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=VG= Acro1

VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv1
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Everything posted by =VG= Acro1

  1. Issue resolved. Merged original posts by Kara and Hater. Please note that admins can request TCAdmin start/stop access by messaging @=VG= SemlerPDX
  2. Also @=VG= keed the logo font is called Fenix Blackletter Caps, and can be downloaded for free here This makes designs a ton easier i forgot to include it in my other post, oops.
  3. @=VG= keedUploaded to this drive I put the SVG's together, and both =VG= and Veterans Gaming as PNG of 25MP each with transparant background. Let me know if you need something else!
  4. @=VG= keed 600dpi? You know I can just send you the SVG's, right ?
  5. @=VG= keed I made some 2D and 3D models of our logo (full text and '=VG=', as well as a 3D-printable coin and some other WIP mockups. I will upload them when I'm home. Which formats are you looking for? @=VG= SemlerPDX has a few resources too.
  6. Hey all When loading the website today, I was presented with Chrome's warning message saying "Your connection is not private". If anyone else has experienced this, please post below.
  7. While not impossible in the future, there's no focus on our ARMA III server right now to become highly populated. 77th JSOC, au contraire, runs an entire clan ecosystem around Arma with events, many active admins etc. They have a very nice, teamwork-based server like Blizz pointed out. Do note though that 77th JSOC is very strict. Literally waiting in line, strict hierarchy, and certain commanders are even such doofuses that they won't reply to you unless you address them in the exact way they want . That said, there's an amazing grade of teamwork to be found. The 77th JSOC servers always run Invade And Annex, which is a mission system that spawns a main and side objectives. The main objective (Area Of Operations) has a few tactical targets and enemies. Take them down and the AO is over, and it will respawn in a new place shortly after. While Arma 3 has a VAST range of vehicles, you won't use many on that server. It's highly infantry-tailored gameplay. There are 4 helicopters, 1 jet, and 1 armored unit max. Armor can only serve as support and must stay out of the AO until called in by inf, which RARELY ever happens. Command can flat-out refuse to issue armor squad and then you're out of luck. It's a very fun way of play in itself, but bear in mind you will be waiting and walking for very long times. Depending on the commander, it's not uncommon to wait 20 minutes between deployments or to be stuck in base for half an hour before you can be sent out. If this is your style of play though, there's no better game and place than Arma 3 and the 77th JSOC at the moment.
  8. Hey all, if you can find the time please report your server crashes through this form instead. This allows us to easily compile our gathered info . This is only for crashes, not for other 'server down'-issues.
  9. Is there an up-to-date guide on how to set up BF2PR map editor somewhere? I've followed the one from Suchar to the letter, but my editor still throws errors including that I need DirectX9C or higher. The tutorial dates back to 2007 though . Any suggestions?
  10. Yeeeesssss I love how more ppl started recording. We're gonna flood VG with videos now!
  11. @=VG= TEDF Nice! Can't wait I'm not seeing the fastroping mechanic that was rumoured and shown earlier tho. Any news on that?
  12. I'd love to man the camera and get some cinematics (and this time not miss the event because I have the big dumb and mess up timezones...)
  13. @=VG= Sausag3 a Squad rules file is in draft already Events like this one will serve as experiences from which we learn and adapt our rules. We'd best have a short version for players to read quickly, and a long, extensive version for when a specific case needs resolving. I'd also love to require microphones, but it's hard to require them 100% of the time. Some play while family sleeps, forgot their headset at uni, or have guests over and can't be talking to their computers. Even the best of players get into these situations, and then they can't do the thing they're really good at (leading, CAS, support,...) so our team loses that benefit. I'd turn that into a 'Squad leaders, Heavy asset users etc must communicate'.
  14. Thanks @LangMaster @The_Polish_Guy and @Golden for your thorough information Your reports are extremely helpful and allowed us to easily verify log information. Thank you for the mature style in which you responded to this situation. I just saw PFC. Blackburn in-game and presented him with the information we found and a stern wake-up message. His response was pretty positive, so a good second chance seems in order. Let us leave these cases behind us and move towards the future with an open mind. Everyone deserves a second chance to redeem themselves. Thanks again for your accurate reports and helping us with your experiences. Please encourage others to do as you did when they spot someone who breaks our rules, which will lead to the quickest, fairest action being taken. Thank you for playing Veterans Gaming and keeping our community clean!
  15. Thank you for bringing this in guys. I've noticed the same as you have over the past few days, and have told him already that his selfish thinking will get him in trouble. @LangMaster, could you provide some details on this tank incident please? If you can give us the map name and time, we can sniff our records and find solid information Thanks a lot for helping to keep your server clean!
  16. Hi @human315 You were banned for attempted teamkilling in the main base, where you shot anti-air missiles around and were reported by multiple players. The admin who banned you has been contacted. Please be patient for his reply.
  17. @=VG= HaterOneActual actually OBS is much more powerful It can capture video at any resolution and any framerate (within hardware performance limit ofc) and output to a variety of files. I've recorded several 1080p60 videos with it. Just gotta change a couple settings and see what your machine can take
  18. @Golden This is OBS, the most popular screen capture tool with a ton of features and great performance. It's free and open source. https://obsproject.com/
  19. Server restarted and visible in list again. Thanks Ranger!
  20. Server restarted, showing up in the list
  21. =VG= Acro1

    No VG server

    No worries Issue resolved, locking thread.
  22. =VG= Acro1

    No VG server

    VG server is now up and detectable in the list again Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
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