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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. a little bit unrealistic, but i like the idea of a party-jet-trans...
  2. i am a medic, so what?^^ is it dangerous for you or your girlfriend? from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defective_pixel
  3. if its every time the same pixel which is dead, it can not be the cable. but a try still does not hurt. ok, thanks... I have not looked at the rest. @FatAlbert If your Pixel is dead, you cant revive it. but if its a stucked pixel you can try to stimulate it. Stucked pixels are pixels whose inputlines are interrupted or clogged. with a bit of luck you can change that but mostly you can do nothing against it. one path would be the stimulus with colour, the other and much more dangerous path would be a circular massage around the pixel... but you can quickly destroy even more and I would advise against it if it is only a single pixel which is dead.
  4. which two things do you mean? the framerate and the rate of the electricity net have very little to do with each other...thats clear to me but I understand the approach of the video. what has a pixel on your monitor (which works on dc after his power supply) to do with your ac 60hz powernet?
  5. Try to stimulate the dead Pixel with moving colours over hours... If your monitor can handle it, try colourstimulations at other frequenzrates... but i dont get the point of stimulations with audio... it is true that in europe there is a frequency of AC 50hz and in the usa of AC 60hz. but after the power supply of the monitor you have DC. then it should make more sense to trigger in frame rate than in the power-net-rate because the rate of DC is 0 (or 1). or am I totally wrong?
  6. That sounds pretty good. I also think that a second coop-server just halved the player. The peak times aren't a problem. I have never waited longer than 5 minutes to be able to join because at this times there are many trolls and noobs on coop-server and the admins kicking fast... But a semi-public server for events, clantraining, maptest and an alternative rotation that dont affect the coop-server would be cool.
  7. Muttrah at night is relly creapy...i would love to play both sides. Once inf only and once with armor. Thank you for making such events.
  8. lol, just look one post above. But how we get the password?;)
  9. i dont know. yesterday there were two other servers with vadso who had players on it....
  10. the same here... when loading is finished my game crashed to desktop but the server stays up. I try it with 3 different machines but there is no chance to join. other maps/server are joinable...
  11. i have the problem...and it looks like nobody can join this map.
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