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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. would prefer "veterans-gaming" if it allows the "-" hyphen symbol. If not, just leave well enough alone... And thank you!
  2. VG PR COOP Server Rules Nuff said. You will respect our rules while playing on our server. You will not use Mortars as a main attack asset - you will not fire danger close to friendly squads who have not requested fire support. I believe Jaki was more than patient with you. Basheer - if you continue this sort of behavior, you will be permanently removed from our server(s).
  3. Teamspeak is having issues, keeps restarting every hour or two.  At first, the bottom two channels would disappear when it restarts, now we're missing tons of channels.  For some reason, it reminds me of this crazy fantasy movie I saw in the 1980's called Never Ending Story -- the world is slowly disappearing into a mysterious fog because no one believes in the world of imagination anymore. :teddie_04:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. =VG= Fastjack
    3. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      NOOOOOOOOO!! Not getting that stuck in my head for another 20 years.... No offense, but I'm not clicking on that one... :)

    4. =VG= BLuDKLoT
  4. Sav said he'd give it some time when he gets back from his vacation in a week.
  5. I am looking forward to that game "Squad" -- it's being developed by PR Dev's AFAIK it's not finished yet. Might be a great team game. Also that Insurgency seems nice as well.
  6. The TS3 server and our game servers are down for now and we will post updates as we are able. Thank you for your patience.
  7. Very cool man! Thanks for linking the other guides as well! These things are so helpful to players. Thanks for taking the time to flesh out a VG specific guide!
  8. Restarted to Day 1. BTW - the DMZ is a troubleshooting step to check: "Can he connect at all?" and if so, "What part of the modem is blocking it?" and to fix that block as running a PC in a DMZ is absolutely a massive safety and security risk, a PC in a DMZ can be a portal to every computer on the same network, it is just plain not good. Again, only for a troubleshooting test... If he can get through while in DMZ, he needs to check everything from port forwarding to NAT filtering to QoS packet scheduling and more to find the way to allow the game to run through the modem. DMZ is not a solution, though I'm glad to hear he got a chance to fly online! Now that he's hooked, let's get him set up proper (and safe!!).
  9. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse - and not reason enough to unban you. You intentionally trolled our server, and by our rules that is a permanent ban. I will be modifying the 24 hour ban to make it permanent. Unban request denied.
  10. Looks like a 530D -- pretty large payload in the 530's, something like 65 lb frag warheads and speeds of around Mach 5. Awesome screenshot!!
  11. Been loving Fallout 4, and I know it has a ton of popular mods, some that add things, some that fix things -- and I do want to just play the game through once, with no mods, as I know the game has TONS of replay value and mods only add to that.

    But this issue of not knowing what my character is going to say when I choose a dialogue option is very frustrating.  Oniblood turned me on to the Nexus mod site to find the mod that shows exactly what you will say when you choose an option, and I am a very happy camper!!  Gonna keep playing the game with this one mod, and I gotta share the info for those who might not know it cuz it's just that helpful!! Huge thanks to these two modders!


    Full Dialogue Interface (NewDialog English and CN-DE-ES-FR-IT-JA-PL-PTBR-RU translations) by Cirosan and shadwar

    Here's a screenshot from my current mission, a long dialogue back-and-forth with the Synth Detective - and I am so happy I can see the full dialogue now:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. =VG= BrakeGamer

      =VG= BrakeGamer

      That indeed Jack, but I kinda wouda loved the mod to have the text that the guy is gonna say next to the vannila choices,e.g. Have the vannilla choices then in brackets the words that he is gonna say. Just my opinion tough...

    3. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      After using this for awhile, I've learned that the vanilla choices are always still there - it's the first part of the extended choices.  In the picture above, for example, the vanilla choices are:  "Why do you ask?" "Doesn't really matter." "I don't know, Nick." and "Yeah, I'm alright"
      So basically, the vanilla choices are the first part of what he is going to say.  With this mod, it also still shows the vanilla choice of "Sarcastic" in brackets before that choice, when it is one of the choices.

    4. =VG= BrakeGamer

      =VG= BrakeGamer

      Ok, didn't know that. I did play F4 before and I wasn't certain what my character is going to say at each of thoose options. Shure I got a small glimps of it but maybe it woud turn out to be something I didn't want...

  12. The war is going mobile! Bohemia Interactive is announcing today that Arma Mobile Ops, their new military strategy game, has just been released to the App Store / Google Play worldwide. You can download the game right now – and it’s completely free of charge! Arma Mobile Ops packs the very best of mobile strategy games and brings the realistic visual style of the "Arma" franchise to devices that fit your pocket. While the best way to experience the game is to battle in PvP matches, you can also learn the basics of mobile commanding by playing the story-driven single player campaign. But enough talking - Arma Mobile Ops is all about the action! Watch the trailer, download the game to your device and follow BI Studios on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube! DON'T MISS - ARMA 3 APEX TO ARRIVE ON JULY 11TH! If you're not into mobile gaming all that much, don't forget to check out the new Arma 3 Apex teaser trailer that we've premiered at the E3 PC Gaming Show - along with an announcement of the release date for Apex, which is now set to arrive on July 11th! Arma has also released Tanoa and all the new weapons, vehicles and gear from Arma 3 Apex to a special Apex Sneak Preview branch of Arma 3 on Steam - if you pre-order the expansion, you can play with its contents right away as well. All you have to do is follow the 3 simple steps below: You can pre-order Arma 3 Apex with a 20% discount on both Steam and the Bohemia Interactive Store. If you're new into Arma 3 and want to enlist for active duty, the Arma 3 Apex Edition is the deal you're looking for, setting you up with the complete Arma 3 experience for just 59.99 EUR / 69.99 USD. See you on Tanoa everyone! -Bohemia Interactive
  13. Hell of a week so far for me, my damn back (up near the neck) has been out since Saturday, that kind where you can only hold yourself upright in one position without stabbing pains.  Can barely concentrate at times, it sucks - then I had to cough but couldn't move my back so I had to hold the front and back of my head just to get through the ordeal.  All I want to do is hang out with friends and play some Fallout 4 - the pain is half of what it was days ago, though, and I'm finally coming out of this... ugh.  Here and there I got a few hours where I felt okay, and I've been playing around with Settlement Building in Fallout.  Built supply lines between them all, and starting to build some shops to add to my in-game income.

    Took this screenshot at one of the farther out settlements a little after sunrise - awesome scene of destruction from the nuke behind me.  The detail in this world is freaking gorgeous!



  14. Good timing on this pic! Awesome screenshot!
  15. It's the DMS HAT for display management - unsure of the keypress commands, but you could find out what it is for you under the Setup/controllers - it would be in the HOTAS Flightstick section (if your keyfile has sections, that is) - either way, DMS is the key word to look for.
  16. Wish I could help more - I don't mess with that STT programming software for the X52. Was gonna link you to the BMS forum page about the mini-stick and saw that you found it yesterday. I don't use my mini-stick, cuz just found that post. And I use the DirectX assignments for my non-pro X52 so I am not sure I'd be able to help much, except with a link to a blank template -- I use these as cheat-sheets for DCS Warthog and Falcon BMS to remember what buttons do what. You write in the name of the command, i.e. Trim Reset, Weapon Release, etc. into the boxes, and you can just have the sheet printed out for reference when flying. I go so long between flights in either game, I can't fly without my cheat-sheets here's the pics:
  17. Exactly what school needs: More Video Games "Those games will rot your Brainz!" I've played through every one of these games since the dawn of Civilization, circa 1991. Sid Meier's series is responsible for teaching me the basics of a number of global concepts I glossed over while in school: types of governments & why they exist, social policies, infrastructure, civil defense, and even the wealth of nations - particularly because I learned about the existence of that famous treatise, "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith (1776) from one of the informational pop-ups or some section of the Civilopedia inside the game. So many seemingly dull, dry bits of history and world knowledge are magically made digestible and actually entertaining at times by the Civilization series that it felt like a properly playable educational game already. It only makes sense that they'd take it one step further. "For the past 25 years, we've found that one of the fun secrets of Civilization is learning while you play. We've always focused on entertainment first, but we believe that our players—young and old—enjoy learning, even if they don't always enjoy education." -Sid Meier, Creator of Civilization Working with GlassLab, Firaxis will be creating CivilizationEDU as a playable educational platform version of their ever popular turn based strategy games. Among several edu-games, Glasslab already has an educational version of SimCity geared at students from 6th through 8th grade, called 'SimCityEDU: Pollution Challenge!' and according to the description by Glasslab, the game "not only teaches students about the factors affecting the environment in a modern city, but the game also provides formative assessment information about students’ ability to problem solve and explain the relationships in complex systems." They also have a game "Developed in collaboration with PopCap/Electronic Arts and researchers at Florida State University" according to it's description, called Use Your Brainz EDU - an apparent rework of Plants vs Zombies that includes an assessment tool for teachers to gauge problem solving skills of students from 2nd grade through 7th, and the game falls under the mathematics subject header. Quite the quantum leap from the Number Munchers and Oregon Trail crapfest that filled the school computer labs when I was a tot, and I gotta admit just a smidgeon of jealousy. Plants vs Homework? It's about time the "adults" are recognizing the potential for more entertaining ways to educate students by using the video game platform, and it's even more relevant to modern students who can tell the difference between some dull, low quality edu-game and a popular title they've already heard of or have even already played. I could imagine a host of games that could become classroom ready with a little rework by these guys - I've told the story a few times about how the knowledge I gained from Gran Tourismo 1 and 2 saved my bacon during a near collision involving a spin counter-spin with near total loss of traction, and my pre-knowledge of how to regain control of my old used car allowed me to recover and avoid destruction of the car and potential hospitalization (or death!). And while we're on the subject, I wouldn't be so good at simple and quick addition were it not for countless games of Cribbage and Dominos. I doubt we'll see some kind of BattlefieldEDU any time soon, and I cannot imagine much educational value could be crammed into Batman: Arkham Knight unless the goal was to teach people how to recover from the repeated crashes and glitches which got that terrible PC port pulled from Steam shortly after it released, but I am absolutely ecstatic that they are actually making an educational version of my favorite strategy game of the past 25 years. Civilization seems to be the most appropriate conversion to an edu-game out of the GlassLab library, with the possible exception of the SimCityEDU which I must say is equally appropriate and covers the in-depth city level concepts that students would not get from the larger picture the Civilization world gives to the player. There is nothing that compares to the scope of a Civilization game, forging a path through the technology tree, particularly when you choose the Epic and Marathon speeds on a Massive or Huge world map. I've had plenty of fun racing through time as well on the Fast and Tiny worlds, too - and the online gameplay is very fun, sapping 6 hours of your life in the blink of an eye. But even though I'm no student, I almost want to find a way to get a copy of the CivilizationEDU when they finish it just to give it a play through as it's always fun to learn something new from these games. Sid Meier had this to say on the subject: "Civilization players find fun in discovering new civilizations, running into famous historical leaders, and charting their own version of human history. "Along the way, players learn valuable lessons from their success and failures and are able to try again, employing different choices and strategies. We're absolutely thrilled to be partnering with GlassLab and I am excited to see CivilizationEDU in classrooms next year." "Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England?" CivilizationEDU should be hitting North American High Schools in 2017, but there are no current plans to bring the game to the UK at present. I assume such an international release would need to be based off of success in North America, and only time will tell. I don't understand why they would disregard the UK for release - perhaps edu-games are not yet considered helpful to the curriculum at schools in the UK, or perhaps it is just a budget issue for a new company with a new field of games. Either way, I wish I had been a student these days. by Aaron Semler
  18. Been waiting for the Steam Summer Sale in hope that Bethesda would loosen their death grip on the $60 price tag they've held on Fallout 4 since it released near the end of 2015 - happy as hell it got a 50% off tag, and I've been playing the hell out of it.  For the most part, it seems this game tries to cover every base in the most popular gaming genres these days from survival to open world RPG to FPS action (including random IED's here and there!) with a bit of Minecrafting and base building as well as a fair amount of item and weapon upgrading.  Hell, they even got the "Zombies" genre covered in Fallout 4 with the rotten-brain ghouls and beasts.  Finally feeling a little deadly (against the normal shit, that is) and went back home to examine that old OP Power Armor Suit that I left behind.  Spent some time to fashion up some Grade-B parts for the power armor and bought some extra fusion cores - really getting into this!
    Got my dog, got my Stimpacks and RadAway, got my Minuteman painted Power Armor and my Minigun - game on! :Gigakach_02:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      I gotta admit, it's a bit hard and not my style of game - it's got a difficulty slider, and I was tempted to switch it to very easy for awhile there, but after you've played for a few sessions, you start to get used to it. It's very mouse/keyboard capable, but I'm using the cheap Playstation style logitech controller and it's a big help. I don't mind the inaccuracy when shooting so much since a controller is so great for the rest of the interactions of the game, even tho it makes it a bit harder to aim.

    3. =VG= Eclipse002

      =VG= Eclipse002

      wait till you get the hot rod paint job !!

    4. =VG= Eclipse002

      =VG= Eclipse002

      and your inacuracy its not you...its the game...once you use your skill points that will improve.

  19. Welcome Jaki! Thanks for taking care of this FJ and BLuD!
  20. Really wish I could help -- that sucks. Sounds like you've tried most everything suggested by others like you. Personally, I would not give up. Try googling different things, including that it's still not working after change to English, region, etc. Should be able to find at least a few people who've already had this problem and solved it on the Wild Wild Web.
  21. No idea - gotta google that shit, I'm sure there's an answer out there for those like you with non-English language on your Windows. Best of luck to you, bro - it's worth it if you can get it to work.
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