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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. Yes as @=VG= m823us and myself observed today Omaha Beach is definitely bugged in that once you get to Vierville Sur Mer the rate of CTD rises dramatically. Its a great map otherwise.
  2. We had a server crash on Omaha Beach yesterday sorry forgot to record the time but we were doing ok, with 22+ players, actually capped the beach and the first bunker before it crashed. Hard to tell whether it was due to smoke on the water bug (has that been fixed yet?) or something else. I did manage to win a match on Omaha but on another Coop server so before we add this one to the nerfed map list lets give it a decent try out.
  3. 03:14:48 ZULU Server Crashed immediately loading Qwai River STD, previous map was Muttrah City STD.
  4. No problem Chaz, Stark and I can be found in the Training room on the BMS Channel in Team Speak, we use that when we're not in the pit.
  5. Yep Stark, myself, Daniel, CraB, and now Ereen. We're noobs but doing a regular training mission every Weekend at 15:00:00 ZULU (clock on the home page). You're welcome to join us but I hope we don't bore you because we're learning the basics.
  6. Remove the old version go to the downloads page on the Project Reality website: https://www.realitymod.com/downloads I use the qBittorrent program to download it because its recommended and its the fastest way to do it. Follow the installations instructions here: https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=99834
  7. I'm doing my best to shield my eye's from BLuDs big screen TV, I don't think my wife will appreciate it if I take over the family 80" smart TV and use it for BMS missions Tell ya what if I win LOTTO I'm getting one of those full on F-16 simulators for my room next door!
  8. OMG! Can you cook a chicken in that thing?
  9. Echo that, it was pretty good fun, makes a huge difference playing deployment with guys you already know. I can see this taking off the adrenaline rush is something else. There's no reason why we couldn't organize regular events for PR or BMS for that matter. I'm currently schooling up on SEAD missions but we could have rookie missions for those wanting to get into it. The footage is great @=VG= SemlerPDXbe good to have a camera man for both sides of the battle those panoramic views are cool!
  10. Yeah pretty easy to use the camera, hit SHIFT + P when you're in the game and away ya go. https://squad.gamepedia.com/Server_Administration#Spectator_Camera
  11. i'm happy to step down from the SL position on the day to let others have a go at leading, building assets, HABs etc. The sign up list is just a good way to build interest in the event.
  12. Agreed, I also think we should start a new thread to discuss what goes into those rules, my only suggestion is that we shouldn't stray too far from the Squad Developer's Guidelines if we are hoping to become a licensed server some ways down the track. Somehow we'll need to incorporate official Squad guidelines and principles into our "Official =VG= Squad Server Rules". http://forums.joinsquad.com/topic/7849-game-server-administration-guidelines/ The Squad wiki for server admins: https://squad.gamepedia.com/Server_Administration
  13. No need @ranger_12 see you at the next one!
  14. Awesome event that was a huge amount of fun, no wonder us insurgents had so much trouble with the Brits rofl! Footage is absolutely the "ducks guts" Sem! If you missed this event it was a biggie no doubt we will all get better at this with time. Still fighting with controls, deploying HABs and all that technical stuff but we just gotta keep doing this on a regular basis. Its a lot better when we've got full squads on both sides, and pretty intensive, gets the blood pumping! Thanks everyone for turning up and best of all having fun!!
  15. The problem with no mic is that Squad does not have the commo rose equivalent AFAIK that we have in PR but it does have text chat so it is possible I guess to run a squad without a mic, not ideal though.
  16. Yes this Skirmish layer could be a good way to start off, very simple and probably fairer for both factions.
  17. If you're new to squad it might be useful to complete the Pre-Deployment Training tutorial before the event. I see both sides have armored vehicles, technicals, APCs, Tanks, although the Brits seem a bit too OP.
  18. If you have admin access please feel free to edit the post and add yourselves to a squad.
  19. Sorry for the confusion that was Aussie date format, fixed. Welcome BLuDKLot.
  20. No problem pick a squad and role soldier!
  21. True but a nicely aimed RPG through a window can be effective lol.
  22. That's great Golden but can you be more specific? Do you want to lead a squad, if so which one? If not please state what role you wish to be in and which particular squad. All admins I assume can edit the post and add themselves to an appropriate position. The roles I've put up are my best guess of a what will be available based on the kit restriction tables above but obviously once we all log in it will depend on what each squad leader requires on the day. The squad composition is only a suggestion, some of us are flying blind with SQUAD but that's cool, as I've implied many of us have very little experience in squad so its going to be a potential mess for the first event I suspect. We are ALL noobies!!!! ROFL!
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