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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. when your genius technician got money from you, break his kneecaps;) you can not update windows from 32 to 64bit. nothing helps except to reinstall. what was the problem, why you have reinstalled? I am not sure if this has something to do with your error. that could also be a defective memory.... Edit: if you have more than 4gb ram but win running with 32 bit, it might be because of PR messes up the memory management of windows. win x 32bit systems can only manage ram up to 4gb.
  2. an important point! then it has nothing to do with internet / fw / dns or anything like that. I remember that I had a similar problem at bf2 times. it was up to eax. I had an onboardsoundcard (which, of course, met all standarts like eax, dts, ac3) with this I never had any problems. but whenever I have used a semi-professional audio interface (in this case a motu ultralite mk3) which of course does not meet the dolby- and creativ-standards crashes the game when entering ... always when you heard the first game sounds. I had to select the onboard sound card and then disable under options eax. then I could use the motu ... maybe that helps.
  3. ping means the time that your computer needed to get an answer from a certain counterpart. in this case the vg-server. if your computer is not overwhelmed then it can actually be only the internet connection, a cheap router or a bad wireless lan. if you are not using a cable, try it or try another one (cat.5 or better if you have a long distance). otherwise a bad connection is the most likely reason. if you use other programs such as skype, outlook, facebook, updatetools, torrentclients, browser or anything else that needs performance and / or internet, that can also be the reason ... if i make a hotspot with my cellphone i can easily play pr. if I run Skype at the same computer, my ping goes up. when i run Skype on another computer or the mobile itself my ping is till 25 and 75.
  4. Because you still have no electricity? ;P This is not a real problem. That's why I thought it was a joke in the beginning ...
  5. no, not my lamp flickers ... if you record something with 24/25 fps (cinema), and you hold into a lamp or a monitor with 60hz running then you see it flickering on the film. the same, only weaker, would happend if you take something with 25fps but just 47hz are on the power network. but you are right... I have just read it. but only clocks are affected. Since this is not permanent, but at peak and then only for a few moments, it has hardly any other impact. In Germany, this is probably the case in badly populated areas. the limit should be 24hz. Everything under it is perceived as flickering. That's because of the sluggishness of your eyes.
  6. lol, this is a joke ... that would mean that you can no longer make video recordings if you use a lamp because then you see the flickering ^ ^
  7. before you reinstall everything you can try if it works if your firewall and your antivirus program are disabled (your router has a firewall, too). if it does then you have to create exceptions in the firewall. but you should not forget to reactivate everything if you are done.
  8. could it be because someone made the earth flat?
  9. the newest ever! I'm looking forward to the next update ... maybe vg should schedule a daily update procedure ^ ^
  10. I use this threat to thank VG. I have been on your pr-server for about a year now and have been in this forum for a little more then half a year and I've rarely seen such helpful and dynamic comminuty as vg. without vg I would play pr no more because the other servers are not so lovingly maintained and playing there makes little fun in the long term. Thank you. so that does not become to offtopic: happy birthday VG.
  11. I have a stupid question: is there a way to accompany the battles as a spectator? Maybe I have to work at this time, but would still like to take a look in the fights...
  12. jap, nearly every round of kashan crashed...but its cool, so we have muttrah 24/7.;)
  13. bah, is old... now we are at^^ In this particular case, I'm not sure, but theoretically that would have to work. At least I was able to play on servers before there were not updated if I had not installed any update.
  14. As far as I understand I do not have to register as a squadmember but can I come and leave as I want? or is there a regulation? "Führer" always with capital letter in the beginning.^^
  15. I'm excited. Bush 1 did it already...but of course we can raid poland anyway...^^
  16. than i work with the half of your family...^^
  17. its a little bit offtopic, but is this familiy of yours?
  18. deactivate your firewall and your antivirus software and try if it works. if it works, you have to create a rule for pr and or mumble in both of them or update an existing one to the new file versions. maybe it also helps to delete your profile folder ... but in this case, your profile setting will be lost..
  19. that tells me that you have understood what i was trying to say. but that tells me the opposite. i understand the whole thread but at this part im unsure if you are using me as a good example of misunderstanding thats sounds rasitic or do u really dont know what i wanted to say?^^
  20. thats the point. ranger dont wrote this because he dont know how to report somebody. he had tried to set a statemment. PR is a war simulation based on reality. I do not know whether it is good or a mistake to kill existing cultures. Anyone who is a bit longer on the vg-server or in the forum resides that this community is not racist. (just like everyone knows how to make a report) rangers statement should therefore not be suppressed with "just report them" but we should show as a community to the outside that something like racist behavior is not wanted here. if someone in voice-chat says "oh no, im black" makes it more sense to ask him what his problem is than to kick him. it has to be unpleasant for such people and it will be when you talk about it. on the other hand there must also be space for fun in this direction. but of course so that no one feels really attacked. we can make racist jokes or shout out "blitzkrieg" when you win a game in 10 minutes. but as soon as someone feels hurt by something like that, you have to move it straight. so long, Hans;)
  21. If you are reading this topic, you ask yourself first what that should be. but ranger is quite right with it. if you are on a map play against "Jewish bots", then you can often hear "lets kill some jews" or with muslim (bots!) enemies like "lets kill this muslim bastards". just as there are squads like "3rdReich", "ss" or similar. As a German i notices this immediately because in Germany is a very strong awareness for the suffering that we have done to the Jews in the third reich. you can say that is only fun ... but how does a Jewish player feels whose father was killed by the ss in a kz and now suddenly sees in this game a squad called "ss"? how does a Turkish player feel when his teammate shout out "die you fuckin muslim bastard" while he is shooting at the enemy? but we live in a very fascist-like time. Currently, not only in america, but worldwide, a mood against muslims is made which I find very questionable. we had that already 70 years ago and we were wrong. a good friend of mine is indian. I say to him often things like "you're not even really black" just as he calls me potato. but this happens in a field where it is clear that it has no rasistic background. fun because it does not matter where you come from or how you look like. but who in the public is saying something like that wants to make bad mood or has a problem in this direction. I think this is not a big problem in project reality because 90% of the players do not express themselves politically or racist but I am also not affected and therefore i can not say how a Jew or muslim feels when something like that happens. but certainly not good or welcome. I can understand ranger. it is annoying not only when such direct racisms fall but also if it is always about cultural differences and things like that. it was perhaps a bit clumsy just to post this rule here without explaining the background but you can not warn often enough before subliminal racism. as I said, I am not directly affected but it annoys me often to hear this bullshit. what can you do about it? such block this situations and immediately go into the offensive but it annoys anyway. How productive is it to react like this? u are right. there are getting harder... this sounds like "we cant do anything, so shut up" if someone in the game says that he wants to kill muslims, it is ok. if someone warns of racism in the forum he has to explain. something is going wrong, think about it. just because this threat named disrespect, this threat does not have to be full of it ^ ^
  22. sorry, but you have to move the event by one day, abraham inc. have a concert in germany at this time...
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