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PR Updated to - Post any bugs here

=VG= SemlerPDX

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The VG PR COOP Server has been reinstalled from default 1.5 files, and updated to

A select few changes were made to the admin.py and coop.py to make the server functional, but we have left many settings default in order to test in the coming week and isolate any "VG" specific changes that may lead to server crashes.  Though we have no reason to believe this is happening, we need to begin ruling out factors to zero in on the issue more closely.

If something is odd, or seems off, please note it, even though it may be a result of our current settings, we need any input you can offer.



[R-DEV]Mats391 wrote:

PR:BF2 v1.5.5.0 Server Changelog (2018/August/9)



  • Added single operator variation of multiple vehicles that didn't have them yet.
  • Updated AI weapon usage ranges with various improvements.
  • Updated ZIS-3, ATS and SPG-9 ranges to be more responsive when used by bots.
  • Fixed chat block initiating too early and python timing issues.
  • Fixed vehicles not spawning on their correct spawn timer in COOP gamemode.
  • Fixed GB Scorpion BF2 reload sound not working.
  • Fixed PL T72 BF2 sounds not working.

Complete ChangeLog here: PR ChangeLog (2018/8/9)


Hotfix Patch Changenotes:  hotfix for issues regarding disabled vehicles staying disabled after respawn

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Bug report.

Kashan Desert Large .  Tow emplacements not working also AA emplacements . "Cannot use"message.  (reported by Sgt.Geroy)

Outpost Std crashed after capping first flag. (reported by Jersans)

Route-E Std HMG emplacements  not working. Also Tow and AA . "Cannot Use " message

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Was on Fallujah West and built a TOW, unfortunately you cannot get on it because it thinks you are trying to enter a vehicle! Nice one.

Oh I see Stark mentioned this already so it looks like a common problem across several or all maps?

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6 hours ago, CptHawk said:

It appears that all of the FOB emplacements are broken at the moment, I haven't found one that worked on any map so far.

Can we please verify if this is just us, or all COOP servers online?  Remember, we did a reinstall, and bypassed many settings restoration that we had in the past in order to identify "increased server crashes" such as the "fly off map crash", etc.

If this is a result of something we've done (or not done) we can know it's a simple fix (and that I am to blame) -- but if this is the same on ALL COOP servers, it's a global problem and it should be noted (so we can begin blaming Double_13)  (j/k haha!).

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yes, we do have another update.  Will be shutting down and patching shortly - we'll continue in this thread...


Hotfix Patch has been applied to the server, server restarted.  :hi: 
"hotfix for issues regarding disabled vehicles staying disabled after respawn"

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There seems to be no kit limit for any map, we just had a squad of 8 HAT Kits and 8 Medics in another.

 It doesn't seem to be all the time. Seems to pick and choose when the bug works tho, I haven't figured out how to replicate it just yet. I first noticed yesterday, I don't remember which map. And again just seen it on Kokan std

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In Coop. (seen on VG server, did not check other servers).

Some people including me can not see some of the flags when opening a map (I would'nt play as squad leader in this case).

Sometimes i can see only uncaped flags but not the others (caped or neutral) and sometimes i see only caped flags but not the others (uncaped or neutral).

As it was recomanded to me, i cleared shader and logo cache, cleared server favorites and server history (may not be necessary for two last ones) but did not work for a long time, just for one round and then the problem came back next map.

I supose (but not sure) this can be a bug to fix.

Thank you.


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my problem is on loading...it takes me about 9 minutes to load into the servers now...not just VG...like 2 flags are capped by the time I load in...I stay on 15% for literally 5 minutes.  Maybe the graphic settings changed on update...I will start there

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2 hours ago, GRNANDGLD said:

my problem is on loading...it takes me about 9 minutes to load into the servers now...not just VG...like 2 flags are capped by the time I load in...I stay on 15% for literally 5 minutes.  Maybe the graphic settings changed on update...I will start there

Whoa!!  That's not anything we did regarding settings or whatever.  That's a serious problem.  And not just VG Servers??  This would be something to post up in the support section of the actual RealityMod website.  They'd likely ask for some logfile or whatever to help you identify the source of the issue.

You ARE certain nothing at all has changed on your end?  And that the first time this issue occurred was AFTER this(these) most recent PR Updates?  Anyone know if anyone else is experiencing this?

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11 hours ago, GRNANDGLD said:

my problem is on loading...it takes me about 9 minutes to load into the servers now...not just VG...like 2 flags are capped by the time I load in...I stay on 15% for literally 5 minutes.  Maybe the graphic settings changed on update...I will start there

I always take ages to login to a map, for me it sits on 15% for more than 9 minutes sometimes it used to take longer but since I've created a static IP address and set up my game ports for port forwarding its a lot better. I personally think the speed is down to an old crappy laptop which I'm resisting to upgrade because my mate BrokenArrow can login before a lot of other people because he's running a better spec machine.

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23 minutes ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

I always take ages to login to a map, for me it sits on 15% for more than 9 minutes sometimes it used to take longer but since I've created a static IP address and set up my game ports for port forwarding its a lot better. I personally think the speed is down to an old crappy laptop which I'm resisting to upgrade because my mate BrokenArrow can login before a lot of other people because he's running a better spec machine.

Hi Kav, since updating to NBN (National Broadband Network) in Australia my map load time is around 2 minutes or less on GDO.

In regards to the asset use mentioned by both yourself & Stark, I just did some "farting" around on Muttrah and deploying all listed assets  was fine  however, trying to use the asset is another story.

Whether it be HMG, AA, TOW, shifting from pilot to passenger to gun in a helli, moving from driver to gun on a 2 man tank/AAV (to use as a single driver/gunner), you get the same warning followed by death "you cannot operate this vehicle position". (I haven't yet tried accessing the TOW on a Hummer so equipped)

So yes, there is a monumental "stuff-up" in the up-date that does need immediate attention from our friends at Project Reality,  it's turning players away from the game as you cannot access the assets required to defeat a BOT enemy.

This is mainly effecting the smaller and less populated co-op servers, as the larger ones such as Vets generally has the man (player) power to over come the deficiency.

As I do not play on the "deployment" servers, I can't comment on their functionality, maybe some of you guys that do, can comment on the abovementioned function discrepancies - thanks.

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