are fixing some issues and introducing others.
  11. Damn straight it ain't cheap, that translates to roughly $800.00 in Australian currency! I also use a Logitech Extreme 3D PRO joystick when I fly in Project Reality, its a lot more nimble to use and you don't require all the extra buttons and switches. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00009OY9U/ref=ox_sc_mini_detail?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  12. Welcome to the Warthog Club bro, it is indeed an amazing rig to fly with.
  13. Man if your wife is serious, you are gonna be working your ass off to pay for this expensive HOTAS Warthog Joystick & Throttle rig that I use. https://www.amazon.com/Thrustmaster-2960720-Hotas-Warthog-Flight/dp/B00371R8P4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1517982902&sr=8-1&keywords=thrustmaster+hotas+warthog
  14. At that time I'd probably only have 1.5 hours time to fly a mission if you guys were on earlier we'd have more time. I used to sit in TS while I was online but don't anymore because it adds another program that can crash my game, so I now log into the VG server and chat in the lobby (F1), or on VHF preset 1 if I'm already in a cockpit.
  15. Not surprised there's bugs with that map considering the new Polish faction they added.
  16. There's never been a better time to learn BMS, we have several players willing to teach you the ropes that everyone has to go through. It takes time and a bit of patience, its a full on sim and not a easy game to pick up like PR.
  17. I should be able to hook up with you guys some time, Daniel and Sandstorm might be able to join, depends on what time zone you guys fly. We go by ZULU time which is on the front of Veterans so work it out from there. I'm usually available 15:00 ZULU most Mondays, Tuesdays and the alternate Thursday.
  18. Also check the runway is in good condition before you take off, you tend to blow up when you hit one of those craters.
  19. Won't that new update screw up your event files TEDF?
  20. TS for communication and password is useful too.
  21. I fixed a major problem with my Throttle, the Custom SCurve that Morphine created puts a dead zone at 75% which causes me to lose power at the wrong time. I've altered it so its linear and that makes the throttle more accurate, now I can decrease or raise power by 1% increments which is a helluva a lot better!
  22. Well its all that fine detail that helps other pilots to get better quicker. Learning from scratch makes flying more difficult but the challenge also means you get a real sense of achievement when you crack it on your own. Totally agree the nozzles need to be mapped to keys on your HOTAS or joystick buttons, you're adjusting throttle and trying to stay level, its next to impossible to take either hand off the stick/throttle. I've posted a message on the BMS forums asking whether someone knows how I can map the nozzles to my second throttle control on my Warthog setup, that would be useful if it can be done.
  23. I've reviewed your videos Sandstorm, and they look very good, show great control and are within reasonable parameters now that I can see the HUD clearly. Well done on being the first to complete ALL Challenges!!!! You have earned yourself the title of "Top Gun"!! Congratulations that is some nice flying man. You have certainly set the standard for VTOL in the Harrier! WOW!! I'm sure this will encourage more new pilots to try the challenge and see how much fun (or stress) BMS can be. Once again well done!
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