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PR Coop Insurgency Gamemode Playtest on map Kokan.

Factions layout : Canadians vs. Taliban

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StrategicAreas Template 2K Maps

rem *** Create strategic areas *** aiStrategicArea.create 1 -1014/-1014 -934/-934 35 50 aiStrategicArea.layer 1 aiStrategicArea.create 10 514/-1014 594/-934 35 50 aiStrategicArea.layer 1 aiStrategicArea.create 100 -506/346 -426/426 35 50 aiStrategicArea.layer 1 aiStrategicArea.create 101 -336/346 -256/426 35 50 aiStrategicArea.layer 1 aiStrategicArea.create 102 -166/346 -86/426 35 50 aiStrategicArea.layer 1 aiStrategicArea.create 103 4/346 84/426 35 50 aiStrategicArea.layer 1 aiStrategicAr

=VG= Fastjack

=VG= Fastjack in none

New coop insurgency testsession

Hello fellas, it's longtime ago i posted something about the insurgency gamemode for prbf2 Project Reality, my favorite game for more then 10 years. I'll took a long break from prbf2 modding due to major reallife things that had more priority and i was also waiting for the new prbf2 patch But now i'm back ... ... and doing my own thing to get coop insurgency working. Veterans-Gaming sponsored me the Veterans-Gaming DEV - Coop v1.6 testserver for further coop insurgen

=VG= Fastjack

=VG= Fastjack in none

My Modding Skillz & Tutorials

Hey my dear Project Reality and Veterans-Gaming friends, today i will post some things about PRBF2 Modding, only to show you how i make things and how you could make things with some advices and help. Last day i'm spending much time in the BF2 Editor and try to create and modify PR content for coop. Sometimes i FAIL (ambush_pco's) and sometimes i'm successfully. Veterans-Gaming proudly presents the MK19 gunner for the abrams tank  Dont ask how much times the Editor crashe

=VG= Fastjack

=VG= Fastjack

Gaza Insurgency

Another Coop Insurgency playtest with the new Gaza_2. ..... and currently working on the killing an civilian Intel. In humans vs. bots mode, i have to change only 1 codeline in the python and it works. In Coop, human/bots vs. bots i have to make a complete specifiec class behaviour setup for the Opfor and Blufor bots, so the Blufor bots only will use the arresting weapons (ziptie, shotgun, etc.) against civies.

=VG= Fastjack

=VG= Fastjack

What's the difference between Coop and Coop Insurgency Gameplay

Behind the scence of a poor modder life  This Blog is dedicated to the new pr coop player base that joined the game, after the standalone version of Project Reality 1.3.0 was released. I play Project Reality since version 0.8 (2010), the version before BF2 vanilla patch 1.5 came out and Project Reality introduced the deployable mortars. Since them, i stick to this old lady game and also with Veterans-Gaming.  I learned here all the basic of the gamemechanics, tactics, helo - tank h

=VG= Fastjack

=VG= Fastjack

BF2 Editor View - Sbeneh Outskirts Insurgency

Here an overview, part of Sbeneh Outskirts Insurgency in the BF2 Editor. The tiny blue boxes are possible ammocache locations. The big blue boxes (sorry but is same color in Editor) are non-controlpoint related StrategicAreas. Such area's are needed to tell the BF2 ai where is an interresting area or important area on the map. In this case, the important area's are possible ammocache locations. Non-controlpoint StrategicArea's have no capture timer and get instant captured by ente

=VG= Fastjack

=VG= Fastjack

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