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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. Oma Kort3x! - Ac1d Waste - Ecumenical beat fair / open compilation Oma Kortex - Acid Waste 1 TD3 meets TD3-MO Oma Kortex - Acid Waste 2 TD-3 -->CV-Out-->Pro-1 TD-3-MO-->CV-Out-->Sample&Hold-->Mult. CV Neutron Model:Sample - unmotivated drums FX: One Flamma REV, Behringer Delay, Ibanez Dist Postproc.: EQ, Comp, Some VoodooFX Oma Kortex - Acid Waste 3 TD3 -->CvOut-->Pro1 TD3 MO -->CV-->Crave Random CV from both TD3s-->Neutron Model:Sample - unmotivated drums FX: One Flamma REV, Behringer Delay Postproc.: EQ, Comp, Some VoodooFX
  2. who are you? I can understand very well that it looks like PR is going to die again right now, but I'm pretty sure we still have a few years left... you came back exactly at the time when the server is empty again...this looked completely different 3 months ago. I couldn't join the server in the evening because it was full and even our pvpe server was full with 40 players at the same time. I've been here for some time now and during this period PR was almost buried at least 4 times because many thought it was coming to an end. each time there was a period shortly after when pr was fuller than before and the questions for a second server arose... well sure...sooner or later there will come a day when we play PR:Squad4 and think back to the old days of PR:bf2 but I'm pretty sure we still have a few years left before that happens. recently, due to corona and the last update, there was a huge influx, it's getting less at the moment, but I think there will be a boost again in the near future (both with corona and with pr^^) I don't think we have to do big advertising for PR either. our problem is that we have too many newcomers on the server and not enough pro's to keep the game running. there are evenings with 30 players who fail at muttrah because 75% are new and have absolutely no plan. on the other hand, it doesn't do any harm if someone advertises and invites friends. there were already moments in 2017 where I tried to win vadso with tickets at night with 3 man and just now there is another phase... to prevent this in the future, start with yourself and don't come by every 2 weeks but every 2 days...;p
  3. what kind of posture is that? stand up straight, hands out of pockets!
  4. that's realistic...trucks have a speed limit of 80khm...so most drive 90-100. but yes, the traffic is getting worse...^^
  5. very unrealistic...63khm on a german autobahn?!?^^
  6. I have already restarted the server. but didn't help... no idea what's going (wr)on(g) there.
  7. I can't get the mod installed on a BF3...no idea what I'm doing wrong...
  8. Poly-Ticks - Another wall down to the bricks.mp3 Poly-Ticks - Dawn of the Dead.mp3 Poly-Ticks - Very close and still far away.mp3 Poly-Ticks - we ve heard that before.mp3 Poly-Ticks - You cant fix this in the mix! -weglueititwithanothercomp-mix.mp3 Poly-Ticks - You cant fix this in the mix! -tootightyoutubemobile-mix.mp3
  9. it was fun unfortunately i had to leave very early because there were problems at work. I hope you had fun and that there will be another event like this soon.
  10. Poly-Ticks - Those were militarized Kindergartens! DAWless, onetake. Drums: M:Samples Melancolic Space: Neutron Synthie: Crave Bass: Pro1 Bass2: TD3 Perc/Noises: TG500 1 VST Reverb 1 Motu Reverb 1 Fx600 Delay 1 Alesis Ringmodulator 1 Comp on BD, Sidechain on Bassline Post-edit with EQ, COMP, Width, Limiter
  11. X:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels
  12. it could really be that this is taking a few players off the coop server. on the other hand i have the whole week the problem that i have to wait to get on our server because it is full... In addition, it makes more sense to have bots on both sides, especially with low-pop. we could just try it out... let both run for a week or two... and then see if you only do it on weekends or leave it like that for the week.
  13. that's ok...i'll try it out on my banking computer first so i don't endanger my main system...^^
  14. thats so 2010... there is no virus infected crack, or something?
  15. thank you for your complaint. I was there. Unfortunately I missed this "prelude". and unfortunately it is the case that as a SL you can more or less kick squadmembers as you wish but if you only do this to gain advantages, you will quickly be ostracized by the entire team because you don't like playing with someone like that. and if needed, admins can at least remove someone like that from the SL job with "useless SL". In this specific case, i can't really say which of you was right,..., I don't know what was going on in the SL radio either... However, I have not been able to perceive anything negative from you and igor's side. with wolf47 it was a bit different... We will definitely keep an eye on involved people. I agreed with you that kicking someone out of the squad because you want his asset is a shitty move. Fortunately, such players often take care of themselves very quickly... I can also understand if that takes the fun and it's good that you didn't push the situation even further.
  16. thanks, it was fun. for so many players, faster respawn times for bots might be good, so that you have more to shoot...;) thank you very much for your time and effort.
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