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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. Ummm let me look up the rule book Brain....... Nope. Sorry Its not in the BMS manual. Man we need some standards here... Are you another DCS defector? We've had a few lately. Plus we don't want players attempting these dangerous maneuvers on their Sony Play stations or Sega Megadrives!
  2. Its a safe bet, no-one will complete Challenge 4.
  3. Challenge 1: There are four types of takeoffs possible with the Harrier: VTO (Vertical Take-Off); STO (Short Take-Off); RVTO (Rolling Vertical Take-Off) and CTO (Conventional Take-Off). A competent pilot will be deemed to be one who can perform all four of these, and will receive his Harrier Pilot wings. Challenge 2: Must be able to land the Harrier vertically at an airbase or suitable land based LZ. This must be done using the technique outlined on page 104 of the BMS Manual. Completion earns the pilot the title of Naval Aviator. Challenge 3: Catapult take off from a carrier and land using the arresting system. Earns the Title of Naval Flight Officer. Challenge 4: VTOL on a moving Carrier, which means taking off vertically as well as landing vertically, according to the BMS manual. (p.104) Earns a competent pilot, title of Top Gun. Good luck. I need evidence too! Note: Each challenge must be done consecutively, in other words you cannot claim to be Top Gun without having completed Challenges 1-3 previously.
  4. I think that's in there because some players have had trouble with IVC communication mainly because they did not set their default mic device or speaker. The rest of that screen should be ignored and not changed.
  5. Good idea if you have the time Sandstorm. The only reason I'm asking the admins is that I know Semler talked about putting together a SOP for a lot of BMS procedures and he has already produced a few of these already. He's still working on a lot of that stuff but we're cutting him a little slack at the moment. Its one way of ensuing that at least we're all on the same page when it comes to flying together and also it helps to point new players in the VG direction to save time and conflicting ideas they may or may not have picked up elsewhere. There's a section here where we can add helpful tutorials for BMS, its becoming a bit of a problem to try and find old posts that had some very helpful information in them. Thanks mate, yes you're correct, there are a lot more players coming into the VG server now its great! http://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/forums/forum/205-helpsupport-272/ See you on the server!
  6. You could make a video on fragging a package if you want sandstorm but my request is aimed at the VG BMS admins who know what the best way is for our server. Krause is a respected member of the BMS community and has been around a long time but his tutorial if you follow it to the letter, is not the way to frag a mission on the VG server, and may cause issues if someone were able to do it the way he does it. So its not about fragging any old package and I'm sure there are plenty who can do it, but is it the best way to do it for the VG server? Already Semler's instructions about setting up radio channel presets is different to some other servers but we are the VG server and this is the way we do things. Its more about avoiding confusion and not having to run through the whole procedure in detail while pressing F1 in the 2D console, not the best way to handle it.
  7. Ok Sandstorm not to worry shit happens. On another topic and perhaps I should make this a different thread. We really need to have a SOP on how to frag a package on the VG server. Now I know Semler has posted two references to videos that go into a lot of depth on how it should be done but to be honest they are not done that way on the VG server, especially the point that Krause makes regarding turning off the Air Tasking Order for a squadron. Don't get me wrong its a very detailed video and I learned a lot from it but it is not how the VG server is currently set up and I don't think Semler would want us to literally frag packages in the way Krause suggests in his video. So it would be nice if one of the experienced pilots here would write up or create a short video tute on how to create a package for a 4 ship mission. It doesn't need to be over complicated just a short mission to a target, drops bombs, etc and return to base. Sem showed me how to frag a package initially but since then I've adapted it a bit to save myself time, and usually I don't need to make adjustments to the takeoff time. Any takers? CobaltUK, Static, Semler, Brain, Blud, you guys are the experts.
  8. Not that I'm aware of Sandstorm, I've installed Discord before so I might try it again and see if it has any side effects on my BMS. Were you having trouble in that last flight, last time I looked you were upside down and falling. Looked like you may have been having trouble is all. Daniel and I managed to get through and drop our payloads ok, just taking a break now be back soon. Jees those JSOWs pack a punch! Way to rack them scores up!
  9. Here's the link for setting up your comms in BMS. If you stumble across any newbs just point them to this page.
  10. @sandstormYou can always use F1, F2 when you are in the 2D area of BMS, or click on the Comms tab and see who is in the chat lobby. Have you sorted out the communications protocols for the VG radio channels. If Semler or anyone who has it bookmarked post the link to how we should set that up would be appreciated. I'm finding that guys are coming in for the first time, have no idea how to do that or they have come from a different BMS environment and are not aware of our particular presets that we use.
  11. I did use TS for exactly that but now switch it off because it affects my IVC communications and sometimes crashes my client.
  12. When this happened, the game is just frozen, nothing more I could do other than hit Esc and press E to exit back to the 2D console. Pretty sure we did have several players coming and going on the server so that could have been the problem, we'll keep an eye on it and try to note down details about who's on time of day (ZULU time) etc, may help.
  13. Browsers are notorious for memory leaks so it would not surprise me to know that about Chrome. I normally shut my web browser down when I'm playing.
  14. As I said before Semler kindly offered to add that map to the test server, lets do it and try it out for real before we get ahead of ourselves. My laptop has got to be the shittiest piece of crap to ever play PR on BUT its a good test case because if it runs reasonably well on mine a lot of the player base will be happy. Its no good testing maps on super fast computers, that tells the devs nothing that is helpful in my opinion. Sure I can go out and buy the latest spec machine but not many players out there have the money to waste when it could work perfectly well on a low spec machine. Enough said, lets take up Semler on his offer, get the map loaded and lets test this cookie out for Rabbit, hell I'll even record it if ya want! cheers, Kav
  15. Show me. Btw does this message in BMS mean the server is crashing??
  16. It ran ok for me on a local but I suspect if it were on a VG test server at 300+ ping for me it would be a whole different map. Also Rabbit wouldn't you need to add a few more assets?
  17. Thanks Semler, that's pretty useful to know. I've also been researching Brevity radio calls for fighter pilots to include in my profile such as: "Pigeons" - for AWAC command: "Sentry vector to home plate" "Music On" - for "Wingman turn ECM on" So if anyone has some cool calls for any of the radio or tower transmissions, feel free to share them.
  18. Hey last night we had a lot of new guys joining the BMS server, one particular flight was quite entertaining when we were attacked by MiG 29s, thankfully Waltrick and CobaltUK dealt with the threat while the rest of the bomber crew attacked our targets. There's a few guys coming via the discord route, all good. Good to see and meet new blood. Daniel and I are currently having a lot of fun just bombing the hell out of SAM sites across the map, every now and then we take a caning but its not too bad all the same. We're a little unconventional in that we don't have mission briefs like some guys are used to but hey we're noobs....we're not supposed to know what we're doing! Best mission of the week, when Geek and CobaltUK were landing in unison and I landed between them going in the other direction!!....lol. No one died.
  19. I've been using this VoiceAttack software since Semler recommended it, bloody good software! I've exported my BMS 4.33.4 profile so that anyone who's interested can use it for themselves to save some time. Once you've got this profile loaded or imported should I say, you can ramp-start the F-16 in roughly 3 minutes!. There's one or two switches I need to manually set but that's because I haven't worked them out yet. Anyway feel free to modify this profile if it helps to get you airborne, cheers fellow pilots! BMS 4.33-Profile.rar BMS 4.33-Profile.zip I've uploaded it as a zipped or rar file, for some reason it would not upload in the raw. For the F-16 ramp-start, here are the commands to activate it: Windows key + H - Full Ramp-start - (by default the canopy is up) Windows key + C - Clears faults (on the test screen) Windows key + D - Loads the Data Cartridge Windows key + F- L oads the default FCR on the left MFD. Windows + G - Loads the TPG screen on the Right MFD, loads the SMS screen on the Left MFD ready for A-G weapon settings. If you do use this profile, allow each macro to run before executing the next, there are time delays built in, especially the first one! Have fun!
  20. That's impossible, haven't you heard about global warming?
  21. We're probably agreeing about the same thing here brother, this behavior of camping on hills, single manning TOW assets, racking up 200+ kills with HMGs and AR's is all about the points system. "I have the most kills therefore I'm the best player in the game because I'm at the top of the list mentality". The points system IMO encourages that mentality and you guys have been trying to address it with suggestions of taking assets away, limiting spawn times. Why not look at the points system and reward Medics for reviving downed players, give TRANS squads more points for team work, and delivering crates to locations when they are under heavy fire, also penalise them for wasting assets and killing squads for their poor LZ decisions. I know this is not likely to happen any time soon but we should not be surprised when certain individuals exploit kits and heavy assets to become "King" of the map.
  22. Dedicated Logi truck squads can cause problems when they start building fobs all over the map and in the wrong places. Far too often these one man brigades setup locations to suit themselves, do not communicate with squad leaders as to where they want a FOB. And as has already been pointed out, the TOW squad camps up on Muttrah docks to kill the armour (especially the 8-man BTR kill that boosts your scores) coming from the MEC main base (technically base-rape unless there's a squad at East City). If this becomes a rule and dedicated Logi squads get priority over full infantry squads, we will have issues, so I don't agree with this at all. The only situation this works is on a serious event where there is massive communication, not on a noob dominated map. It's a bit different if these squads are experienced and are doing this for the good of the server but if new players see this as the norm they will use those assets in the same fashion but without the game experience to set up for the benefit of the whole team.
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