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=VG= Acro1

VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv1
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Everything posted by =VG= Acro1

  1. Lads, can we please take a chill pill nobody is doing statement vs statement, no personal attachment is involved. This is a thinking pool, not a debate. Let's focus on the essence and not jump on our horses if someone disagrees. We strive for the same goal . There will be enough to read through as is.
  2. Thanks Though I don't think many answers will come, I'm keeping tabs on that page. Never know if something good comes out of it! @=VG= SemlerPDX Does Realitymod provide you with the necessary files once you become a contributor? I'm submitting an R-CON application somewhere today.
  3. Funnily enough, I tried doing the same thing on our own server since it was empty this morning. Driving and flying south in Khamisiyah STD caused no crash with either helo, jet or humvee. I tried local games too and had no crash either.
  4. Is there a way to publicize the respective files so we can have a look at them? While this could fix an acute situation, I do think resigning people 'before the crime' is a situation we best try to avoid. How many incidents before someone is 'notorious' ? It will take several days before every admin knows that player X is a southflyer, and several days again if we decide to give them a second chance at flying. Half of the admins will resign them on sight, half won't. This will cause a lot of confusion and create an unfair feeling towards many pilots. Even the best of our aviators hit that southern edge once in a while, and when this goes unpunished it widens the unfairness gap. The people who are notorious south-crashers are usually also disruptive in other ways (stealing, bad communicative behaviour,...) and are already being dealt with. Unfortunately, the only fair and effective solution to this problem, IMO, is fixing the bug. Many new pilots join every day, with decent flying skills, that end up flying out of bounds because they didn't know of this issue. We must continue our efforts to make those players aware so it doesn't happen again. Most of them have good intentions, so we must give them that chance. I fully understand your idea though and in theory it looks great! Unfortunately though, these are still human players, and humans have their flaws.
  5. What Keed said ^ What is the product, and do you need 2D or 3D results? I can do esthetic, polygon-based 3D-modelling and vector drawings. If you want to design an object as a blueprint for 3D printing or schematics for assembly, I could help you. If you need a parameter-based design (high mathematical accuracy) for eg injection molding or if you need it digitally stress-tested, I'm not equipped for that. Give us some details Nillie, we'll shoot you all the help we can.
  6. @WarGhostThat happens more often. One simple sollution would be a more widespread use of Discord since it has desktop and mobile notifications. If admins keep it running on their PC and phone, one could signal =VG= members, server admins or community admins when needed. Even if no help can be given at that moment, we could still receive an ETA or advice on the situation. I've messed around with the idea of a Discord server where whole admin groups can be signalled with 1 command by using the Mee6 bot, and it works pretty well. This could also speed up unban requests if a head admin has some spare time and wants to contact a banning admin, not having to wait for them to check the forums.
  7. I know,and its A-FUCKING-MAZING! I've been using Blender for almost 10 years, and this release is the single most anticipated one in history. An amazing real-time render engine, hundreds of toolls for modelling, animating etc. This software can produce industry-quality results (used in Jurassic World and others) and is completely open source. Epic Games granted them 1.2 million dollars a few weeks back and UbiSoft Animation is working on adopting Blender as their main DCC software. I've used it for hobby projects, blueprints, school assignments, you name it. If you want the best free 2D/3D-creation package, give Blender a try. I also hear that downloading 2.8 from Steam is a breeze since they have way more bandwith.
  8. Major' go suck a fat one Hey boys I'm trying to accomplish some long-standing goals and live life like I'm used to, so I'll be on another sudden leave But this time I wanted to say bye before abruptly leaving. I'll be around for a couple days but then I'll be travelling the world and don't know when I come back. Might be weeks, could be years. I wanna leave a big fat THANK YOU for all the good times, laughs, fun stories and amazing teamwork experiences I've had with you guys over the past years, months and days. I've never been bored while playing in a team with any of you during the great PR hours. Teamwork and camaraderie is in my blood and all you peeps have given both to me every time I joined the server or TS. I'll never forget these good times! The =VG= community is really one to love for many reasons, and should remain even long after PR might die (if that ever happens, lol ) Thanks for the great times, good squad leads, moments of pure JDAM satisfaction, funny rants by our celebrity Volod, joy at killing AI maniacs and good talks we all had. Enjoy your lives to the fullest, you all deserve it Acro out. Peace boys.
  9. What's up asshole Hello Major. Thank you for writing. It's like you describe: Steep to learn but ok to retain afterwards. Mapping (or any kind of development) will bite you in the ass on multiple occasions though, especially with a rusty beauty like PR. I suggest you head to the PR forums, since that will help you much faster. This thread covers all mapping basics: https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20862 and this page contains all threads regarding mapping, including guidelines, pitfalls etc... https://www.realitymod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=2291ff2843521eeb4b733edc367560be&f=354 Good luck mapping, dick
  10. As per the rules, you don't "need" a reason at all to remove someone from the squad. We trust the good sense of our community in this. When someone complains about being kicked, the squad leader can be asked for a reason since we do not encourage unfair treatment of honest, good-hearted players. Kicking all Arabs or someone with an ugly voice is heavily frowned upon. The very basic question every squad leader should ask is 'is this person causing a nuisance or problem within the squad?'. For reference, these are some commonly occuring reasons for removing a player from the squad: The player is... ...breaking any server rule. ...not following orders. This includes taking the wrong kit, hogging vehicle seats and not following any given order to the letter. Your squad, your rules. ...constantly lagging behind the squad. ...very bad at the game, possibly due to being new. ...unable to communicate due to language barrier ...constantly talking loudly or too much, or always second-guessing your orders. ...giving orders him/herself despite not being squad leader. ...dying or wasting vehicles due to very high ping. These are just examples that occur. Never be afraid to remove an unwanted player from your squad. Worst case, he reports you and the friendly neighbourhood admins will take over from that point on ;).
  11. One has Hulk, Spider-Man, Iron man , Black Widow, Vision , a freaking Heli Carrier, amazing stories, tragic deaths, and lifelong friendshipsthat show subtly. The other has... (Any slight bias towards Marvel is based on complete awesomeness and not pure chance) That said, DC has made some cool movies too ^^
  12. Infantry squad leads have always had the right to tell their members what kits to take, and the right to kick them out if they dont comply. You are free to choose who is in your infantry squad, though random discrimination isnt appreciated and if racism is suspected, actions can be taken. When you request any kit, it gets drawn from a 'pool' of kits. When you die, the kit lays in the field until it despawns (takes a few mins). When it despawns, the kit gets added to the pool again to be requested from crates. When a noob has eg the HAT kit, and we REALLY need someone else to have it (or we lose the battle), an admin can !kill the person as this action is necessary to ensure playability, a fundamental administrator responsibility. In reality this will happen VERY RARELY, as this is the very last resort when all other options are not available (CAS, TOW, other sq,...) Best would he to draw the line at the case mentioned above. If someone takes your medic, AR, marksman, ... kit, ask them to give it back and report to your squad leader and admins if they dont reply. Usually these same players will always perform little acts of egoism (kit stealing, single-person humvee,...) and will eventually get corrected as necessary. If a HAT kit is essential to surviving the battle scenario, then it is an ASSET, and admins can take appropriate action to make that asset usable for our team.
  13. Stealing kits isn't defined specifically under any rule but can be filed as general misbehaviour, similar to randomly punching someone or blocking the base entrance with a truck. Its horrible teamplay and can be corrected accordingly. A player whose kit was stolen will always ask the other player to give it back. If they dont, its stolen. Any admin can reverse this theft by !killing the thief and warning them not to ever do that again. Just like other small misbehaviours, repetition can lead to a kick and an eventual ban. Small misdemeanors like this always get PLENTY of warning, so they cant complain about lack of information. Finding someone's name can indeed be tricky, but looking at a person or the map is the only way of identification that we can allow. A quick pop shot with the 9mm would work if all players were reputable, skilled players with matching EQ scores. In reality, the popshot would quickly become a TK, a reverse TK, false reports etc... We must never stop enforcing the idea that shooting ANY friendly soldier is BAD, NO exceptions. @=VG= SemlerPDXSemlerPDX we can define kit theft as a paragraph under asset theft. You still have access to the rules document, right?
  14. Man, this guy was a total bro! He was always so chill, laughing at the goofiest of jokes and a pleasure to have in any squad. Like a paramount soldier he would take whatever kit needed, drive whatever vehicle needed and throw himself at the enemy to save the guy next to him. He'd never scream at people for doing something wrong and is one of the most respectful people I've ever seen. We will miss a great teamplayer and a warm, cozy, welcoming man. I love to think of him as VG's very own Bob Ross. He was honest, kind, friendly, respectful.... You could be having a bad day and say something dumb, Vince would probably think it was funny and his laugh would make you forget whatever bad thing was on your mind. Let's keep on spreading that same joy to all those we love and care about. Crack a cold one and recline by a beautiful sunny lake up there brother, for you darn well deserve it. Condolences to his family, to Hater, to all those who loved him, and to all of VG.
  15. Hey Pira! When the map is changing, the server wont show up in the lisy. Sometimes it might be frozen, in which case you wont be able to join thriugh IP either. If you join our TeamSpeak you'll usually get a faster reply or an admin who can reboot :). If the server is down for longer periods, it will always be announced visibly on this website Thanks for asking, and II hope this helps!
  16. If they dont ask around in the beginning we should teach them from the start. In deployment, trans squads who show up uninvited are considered horrible and get yelled at by all squads. Ditto for COOP, in many cases a squad moves on foot or by land vehicle for a specific reason, and a Huey showing up is both a nuisance and liability. But okay, this is going off-topic
  17. The rule surrounding this is very clear: APC squads ALWAYS have the final call over what happens to their asset. when there are too many APCs for 1 squad, a second one can be made. At this point, almost 99% of all leaders will gladly lend you an APC. To use an APC as Mech Inf, you MUST refer to being mech inf in your squad name. no reference, no right to borrow a vehicle. The final say in 'gray zones' is up to the admins. If there is an APC surplus, they can decide to let a Mech Inf squad use an asset if they believe it will benefit the team. Finally: APCs are indeed SUPPORT vehicles. If an APC steamrolls towards a flag and gets killed by close-range RPG-fire swiftly, this can be considered asset waste and is punishable. Any armored asset has an enormous effective range and should be used as such. Unfortunately this usually means they will roll off to rack up kills, but in a way they are also limiting the net amount of enemies the infantry encounters at cap points, which is of course a good thing.
  18. Having to manually install maps is a bigger turnoff than we oftenly think. to us and the experiencee regulars, it is indeed just unzipping some files. To others it means extra effort and might simply cause them to go play on another server where they can just play without downloads and effort.
  19. @=VG= BrakeGamer It helps that I postponed buying my rig for like 2 years so the money could slowly add up ;). Thanks for the PSU tip!
  20. Thanks for your replies peeps!@=VG= BrakeGamer I just discovered that my design and CAD suites don't work well with AMD so I will buy the 1070. Thanks for your tips on cooling and PSU. Would 850W suffice? Also I'm thinking of the Coolermaster 690 CM III case. Is that one good? @=VG= m823us I'd love to see those specs!
  21. Hey all I'm currently looking into having my own PC custom built. The list of options is endless. I'm looking to build a beast that will survive for the next couple of years at least, so I'm including some top-level hardware. I'm not savvy enough to know everything about this so I'd like to ask these questions. NVIDIA GTX 1080 vs AMD equivalent? Everyone is praising the 1080 for it's glorious performance, while others claim there's AMD cards that match the performance at half the price. What would you recommend? Is there an amazing GPU combo I should consider? CPU: Intel vs AMD I'm looking at the latest Intel i7 6700K 4x4.00Ghz CPU, and again some tell me an AMD processor is just as fast, for less money. Thoughts? Air vs Liquid cooling Liquid is obviously more expensive, but is it worth it? What's the difference between 1150,1151 and 2011-3 Mobo sockets? Is one preferable over another? RAM-wise, is 4x8GB better than 2x16GB? Also is any RAM as good as the other or are there better performing brands? Thanks a lot for your help!
  22. Hello TheLastBlood I understand your frustration. The head admins and Bejaki will resolve the issue with you soon. You make a good point about the necessity of a spotter. Do note however, that the rules do not state a specific course of action for admins. No rule states that a player must be warned, kicked and banned in a certain order. Our server is also not meant for training. We ARE competitive, as one team against the enemy. =VG= is not a practice Co-op server. Communication is of the utmost importance. Mortars are a support asset, and firing missions MUST be communicated to other squad leaders. Using the mortars as an attack asset without asking other squads is an offence. When you create a Mortar squad again, please make sure you can ALWAYS communicate with the other squads and request targets from them. You are a good player, with whom I've played several nice maps. I believe you deserve an unban. If you are able to return to our server, please remember to stay in contact with your team all the time. See you in-game somewhere!
  23. There's a paid add-on for our forum platform already : https://invisionpower.com/files/file/7606-forms/ Many other free and open-source forum platforms have plugins or mods that can achieve exactly this. I don't have the time to look into them atm but I assume those code snippets can be extracted and used on this site, depending on how they were written. Below are some open-source code pages. They are plug-ins for other platforms, but the code could be an inspiration. A plugin for SimpleMachines: http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1279 One for MyBB: http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthread.php?tid=288 Another one for MyBB with a code snippet https://community.mybb.com/thread-124121.html Same discussion here, for PHPBB: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=2145735 Perhaps there's a possibility that this code could hooks into ours? The code blocks look similar in many cases.
  24. I've also thought about the idea of a ticket system, but the good thing about the forum is it's public character that allow admins and banning admin to respond quickly and openly. For good functioning, we would need a page with ticket titles, and comments section underneath each ticket on its own page. Unless you want to hook the form results into a script that generates a forum post? I could have missed that.
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