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[poll] Regular Arma events

=VG= SavageCDN

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So there has been a lot of talk recently about having planned Arma events for VG and community members. By events I mean custom-made objectives missions, not Domi or Insurgency-style missions which are playing on our servers daily. These custom missions would most likely include various mods and/or islands not found in vanilla.

This would be an organized event (maybe once a month??) with plenty of notice to download whatever is needed and ensure you can join in the fun. We are trying to make Six-Updater our standard Arma tool for this and will be preparing tutorials on how to install and configure it.

If this sounds like something you would like to participate in please let us know by posting here. Include any thoughts on what YOU would like to see for these events... islands, your favorite weapon mod, fucking Aliens and Star Wars.. whatever.

I'll get it started with some of the suggestions we've already discussed:

VTE mod - Vietnam The Experience
UNSUNG mod - another Vietnam mod
I44 mod - Invasion 1944 WWII mod

RH Weapon Packs (Pistol, SMG, Assault Rifles, etc)
ASC Weapon Pack (for attachments like silencer, flashlight, laser, aimpoint, etc)
Mini-gun weapon

ShacTac MH-6 addon (firing from the skids!!)
Various air unit and load-out addons
Sci-Fi mods like G.I.Joe or HALO3 units

An air dogfight-style mission on a large map suitable for dogfights
Night-time SEAL insertion commando-style mission
Small part in a large-scale battle using AI on both sides

Again.. we are doing this for YOUR enjoyment please let us know what you would like (or not like) to see.
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with Six Updater installing the mods is so easy. I got both mods, for both our servers installed and was in the servers within 30 minutes. All you do is find our servers in the six updater browser list, right click and select install mods/updates and join the server, then it does everything for you. It's awesome and this sounds like fun!
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Hey guys. I make some missions on Vietnam The Experience. I like to make my missions very similar to a film or something like that. It's nice to have a good Vietnam athmosphere with music, animations and this kind of stuff. My idea is, to make a many coop missions and make a story, so we don't just play the missions, we'll get a story with these missions, too. I already made a Base on the island MBG VIETNAM.
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Yes, we are very happy to move into the wonderful world of Arma mods, and helping to spread the word about how easy it is to join a modified server playing any version of them using SixUpdater.

It truly is like the difference between Battlefield 2 and Project Reality - in that the mods offer so much depth to Arma. As said, the MH-J6 "Littlebird" helicopter doesn't allow players to shoot off the rails; but the massive Arma modding community has addressed this issue. Also, standard vanilla AI Bots are a bit dumb, but scripts and mods allow them to nearly "think for themselves", throwing smoke to cover their asses and using cover as if they value their own life.

The weapons packs alone make for some interesting combinations, and in the end, thanks to mods, one can train on a weapons system or military role so closely modeled to real life that the only thing you'll be lacking in the end is muscle memory!

As Savage said, we tend to play too many "persistant server" missions, and by exploring the "ops" style missions of Arma 2 through scheduled and promoted events, we can experience the raw teamwork and cooperation of a simulated military operation.
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I'd advise that you get Operation Arrowhead, when able, Pvt. Pirate. Arma 2 is way old, and very few missions and mods operate using it alone. Now, if you had OA but not Arma 2, you can simply install Arma 2 Free To Play and configure it to be Combined Operations Lite.
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Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ...

Hey guys. I make some missions on Vietnam The Experience. I like to make my missions very similar to a film or something like that. It's nice to have a good Vietnam athmosphere with music, animations and this kind of stuff. My idea is, to make a many coop missions and make a story, so we don't just play the missions, we'll get a story with these missions, too. I already made a Base on the island MBG VIETNAM.

Aye, that's kinda what me, jager and the LAMBS guys do. They create a campaign and each session is another day and our success or failure in completing objectives, finding intel etc is incorporated into the next mission.
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with Six Updater installing the mods is so easy. I got both mods, for both our servers installed and was in the servers within 30 minutes. All you do is find our servers in the six updater browser list, right click and select install mods/updates and join the server, then it does everything for you. It's awesome and this sounds like fun!

Yes this is why we want to make it our 'official' Arma launcher as it makes things SOOOO much easier. A bit tricky to get configured initially but once it's working it makes mod management easier than pie.

Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ...

Hey guys. I make some missions on Vietnam The Experience. I like to make my missions very similar to a film or something like that. It's nice to have a good Vietnam athmosphere with music, animations and this kind of stuff. My idea is, to make a many coop missions and make a story, so we don't just play the missions, we'll get a story with these missions, too. I already made a Base on the island MBG VIETNAM.

Great to hear this Charry we would love people to get involved with the mission creation. An ongoing storyline is a great idea!!

SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ...
As Savage said, we tend to play too many "persistant server" missions, and by exploring the "ops" style missions of Arma 2 through scheduled and promoted events, we can experience the raw teamwork and cooperation of a simulated military operation.

I love the persistant stuff too I just think we can mix it up a bit and get others involved by having these little events with member-created missions and content.

Jager LAN_WROTE ...

Playing Arma without Ace, Acre, St-(hud/movement) and Blastcore tends to be a dull affair, but I'm always willing to give new mods a try! And both me and Calv should be able to inform the clan about the event so more people might show up.

Ingo =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

il join if you use ace :D

Well I see no reason not to include client-side stuff like Blastcore or JSRS... and we can do ACE/ACRE events as well to get others more familiar with those mods (they do require a bit of 'training').

Calv LAN_WROTE ...
Aye, that's kinda what me, jager and the LAMBS guys do. They create a campaign and each session is another day and our success or failure in completing objectives, finding intel etc is incorporated into the next mission.

Great idea.. an ongoing campaign. This would be a bit more complicated but something to work towards once we get things up and running with enough members playing.
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Ok so it seems there is interest in doing this.. so where do we start?

I know Charry has some missions he's been working on for VTE mod. I have a few for i44 that are WIP but can be wrapped up and tested. There are a ton of great user-made missions available out there.. we just need to decide on something.

I think we also need to create some sort of baseline requirements for missions made by others as well as a process for testing these missions before trying them out on 'event day'.

Also some suggestions for missions, mods, etc would be nice or else we'll just do what we want !yes
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To begin with just getting everyone online at the same time for an hour or two and running through basic missions included in Arma and Ace etc would be fine.
Just to get everyone acquainted and some good practice working as teams.

I think that ACE, ACRE and STHUD would be a good starting point. While ACE and ACRE have a lot of differences and features, most of them can largely be ignored to begin with. The basics (medic system, weight limit, 343 radios and direct speaking) can easily be explained in about 10 minutes.
It would probably be a good idea if someone who is good with the editor could create a "lobby" style map. Just a basic area with a HQ area with weapon/radio crates and a shooting range would be enough to begin with.
Mainly would be used as a warmup area before starting missions and an area to give training on the ACE/ACRE features.

I would perhaps try mods like I44 and VTE after a couple weeks when people have gotten used to working together. It's a bit of an adjustment going from the "rambo" style gameplay of persistent game modes like Domi and Insurgency to the more cautious, team-oriented nature of the single life missions.
So the less people have to learn at first, the better.
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Calv those are great ideas and that's the route I'd like to go as well but I think what Airborne has said is probably the wisest course of action for now. Let's just get people together to start.. we have quite a few players who are new or relatively new to Arma now and I'd like to get them involved.

Our first 'event' should just be some fun with a vanilla Arma mission, then we can start adding ACE, ACRE, mods, etc. I like your 'training area' idea perhaps we could re-use the one in the Clafghan mission on one of the stock maps.
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