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=VG= SemlerPDX
Message added by =VG= SemlerPDX,

Welcome!  If you're new to the VG Army, post up here to say hello and let us know a little bit about yourself like what games you like, and what games you play here at VG.  We don't immediately toss the Enlisted ribbon on someone we don't know (yet) just joining the VG Army, so first please reply and say hi!

You don't need to write an essay - it's just good to get to know who plays what, and where we can be found gaming around VG.


We are glad to have you all - a simple reply from standard website members including what you like to play here will be rewarded with the entry level Enlisted website group!


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Hey! MoistShaft here, haven't made an intro yet so might as well do it now and some of you might already know me so let's get that out of the way and have a picture of a banana! i might start eating it not for the taste of it, but for the looks of it.


Pretty much explains on how stupid i could get. See Ya'll Out There Fellas!spacer.png

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On 1/20/2025 at 2:17 PM, MoistShaft said:

Hey! MoistShaft here, haven't made an intro yet so might as well do it now and some of you might already know me so let's get that out of the way and have a picture of a banana! i might start eating it not for the taste of it, but for the looks of it.


Pretty much explains on how stupid i could get. See Ya'll Out There Fellas!spacer.png

Hey Moist, it's good to see you here

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On 1/20/2025 at 2:17 PM, MoistShaft said:

Hey! MoistShaft here, haven't made an intro yet so might as well do it now and some of you might already know me so let's get that out of the way and have a picture of a banana! i might start eating it not for the taste of it, but for the looks of it.


Pretty much explains on how stupid i could get. See Ya'll Out There Fellas!spacer.png

Welcome among us MoistShaft 🍌 ! see u in the battlefield.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/20/2025 at 8:17 AM, MoistShaft said:

Hey! MoistShaft here, haven't made an intro yet so might as well do it now and some of you might already know me so let's get that out of the way and have a picture of a banana! 






Welcome to the site Moist..Glad ya made it bro!!!

And who dont love a good nanner



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On 1/20/2025 at 8:17 AM, MoistShaft said:

Hey! MoistShaft here, haven't made an intro yet so might as well do it now and some of you might already know me so let's get that out of the way and have a picture of a banana! i might start eating it not for the taste of it, but for the looks of it.


Pretty much explains on how stupid i could get. See Ya'll Out There Fellas!spacer.png

So, now I'll have to see you here too? 😉
When life gives you grief, make the best of it... Welcome, banana eater:

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