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=VG= Acro1

VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv1
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Everything posted by =VG= Acro1

  1. =VG= Acro1

    No VG server

    Thanks for bringing this up boys looking into it now.
  2. Hello @soldfive! Can you still join TeamSpeak servers? That way you can at least have contact with some of us while you play. We can also walk you through some possible solutions there. I'm on Teamspeak now, so feel free to hit me up. TS3:
  3. Another favourite of mine are health quacks If you want some good eyes-stretched-wide-open Youtube shenanigans, check out Sun Fruit Dan and Happy Health. The stuff these people promote is downright dangerous, but it's a good testimony to good ol' Darwinism . You'll notice the same kind of praise and anti-corporate-system speech in the comment sections here. People drowned in bias, kinda sad.
  4. I'm also a firm believer in extraterrestrial life, but this video is not proof of anything at all The woman uses bias and forced belief to try and convince us that she's seeing space ships and docking stations, but her methods are simply BS. Most of the 'aliens' she shows are mere photo artefacts, which she produced herself by editing low-quality images. - The telescope outputs a super compressed image full of artefacts. Look at the sun, and you see it's very blocky. She takes a screenshot of this, then inverts it and works some contrast magic (all on her phone, super professional) and BOOM, full-detail space docking station. This is the same as those NCIS episodes where Gibbs says 'sharpen that photo' and the 4x4 pixel grid becomes a 400MP DSLR image. Digital photos don't work that way. She's creating detail where it wasn't before, so the 'space ships' are just bunches of pixels generated by her own editing. Why do they look like space ships? Because their shape resembles space ships like we know them from science fiction. Our brains have that primed image, so we make the association. - The photo is a giant mipmap. Mipmaps are essentially 'blurry pixels'. At 3:40 she's in the editor and you can see the image doesn't consist of nice square pixels. Phone cameras make mipmaps to give an illusion of greater detail, even when taking a screenshot. You don't want this in scientific photography, since it can skew the result. Click here to see an example of mipmapping. - The 'docking station' consist of super static pixels. This is a first red flag that point to a camera glitch. a body this close to the sun should be in orbit, or using constant thrust to not be sucked in by the sun's gravity. Either way we would see some movement, which we don't. - The photos at 8:45 are pictures of asteroids, taken with a low shutter speed. It's like your phone's camera taking blurry photos in low light. You can even see the curvature of their orbit in the lower half of the picture. If they were spaceships, they wouldn't all look exactly the same size despite being 1000s of kilometers apart. -She mentions an iPhone 8 with a clip-on lens, but I don't know why. All these photos come from a NASA camera probe. Perhaps she's confused and think the camera is used to take screenshots too? Gina isn't exactly a model scientist either... - Her videos are all about chemtrails, bullshit UFO theories and conspiracies. - She constantly talks about herself and her excitement, referring to previous discoveries she has made. This kind of egocentrism is rarely seen in true scientific spotters. - Her video description is basically all her social media links + her postal box. Again, pure egocentrism. No link to original photos or the NASA satellite. - The comments on her video are 70% unconditional love for her amazing work, 20% conspiracies and 10% crop circles. This kind of sugar sweet support is common in niche groups like UFO spotters and the essential oil moms. Professional astronomists are analytical, not spraying lovely compliments around. She's not trying to sell anything afaik, but nonetheless her video is a total hoax. I don't think she's intentionally doing it but she definitely craves the attention that comes from her achievements.
  5. Guys I'm sorry, I have to give my absence on the last minute. Within the last few days I suddenly booked a skiing trip, won tickets to Madrid and got a new girlfriend, and now I'm racing around to get my shit together I cannot make it this time, but will look forward to the next one!
  6. Please take a look at this server crash report form. The answer sheet has been set to zulu time, so if a report is made immediately when server crashes, we can track the necessary information from the server logs. I've omitted questions about faction and previous map cuz we can easily track those from the logs as well. Feedback is welcome ^^! Report form: Click HERE Report collection: Click HERE
  7. Can I volunteer for UAV just to get some inpromptu Arma 3 co-op footage without actually participating in the mission ?
  8. Because confusion Tomatoes are technically fruits, but due to their usual usage and the volume at which they are consumed/processed, they are considered vegetables by law in most countries. This is the best way, since they are optimally regulated, subsidised and taxed based on this usage behaviour. Similarly, if we call this bird a Trans helo then the pilot's priority is transport and supplying. He must drop CAS activities and respond to trans calls ASAP. On a map with a big-ass Chinook and considering that the Griffon has only gunner seats, it's superior role as dedicated CAS is evident. But as said: Not both because we don't like confusion . We can't have some ppl punished for stealing and some not, but you know that already.
  9. Kokan has many flat fields that the enemies cross constantly. This is where a good Griffon CAS team can do real damage and halt an attack. Even if hovering high and far for safety, you can just pick off the blips. (After checking map, duh) As mentioned, the bird has only co-pilot and doorgunner seats. The damage it can do as dedicated CAS far outweighs the logistical / transport role it ever could. Kokan has plenty of vehicles and transport isn't very oftenly called in general. There needs to be a ruling, so that everyone (or at least the vast majority) acts accordingly. Having a 'neither CAS nor trans' bird is only going to cause confusion and frustrated honest players. This is why for ease and maximum effectiveness, the 'soft' consensus is that the Griffon is a CAS asset.
  10. For reference: We are talking about the Griffon CAS helicopter on Kokan Alt. It's one of those few grey area assets that have characteristics of both. As you mentioned, it's a Trans bird according to game files ( I believe it has a small crate as well?) but it is called 'Griffon CAS'. 90% of players I know including =VG= have agreed that Griffon CAS is a CAS helicopter. There's no 100% set-in-stone reason other than 'it just works well that way'. Similar to how French VABs are considered humvee-type assets despite having more seats and the ability to request kits from them. Kokan Alt benefits more from 1 trans Chinook and 1 CAS bird with guns in the sky than it would from 2 transport helicopters. That's a large part of the reasoning behind this.
  11. @=VG= Kavelenko If I remember correctly your favourite was bouncing nades, with about 30-odd self deaths from your own frag
  12. Have you been naughty or nice in the land of PR:COOP? Santa sees everything! If you ever thought about how quickly those teamkills rack up in a year, wonder no more. Find your name and in the list below. If your name is not on here, tag me in a comment and I'll look you up. Shoutout to @SSgt. HaterOneActualfor coming up with this idea! KEY NOTES: - Playtime per person varies greatly, and not everyone was here for the entire year. Remember this when comparing yourself to others . - PR teamkill logs can be finnicky, so these numbers are accurate with about 5% deviation. - This is the number of TKs between 01/01/2019 00:40 and 12/31/2019 23:45 Takeaway: This seemed like a fun idea but note that this is no celebration. Accidents will always happen, but let's at least halve these numbers in 2020, shall we . Shoot hoes, not bros. #teamkillawarenessmonth === TEAMKILLS PER PLAYER=== .SUGAR. 425 2EZ 115 2Polev 13 43rd DannielsCz 264 45th Golden_Days 733 =AMPHETAMINE= 75 =VG= Bejaki 5 =Ro= .Blizzard. 129 =VG= 0100011000101 257 =VG= 22..12 153 =VG= Acro1 110 =VG= Asquirrel 80 =VG= BinkleDinkle 77 =VG= Deathdealer 434 =VG= Fastj@ck 40 =VG= Kavelenko 161 =VG= Keed 169 =VG= M823us 17 =VG= Melon_Muncher 15 =VG= Orracis 18 =VG= Rotblut 18 =VG= Ryan.TT 144 =VG= Sausag3 23 =VG= SemlerPDX 11 =VG= Skitalez 309 =VG= STARK58 201 =VG= Vanillapop 34 =ZF= Honeybadger101 153 Agenteta 55 Alucardednoc 421 Avaga 214 BLYAT Meaww 304 Banditbhbf 28 Batmeme 88 Beachdog[PL] 55 Bugti47 189 CNJ CodeNameJonathan 31 Carkidd 83 Chickenjason123 24 Condrad 290 CptHawk 120 Crustysock 65 Dagger61 25 Daniel75 295 DarkCeltic 33 Dr._Phil_Perlmutter 23 Eurostep 129 FPSGeraud 40 Fiester 53 FinWeirdo 289 Fishsticks 112 G0nz0 36 Ger-man 178 Grizzly.Wilson 58 HTCY Kuro212 126 Hellcruizer 322 Hoops-320 46 Hsc20 227 InchPincher 57 J4SON 203 JCLA3114 11 Jarvin 31 JohnnyTightLips 69 Johnny__Rico 127 Karamara 178 Kemerovo 440 Kiddcar 74 Knifer 4 Legionnaire93 31 Lon-Nolan 114 Lonewolf-PR 161 Lowkey95 316 Magnum-{FR}- 90 MixedArsenal 110 Necrodude 75 Nexwizz 271 PFC. Blackburn 124 PWNED-Life 5 PaloAlto 51 PissBlitz 4 Ranger>>>12<<< 329 Rev Cyanide_CN 24 Risiko94 32 RizlaQc 131 Rokk 37 SSgt HaterOneActual 143 Saharian 79 Sgt. Dragon 157 Skirmisher 195 SoftBullet 14 Spartanish 148 SpessNL 32 Spoden 112 Stainburger 190 Stormtruppen 41 TABARNAC 412 TBF deadxangelqc 25 TRYbol 34 TimeTooTock 74 UA Evgneniy 371 Vipy TSMNF-Viper 64 Volod.41 1473 Warghost 164 Whiskey-Mike 305 Wolfsschanze 37 X0R 250 Xenalite 396 Z.Silva 95 Zviking 122
  13. Thanks for the amazing work you keep up here, have a fiver on me!
  14. Thanks for the effort lads The entire team had fun working together in what must be some of the best cooperative matches of the past months. I've got some bloopers on tape and Ramiel was an incredibly fun duck hunt! Can't wait for the next one. A few notes for next time perhaps: - Remember the roadblock bug - NEVER let Hellcruizer drive anything motorized again. Shoutout to the volunteers and the good work of everyone involved. The whole team had an amazing time!
  15. Setting up some final details, we'll get there shortly ;)! Thanks for your patience!
  16. The map bug research file is now view-only to the public. Those who want to contribute, DM me your gmail address or test data to be submitted. Click here to view the research file.
  17. Semler has the spreadsheet, I backed it up and released it as editable by all, for now. We'll limit the access to those who have any business with it. They're all devs or administrators so I trust they know how to handle data, and if something goes sideways we'll just roll-back the data. I don't think iFrames are worth the hassle here.. It's taken Semler and me some back-and-forth tweaking to get the PR admin time schedule to fit, and the research file is way bigger and has many separate datasheets for map testing, hypotheses etc. I think it's better to keep a URL to the file in a sticky post, and I'll limit writing access to those who need it. Devs and testers who want to join the bug hunt can DM me their gmail address and gain access.
  18. Welcome back to the team @MOKUM! Hope you enjoy the campaign as much as ever. Do fix your TeamSpeak push-to-talk though, please. I was on the verge of reporting you as a troll when your music was blasting incessantly in the Welcome channel .
  19. You know I could have helped you if you didn't ghost me on PM , right ? Did you end up going for the rod or the claw idea?
  20. EVEN MORE SAAAAAALT??!? The guy really doesn't care much about life, does he .
  21. In my testing at JTG: Bijar Canyons STD, flying IDF: Could go oob east, west, south, any combo. No crash. Tried in jets and helos. Khamisiyah STD, flying US: Could go oob east-west, no crash. East/west oob and then south while still oob: no crash. Flying south oob first: crash. I've never seen the server files, but this sounds like perhaps the OOB mechanic checks if a player is oob already before executing the rest of its code, to avoid running the script multiple times. Again, I have no access to those server files yet so I'm purely hypothesizing based on my coding knowledge. @=VG= ciro Do we run Procdump or Procdump64? Both come in the download you specified.
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